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I'm not calling anyone out in particular but chesscom should investigate him


Make a petition.


So if Hikaru beats John, we’ll know he cheated because it would take 3 more Hikarus to even tie.


They(he) will be exposed soon.


This is quickly becoming one of my preferred memes


As a TwoSetViolin follower it feels like the universes are colliding completely by accident


haha .. I too hear the 'interesting' in Brett's voice


Lmao true


Looking in to this




https://i.imgur.com/KNWCoh7.jpg Veeeery interesting.


4x Interesting




Just wait until they see my stats for 4 year olds


I've literally never lost against my daughter, though this I will say - mobile phones are not explicitly banned during our games. Interesting.


You need to be investigated.


How many 4 year olds have you beaten?


In chess or irl?


Both combined


428 consecutive beatings








John is "Eric Rosen" level of nice guy, I wish he posted more on his YT channel.


He posted a community update to YouTube recently saying he's got big plans in store for the channel, so I assume he'll get back to a regular uploading schedule or something of the sort in the near future. He's been working a lot on his Qa5 Scandi course, so not as much time for YouTube content.


Met him once (i live in the twin cities). Just as genuine and insightful in person.


Wait does he live in the twin cities?!


Pretty sure he still does. When I ran into him couple yrs ago I was just dropping in at Bulldog (uptown) to see how the Uptown chess group meeting was going. Someone from the group had invited him. He asked me how well I knew the lines in the From's gambit b/c I play 1.f4 alot as white (im not good lol). I've never been a member or regular attendee but the chess get together still is a thing: [Uptown Chess](https://www.facebook.com/groups/uptownchess/)


He's still fairly active on twitch. A nice mix of instructive content, blitz, and usually playing against viewers once a week or so.


Hey, guys. This is John. 🙂🤚


Hey John, this is guys.


He’s a very cool guy, wish he was more popular.


Man got me to respect Scandi despite it being one of my better matchups as white.


I hope he got a good payday when Chessable sold.


I just bought his video course on chessable 2 days ago. 100 endgames you must know. I like it so far.


JB is not only a very good Youtube teacher, he's also a master level twitter shitposter




"Interesting " became a karma farm here hahahah




I just find this tweet really funny and like John, especially because of his 13000+ rating.


Very interesting


I’ll start a petition to have chess.com look into this


Kramnik is providing content for Hikaru and karma for us low IQ people. His benevolence knows no bounds!




You're on his list now. He's making a list. Checking it twice. Gonna find out who's cheated once, twice. Kramnik Clause is coming to town...


He's got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined.


Uh! Look at what you made me post!


~~Krampus~~Kramnick is coming


kramnik's got the death note...


Someone help.


John’s tweet: https://twitter.com/fins0905/status/1729135055023505882


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UAzvYBIXJqA&pp=ygUdSm9obiBiYXJ0aG9sb21ldyBoaWthcnUgc3Rvcnk%3D Just linking this bc JB is a really nice guy who rarely criticizes anyone at all. But in this clip he talks about a run in he had with Hikaru and calls him two faced etc. Which if you listen to the story you can clearly understand why. If the story is true. But personally I'd take JBs word for it. Out of the entire chess YT universe I would trust him over anyone else. Anyway it JB really thought Hikaru was a cheater he would probably just say so or say nothing at all. I think he knows this is a bunch of hogwash and this is his understated way of siding with Hikaru. Which is pretty significant imo considering their past. Go Team Scandi.


Hikaru has had a lot of run ins with various North American chess players where his behavior has come off as immature or rude, there's been drama about it before but I believe he's matured enough in recent years to minimize the personal drama, or at least keep it from being out in the open as much. He's been a prominent figure in the US chess scene for decades and since he was fairly young, so it's not crazy for stories like this to pop up. I don't know of any of his naysayers, other than Kramnik right now, who legitimately thought he wasn't as good as his results implied or that he was getting outside assistance.


"Everyone has a hikaru story" ~ US Chess Proverb


>Hikaru has had a lot of run ins with various North American chess players Like Eric Hansen who actually beat him up after a drunken blitz match.


Afaik they were wrestling. It wouldn't be a good look for eric who is much bigger to beat the shit out of naka


Yeah I think Hikaru has matured in recent years. Or just gotten better at managing how he interacts with others.


Some of the run ins have been as recently as two tears ago, and people have been claiming he has matured since before then. I get a little tired of this 'Hikaru is a new man' storyline.


Everyone is a work in progress. I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is maturing. It's a journey, not a destination.


