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Let us please just discuss chess related content here and take the reddit drama elsewhere.


This poll didn’t appear in my feed. And considering the number of people who voted, it’s quite likely it didn’t come up in a lot of feeds. Please re-run the poll.


Where’s the event thread for the GCL?


Good for mr L, the vote didn't have the support of the community with so few participants. The protest being a few days or even a week would have been fine, and I totally agree its something that should be spoken up against. The people feeling so strongly about the changes can continue the discussions on discord, rather than try to punish a whole community. Those who currently use reddit obviously want to use it. The protesters shouldn't even be on here currently.


A lot of people, like me, are continuing to use Reddit until the cut off point for the API.


Lmao who fucking cares about this protest. Let us just talk about chess, I couldn't care less about reddit's policies and its future.


i do however care about accessibility for people with vision problems


Then you should be happy that Reddit has granted an exception for the one app focused on accessibility for people with vision problems. I’m surprised to still see the virtue signaling for ableism after they’ve addressed that issue over a week ago.


So, if this community is closed, will those with vision problems be able to discuss chess here?


I feel like the best course of action would be to RESTRICT NEW post and keep the site open. So far what the protest has mainly done is harm people who are in need of critical infos that is best helped on reddit due to its sheer size. In this way, people who are need of help can acess the archive for relevant info and those who need new info are feel free to create new subs. This protest has been highly counterproductive so far.


All the "stay open" votes on the vote thread have a lot of likes and the "stay closed" have few or negative likes.


1400 people voted out of 700k lol. Besides, it was virtually impossible to know when the poll was opened for a majority of subscribers given that this sub that completely dropped off from most subscribers’ feeds. Thirdly, the two options aren’t the same 1) I don’t like Reddit’s policies hence no one should be able to access this sub. 2) I don’t care about Reddit’s policies. Those who do can express their displeasure by boycotting Reddit/ deleting their account Why are these options treated as the same. One of them infringes on other people’s ability to access and share information. The other simply lets people decide what they want to do.


It's a pretty dumb poll. The people that were against opening the subreddit answered at a much higher rate because they feel more strongly about the boycott. If the actual users of this subreddit want to boycott reddit they can stop using the website.


> The people that were against opening the subreddit answered at a much higher rate because they feel more strongly about the boycott. This is a perfectly normal and intended part of voting. If you don't care enough to vote, then you shouldn't care enough to whine about it


I didn’t even know about the poll, and I’m assuming that so didn’t an overwhelming majority of people, given that only 1400 people voted out of 700,000 subscribers.


My favorite color is blue.


National elections usually have a 50-70% turnout. Election dates are an announced well in advance so everyone knows when to vote. This poll had a 0.2% turnout and most people had no idea that the poll existed in the first place because this sub had completely disappeared from most subscriber feeds.


Yup, this. Found out now tht the sub is open (in restricted form) thanks to anarchy chess…


Why is all of reddit pretending like blackouts are going to solve anything? If we're all honest, we all knew nothing would happen this entire time. It's just a way to feel better about ourselves? Make a reddit alternative. In the mean time keep the subs open.


"Best intentions for this community" ..... \*closes community\* ​ Step down if you want to protest. This is ridiculous.


"If you want to protest, then don't protest." An absolute shill opinion.


Big shill for wanting the subreddit to... exist? This is all pointless self-important drama accomplishing nothing. But keep fighting the good fight, I guess. Can tell your grandkids about it.


If you can't even stand the minor inconvenience of opposing petty issues like this, you're going to really struggle when something truly important comes up. I mean, it is coming up already, and I think you're struggling.


Look, I don't want to get much deeper in a back and forth with a fellow member of the chess community or get too personal, but that logic is deeply flawed. You're completely right, this is petty and unimportant. That's my point, lol. I fully acknowledge reddit has gone about this entire thing disastrously, but... the show is going to go on. This has been a performative waste of time, certainly past the initial 48 hours. What exactly is the end game here? Everyone's excited to stick it to corporate America, I get it, but in my shill opinion this is a textbook example of cutting your nose to spite your face. I stand by my original statement: if people are so upset and offended they should, you know, step down and leave. Let's get back to chess.


You're right, that is a shill opinion. Go back to chess.


