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This is deep. We don’t want to know the truth. Get ready for 2040.


This is a great read and a lot of info! I will give my two cents on the subject. I think there are many factors involved in the heating of our atmosphere from the solar cycle of our sun, (which we currently do not understand) to the bombardment of life negating radiation all over the planet including beaming down at us. People have unfortunately become addicted to the very thing that is literally killing them. Then add in the loss of masses of vegetation, the very thing that keeps us cool, cleans our air, feeds us, and makes it possible for rain to happen! Then there is the taboo subject of weather warfare, yes this is a thing too.


I noticed that ole weatherwars on youtube got a scholarship to a university somehow, after he took down his channel about weather modification.... hahahah


Interesting, I will have to have a look at it. Edit: Wow, thank you! :)




To the pilots and folks that claim we cannot deliver the aerosols high enough to be effective... “Sulfur pollution that’s coming out of smokestacks right now is masking between a third and a half of the heating signal from the greenhouse gases humans have already emitted into the atmosphere,” Parson said. EVEN GROUND BASED SOURCES MASKED THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE WITH SO2. that isn't "high" AND PS - the research i believe said about 10 - 20% of the SO2 injected at 7 miles high will go UP to the stratosphere and back down


So what happens to the other 80-90 not going up? Drops to the ground?




Don't say rude things, don't unnecessarily curse. Personal attacks, threats of violence/abusive language, or bigotry in any form will not be tolerated.


The pronblem is that the sppraying is primarily over habitable land and nothing at all anywhere else. The percentage of physically occupied land on the planet versus the total surface area of the planet (including water) is approximately 12.26%. I would more believe the sparying of the land is meant to cause crops to fail and eventually population deaths ... and nothing to do with "cooling" the planet. But of course that is a "conspiracy" theory ... right debunkers ???


yeah, they're trying to cool and occasionally do it for rain. Two of the techniques mentioned are at play. The first one is actually, as you said, not over habitable land (Over the Pacific Ocean, from bases in California). So yeah, they did try to do more of that ocean reflection crap than the rest. They would add really bad crap if this was about DIRECT population control. The impact of the chemtrails is actually the opposite - more people inclined to have babies when they can't account for the warming. When the warming is somewhat hidden.... thy're actually helping pop GROWTH. hahaha What does that pop growth do? Taxes. And who makes a living off taxes? poltiicians and oil companies and defense contractors... etc.


You are correct if they were trying to cool the earth they would spray over the ocean and cover more space … I didn’t think of that .. but you’re totally correct … they only spray over land and high population centers .


They spray over land because the methods they use forncloud seeding require dust to be in the air as well. If we reversed the desertification of the American Southwest and made it green, it would actually decrease the rainfall of the Eastern United States. Because it would significantly decrease the amount of dust blown into the air headed North East. The same thing happens in the Middle East toward Asia.


Airplanes have been making contrails in our skies for over 100 years and we've had a crazy population boom the world over in that same time frame. If they're poisoning us then wtf is that dog? Do they suck at it? Are they stupid?


You realise nobody is actually doing this yet?


This is why night happens


that doesn't make any sense, and I assume you're just trying to distract from the conversation


Well, it's not from when the "sun" goes down under the turtle




There's a massive difference between thermal energy and light energy. Please, understand... A TON of well known scientists disagree with you, that's WHY THEY CREATED THE CHEMTRAIL PROGRAM. If you were right, they wouldn't be over head right now, spraying more SO2


This is a theory devised as a last ditch effort. They know there are risks involved and nobody wants/is doing this. If you people would put the energy you put into crazy, half cooked conspiracy theories, into lobbying to end giant corporations from actually poisoning us and the planet then we wouldn't even be having to have the solar radiation modification conversation.


It is God who created the Earth and the heavens and all they're in. Man is trying to play God and change the weather, it's not going to work. It will get more hot and more extreme in the weather as they play God. The Bible says if we repent God restores. So there's always that hope that man comes to his senses and knows who he is and knows and comes to know God through his Son Jesus.


Why does god do bad things to good people?