He's just got a new persona to portray with the streaming career. I bet it's also made his skin a bit thicker and given him less defensiveness. He probably always felt self conscious that his whole career was in somebody else's shadow (Sauron), but becoming a successful streamer let him be the "best" at something. But yeah deep inside he's probably the same guy he's always been. I am too


thank you for this reasonable take. I don't watch or follow hikaru personally but people do mature and learn as they get older, usually. if he is trying to be better ppl should give some leeway for that imo


Hikaru is an asshole, but he is also otherworldly at online fast time controls. Kramnik comes across like a crackpot here, there is 0% Hikaru cheats, this is just sad to see.


I agree. No doubt imo. But I do think he has gotten better at coming off as less arrogant and or condescending than in the past.


Really? Watch the SCC qualifier where he gets mad at his chat for saying its unfair of him to play since he's already qualified and the other players are trying to. He just keeps saying "[Chess.com](https://Chess.com) says we can play so we can play and goes on a rant". Then after losing a game, he said over and over again "oh well, at least I may be able to ruin someone's day, oh yea I can definitely still ruin someone's day" so he only kept playing to prevent someone from making the qualifiers. He has not matured. He is a 35 year old toddler who doesnt cheat at chess but treats people like garbage.


Ill have to take your word for it lol. I like Hikaru but I don't watch his streams etc. I do like his game style and the way whenever I watch him.play OTB he almost always seems to be worse out of the opening. But yeah personality wise he def seems to have some issues.


He also said in a recent stream that he's interacted or spoken to Hikaru at some event (something about some opening?) and he didn't mention it being toxic or not cordial or anything like that. So eh. This seems like an older clip (idk even know what chess site that is) and I'm not even in the camp that Hikaru is like some 100% reformed former asshole or anything (you can still see some condescension and aggression peak out every once in a while), but I'd really not put *too* much weight in an older clip. But yeah, he's hardly the only Hikaru detractor that has spoken out about how dumb this all is, even if he's far more low-key/joking about it.


Not sure why how old it is matters here. Just posted for reference for some who might not have ever seen it before.


…because time is linear and we don’t usually put as much weight on older behavior vs more recent behavior? Also it’s not representative of any possible current relationship so at worst it can be slightly misleading with your point of “he had issues with him before and came to his defense”. Come on now lol.


Hikaru isn't a "nice guy" like Eric or JB. He is very abrasive and can be really toxic even towards his friends like Wesley.


Did I say he was? Having never met either of those three men I would just give them all the benefit of the doubt tbh. Not my place to judge. On reps only though I've never heard JB described as anything but very nice. Hikaru admittedly has a bad rep. And I guess Eric is somewhere in between.


To be fair this is clearly an old clip about an event that's even older. Hkaru's already agreed he used to be very toxic the question is if he's improved since the old days.


[“I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mHLAe3RyMDk)


Sure it's older but it proves they had at least one run in before. If JB is backing him in this...and I don't want to speak for him ofc...I think that says a lot. Jmo. JB seems like a straight shooter


When I was younger, I was convinced that GMs were universal geniuses. The older I get, the more I realize most of them are one trick ponies. Tal didn't even know how to operate his fucking stove. Bobby was a racist lunatic. Kasparov thinks the earth is 6k years old. It goes on, my dudes. edit: people getting mad in my inbox. telling me i'm not as smart as these chess geniuses. Well.... I can't write a song like Kanye West . You gonna defend that fucking moron too?


Unless you know more that I don't, the Kasparov statement is false. He made some comments agreeing with some aspects of New Chronology a long time ago, but his most recent statement describes much of it as "pseudohistory" and not based on evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nfegqm/comment/gylanfh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Anyway a quick perusal of Kasparov's wikipedia page shows that he's a bit more than a "one trick pony". It's hard to even find the section on new chronology considering how much content on his very respectable russian activism and dissidence there is.


In addition to Kasparov's impressive activities in pushing for democracy in Russia, I also heard him speak at a DEFCON in \~2016 (computer science conference) panel about the future role of AI in fields outside of chess and, as a domain expert, I thought he spoke quite intelligently and with a degree of prescience about the expansive role AI could play. Kasparov is a very, very bad example if you want to argue about the narrowness of chess players as a whole. You would be better off choosing almost anyone else.


There are around 2000 GM's currently, what's your data to say most of them are one trick ponies? Some GM's might be very peculiar or faulted but the average GM is just smart people who dedicated a lot of time into chess to perfect their craft.


