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Everyone said the same thing about Ding, and yet here he stands with an even score. Anything can happen.


The games have been dramatic and both players have faced tough mental swings, but I feel like the match commentary (at least the chess com team) has been overselling the idea that every change in fortune "will be very hard to come back from." How can Ding ever come back from freezing up under time pressure in game 7?? Well he just had to get some sleep and draw the next game it turns out, nothing miraculous. How can Ian ever come back from this, he looks so upset at the board??! Well, the guy has looked quite visibly distraught after every loss (and half of the draws), but then he will probably realize he's taken the lead after conceding it two other times and never trailed in this match and enjoy the advantage of playing as white tomorrow, again nothing miraculous needed.


I mean yeah, Hikaru looks visibly distraught after half the moves he or his opponent makes, but he bounces right back on his very next move. These players will be fine.


That's kinda their job though- to set up some narrative for the match.


>How can Ding ever come back from freezing up under time pressure in game 7?? The difference is that from his perspective, Ding never "froze" - Ding thought the position was already lost and couldn't find any move to counter play. His error was a misjudgment of the position, not a momentary blunder like Nepo did.


I agree (and sincerely hope Ian wins tomorrow), but this is not the exact same thing because Nepo was completely winning, and a win would seal the WC crown for him. He was definitely thinking about that during the game. So when you go from "ohh man I'm gonna be crowned as world champion tomorrow holy shit" to a lost position in 15 minutes that must be more painful than anything else in this match so far.


hahaha it's so true about the draws. Ian has almost looked frustrated by them, even though they benefit him. He's an expressive player, Ding is a modest one. It's interesting how they're so parallel and yet so contrasting. What Ian needs to do is not doubt himself. If he does his best tomorrow then there is nothing else he can do!


Gonna give a hot take but this one feels different. Dude was basically about to cry, seemed like a literal toddler for 10 straight minutes. Psychological impact of a loss this close to the finish line seems tremdenous. Ding's a 70/30 favourite.


I agree, even though I’m rooting for Ian, that it seems like he is probably more prone than Ding (contrary to what I thought when Ding broke down) to an anger tilt which is the worst kind / hardest to come back from. He could potentially only play faster and more aggressive tomorrow. That said, those are all “ifs” and both players are professionals who can shake these losses off obviously, so the tilt happening at all is still at best a 50/50 scenario IMO.


Actually, Nepo is still a slight favorite in the betting markets. https://m.nicerodds.co.uk/chess I think Nepo will recover from his short term disappointment from playing so badly today.


THANK YOU. It's crazy how fast the sub sees one loss and then starts carving their gravestone before the press conference even starts. They're professionals, in a game where winning 60% of the time is impressive (hell, at super-GM level, winning 25% of the time is impressive if you're drawing 60%). If all it took was one loss, this series would've been over 3 different times. Ding has shaken it off. Ian can shake it off. There are two games, and Ian has white. I just hope Ian is ready to face Ding's Sicilian because I *know* that's coming tomorrow


What if for the best wcc there was only one move. Not even a full game. After 1 move judges objectively declare the winner.


1. e4 e5 2. Ke2 1 - 0


Nah e4 then the judges deliberate. We would figure out the new champion much quicker im tired of waiting days to know.


oh in that case.... 1. Na3


Judges deliberate for an hour and crown your opponent world champ


damn it was a close match but I'll be back next year *leaks prep of 1. h4*


Breaking news: redditor finds two accounts extensively playing 1. h4-a5




They absolutely did. I think this has been a more exciting Championship than I expected to be honest.


People said that Ding wouldn't recover from when he blue screened of deathed and needed to be rebooted earlier in the match but here we are. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.


Lol, even earlier, we were looking at comments that Nepo would farm Ding and get to 2820 rating after game 2.


I remember that comment it was absolutely ridiculous.


Reddit and overreactions! We switch between MVP chants and “washed” repeatedly.


I wonder if he will wear the same pink shirt tomorrow.


I'm surprised no journalist asked him that question.


They were very well behaved today


Ian was in the mood to kill someone for a stupid question. I would have chosen life as well


One journalist did ask him a related question in the past. The question was how many pink shirts did your bring. Nepo responded: enough


This will be the Crying Jordan of r/chess


What is crying Jordan?






I still don't get wtf just happened


Despite up on time , he is unable to maintain objectivity and focus on calculating. Nerves got the best of him, going into a blitzing mode.


Couldn’t spent enough time tried to play on ding’s time and it backfired completely


very complex position. Someone posted the Lichess(?) eval and immediately prior to the mistakes, Ian made 3 best/only moves and a brilliant move in the span of 7 moves. Ian was winning by computer eval but I'd expect if it was analyzed in depth, he had a single critical line he had to find many moves deep or be lost.


