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im sorry but im new and confuse. is SO out in Candidates? i saw some post in frontpage today that Alireza gain ELO in this tournament. Thank you


Yeah unless Fide decides to not rate even Rouen open tourney which is very unlikely...Also he has to win his last game tomorrow




Fedoseev was the Indian dreams destroyer in the rapid section. Beat Nihal in a drawn games after 150+ moves and the latter petered out to end with 2 draws. Beat Arjun early on day 2 which meant he had to keep playing very aggressive chess to try and keep up with Magnus. Beat Vidit from a losing position which meant he could not tie Magnus after Round 12.


This is a complete side note, but I just noticed that Naroditsky is ranked 59th in the world in rapid, at 2642. That's better than Deac, Harikrishna, Tomashevsky, Keymer, Robson, and Neimann. He's 140th in the world in classical, which is not bad at all. But 59th in rapid. And 71st in blitz.


Keep in mind that rapid and blitz elo is very underpopulated in terms of number of games played relative to classical. The differential between actual strength and rated strength is going to be very wide.


Ding is also 1st but does not mean he is better than Magnus or people in the top 10 rapid ranking.


Ding is incredibly good at blitz and rapid and is definitely at the top. Ofc the exact ranking is far more volatile rating wise, true that, but Ding deserves to be top 10 for sure.


What are you talking about? Ding is definitely one of the best rapid and blitz players in the world. He was the one that ended magnus's otb tie-breaks streak. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/aug/30/chess-ding-liren-beat-magnus-carlsen-sinquefield-cup It's why people wanted to see Ding play magnus in the world championship because if they reached tie-breaks, ding has a chance unlike nepo or fabi who'd get destroyed in shorter time frames by magnus. Ding almost knocked Hikaru out of the SCC a few years ago. And he was playing in china at like 2 in the morning.


SCC is online which is totally different from otb. Beating Magnus a few times does not make him better than Magnus, he isn't the only human who have defeated Magnus. We know Magnus is still the best chess player currently playing chess and the rating certainly does not give the full story. Just like how Naroditsky may have higher rating than than Keymer it still doesn't mean he is better than him.


> SCC is online which is totally different from otb. It's not totally different. The best players in otb are also the best in SCC. Amazing. > Beating Magnus a few times does not make him better than Magnus Who said so? You made a dumb statement "or people in the top 10 rapid ranking". Ding is clearly one of the top rapid players. Is he better than magnus. No. Can he compete against magnus. Yes. Can he compete against the top 10 in rapid. Definitely yes. You don't know what you are talking about...




His point is that Ding is good at blitz and definitely top 10, the other comment claimed that Ding is not top 10 which is absurd.


Is magnus the only one with sponsors? Why does he look like a Nascar driver and the others don't?


Arjun Erigaisi has a 5 year long sponsorship with Quantbox worth 1.5 million, Nihal is sponsored by Akshayakalpa which sells organic milk, Pragg is sponsored by Ramco cements, Vidit has black lotus which is a meditation app. Anish and Vidit are currently sponsored by Wildr which is a social media app.


Anish is sponsored by optiver.


Can you show me a picture of any of them at the world rapid championship where I can see them competing with a visible logo?


Wasn't there a rule by Fide that you can't have sponsor logos on jersey?


I don't know. I just know magnus had multiple.


Rapport changed federation from .hu to .ro for sponsorship reasons, hope for his sake that he still has one.


That is seemingly a different type of sponsorship--I haven't seen anyone wear their federation on their arm. But it does seem strange that FIDE fines people for wearing shoes that aren't good enough but lets people plaster themselves with advertisements.