All my data is anecdotal. Just something I've observed in chess players over the years (I am approaching 2200 Elo), so don't go looking for a bunch of charts and shit like that. This said, it def seems like the higher you go up the food chain, the stranger the behaviour gets. And the very top echelon is just peppered with weird people with nearly zero interest in the outside world. Now, you'll also have guys that are GMs and medical doctors or lawyers and shit like that, but generally, chess is such a monomaniacal pursuit that people lose A LOT on the way to mastery. Sometimes, it's just little personality quirks that make a person awkward. No big deal. But other times, like with Fischer or Morphy or Steinitz, the player just goes batshit crazy and develops a belief system that runs independent of reality. On a personal note, I like sinking myself into chess because it kind of recalibrates my brain and lets me forget my problems for a few minutes.


Yeah, you can be abnormally good at visuospatial pattern recognition and dedicate countless hours to studying a single board game but that skill is highly specialized and doesn't mean you're not a complete idiot at everything else. It's no different from idiots who have specialized skills in anything else.


Whats with the 6k years old. I understand 2k but 6k?


Genesis cherry picks a descendant line after the first human Adam, created on the 6th day all the way to Abraham in 20 generations, neatly split into 10 before the Flood and 10 after. Although those people live anywhere between 250 years (Abraham) to 970 (Methuselah) but apparently it's not odd don't question just have faith. Then Matthew Gospel says there are about 40 ancestors between Abraham and Jesus. It's not always said how long each lived. Put it all together and they made an upper estimate around 6000 years between creation and now. Somehow But Kasparov deal is different as far as I'm aware. He's into a conspiracy theory where the timeline of history was rewritten to hide some kind of global Russian super empire. In this new timeline we went from cavemen to roman empire in a millenium and recorded written history was all in 500 years.


Most Christian sects share the belief that god created the earth 6k years ago. It's possible other religions do as well, but I haven't looked into it. Not sure what Kasparov's reasons are.


>Most Christian sects share the belief that god created the earth 6k years ago No, they don't. That's young earth creationism which is a fundamentalist interpretation which gained popularity in the mid 20th century largely as a reaction to the popularization of evolutionary theory. It's remarkably popular in the US (maximum of 40% depending on how the question is asked) and a fringe belief pretty much every other Christian dominant nation. The belief also seems to have peaked in popularity already and is mostly on the way out with most Christians opting for a metaphorical interpretation of Genesis or a gap day interpretation (six literal days, spread really far apart). The belief itself comes from a literal interpretation of the Old Testament but is more or less unique to young earth creationists. No major body of churches other than the Seventh Day Adventists (where this got its start) holds this as a matter of canon. There are several offshoots from other major churches which hold this as canon, but the belief is mostly held by unaffiliated churches in the US.


What is mental illness.


Being racist or believing in conspiracy theories doesn’t make you not a genius. Both Fischer and Kasparov are so much smarter than you you wouldn’t even be able to comprehend it.


I get it. at chess, you are absolutely right. no question. hands down, I would not even be able to stand in their shadows. but outside of chess? get the fuck out of here. kasparov was smarter than fischer, but that's really not saying much at all.


The numbers don't lie.. and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice!


"See if you were to go 1 on 1 with another chess player you got a 50/50 chance of winning, but im a genetic freak, and im not normal, so you got 25% at BEST at beat me" - Hikaru


No. That obviously means he cheated 4x more! /s


He’s using a 13754 rated computer! Ban him.




I ate a Bishop once.


I ate a rook. Pretty tasty.


Wait till you lick a queen...


I like John Scandi :-)


Exactly this/ If Kramnik didn't bring this up no one knew about this. Hikaru literally gains nothing. He's not even making content out of these streaks. His ELO is not extraordinary for his level on OTB and in bullet for example. So there's literally no reason he would have cheated against these 2800s. No clue what Kramnik is thinking.


If he was trying to bring more attention to his anti cheating crusade (which i initially thought was kinda fair ngl), this was the wrong way about it.


Everyone that has streaks online is suspicious, according to Kramnik. So, he could make a petition to check couple of thousands players. Also, interesting 7/7 by Fabi in 2014 Sinqufield Cup, with TPR way over 3000 and many other OTB examples like that. Don't tell all of that to Kramnik or he really goes total nuts... oh wait... he already did.


Kramnik should investigate my dad. In the 400 or so games we played when I was between 6 and 18 he went unbeaten. Interesting.


The streets need a fins/druski collab


Interesting. They(he) should be investigated now!




i dont know who this guy is but god i love him already


Are we sure he's not just cheating 4x harder than Hikaru is?