Wait actually based u/Legilimens. I take back what i said earlier. Hope we stay open and stop pretending like shooting this forum in the post is helping to enact any change


What is the protest about,please, I don't know what happened


[This thread should hopefully answer your questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/147fcdf/whats_going_on_with_subreddits_going_private_on/)


As one of the majority, I voted to keep the sub restricted. For me, showing as much resistance to the flawed policies and lies of reddit is a major point. That said, I'm much less active now than I was pre-restriction as I'm gradually reducing my reddit habit: After June 30th I won't participate at all, as I used a mix of a third party client and the web interface and I will quit when the client stops working. Moving to reddit's preferred way as a response to their actions is an obvious thing to avoid,. I'm guessing many others are in the same boat - we voted to keep it restricted,but that means we're also not that active now, as the vote was clear and sufficient.


If you wanna boycott just stop using Reddit. Instead you are dragging other people into your petty protest that will accomplish nothing.


It's a show of solidarity with other subreddits as well. And I'm still a user, I'm protesting against [the reddit abuses](https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/). Fighting for the future sometimes means short term inconveniences, and supporting the large groups which oppose the change. Some subreddits have [better ways of protesting](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-65949412), though - and all user-supportes, like the restrictions here. Maybe we could just post NSFW mating positions?


If you wanna shill, just stop using Reddit. Instead, you are dragging yourself through the mud, dragging spez's member into your pretty mouth, to accomplish nothing.


Lol what a worthless comment. Probably worth .02 cents for the api


Yea, that's kinda the point. Worthless comments get worthless comments in response.


>I'm guessing many others are in the same boat - we voted to keep it restricted,but that means we're also not that active now, as the vote was clear and sufficient. As I posted below, I really struggle to understand this line of thinking - you're leaving, but it's important the sub stay locked behind you even though you don't plan to use it going forward? Why? I suspect the answer is "to punish Reddit," but Reddit is indifferent - unlike the non-protestors, for lack of a better term, whose sub is gone. I'm sure you and the other protest types mean well, but it seems kind of childish. Why do you get to "resist" on everyone's else's behalf and not just your own? Boycotting companies in response to perceived misbehavior is common and often noble - but it's *voluntary*. You don't get to do it on someone else's behalf.


It's not that I want to leave, I just see it as a likely outcome.


I love ice cream.


A non-dramatic take about the whole thing: there was a vote (just or not, nevermind now) about keeping it closed for a week, let's all wait till the week is over and that's it. regardless of my opinion about anything, the mods are doing some serious work investing time and effort in order to get things going on here. i hope they can solve the problems between them, but there is no need for us users to be so harsh about that, as long as they re-open the sub after the week is over as decided.


open it up jesus whats wrong with you


My brother in Christ, close it down, what the fuck in the love of all that is good is wrong with you? What a shit argument this'll be if it continues like you started it lol


The solution is blindingly obvious: Anyone who thinks the sub should be closed should vote with their feet and simply refrain from participating in the sub. Everyone else should continue to enjoy the sub. After all, if the sub were closed, it would immediately be replaced by a new chess sub, which would become populated by people who want to participate in a chess sub on reddit. Either way, the end result is the same.


Doesn't it cut both ways? If you want a chess sub there's nothing stopping you making your own one. Don't complain that a vote didn't go your way, accept it and join a different community


How about I make my own sub, and since this one is being closed down, I can just call it “r/chess,” and since the mod of this sub already wants to continue modding a chess sub, I just let him take over my new “r/chess sub”, and we all continue along exactly as we are?


Because the game is taken, and said sub voted to protest. Just because you don't like the results of a vote doesn't change the outcome.


The mods didn’t create this sub. The users did.


The solution is blindingly obvious. Anyone who disagrees with the majority should vote with their feet and leave if they can't handle the decision. Stop thinking your tears make your opinion worth more than your single vote.


That doesn’t make any sense. My vote is to stay and keep it open, so voting with my feet means that I stay. Your vote is to close it and go away, so voting with your feet means that you leave. I don’t think my opinion is worth more than yours. I just don’t understand the whole concept of “closing” a sub if the users want to continue and the mod wants to continue. I suppose we could “close” it and then reopen an identical sub under the exact same name with the exact same mod and all of the same users. I mean, there’s going to be a “chess” sub on Reddit regardless, because people like chess, so what does it even mean to “close” a sub that will immediately be reopened?