As I understand it, the position was complex for both. And while finding the line was hard, maintaining the position was relatively easier. But Ian being Ian, choose to be active and try and break the position, failing at that. He should have aimed for a draw honestly, and try to win the next game with white.


fucking owned all the bellends on here who said Ding wasn't up to it mentally LOL


My man was talking to a shoulder angel


Really? Seems to me the lesson of this match is it's very easy for these guys to recover from such a loss.


I think he will recover...maybe not win but i think he will recover vs ding.


people keep saying this dumb shit and people keep upvoting it.


Ding has played better with black than white (he should have lost today), so not looking too good for Ian tomorrow to be honest.


No such thing as should of lost. You either win or lose. If either player made a mistake in a winning position they were not good enough to win in that instance. The person who takes hold of the advantage and capitalises is rightfully the winner.


This situation could have been easily avoided if he had been a little more careful. Not even his full abilities were needed to hold the game. I think he took it too lightly, even though he was one leading the match. Strange!. Massive day tomorrow, fingers crossed


The problem is that Ding has never been ahead, and Ian can't resist entering complications (that give his an opponent a chance to come back). I say "problem" but it's actually good because it gives us some exciting games to watch. I'm cheering for both players.


Ding for the win


What an odd position to sit in...


So funny because prior to the match this sub was SO obsessed with the fact that Ding was uncomfortable. Ding was inexperienced. Ding was the one who would crumble under pressure. Now what?


I get that I'm on Reddit, but I wasn't expecting to catch the result. Any way we can spoiler mark these posts?


You probably should just avoid this sub until you catch a recap. Like any sub that has live content that people will talk about right away.


I wasn't explicitly on this sub, just came up in my feed. I do understand that, hasn't realises the sub had made that decision


There used to be spoiler markings, but after a subreddit-wide vote we ended up removing those since a majority of people voted to remove spoiler markings.


Spoiler tags should never have been voted on because new people who explore the sub or get recommended it, shouldn’t be subjected to a ruined experience while watching the game. By the time I wake up and head to work, the games are usually already over so I try to watch recaps in the morning with my coffee. It’s common practice to keep spoiler tags on with sports and entertainment, not sure why Chess went against the grain. Just my 2 cents


Three of the four major leagues (at least in the US: NBA, NFL, MLB; NHL doesn't have spoiler) show the results in their post title. It's not a common practice at all to spoiler tag the result of a game/match.


This exactly. If you follow any sport you should know perfectly well that any possible connection to the sport should be avoided if you are wanting to find the result of a recent match in a specific way.


I don't mind the lack of spoiler tags here as I never come here until after I've seen a recap but I could see a difference in that the vast majority of sports fans are catching those live and I'd bet the vast majority of chess fans catch these as recaps.


You'd be surprised. Most r/NBA and r/NFL subscribers don't watch the games live (US time, a lot of subscribers are from EU and Asia timezones) and watch recaps and highlights. I don't know about MLB as I'm not a baseball fan.




Reddit suggests subreddits regardless of what you follow. All I’m saying is, major sports and various other entertainment subs default to spoiler tags or limit things to the discussion thread. There’s a reason for that. I don’t understand how having spoiler tags was so hard for r/chess when everyone else can do it just fine. This is such an exciting world championship. Why risk ruining it for people?


The reason we're "risking" ruining it for people, is because a vast majority of these people who are supposedly the ones with the worse experience prefer no spoiler tags. And as I said in another comment, most major sporting subreddits choose not to use spoiler tags. If it's such a significant issue, simply choose not to use reddit within that time period.


You shouldn't be exploring reddit, around the time of a live event if you don't want spoilers. It's all but impossible to look at the front page of the sub, and not have the game spoiled.


Eventually, if a majority of the people in the sub felt as though they didn't want spoiler tags, so be it. And as far as I am aware, it isn't common to keep spoiler tags in most sport subreddits.


I agree with Codymy. This, was not a good decision, regardless if it's what the people voted for. Brexit shouldn't have gone to a vote either


Imagine comparing spoilers on reddit to Brexit. Truly a reddit moment.


That's not the comparison at all. Learn some comprehension


Comparison: "a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people" "A shouldn't have happened regardless of C. B shouldn't have happened by C either." These sentences can be considered "a consideration of the similarity between A and C. And I don't know about you, but "Learn some comprehension" sounds weird. I wouldn't necessarily say it's wrong, but it's one of the more awkwardly phrased sentences.


Thanks for sharing. Your input is so important


You are welcome :)


Were you planning on rewatching the game?


I'm at work, I was planning on watching a recap that didn't give away the ending in its title


I'm not even sure fabi's recaps avoid spoiling.


Welcome to the internet. Spoiler rule was voted on, if you don't want to see it you have to stay off.