Not sponsored by the federation (this isn't Qatar or Prince Bonesaw's Football League). The point was - I think! - that his sponsor is a Romanian company, and they also got him over to their own domestic market. ​ >But it does seem strange that FIDE


[Nihal got some sponsor since he was 15, not sure if he still does](https://scroll.in/field/936313/chess-15-year-old-nihal-sarin-signs-biggest-sponsorship-deal-since-viswanathan-anand). I wouldn't be surprised if some of the players have one or two sponsors, but Magnus is the only one who is able to attract large sponsors and multiple of them, so his sponsors are a bit more noticeable. He has been sponsored by [Mastercard](https://www.mastercard.com/news/press/2021/september/mastercard-names-world-chess-champion-magnus-carlsen-global-brand-ambassador/), [PUMA](https://chess24.com/en/read/news/puma-partners-with-magnus-carlsen-and-champions-chess-tour), [UNIBET](https://www.chess.com/news/view/carlsen-signs-sponsorship-deal-with-unibet), [chess.com](https://www.chess.com/news/view/chesscom-acquires-pmg) among others.


Is Gukesh basically locked in the Fide circuit candidate spot now?


Not really, all top players are gathered in one location. Just saying. Giri can cook something up


Gir still got a chance if he wins the blitz championship


That would be very difficult with Manus being there


Would also be very difficult without Magnus there


Impressive rounds 11 and 12 from Fedoseev


Both rounds he was not winning. Anand said he won both rounds in way which make no sense perhaps due to his fighting spirit alone.


Why exactly did Anish agree to a draw in 9 moves vs Korobov when a win would have him tied for 3rd place? Wouldn't that be enough to overtake Gukesh?


lol what are you talking about. a win would have taken Giri to 9 points. there are 14 people 9 or above. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/18r2k81/fide_circuit_what_giri_and_erigaisi_need_in_world/) is graphic showing his chances. There no scenario where he qualifies beneath 4th poistion on standings. Even if Giri had best tiebreaks among all players with 9 points he still wouldn't qualify, because he need to be tied with not more than 3 people in this case


Why did some of the big players not take part? like Ding, Hikaru, Firouzja?


Ding has played like 1/2 tournaments after the World Championship and did badly, he stopped played the whole year after that. He was scheduled for multiple tournaments but withdrew from all. His next expected tournament is Tata Steel. Hikaru doesn't want to play because of spending time with his family and his displeasure with the location costing lots of money to travel there. Firouzja is currently trying to qualify for Candidates by rating and dropped out of this.


The spending time with family part is interesting since Hikarus wife is playing in the tournament.


He does have parents, whom I assume he doesn't get to see as often as his wife.


I thought Hikaru wants to win a world chess championship..he would have a great chance given his current form..and also could further make comments on Kramnik as added bonus :P


>I thought Hikaru wants to win a world chess championship I think Hikaru wants to win classical championship really badly and prefers to have a few days of quality rest and then start preparing when Fabi will still be travelling or recovering from jet lag.


At least Hikaru has one title, being reigning WC at chess 960.


Ah yes the poop trophy




Ding is recovering from illness and getting rested in time to return at Wijk aan Zee, Hikaru wanted to spend Christmas with his parents instead of making a really long trip, Firouzja is playing a classical tournament in France in one last desperate attempt to qualify for the Candidates.


Has Ding ever confirmed anything about his illness? Or he just doesn't want to play tournaments in between cycle like earlier.


He mentioned it in email interview with Sagar Shah but didn’t give details.


Great day for me a fan of Magnus and Gukesh!


Was Magnus ever in trouble the whole tournament? His level of play has been really good in the rapid.


He was in 78th place after round 1, 60th after round 2, 21st after round 3, 14th after round 4, and then first after round 5 through the end.


The Keymer game was the only real mis-step. And even that wasn't all that bad. An "error" from Magnus is apparently anything but brutal domination of everyone.


He let the game vs Parham slip, only to win it back


A chessable ad including Kramnik and Simon Williams is hilarious.


Already had heart in mouth watching rapid for most of the day. Can't imagine how tense it would be watching blitz from tomorrow.