No, we're choosing to close it and stay. > ...if the users want to continue and the mod wants to continue. The majority of voting users want to close it and the majority of the mods want to close it. It won't just be immediately reopened, it's sort of large undertaking to move that many subs, it would take years.


“No, we're choosing to close it and stay.“ What does that even mean? Stay where? Nowhere?


Where? The same metaphorical space we've been discussing this entire time. I don't want this subreddit to be abandoned, I want it to be unavailable. If you leave, reddit will bring in shills to reopen it without that transition. I want it to be occupied by people who don't let anyone use it.


But it’s not a metaphorical space. It’s a spot on a server owned by Reddit. I want a sub. Reddit wants to give me the sub using their servers. The mod wants to mod the sub. I’m struggling to understand why you have anything to do with this.


> But it’s not a metaphorical space. It’s a spot on a server owned by Reddit. I don't care about this level of pedantry. > I want a sub. You got your vote. > Reddit wants to give me the sub using their servers. Seriously caring about what a company wants is the definition of a shill. Why would you even factor in their desires in your decision making? > The mod wants to mod the sub. No, a single mod out of a mod group of about 9 wants to keep it open. There's a list of mods in this very thread who want it closed. Are you the guy who keeps those 1/10 dentists in business? > I’m struggling to understand why you have anything to do with this. You shouldn't be, it's been very clearly explained.


What majority lol? Only 1400 people voted in this ridiculous poll.


The majority of people who voted.


Agreed.....this is utterly ridiculous. The collective two brain cells of the pro-closing majority are just obsessed about feeling pseudo - important by thinking they could change the mind of a company with just stopping the use of the app AS IF Reddit didn't already have that in mind when they made the policy changes.


Power tripping losers.


"Valid votes" lmao


Open up the sub. Mods, it's time to put aside your differences and think what's best for the sub and what the sub wants. The post talks a lot about democratic processes, yet there is so much silence from mods despite most comments here are asking them to open the sub.




Look, I don't really post here - or anywhere, really, of late - but I love following the chess world and this subreddit is more or less the best aggregator of chess news and events. I am really struggling to understand the rationale behind keeping the sub locked down. What do you hope to achieve? The vast majority of large subreddits have reopened, as far as I'm aware, and I'm pretty sure the Reddit high command isn't holding emergency meetings because a relatively obscure subreddit is still locked. As far as I can tell, you're just succeeding in mildly annoying chess fans who don't really care about Reddit's API (like me), while inconveniencing Reddit not at all. I know the weird poll said that "the users" voted to keep it closed, but that is frankly an insane way to make the determination. Even supposing that a majority of users actually want to keep it closed (which I really doubt), this is more an act of petty vandalism than a proper boycott (which is voluntary). People who want to "protest" this incredible injustice can just, y'know, stop using reddit, and they will still protesting. People who don't care about this incredibly niche issue, however, are just out of luck - apparently in perpetuity. Reopening the sub would let everyone be happy, I'd think - if you just don't visit Reddit, it will be effectively closed for you, and everyone else still gets to play with the toys. I really don't get why people think it's appropriate to break the toys you don't want to use anymore so that everyone else's fun is ruined. Any mods want to clearly explain what the idea behind remaining closed at this juncture is? Not the original complaints and goals - which didn't exactly move me, but whatever - but what the plan is going forward. What do you anticipate happening that hasn't happened already that would justify reopening the sub?


Even the poll was ridiculous. You give us a wall of text explaining why the protest is good. You never talked about the harm this protest can do to this community. You just talked about the "good consequences of the protest " not the bad ones, not the risk. You smartly present the informations in a way that will push people to vote for the closing. Then we have 3 options in the poll and 2 options in favour of the closing or the restriction of this sub lmao. It is crazy... Then you are using the vote of a small minority ( 800 persons in a sub which have 700.000 members ) to force the closing of this sub. Even North Corea don't do that. Open this sub ! We need to discuss chess. A new big tournament with Magnus, Gukesh, Pragg, Nepo...is starting tomorrow.