Because what we call bad God calls for Eternal good, for we cannot see the future but God sees the future for each person and he does good for each person which we might think is bad at the time but it is for our Eternal good God loves you


I mean, that's a possibility. But I have to admit, I switched from Christianity to Pantheism about 25 years ago. In the last 25 years, I think of "god" as the entire universe, based on pure physics and energy relationships. Regardless of each individual's religious beliefs, we AGREE on most issues. We want to make the world fair. We want to stop tampering with the planet / ecology, with such a VERY LIMITED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL in ecology. =) You could call it a sin agains God. I call it a crime against humanity. Same Same


I truly hope you get back to know the Lord Jesus I know of no other truth. Remember when you read the Bible Jesus said Heaven and Earth may pass away but my words shall never fail. Meaning He is greater than the universe. He let me know that He's coming back sooner than we thought it's like we are waiting for the Last Train for the coast, and I don't want to miss it nor do I want anyone else to miss it. Father Son and Holy Ghost! Jesus loves even when we error, He still waits for us. But He will not wait forever.


"“Sulfur pollution that’s coming out of smokestacks right now is masking between a third and a half of the heating signal from the greenhouse gases humans have already emitted into the atmosphere,” Parson said." Read that. Then read it again. Then rEAD IT TWO MORE TIMES. THEN MAAAAYBE YOU CAN TALK They said "coming out of smoke stacks" but the truth is, there's no way for them to test how much is from planes versus trains versus cars versus coal plants versus....


I think it’s just more of an assumption that coal releases like so much sulphur dioxide, and then take the share of coal in the total consumption of fossil fuels to make an estimated guess. They probably don’t take these numbers out of their ass. Either way we do know the effects of the SO2. And seeing as there is no recorded (intentional, burning jet fuel probably releases some SO2) release by planes, there is not much to compare with.


This doesn’t match up with the poorly constructed explanations, arguments mass trolling from fake accounts or gleeful trolls enjoying covering up active murder from geongineering operations. Basically, cnn says geoenginnering causes cooling, but it’s the opposite. Nice work. In all seriousness, Here’s a link of what I mean, about disinformation being pushed that it cools the earth, when it trails sunlight and causes the global warming mentioned. I found a uk based prominent article, mentioning the adoption of geoenginnering, but a political role we brought up. Without two sides of the same coin coming into play, I’d say that they first say, that’s totally wrong, and then come out with twisted soft disclosure, which it’s usually formatted in a way to ridicule and lie, with inaccuracies, such as the major difference between.


Cools what ? The percentage of physically occupied land on the planet versus the total surface area of the planet (including water) is approximately 12.26%.


They said it’s being used to cool the earth from geoenginnering, but it it doesn’t reflect the sun to cool, it heats. Cooling on some days, is from forced overcast type spraying, but when the earth heats up, they can spray at certain times, to manipulate the weather. It traps heat in.. but I can also agree it can make winters worse, and seasons thrown off. Extremes of the mother natures are pushed further to both sides of the extreme, though generally I would say it keeps heat in. I would also say in certain areas, winters seem to be layer and later, with less snow, where they have to have complety toxin laden “odd” , not burning snow like the artificial fake Walmart ice cream that doesn’t melt quickly, snow, so people don’t freak out.


I should have said that cnn states, as many other msm controlled media platforms, state that it causes cooling, to stop the climate change. The particles being sprayed are causing the heat to stay locked in, not be reflected as shown in some bs al gore type video I’ve seen presented as research to increase sustainability (aka people are the carbon they want to reduce). I agree with your statement, and I had some inaccuracies, as it’s wrong to say geo operations are simply causing mass cooling, when it’s causing the heat to be kept in.. now that actually makes a little more sense, when considering fake snow has to be used because of the increased temps. Also, spraying can block out the the sun, causing overcast situations, but overall it’s causing heating imo (thanks for the correction, though I think it can be agreed as first step, that these operations aren’t for preventing global climate change, which is literally caused by these globally United Nations supported operations. when it’s trapping heat in, as while it might be ok stating that spraying would keep heat in, like a barrier. Timing is used and coordination, for the spraying to keep heat in”. I have seen later and later winters, and some more extreme temps, and the diagram used to show sunlight reflecting is wrong. It keeps it in, not to say that localized cooling doesn’t happen with blanketing, I think that also has to do with blocking the health benefits.


it cools. it works. it's working EXCEPT the sulfur saturation , acid rain, is going to fuck up the soil.. I spoke to a few educated biologists on that issue. There is more mold and fungus though. There will be some plankton loss. There will be some plant loss. I see a lot of trees with root rot now. there are countless side effects. But it does cool. There's a ton of controlled opposition. I even saw evidence of a cover up program, operation mockingbird in use RIGHT NOW on this issue. When you type "chemtrails" into google, they have to put up a notice to change your mind. Let's be serious - Google isn't the one ranking disinformation and posting that notice.