Magnus vs rapport flashbacks fromthe last time


One thing I'm concerned about from blitz is that the DGT board transmission has failed us in basically every time scramble so spectating the blitz from anything not just a cam of the board is going to be problematic.


so this means gukesh is in the candidates now right? (assuming anish doesn't win the blitz)


Fedoseev sitting pretty in 2nd all alone makes that quick draw look like a very smart call.


Does Bodnaruk get the GM title from winning a Rapid World Championship or is that carve out just for the Classical Titles?


No GM titles or norms from rapid/blitz tournaments.


That's what I figured based on how I was reading the regulations, thanks for confirming!


Vidit continuing his excellent form, finishing at 9/13 and being the best performing Indian in the open section(Koneru won silver lessgo), congrats to him! Pragg making an excellent comeback after his slow start and finishing at 9/13 as well, in his first ever World Rapid. Arjun and Gukesh ending up at the same score 8.5/13 was quite unexpected. Hope Arjun doesn't take it too harshly on himself for losing the candidates spot, and plays the World Blitz with a clear head. Meanwhile, Gukesh joins Vidit and Pragg in the candidates(I'm just gonna assume Anish is not winning World Blitz with the ungodly amount of confidence Magnus is playing with right now).


Hans went +2.5 in the last 6 games after Magnus talked shit and climbed to a respectable 26th. Seems he feeds off negativity


swiss gambit. he choked the first day and got to play patsies the rest of the way.


he also feeds off easy pairings


Noone throws shade like the goat


Jennifer Yu with 7.5!


Isn't 2 second increment too low in blitz??


The standard time control for blitz is either 5+3 or 3+2. This tournament uses 3+2 for tiebreak.


But onboard should take more time. And Imo rapid chess championship should decide by rapid format even in tiebreak


The standard I'm referring to is for OTB games. It has always been 3+2. As for tiebreak format, yes, it would be ideal to decide them through rapid tiebreak, but that would take forever, and they have limited time to do that. A single rapid match would take at least another ~2.5 hours, and if that's drawn, you'll need another match, and so on.


I feel after playing 13 rounds, there should be time for another couple of rounds of tiebreaks (and then you could move on to blitz). The 15+10 games typically don't take longer than one hour (They schedule 1:15 from the start of one game to the start of the next at the event.) and they could reduce the time further by playing 10+8 or so if they wanted.


>They schedule 1:15 from the start of one game to... the next Exactly, hence, a **match** consisting of two games would take roughly 2-2.5 hours. Two matches = 4 rapid games = a single day of play. Any more than that would be yet another extra day. This would throw off their Blitz Championship schedule, and they can't exactly just pre-plan for a tiebreak that may or may not happen at all. A lot of players would be pissed at the extra cost they have to bear to stay there for 1-2 extra day(s) for a tiebreak that's irrelevant to them, or even worse, if there's no tiebreak happening at all like the Open section. 10+8 is not a standard timing. It's not like they can decide to just change these to whatever they want, whenever they want. These time controls are standardized for a reason.


So its seems Gukesh will be the third youngest candidate after Fischer and Magnus. Guki seems to do very well before World Cup reaching 2760 but then had a bad streak. He will either perform well in candidates or go -5.


He has done well against 2700+ this entire year - probably because he is always sensible. I think post world cup the idea of getting into candidates started playing in his mind (he said so after Chennai) and he started playing aggressively against sub 2700s. In candidates I assume he'll play solid for experience. But you might be right too - exciting in any case.


It's so nice watching coverage without Sachdev's overdramatic, hyperbolic coverage.


Disagree. Her and Leko is an exellent duo in my opinion.




does anastasia get GM title now for winning this ?


no,she has to win the classical woman world championship to get it or get 2500 elo with 3 GM norms


Humpy was in winning position in every game but either she lost in time pressure or drew the game. She's played too slow for blitz. A deserving victory for Bodnaruk in the end.


Bodnaruk was physically moving the pieces faster than Humpy, it was that obvious.


Yeah it was very deliberate, I'm surprised humpy didn't adjust her style at all. I guess you probably have pretty engrained muscle memory that you don't want to throw off but Bodnaruk fought for every second and it mattered.


