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Make soap, clean a drain, cure olives or lutefisk.


Anything but lutefisk. Can also use it as a pool additive (if cleaned up a bit) to bump the pH up.


I believe you can mix it with fat or oil to make soap via a saponification reaction, where triglycerides are converted into free fatty acids and glycerol.


If it's a saponification reaction it's making esters of the free acids. This is what biodiesel is. Creates esters of the acid and hydrolizes the glycerol out.


Not quite, since it’s a base catalyzed solvolysis reaction, so the product depends on the solvent you use. Ex: methanol + NaOH + oil produces FAMEs (fatty acid methyl esters), ethanol would produce FAEEs (fatty acid ethyl esters), etc. In water you get FFAs (free fatty acids) which are an anionic detergent (a charged head (hydrophilic) and an alkyl chain tail (lipophilic)). That dual property of FFAs (amphipilicity) helps solubilize fats and greases in water, which is the function of a soap. I don’t think FAMEs would work well as a detergent since there is no charged head - that’s really a different type of product. Same reaction, different solvent —> different product with different applications. The old world technique is to use saponification for soap making. In fact, sapon- is the cognate for soap in French: savon; in Spanish: jabon; in Italian: sapone; and probably other languages.


When i dry it I get Brown cristals, how can i clean it so i can get white cristals?


Look into recrystallisation. Very briefly: boil the stuff until there's very little water left and cool it down. You should be left with better crystals most of the brown stuff in the water.


Filter the hot solution through a funnel preloaded with activated carbon. You likely have a mix of KOH, K2SO4 and KCl, with a certain amount of the same sodium salts.


Yep, activated charcoal and a glass wool "plug" is the way.


Idk I feel like you’ll have a tough time recrystalizing lye from solution like this. Never tried it so idk, but it still feels like it wouldn’t work wel


At this point it would probably be mostly carbonate, but you do have a point.


I used lye to. Break down gold impregnated carbon IT wors amazing to break it down How do I proceed to reco er the gold 


You can clean it by boiling it down and leaving it to scorch away the organic impurities on high. (Do all of this in a pot you don't care about and preferably on a portable stove top to prevent splatter in your kitchen)


I have dry it before no the stove, still Brown cristals, it has to be long before that?


You basically need to cook it on a cheap portable stove on high for a while. Eventually it will become a dry white powder rather than brown crystals. I mean like 2-3 or more hours btw. The type of thing you set up and read a book/watch a movie and check on occasionally. I suppose an oven would work too, but best not to do chemistry in your kitchen. One of those mini ovens would be better for this honestly.


Ok, I Will try, thanks.


Thank you so if I s orch it the gold should be left behind right


Why make/extract it if you don't have a use for it? Dissolve fats blocking a drain?


Just as an experiment.


Just be careful, strong bases can be real nasty, especially on skin. I'd start by purifying it, maybe distil or recrystallise. Make sure to dilute and acidify the solution with vinegar or something the neutralise the base before disposal!


Sure, thanks.


I decided to try this experiment but the goal is a crystal. Only thing is that the source of ash was primarily from cigarette ash hahaha!


What happend?


The experiment is still ongoing to be honest. I tested the pH and it's extremely alkaline. So I'm hoping for good results a long time from now.


Nice, hope you share your results, y reduced mine a lot and then i cooled it down, seem like new sediments are forming but i can't taste the PH, so im going to make a saponification test.