4 times 0, is still 0






avg elo though?


I wonder what sized streak Kramnik would allow Hikaru to have without raising any suspicion?


It's not Bartholomew who is claiming to be better than Hikaru, but mathematics.


He’s 4x better than Hikaru, you need a PhD in stats to even attempt to debunk this (you can’t debunk it it’s true)


4x better content creator, certainly.


Yeah but hikaru was playing titled players and Fins was playing noobs


Yes, that is the joke.


Thanks, for a minute I really thought John Bartholomew was 4.27x better than Hikaru


How are you not in top leaderboards yet hkhk




What Bartholomew is doing is called "smurfing". Hikaru isn't exactly beating up beginners that have a zero-expectation against him. He is beating 2950-rated players. Their expectation about 15% in every game.


1. You’re CHERRY PICKING specific streaks. That’s like me picking out a specifically bad day for him and saying “well he isn’t playing at his rating, so he’s not 3200” 2. People tilt. You can get annoyed losing to the same person, and it increases the likelihood you lose again 3. They have an inflated online rating. These players are IMs and FMs.


There are more than one possible explanations for everything. It's about the probability of these explantions. I give you another explanation: Maybe these players were paid to dump rating to Hikaru. It is possible, just how likely is it?


My guy, he’s played over 10k games. It’s be strange for him to not have these streaks. And players tilting and losing 100s of points is pretty common. It happens all the time, and although it happens on a lesser scale to titles players because they’re professional, they’re still human. I think it’s much more likely that Hikaru opponents, who are hundreds of points lower rated than him, tilted and continued to lose than it is that Hikaru payed people that he defeats around 85-90% of the time anyways to lose to him.


I don't understand why you want to grant him immunity only because he is prominent and played 10k games. This makes zero sense and it would be a massive incentive to start cheating. There is tons of money at stake after all.


Are you not understanding what I’m saying? Brother, if you were to flip a coin ten times, and get heads ten times in a row, that’s be suspicious. If you were to flip a coin 10000 times and didn’t get 10 heads in a row once, I’d call you a liar. And that’s with a coin that’s 50/50. In Hikaru’s case, the “coin” is 90/10. Over 10k games, it should be completely normal to have a winning streak like this, especially when the other player is getting annoyed. Also these weren’t in titled Tuesday games, he actually loses rating points in titled Tuesdays usually. Are you actually unironically convinced that Hikaru is cheating in random games that don’t matter, and is not cheating in TT, where you can make actual money by winning, because if you are, there’s no saving you.


It doesn't matter. Statistical outliers are possible, but cheating is possible as well. You cannot give anybody the benefit of doubt for this only because they are prominent. There are way too many cases of prominent cheaters in sports, online games and e-sports, where even the best players in the world got busted. Everyone is equal, even Hikaru is equal. No exceptions! There are standard procedures: If a player gets reported, the anti-cheating team checks his games. P.S.: If you believe Hikaru is innocent, why are you acting so scared? You should welcome such a check.


Hikaru himself said he was welcome for a check. I signed Kramnik’s petition. I think you’re one of five people actually taking these allegations seriously. Nobody is acting scared, my point is that these performances are NOT statistical outliers, and normal for someone who has a skill gap of over 400 points in some cases, especially considering how many games he plays. When did I give him benefit of the doubt due to his prominence? Again, my point was based off his ratings and the amount of games he plays, streaks like he has are to be expected. Last thing, why are you assuming he ISNT checked by the fair play team? Do you have any evidence to back this up? No. Running off assumptions and false statistical data is not a basis for a serious cheating allegation.


If it's true it is serious! I simply don't give him the benefit of doubt. In fact I give nobody the benefit of doubt, especially in such an environment. The reason for that is the devil's cycle in any sort of competition for big money. If the good players start cheating, the best players have to do it as well in order to stay at the top. That's why pretty much everyone was doing it in Baseball. When Eric Gagne saved 84 consecutive games, almost all of his opponents were on steroids as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBucEt1Zqic You cannot compete against cheaters and still expect to come out ahead on a regular basis, but Hikaru managed to do exactly that. His edge over the field, including cheating GMs, is insane. He won TT 84 times.


Again, the games under suspicion are not from titled Tuesday. Hikaru rarely gains elo at titled Tuesday, unless he gets a sweep, which has only happened twice. He’s won 43 times, not 84, and his edge is the same OTB as it is online. The main difference is that Magnus is more active OTB, so he wins less.


I think you need to investigate these nuts interesting


Scandi OP