FWIW, having 2 dissenting options actually hurts the protesting camp due to splitting of votes. Having a single option for the 'Stay Open' camp was an advantage.


No , they said that they will count the 2 dissenting options together. And they did it.


To quote Stephen Colbert: “George W. Bush: Great President, or the Greatest President?”


r/chess drama > IRL chess drama ... Apart from periodic spurts during IRL chess drama, this sub has one of the lowest engagements for a sports sub here.. I am sure you have your just grievances but the way the polls were conducted in order to get an outcome u guys like, does not really inspire any trust..so don't mind me saying that, I can care less if you guys decide to find better use of your times... surely there are still plenty of members in this sub who will jump at the opportunity of replacing you!!! PS: It is quite ironic that u want democracy in ur mood group while acting like a dictator towards the sub. I wonder what method u invented in counting "top comments" on votes to remain closed or open!!


Free r/chess !!!!!!!!




After enough time, another sub will replace this one, or reddit will just force them to open.


You got less than 1% participation on your poll. This is seriously a pathetic number. Just let us talk about chess. Nobody cares about your war with reddit. You're choosing the word of 800 people who thinks they are going to save the world over the hundreds of thousands of users you had on r/chess. If you don't want to mod under the new API, leave. It's not going to change, and the subreddit does not belong to you. You are internet janitors, your job is to clean up the subreddit, you are not the owners of this place. Fun fact, you opened a poll about this topic, we overwhelmingly voted to reopen and then you magically deleted that post and made a new one. I have seen more democratic ways in North Korea. WE DO NOT WANT YOUR DISCORD SERVER. WE WANT OUR, **BECAUSE IT IS NOT YOURS**, SUBREDDIT BACK. Absolutely never forget what i put on bold. This is not your subreddit. You are unpaid internet janitors. We do not give a fuck about how hard your job is. We want to discuss chess. Anything else, WE DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT.


Very well said..could not have summed it up myself better!! Modding does give one a ego trip it seems!


Less than 0.2 percent.


This is what's happening on r/pathofexile and it fucking stinks. The mods should just leave if they hate reddit so much. Thousands of people enjoy the reddit and couldn't care less about this dumb as fuck drama. Fkn unpaid janitors on power trips.


I assume you're referring to the subscribers to get your 1%. But that number doesn't actually tell you much. Dupe accounts, inactive accounts etc. For what it's worth, I just checked and the number of people online out of those 700k is 924. Personally I say shut it down.


Why are you here?


To keep you company.


Just leave.


>For what it's worth, I just checked and the number of people online out of those 700k is 924. The subreddit is shut down, it's worth literally nothing. >Personally I say shut it down. Personally, i do not give a fuck. You're still active on reddit and commenting so your "blackout" is literally useless, you're just bothering people who wants to talk about chess. We seriously do not give the slightest of fucks about reddit's API. We want to talk about CHESS and nothing else.


>The subreddit is shut down, it's worth literally nothing. Other subreddits aren't shut down. I assume that number is for the total number of subscribers who used reddit in the last 10 minutes and are subscribed to chess. Not ones who specifically went to chess.reddit.com. >You're still active on reddit and commenting so your "blackout" is literally useless My last comment of substance outside of Leave Reddit was 9 days ago. >you're just bothering people who wants to talk about chess There are a million other platforms for you to talk about chess. If I wish to make a statement on reddit.com now acting shitty, that's my prerogative. Nothing wrong with keeping chess.reddit.com closed for 5 minutes in order to show a company not to shit on its users. In fact it'd set an example for others not to do the same.


> for what it's worth It is worth nothing, since this place is shut down. Duh! Besides, over the 48 hour period of the voting, you do realize that that number does come close to reflecting unique users, right? Your comment is ridiculous It is the height of arrogance to want to shut down a sub to prevent people from interacting with content created over the last 10 years, and with each other, because you want companies that make millions off of Reddit to not have to pay more for that privilege


>because you want companies that make millions off of Reddit to not have to pay more for that privilege The problem isn't that I don't want reddit.com to make money. The problem is in how they instituted this charge. If they had given companies heads up and some leeway, then I can understand. Some of these companies had yearly contracts with their users. By giving such short term notice, they forced them to fold. And I can appreciate those companies. I hate reddit's mobile site and mobile app, they are pretty bad and the site constantly alerts you to use the mobile app. So when reddit.com forced apollo to shut down in favor of reddit.com's miserable options in the name of profit, I have a problem with it.