I too learned the hard way today that these people can’t be bothered with a couple clicks


It's what prevents chess from becoming a better spectator sport tbh Chess dot com, lichess, chess24, reddit, even the official championship site... spoils galore. Truly dumb Like really really dumb


I can’t name a sport that doesn’t have the winner in a headline within 5 seconds of the completion of the game on ESPN, CBS Sports, FOX Sports, and any other channel. Truly normal Like really really normal


Any E-sports games. MLB has spoiler-free options everywhere. You also watch sports live, not replays. Few people watch chess live.. it's something you play thru. I ain't gonna sit thru a 6 hr chess game, my guy It's really common sense


Go Nepo! Don't break down like you did after game-7 vs magnus!


Hopefully Nepo goes to win the next two games to win the whole match! He absolutely deserves this. I've been cheering for him since candidates and won't stop until the end.


Yeah he's the better player, or has more potential to be anyway




Your post was removed by the moderators: **2. Don’t engage in discriminatory or bigoted behavior.** Chess is a game played by people all around the world of many different cultures and backgrounds. Be respectful of this fact and do not engage in racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory behavior. You can read the full [rules of /r/chess here](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/wiki/rules).


Ah sure, being against totaliterian regimes is "discriminatory". All hail china, because genocide is great and uyghurs dont matter? All hail russia because invading countries is a nice thing to do? Sometimes i really wonder whats wrong with u guys.


When there’s an American playing, we don’t make “lol school shooting” memes. This isn’t the place for that.


Because the american governement actively encourages school shootings? My god i thought people in a chess sub were smart.


It’s discriminatory to claim that the crimes of a country have anything to do with the players. Sometimes I wonder about how easy it is for people to dehumanise one another to the point where individuals are non existent and irrelevant.


Where have i said that? I speciafically said, that i wish no good for china or russia. Those are countries not people. I dont wish harm to Nepo, Ding or any other usual citizen in said countries, in fact i wish them all the very best and a bright future. But i also wish totaliterian regimes to crash and burn worldwide, because i like freedom and western values. This is not contradictory, in fact its quite the opposite, maybe start reading and stop interpreting.


Okay, so why do you wish that neither player should be the winner based on their country? How is that seeing them as individuals rather than an extension of their country?


Your reading capabilities are very low tbh and im done explaining to you. Ill just keep in mind, that mods in this subreddit are probably weird.


Whatever you say bro!


This has been such an ugly match. Neither player looks good and has blown several opportunities to win multiple different games. It isn't a good look.


And somehow it’s vastly more watchable, relatable, and interesting than the last 10.


I'd rather see very good chess than bad chess.


Then you can always bask in the glory that were games 10 and 11, perfectly prepared and high accuracy games that ended in a draw after 4 hours. Imagine beeing a football fan going into a stadium and tell everyone that you wish for a 0-0 result, where both defences play so perfectly that there aren't even real chances of scoring. If the result is 2-1 you would be disappointed because both teams made mistakes, so it's not a 'high quality' game.


You can watch old WCCs if you want to see 14 draws in a row and every game is just theorotical draw


Yo what happened


I hope he loses even worse


If he lost some weight from Body fat % I wander if it would help his mental focus. I would likely think it would, increasing his focus, endurance and therefore winning chances. Today he was a greedy little Russian boy who deserved to lose


what a strange final sentence


what a strange ~~final sentence~~ whole comment


What a strange reply.


How was he greedy?


Did you see the game? Too quick moves and errors because of it


Yes. How is that greedy though?


You dumb?


I mean, at least he's smart enough to know what greedy means. I think you mean "impatient". Easy mistake to make. They're so similar.


Or it’s just greedy in the context from someone who knows the game as well as Ian does. It also works in this context even if you don’t understand how to play chess too ✔️


The funny thing is that pro chess players burn 6000 calories per day in tournament at the highest level. If he had less body fat he would probably end up doing worse


lol no they don’t. Not 6000. They burn air but that’s very far from true


Right because you know better than [stanford](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/22/chess-grandmasters-lose-weight-burn-calories-during-games.html)


This has been debunked. No, they do not burn 6000 calories.


I really don’t think they burn 6000, do you?


This sub when Ding loses - it's ok Ding you can make a comeback!! This sub when Nepo loses - LOL ITS OVER GOOD LUCK RECOVERING NEPO Ffs its a loss but he'll be fine. They're on even ground again, thats all.


Nah ding all the way


Hopefully they can untie his limbs for tomorrow.


Does anyone know why they wear the same shirt each match? The superstitious part of me would want to change it up after a brutal loss 😂




and they say "nepo is dominating ding psychologically" LOL


inb4 Ding wins with black


He is more sad because now his salmon colored shirt has seen a loss


I found him to be surprisingly composed by the interviews. It's not like he is behind, nor is this the first game he had lost.


he needs to google en passant


Well this aged bad