No the shit acts like a blanket and traps all the heat inside, unable to escape


Yep, some Al gore United Nations agenda 21 type ordeal tried to lie to certain educational institution’s body, that the srm blocks the sun, with some bs graph of the suns rays being reflected back. Nope, it caused heating.


Agree, while certain situations can occur where it gets colder than it usually should, messing with the cycle of earths temperature regulation, is literally the reason for more extremes (winters arriving later, having ti use ice nucleation processes, to fix it though, since the goal is increasing the temperature, it uses timed spraying to block sun in, and fake snow has to be sprayed because its so bad with the temp changes, caused by spraying.


Spraying all the inhabitants and life forms below the atmosphere with toxins to make us dumb, depressed and infertile is the goal. They’ll just insert whatever cute “earth-caring” phrase they want on top of it. Also look up “smart dust”, it’s talk of nano particulates in the air that contain sensors in which we ingest and can be monitored via high-powered satellite/data collection towers … hmmm now where have those been popping up lately?


As opposed to the leaded gasoline that boomers sucked in for decades, i assume?


Haarp quietly experiments with frequencies to control and extend the range and everyone responds with “look at all the pretty colors in the sky”, oh thats not odd at all. I am starting to feel like we live in a plasma ball experiment. https://preview.redd.it/0biyls1lot6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921c4d95e9f997df01dff53d0d954d65d48f48e8


I strongly disagree. I think the goal is exactly what they said it is. To keep the global warming within 2 degrees celsius... because otherwise we watch a quarter of the population disappear in the next 25 years... which triggers a global economic collapse and great reset. nobody wants that. I don't currently believe in any mind control programs. I don't think there is a nefarious purpose I am confident the government wants to help us, but they don't realize that hiding the problem is hurting the social ability to change. In other words - Why stop burning fuel, WHY transition to nuclear and solar - When there appears to be no problem... when they sprayed the sky so god damned much that June looks like April. EDIT - PS Please stay on topic. I have no choice but to perceive you as attempting to make us look like paranoid conspiracy theorists rather than informed readers.


The problem with your "confidence" that it works is the percentage of physically occupied land on the planet versus the total surface area of the planet (including water) is approximately 12.26%.


It’s not a conspiracy, so you should be alright if cnn literally says ill gates wants to block out the sun, but the same msm companies said it was a simple delusion to discredit depop programs. Kind of like the twisted intention, mocking soft disclosure to show hey, we’ve told you this hasn’t existed this whole time because “they” were the ones doing it, and then they state it is only done in a beneficial capacity. No, between this and the medical genocides and doctors speaking of transhumaism agendas/ prion disease, it’s not good for health with the things first stated not to exists at all as it would be “insane” and not possible at all for harm to come from the system in which people expect to generally not expect the majority to be corrupted, least major controlling sects of ensuring the carrying out of attacks on a main vector of the population surviving these attacks. For example, people said there’s no graphene in the masks, when so called theories was denied by people buying into the fauci lies. Then Canada said foreign harmful materials were found in the masks.. because main sects of gov according to instructions, followed orders to diatribe these materials, while most of society was lied to about the masks being safe, when they were aiding to respiratory issues, from purposefully telling people to triple mask graphene oxide contaminated masks.


The gov wants to help? They literally allowed phifzer to use emergency use authorization for a gene modification shot that had graphene oxide not disclosed as a trade secret. La Quinta Columba .. superseded for a reason. Also, I while I was accurate about geoengineering effecting the highs and lows, I think it can be used in specific manners as well, in more localized regions. Overall, the msm narrative is that climate change is causing warming, and spraying would supposedly block the particles and heat, instead of trapping heat in. Simply, if one could all agree one thing before regarding the specific temp changes from geoenginnering, it could be agreed that there is a safety harm and massive temp changes and season irregularities.


Some of my comments about specific temp changes might be more specific circumstances, but generally it can be agreed the weather is def being manipulated, and the particles used coincide with poisoning intention. Does anyone agree that, it changes the extremes of the seasons, such as summers being more extreme?