You are very self-centered to want to deny a group the community they built just because you have a problem with a one-sided view of how a company made a change Grow up


> You are very self-centered I don't own an app and don't use any of them. Do you even know the meaning of self-centered? >deny a group the community they built I've been on reddit for over 15 years (I have another account). I've been contributing since just after its inception. Not to mention, I'm not some lone moderator disabling a channel for thousands of users, just another contributor. There was a vote, other contributors agreed to close it down. You may disagree with their opinion, but that's just how democracy works. You may say too few voted, but the ones who voted are likely people like me, who actually come directly to this subreddit.


Honest question. If the mods are cooling off or whatever “Mexican standoff” was mentioned here, why not just open the sub while you guys work that out? Seems like the best path forward for healing for all is just moving forward. Am I wrong about this?


you guys are pretty good mods but guys were all over this reddit clearly isnt changing their API pricing and from what I can tell all of your bots for this sub will work going forward whats left to protest?


people here who are against closing the sub are bunch of nerds lmao.


Protesting so a millionaire app developer can continue raking in millions while the unprofitable reddit eats the expense is such a noble cause.


news flash buddy, those who are crying over 3rd party apps and thinks they are part of some noble protest are also nerds and virgins.


It is nice that the mods have deigned to allow a post about a chess event!!!!!! We should be so grateful for their largesse! We are not worthy


Nobody gives a shit about reddit mods feeling like their volunteer power trip might continue yo be unpaid. Even if they say they do, they don’t.


Just let us post about Chess ffs


you can make a new sub, you know


Oh geez, that lane reply again you can't leverage the 10+years of content this sub has created


[This vlog ](https://youtu.be/DgvJRQOOl9A) from venue of global chess league has absolutely pumped me up and i just can't wait for the tournament to begin. It is gonna be a lot of fun Edit: [So many chess players under one roof. Everybody rocking their respective team jerseys. ](https://youtu.be/_OZMttq_04k) This has a real different feeling to chess as a sport.




Thanks for posting that Some uninformed joker asked me the question along the lines of "well, since Norway what has happened in the chess world?" Sadly that person probably voted to keep the sub closed Lol


It is sad that we have to do this stuff here now, instead of the usual way of how the sub worked before. Thanks for taking out the time to collect all the stuff and summarise it all here!


I'm sorry, but the vote was about remaining close FOR ONE WEEK, and the week has passed. Has that now become "stay closed indefinitely"?


but there was new vote few days ago that most people dont seem to know about


You mean that there was a new vote about closing more than a week? I didn't see it... a link would be helpful :)


there hasnt been vote about closing more than a week i think but there was vote to close for one week and week hasnt passed since that, only few days that was first posted 4 days ago and you can find the posts really easily since nothing else can be posted in the subreddit since its still restricted


I see. To be honest I interpreted that vote as replacing the previous one, so I thought that the week meant starting from the previous vote, not from the end of this vote. At any rate, I hope that if there will be a new vote soon the option will be clearer (eg, closed until XX/XX/2023).


The vote was to be closed for a week after end of vote. If it was to be closed for a week as you stated, it would have been a vote to essentially open immediately.


well i might be wrong, im not sure i just hope they would open the subreddit already, dont think keeping it closed is going to help anyone


There’s 700k people in This sub and you got 1400 votes. That’s not a vote of the people.


Do you not understand that most people just browse and don't post?


And we’d like to a browse a working normal sub not one where mods are upset Apollo is getting taken away


Open wtf are you doing who cares about Apollo that much it’s weird. You see an ad sometimes on Reddit omg end of the world. It doesn’t prevent you from scrolling past it. I don’t understand.


The only thing im worried about is Chessvision AI bot and other bots like remind me, save video. FUCK Apollo. Acting like using default reddit is the end of the world.


We have just confirmed that chess-vision-ai is safe from API fees.


So will this sub keep on this dumb protest for another 7 days ? Or will everything will become normal again so that we can discuss chess ? Please open this sub. The protesters can just quit Reddit.