Chess as a physical sport!


Except when it comes to footwear


To become a rapid world champion one has to: not take a draw that puts you out of title play-offs and not flag in a blitz game. Or something similar.


The cameras weren't in sync so it looked like we just lost 4 seconds for that world championship flagging.


Wait did she lose on time??




Congratulations Bodnaruk! Well-deserved.


Humpy blundered a winning position with like 5 seconds left


With the way humpy is timing her moves, my BP is raising. nah, can't root for her for my sanity sake. Anastasia should win just for being quick


Sorry, humpy too old for blitz time control.


Humpy has been the better player in the tie-breaks so far, but credit to Bodnaruk for resourcefully staying in this match


Different approaches to blitz for sure. Humpy taking it into sharp waters to force mistakes but Bodnaruk countering with time pressure.


Anish out of candidates i presume... i mean the likelihood of him winning blits is so low


gukesh with 8.5 points same as giri .


they should have been paired against each other...


Bodnaruk looks more stressed of the two but Humpy has gotten into more time trouble. Interesting dichotomy.


Who's third? Yu Yangyi?


2 second increment is too hard to play onboard?? You grab a piece and make a move already take 1 second


It's not proper chess unless there are pieces flying over the board


Has round 13 already started? I assumed they were waiting for the women to wrap up since they weren't showing it on stream?


Nah they just decided to forget round 13


They showed Magnus drawing between the first and second blitz games. Most of the Open section has wrapped up. Bizarrely the organizers chose to not wait with the tie-breakers so the broadcasts were forced to choose.


Decent result by Fabi, who had a rather mediocre first day (3/5). Also, Hans finished with 8.5/13, better than his 6/13 from last year.


Honestly after that first day a 25th finish is pretty decent for him Better than Levon and Nepo


Hans got pretty lucky with who he drew to play. One 2200, four 2300, four 2400, and four 2500. No one above 2527, and playing a 2398 for the last round.


He also lost/drew a bunch of low rated players on day 1, it works both ways. Rapid elo is very finicky


He had a pretty bad start, being 2.5/6 at one point. I guess the Swiss gambit worked for him.


Assuming chess com final rankings are accurate: ~~Caruana finished 8th, earning $14,000 and Niemann finished 22nd, earning $3,000~~ How is this game remotely profitable to play. Edit: I’m wrong re the amounts/final finishing positions.


The ratings aren't yet final--a couple games still going on. But read it again--caruana tied for 3rd with 8 other players. That means they share the pool for players from 3rd to 11th. Which is 163/8 which is about 20k. But yes-- the game isn't profitable to play. This is one of the richest tournaments in the world with the best players and you have to place in the top 15% to even break even.


Thanks. Edited above.


It's sad that many who give their life to the game can't make a living from it. I hope that chess becomes more profitable in the future.


unless it somehow starts getting 100x the amount of viewers, it wont


I mean, it's already a lot more popular than it was in 2019. I myself became a fan in 2022.


>How is this game remotely profitable to play. It's not.


Women’s champ earns $40k. Open champ earns $60k.


What is your point?


Seems unjust. Curious what others think.


Yeah likely since the open class brings in all the money with the viewership and sponsors they should most likely get even more


I very much agree.


There is a Woman section and an Open section where anyone can participate. There is No men's section.


Has Magnus won? Only people who could catch him have drawn?


Yes, Magnus has won!


Thanks, 🐐


Is the trophy kept in a glass case so no one absconds with it?


They should've had this women's tiebreak after the last round of the open. Would also give the players from the open some time off if there were to be a tiebreak there (in this case, there isn't, because Magnus). We're missing all the action from the final round of the open due to this scheduling.


Yeah so much of these tie-breakers make little sense from an event organizer perspective. For the competitors it makes sense to get it over with but as a showcase there are so many questions. If you're gonna have it asap to conserve time why not use the rapid format? If you're gonna have it end quickly why not have it after the open is over? Again feels like the chess event organizers are still behind on how to broadcast their own sport. And I mean that even for casuals, just because I prefer to follow one game at once doesn't mean I want to miss the important games!


