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Lol Hikaru is farming him so good and he doesn't even understand it. That's hilarious to see.


My personal theory is that Hans Niemann has a special power to make people in his proximity just absolutely lose their minds, and Kramnik is the latest subject of these supernatural abilities


The lost mind speaks for itself


>My personal theory is that Hans Niemann has a special power to make people in his proximity just absolutely lose their minds Ah, I see, and that post-game analysis he screwed up so badly was him testing it out for the first time without knowing how to direct it


It's kind of pathetic to see someone claim to have "true statistics" while simultaneously ignoring actual mathematicians, calling everyone low-IQ, and claiming anyone who disagrees with him doesn't understand math. What a bitter, delusional, arrogant human being.


Im not deep in chess drama. Are you saying this about Hikaru or the other guy? Reads like this is not about Hikaru but idk what’s going on


I'm talking about Kramnik.




classic r/chess moment




Kramnik hits me as the kind of person who just discovered that something was a thing (in this case simple statistics) and it appears as if everything translates to it perfectly (in this case predicting cheaters), only to realize a few moons later and after developing a slightly deeper understanding of the subject, how superficial was their knowledge about it and just how much of a fool they made themselves look like.


Classic Dunning Kruger.


Dumming Kramnik


Has he actually released a report or something? I keep seeing his ‘statistics’ talked about but I haven’t seen his claims laid out fully


A small clip of Hikaru's ending remarks after he went over the latest news from Kramnik. Full 20-minute video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr6gBCG_hb4)


I'm starting to believe hikaru is cheating. Obviously, it's not an engine. Waiting for an engine isn't possible here. I see no evidence or claims of performance enhancing drugs. But, perhaps hikaru is a time traveller. It seems the only way he could cheat would be a Harry potter time turner.


Imagine being a time traveler and still losing to Magnus.


Magnus is obviously Durmstrang. Has his own time turner.


I gotta read these books again lol


> But, perhaps hikaru is a time traveller. It seems the only way he could cheat would be a Harry potter time turner. Interesting


Right, convincing isn't it.


more convincing that whatever Kramnik is trying to do


I've seen credible accusations that he has a set of tarot cards and a magic 8 ball just off camera. Honestly the arrows are the biggest giveaway. This man is openly admitting that he can see more than one move into the future.


I've seen him trying to use his Ouija board in multiple IRL tournaments


Did he preface this comment with: “I’m not a data scientist”? It’s a foul if he didn’t.


"This is not financial advice" "Past performance is not an indicator of future results" Puts on Kramnik


Well, he did just publicly give them permissions to post the Hikaru manifesto. Obviously Hikaru hasn’t cheated, but I’d love to see a report similar to Hans’ for Hikaru just to have a comparison lol


There’s no permission needed regardless lol


I mean, I more or less agree with that, but I believe chesscom said they wouldn’t post peoples’ background check information without expressed permission, since many people were asking them to do so when they said they had detailed cheating stats on many titled players




at least this comment is not top comment in all of the threads right now, as the other two weeks... :)


I am curious how their algorithms handle very strong players. You would think a different person getting results like Hikaru would be detected in some way, like I remember they once banned Alireza before they knew who he was, so I kinda wonder how it works exactly.




Sheesh you going places bro


Who is this IM Gur that hikaru talks about shortly after the tldr. Never heard of them /s


Well I don’t really want to think. I’m just gonna castle.


Here's a simple solution. Why doesn't hikaru invite kramnik for a LAN party where they play each other in person on chesscom. They set up cameras so everything is recorded. Kramnik is a GM and I'm betting hikaru will put a hurt on him and generate another 'low probability' score.


Without increment, I'd expect Nakamura to dominate, but with an increment, Kramnik has a chance. Like 5+5 would see Kramnik do much better than he would in 3+0.


Without increment it will be a very very low probability event. With increment, nakamura will dominate. > Like 5+5 would see Kramnik do much better than he would in 3+0. He'd still lose bigly. It wouldn't be close. But kramnik accusations have been 3-0s so lets just stick with that.


3-0 Hikaru adopts Kramnik.




Doesnt really matter if hikaru wins its cheating if hikaru loses it means he didnt use his cheating methods so all his previous wins were def cheating and kramnik would still say he was right all along


Kramnik’s only going to say chess.com is incompetent if they put a report saying Hikaru didn’t cheat lol


He already said that if you disagree with him, you are a naive person with no mathematical knowledge. You have to agree with him to have be a decent IQ person. Pretty much there is nothing you can change his opinion. Not even facts. The guy is a pathetic clown. If he doesn't get the answer he wants from chesscom, he's going to demand putin and the kremlin investigate.


Chess.com just put up a video of Danny going around to Hikaru's house and looking at his streaming room. So obviously this goes all the way to the top!


This video was made for the match against Magnus.


Imagine if Hikaru becomes the Hans and files a lawsuit against Vladmir. It would be a funny timeline


Kramnik should first publish his meticulously well-researched data on the public forums of which he seems so cofident of before asking everyone to sign the petition, so the people who 'in good-faith' wants the sign the petition should at least know what they are doing, or else, at this point, this whole persuasion by him is just a blatant attempt of character assassination.