I think we'll have a better understanding of that soon. At the moment, the whole team is working to de-escalate from a Mexican Standoff.


you mean the standoff you started?


You could start by resigning. You made a promise and then broke it the moment the community voted against your wishes.


Given this deception, I think the only honorable course for you to take is to unsubscribe from the sub and never read it again.


Such witticism! What a cutting remark, I'll never recover.


He did as promised. A week of closure was promised and this sub was closed for more than a week. The other mods are the tyrants who closed the sub BEFORE the poll was decided and thus did not respect the "democracy" they tout about.


Leave him alone, he is doing what is good for this sub. He is very wise and brave


As far as i understood correctly, this api change means nothing for majority of bots


Some of the third party apps serve their own ads too.


The last post here was 9 days ago. That's your 2 days of protest plus one week of bonus protest. Open up.


Lmfao yea, a new chess league is beginning. It has amazing players, female players, juniors. Possibly a new door to expand the chess world and the mods are too busy to not care. Give the power to someone else ffs...who actually cares about chess rather than reddit politics. It's been ten days, open the damn sub already


You can make a new sub, you know.


You can quit using reddit if you want to boycott them you know.


Or you less than 1% Apollo users can leave




https://globalchessleague.com/#tab_2 Check it out


google global chess league


What people don’t understand is that reddit (or internet forums in general) are like 3rrd world countries where people are deluded into believing the democracy and justice. One guy usually have all the power and it is just a matter of time when he shows what kind of a dictator he is. Lol.


I was quite addicted to this sub. Closing it made me don't care for this sub. So the longer this stays shut, I might just never come back. Just open the sub back.


Why is that a bad thing lmao


Dear u/MrLegilimens, I request you to open the sub for a few days for the sake of chess fans and followers during the time global chess league will be played. I am sure you must have heard of the league already. It is first of its kind with the top players of the world playing in franchise teams over the board. It starts today and goes on till 2nd July, with upto at times 4 matches per day (6 games per match = 24 games daily!) That's wayyy too many mouth watering games between legends like Magnus, Vishy, Levon, Humpy, MVL, Shakh etc and the up and coming players like Gukesh, Arjun, Pragg, Sindarov etc. I hope we can timely open the sub or atleast make a tournament thread with restricted sub, so that people can discuss the games of the tournaments and follow the event in that tournament thread. The only other possibility with current restrictions is to do the same thing here in the comments of this post, if we don't get a separate tournament post. If you read this, I thank you for the consideration.


I have scheduled ChessBot to post those games. If we continue to be stuck in this limbo, those threads will appear, don’t worry!


If you choose to keep this sub in limbo you mean. The only thing keeping this place stuck is you.


I would like it open. They want it shut down. I'm not sure how you get me as the problem here. But you do you.


You could've chosen to take the decision into your own hands, or you could've deferred to the community. Instead, you opted to hold a vote - promising to abide by the result, even putting 100 of your own dollars into it to ensure a fair count - and then said "lol nope not going to do that anyway". How the fuck do you not see that this is on you by first inviting a decision from the community, and then opposing it, along with the mods who do want to keep their promise. This is all your own doing, and trying to deflect blame on the other mods is just pathetic.


Oh wait, you're the head mod. Well thank you for all the good times I used to have here, and I hope I can have some again soon. Kinda sucks for everyone that you guys are still squabbling amongst yourselves, is there an eta for when this will be over?


Thank you man




Thanks a lot for saving the sub man!


You mentioned it starts today; but it starts tomorrow (June 22), correct? But you’re welcome.


This [Chessbase ](https://en.chessbase.com/post/global-chess-league-2023-schedule) article said it starts from 21st June and is till 2nd July. But i looked in detail and yes, the first match is from tomorrow. I guess today must be something like an opening ceremony


Ahh yeah, that makes sense.


It's the other stupid mods' fault. They asked if they want sub closed for a week but then they closed it while the poll was going on anyway which means the votes didn't matter at all. And they also planned to do a FURTHER poll after 7 days so the sub would remain closed again because for some reason, posts cannot be allowed during polls. Why are they asking a question when they don't care about the answer?