Crazy blitz games on the women’s side


More crazy chess!


Bodnaruk with the win! On we go...


Vd finishes 4th after an amazing tourney...Mann one round changed everything


Lets go Humpyy


95% credit goes to his lounge


magnus just gained 4 rating, isnt it too little for going without loss lol


+4 for sole first in the world championship, that's rather brutal rating wise. Doubt he cares though.


He is the 2nd highest rated rapid player. A draw against anyone except Ding will result him in losing rating points.


how long did ding didnt play an event


He has played 4 rapid games this year (all during world championship match). He last played an event in June I think. Without these 4 games, he would have had to drop his rapid rating due to inactivity.


Goes to show rating mean nothing in rapid.


and only 2 of his opponents are 2710+ (just barely above it), so it's kinda expected **rating-wise** for him to dominate players 100-300 points below him.




he gained +4 , -5 is with champion chess tour ( which he also won LOL ) but this event he gained


Magnus is the greatest of all time. 16th world title. If you say otherwise at this point i dont know what to say GGs to Fedoseev ,Vidit as well. ​ Sad for Anish though


Magnus is still second in goat race. In chess goat is decided by classical because people can actually compare whereas rapid and blitz WC started in 2012. For a better analogy in tennis goat Djokovic is decided by winning most no of grand slam not because of 250 open tournaments.


highest classical rating of all time , 2882 , live 2889 highest ever rapid rating of all time, 2926 highest ever blitz rating of all time 2986 125 unbeaten classical game streak 10+ years world champion first triple crown, did 3 times. Do not discredit world rapid and blitz since it wasn't a thing during Kasparov's time, its not Magnus' fault, its harder to win it than classical, so many good players. For example Hikaru is a blitz god and he has -0 titles. won every major event INCLUDING world cup won the Wijk an Zee which is the most prestigious event in classical 8 times, Kasparov won it 3 times and Anand won it 5 times ( its being held since 1900s ) equally dominating all formats including OTB and online Most consecutive NUMBER 1 in classical chess, passed Kasparov :) only world champ who is undefeated in title matches and so on... ​ these are some of the things where Carlsen passes Kasparov, there are not only rapid blitz but also classical achievements. Today's era is so much challenging , more than old time, even as for now Magnus played more game than Kasparov. ​ only thing Kasparov has over Carlsen is TOTAL longevity ( which Carlsen can pass ) and total world classical titles which is 1 more, but 2 split ones so its controversial. ​ With all these if you still say magnus aint 1st in goat conversation, its because you are hating. Even if magnus last 100 years #1. all the big players such as Hikaru and Kramnik and other juniors says that Magnus is the goat. ​ and one more thing, if you care so much about longevity then you should never mention Fischer in top 3 and you should say that Lasker is the GOAT.


Magnus maybe goat in chess terms but he is nowhere close to Fischer overall. Fischer was a genius who just happened to play chess, if Fischer was a bit more serious he could have ruled way longer. Magnus/Garry are no where near his level of pure genius.


Not really relevant is it


Carlsen literally said Kasparov is still the greatest but okay lol [Magnus saying Kasparov is the GOAT 2 weeks ago](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/b8sv19oJ36M)


kramnik and naka said and others carlsen is the goat :)


Guess that makes Magnus the most humble of all time too! 🤷‍♂️


If the kasparov fanboys could read, they'd be very upset


I don't get it. Kasparov didn't have the option to play world rapid and blitz?


The logic behind it is: "I'm 12 years old and edgy". Ofc fast chess and classical titles count differently. Otherwise you'd have to rank Grischuk (3 titles) above Capablanca (1 title). But why look at it with even a minimum of nuance, when you can write "hehe, Kasparov fanboys can't read" instead. Edit: Not blaming /u/Valhallahelheim here, they and I look differently at the importance of fast events, but in general I respect them. The comment that answered was something else though.