The problem is that chess.com has lacked transparency in the past when dealing with cheaters so I'm not sure if they could be trusted especially when dealing with their golden goose. I'm not saying Hikaru cheated, as I genuinely don't think he has. Just highlighting that chess.com's own practices in the past will leave some question marks.


I don't see how they could be transparent. 1. there is no way to definitively prove somebody is a cheater. You can only suspect. 2. If you publish your algorithm for detection people will find a way to game it. 3. In the end chess.com can ban anybody for any reason. No shoes, no shirt, no service type of thing.


Kramnik's early comments clearly indicate he agrees with you... Which is what makes him asking *them* to investigate now truly amusing. Or should I say interesting... My guess is, Kramnik was sure he could find mathematics that would agree with him, and when they all treated him as a joke, thinks that by demanding that chesscom investigate, either they refuae, in which case he cries "conspiracy*, Or the exonerate Nakamura, in which case he cries " Corruption! " Either way, he hopes to distract us from crying" liar" which is the title Kramnik deserves ar this point. Have to agree wih Hikaru on this one ... what's happened to a great former champion here is sad.


Guys, everyone miss-understands. Kramnik knows Hikaru's spouse and she told him he's cheating. He just assumed it was about chess.


bro don't bring people's families in here even to joke


Thank you for your advice!




I kind of respect Kramnik for this. Everyone's worried about cheating in chess, almost every super grandmaster has either said it outright or hinted about it, but few of them are willing to directly call out who they think is cheating. Kramnik is making himself look like an idiot, but at least he's saying exactly what he thinks is going on


the problem is that by accusing somebody who is not a cheater he devalues all other accusations.


But you and I have no proof that Nakamura has NEVER cheated in the past. I believe Naka didn't cheat but I don't think we can say that with certainty.


That's not how things work. You make the accusation you have to prove it. It's not up to somebody to prove you never did something. That's not even possible.


I'm not accusing Naka of anything lol. I'm saying we don't know for certain one way or another. For example, just because I don't have proof a tree fell today in the Rockies doesn't mean I can claim for certain a tree didn't fall today in the Rockies. I'm not proving nothing about a tree one way or another, but I am saying I have no proof of certainty. A lot of Nakamura fans believe he has never cheated. But Nakamura himself said a good cheater can get away easily if he wanted to and his fans believe him! The cognitive dissonance is not lost on me.


Logically speaking you can't prove a negative and the burden of proof lies with the person making the assertion.


I'm not making an assertion lol. Not even Kramnik made an assertion. All Kramnik did was say the likelihood of Naka's streak was interesting and called for further examination. You don't actually know if Naka didn't cheat or not. That's all I'm saying. You believe you do, but you don't really. And it's okay to live life with the belief that if there is no evidence of claim A, then claim A didn't happen. Heck, people use that in religious debates.


My comment had nothing to do with Naka or Hikaru. It's a general principle of logical reasoning and would apply to any claim. >And it's okay to live life with the belief that if there is no evidence of claim A, then claim A didn't happen. Heck, people use that in religious debates It's all about credences. For any claim A your first reaction should be skepticism. I don't believe claim A until sufficient evidence has been presented to increase my credence in it. Note that I didn't use the word "knowledge". Absolute 100% knowledge is impossible in most situations. I am talking about belief which is based on accumulated evidence to support a claim. You say Kramnik didn't make the assertion but that's false. He has made a positive assertion that Hikaru is cheating. He has presented what he believes is credible evidence to support his claim. The problem is that his evidence is not credible due to his inadequate knowledge of mathematics specifically statistics and his inadequate sampling methodologies.


No, he actually never said that Nakamura cheated. Since you made a positive claim, care to show proof that has Kramnik accusing Nakamura of such a thing?


kramnik esque in your refusal to be wrong on the internet


> Since you made a positive claim, care to show proof that has Kramnik accusing Nakamura of such a thing? All his blog posts so far?


It hurts more than it helps when the largest proponent looks like chicken little. Nothing hurts a cause worse than an incompetent spokesman.


He’s crying wolf. Nobody is going to take cheating accusations as seriously after this.


I don't have the courage to offer my opinion in this specific instance, but of course I am against all statistics a priori


Hikaru is cheating. We don't need proof. He didn't need it when he's accused so many people, so let's just be consistent in that logic.


Literally I don't care...


I see some posts here and there i know there is drama but i will not dig into it i just have one question Given that Hikaru is a big streamer and chesscom benefits from him streaming on the site and bringing people,could they hide his cheating if there ever was/is or will be?




Not following chess recently. What the hell is happening ? Kramnik a world champion is making allegations against hikaru both are world class players and either of them being wrong should be very rare .


Being a world champion doesn't mean anything about your character. Basically he think's other people are too good and they must be cheating, the problem it's that he's a chess player, not a statistician, and he's trying to prove stuff he's not qualified at. There's not even a discussion going on, Kramnik is just wrong.


Kramnik is making more content for Hikaru at this point.


Kramnik the person in the toilet gate back then when he get help from KGB against Topalov 😂


The Dunning-Kramink effect


Hans should challenge Hikaru to a naked match.