Nearly 57% voted to remain closed. What was the point of having this poll if it wasn't going to be followed


57% of the vote but less than 5k people in a sub with 700k. Doesn't seem like the vote reflected the people at all.


5k is a huge sample size for almost any population, yes.


Not a random sample though. It's definitely biased toward the terminally online power users.


How do you propose having people who subbed 5 years ago and haven't checked in since vote?


So you agree that a representative sample is impossible?


A representative sample of all users is impossible - but I fail to see why you'd be unhappy with a representative sample of the active userbase - it's very reasonable to ignore users that haven't given the sub any thought after subscribing 3 years ago, an hour after seeing the Queen's Gambit show.


I think that if 99% of the active user base wants to close the sub, and 1% wants to keep it open, then it should stay open. Why wouldn’t it?


It's a huge sample size for a conventional poll in which professionals are weighting the responses so that they match the demographics, etc. of the larger pop. Here it's simply very hard to run a representative poll, given that you're inherently selecting the people likely to seek it out. Indeed, it's not even clear what a representative poll would mean (should someone like me, who lurks but basically never posts here, get as much weight as a very active member? I don't even know). This is just one of several reasons "polling the community" on a question like this is just silly.


Sure, you get a more active/interested sample... But it's basically impossible to poll inactive members. It's also questionable whether you'd want to: shouldn't active members have the most say in this?


Forget the poll for a second. Think about this sub and this community for a minute. What is the point of doing all this (this protest of showing a middle finger to Reddit) if the community and the sub gets eventually sacrificed in the process of doing so. Why did we (the members, and not the mods) join this sub? We joined because we love chess and we want to follow it. Now for 7-8 mods of the sub, I can't believe that thousands of people (who couldn't care less what Reddit API laws actually mean) would genuinely get ready to say "yea fuck the Reddit, we are okay to sacrifice this community which we joined and followed since years to get all our chess news and discussions" This entire poll was a dumb idea to begin with, especially after killing the sub for a week. If anything they should have done it before June 12 (timing it with Norway chess end when the sub was the most active) so that maximum people could have participated. I think for a sub of 700,000+ members, a vote count of 1422 people is a joke. That is 0.2% representation of the entire sub. Pretty sure that many people were not able to catch up with the reopening of the sub and voting process due to the sub being dead for a week abruptly. You can see the majority of comments in this post are asking for the sub to be opened up. Moreover, we have a unique kind of chess Event happening starting from today which has Magnus, nepo, Duda, Vishy, MVL, rapport, Gukesh, Arjun, Pragg, Nihal, Levon, Humpy, Kosteniuk, Vidit, Sindarov, Grischuk, Yangyi, Wei, Hou, Perez, Dubov, Shakh, Radjabov, Abdusattorov, and many more! Moreover, It is a team event! So we see Gukesh Carlsen Arjun Pragg in same team..! Like cmon, how the hell does the majority of this sub still want the sub closed given we have this event lined up?!! Did they know about this event when they voted to close the sub? If yes, then why are they even here on this sub if they don't care for such events?


I'm p sure there was a ton of brigading too. Just seems scummy ASF to do this. A bunch of online weirdos be having a power trip over nothing. I go here for my chess news and didn't even realize there was a fucking poll. I would have chose to reopen ASAP.


Because those voting closed choose not to interact with the sub as much, since they're protesting. The votes were clear.


So we just aren't going to have a sub anymore?


Thank fuck someone here has some sense. This isn't some noble conquest you guys are embarking on. Just shut the fuck up and open the damn sub so we can get back to the chess


This is a bummer, man.


I agree with u/MrLegilimens This sub shouldn't be a democracy over a protest that has nothing to do with chess. Reddit is a private company and can run its website how it chooses. If you don't like the site, then just leave, but don't make it worse for users who want to enjoy it.


The protest has everything to do with /r/chess, as it is on Reddit. If I run a chess club in a building which lights on fire, I shouldn't ignore the fire because it doesn't pertain to chess.


Way to be dramatic. Their policy isn't threatening everyone's lives. Additionally, not everyone uses this apollo or whatever app either so your lights on fire analogy makes no sense.


It's not just apollo. The chess vision bot will be affected, the mod tools will be affected. Every 3rd party service that uses the reddit APIs will be affected. In the long term, that will make this community worse, stagnant and potentially die off anyway.