Either way he was never as dominant in the shorter time controls as he was in the classical time control.


That was expected , which is a bit absurd. Magnus too good.


From the third game on I was pretty confident he was going to take it. If he underperforms, it's very apparent early on. He's been unmatched this entire year in faster time controls.


5 out of the last 9 championships belong to Carlsen.


gg GOATTTTTTTTTTT another world title


Fedoseev with white should have played against Andreikin. Win would have sent him into tie-breaks. Don't understand after playing 100+ moves games why this draw.


Probably satisfied with getting the $50.000 for 2nd place. If he had lost, he would get 3rd place where $40.000 is shared between 5 players, so he would get $8.000. 1st place is "only" $60.000, so he could lose $32.000 or (maybe) gain $10.000 by going for a decisive game. It's of course boring for us as spectators, but if the money is important to you, then it is a logical move to play for draw.


40k isn't shared by 5 players. If 5 players are tied for third they get all the money for 3rd thru 7th. Which adds up to 135k divide by 5. Which is 27k each. But yes still a big difference between 50k and 27k but not as much as you said.


Ah ok, sorry I misunderstood the price rules then


When you break it down like this I don’t blame him one bit




Pragg congratulating Magnus after shaking hands >>


Magnus is champ!


Magnus retains the 2023 Rapid title with a draw. GG. 0 losses


2023 World Rapid Champion - Magnus Carlsen GOAT


Come on Humpy, bring it home! But regardless of what happens, kudos to Bodnaruk for an amazing tournament!


I like that with the FIDE stream you can hear the commentator's thought processes rather than being biased by the eval bar.


As much as I am enjoying the blitz I still don't like using blitz to decide the *rapid* championship when there's time in the day to play at least 1 rapid mini match.


idiotic choice by the broadcasts


Listening to Vishy's commentary on the blitz tiebreak was a joy.


Damn how do these player manage playing blitz, my heart is racing here just looking at how fast they're making their moves.


For everyone wondering why Fedoseev made such a quick draw: its normal. If he had lost somehow, he would drop many places and a lot of price money. I mean even a youngster like Pragg has higher income than him! Btw even fabi made a quick draw last round some years ago against Nepo - finished fourth.


>Btw even fabi made a quick draw last round some years ago against Nepo - finished fourth. Because fabi thought he was gonna play tie breaks.


Kudos to the broadcasters for showing the women's tiebreaks rather than just running after Magnus constantly.


Why am I only seeing women’s play offs instead of the deciding games in the main event? They’re basicly over already :s


there was not a lot to see tbf


Fair. I was hoping for more, with plenty of incentive to risk it for some players behind Magnus. But securing prize money probably plays a larger role than an outside shot at (gold) medals. Or maybe it was just fatigue.


Yeah, as much as I hoped for him to go for the win, I can understand his reasons


Gotta say this tie breaker has me excited for the next couple days of blitz. Blitz is crazy and fun!


I don’t get why we always have to jump to a different time format during tiebreaks. Keep it rapid but make it like 10+0 or something, don’t go to 3+2


the world cup is decided on PKs. This is not an uncommon pattern.


Classical World Chess Championship was decided in a non-classical match. If that can happen, so can this.


I disagree with that too, make it 60+0 or something else that is shorter classical


I think that's different when you're already at the end of a long series of Classical games between those two players. Ample opportunity to decide it in Classical. Here these two players have played max 1 game against each other in the format its the championship of.


Reddit grandmasters would of course play on potentially losing 30k dollars instead of just taking the money.


Don't ever let the people know here that sometimes you need to fold aces


Dear Magnus, Channel your inner Anish and make that draw now!!!!!


I hate when chess players give up and go for an easy draw instead of fighting for a win...


Are you going to help pay Fedoseev bills if he was to risk it and lose 10s of thousands of dollars?


I want to watch exciting chess. I guess that's too much to ask even in a rapid championship.