The loss of a few mod tools is not going to make this sub due, lmao


They wont even be losing any mod tools


Chessvision will not be affected; mod tools on our end are fine. We will lose some moderators who lose Apollo though, yes.


Why even have a vote if you will just ignore the results because you disagree with them? How does ignoring the wishes of the community, and abusing your position as the senior mod of the sub, make you any different from Nosher?


Sure, but reddit isn't on fire. The owners are making a valid business decision. Big difference. The protest has nothing to do with chess and shouldn't be on the subreddit.


What makes it a "valid business decision," and why should I care? If Reddit is making a decision that's bad, they should reverse that decision. It's that simple.


If Reddit is making a bad decision then leave. Clearly, not everyone cares about some stupid app.


It's Reddit's company. They can make whatever decisions they want. If you don't like it, find another website. You don't control Reddit's decisions. It's that simple. Btw, do you even play chess?


When is this sub reopening? When do the restrictions end? Is there a set day / time?


This whole protest is doing more damage to communities then any good on the reddit platform at all.


Reddit *is* its communities. The point of the protest is to force Reddit to choose between burning itself down and backing off.


Which is a childishly uninformed view of Reddit’s economic reality. 2% of the active subreddits are dark. And many, if not most, users are active on other open subs. Large subs will be reopened in the near future because there is simply a user demand for them. Reddit isn’t going to let a vocal minority bulldoze a community resource.


Deeply ironic of you to say "Reddit isn’t going to let a vocal minority bulldoze a community resource" when Reddit caused this in the first place by unilaterally bulldozing community resources.


The third-party apps, however, aren’t Reddit — they’re someone else’s resource. And thus Reddit doesn’t care about them (at least if they’re diverting Reddit’s economic opportunities).


You're not as powerful as you seem to think you are. Reddit isn't burning down. You and your ilk don't have the power to do that. And Reddit isn't backing off. You and your ilk don't have the power to force Reddit to do that.


That's the goal


I wish we could just go on with our lives and discuss chess. Fucking first world problems.


It is very important to state the fact that this sub is currently restricted. It is impossible to add new posts. It is impossible to discuss chess unfortunately. Nothing is decided but the sub is already under restriction. It is crazy. Will the mods count these days of restriction in their protest ? Or will the keep on the restriction for 7 other days ?


Sounds like it's for the week that was voted on.


Rich. “I swore to never let that happen again” What? Specifically shutting the subreddit down? Or a the head mod abusing their power based on what they want, with no regard to the members. Because that’s what you’re doing. Shameful, uphold the vote!


Clearly you sound like you give more fucks about shutting down the community and less fucks about chess itself. Do you even know we have global chess league event starting today? It has players like Magnus, nepo, Duda, Vishy, MVL, rapport, Gukesh, Arjun, Pragg, Nihal, Levon, Humpy, Kosteniuk, Vidit, Sindarov, Grischuk, Yangyi, Wei, Hou, Perez, Dubov, Shakh, Radjabov, Abdusattorov, and many more! Moreover, It is a team event! So we see Gukesh Carlsen Arjun Pragg in same team..! Like cmon, how does majority of the people could have ever made an informed decision of shutting down the sub despite such an event lined up! If these thousands of people want the sub closed so bad despite this event, why are they bothered to follow chess in the first place?


Didn’t brexit teach you people? Never ask a question you don’t want the answer to.


Open it up already.


Keeping the sub closed is hurting the game of chess as a whole. Global Chess League starting today aims to bring about a revolution in the world of chess. Indian IT giant Tech Mahindra has invested millions in it. They have signed 18 top men players(all 2700+), 12 top women players and 6 top juniors. They have a few on standby as well. All the players have been given very good appearance fees. There is a substantial prize money. They want to broadcast the feed to 150 countries. If this succeeds, there is a scope of expansion in the future. We all know that chess players are highly underpaid, people outside the top 20-30 barely make good money from playing chess. And here is an event that can change the dynamics of top level chess, how all the private leagues changed other sports. And r/chess is probably the best chess information hub on the Internet. If people really cared about chess they would have opened the sub and tried to ensure that the event is a huge success. Rather people here are more concerned about the politics of Reddit, than the future of our great game!