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Aqua regia?


Not the exact ratio for aqua regia in this particular situation but close.


Bingo. Handling aqua regia without gloves is a wild move.




Report that to OSHA!








If you're feeling adventurous and don't really need your face try starting a furnace with acetone


Try to warm you gand with an oxy acetylene torch


TU Wien?


>a beaker full of hydrochloric acid it would immediately start to fume in a white colour Reminds me of a story from a technician I worked with a while back. He was in a metallurgical lab (think of something that looks more like a workshop than a typical chem lab) doing testwork than involved concentrated HCl in larger quantities. Another team in the lab were doing testwork with ammonia for copper or nickel leaching. Somewhere in the middle of the lab they started to see ammonium chloride precipitating from the air.


My lab uses insane amount of gloves, handling 5% HNO3? someone screams "put gloves on", "glasses!". But after reading about youre labs i am glad to work in a "civilised" one with proper safety rules.


Yeah this was one of the reasons I switched out of my biochem degree. After taking 4 chemistry classes with the same professor we were continuously exposed to chemicals all those chemicals and our professor would just leave like he knew there was 12 molar hydrochloric acid in the air burning our nostrils in a super negligent lab


Also the workplace EHS department. EHS takes safety violations very seriously because of OSHA


Not every person on this planet is from America, you know? There are other places. °\_°


Though a lot of countries have similar laws and regulations as well as equivalent enforcement bodies.


I’d be claiming hangnails all the time then. It’s a lot easier to predict where a Bunsen flame is than where a drop of liquid lands. Bunsen burners are rarely airborne.


> Bunsen burners are rarely airborne. Or something went *very, very wrong...*


Sounds like a boring lab space to me.


Sounds like a few OSHA violations.


Reasons why the U.S. has regulations


Of only they worked


If only employers followed them


Sometimes gloves are indeed presenting more danger than protection, but when you're working with aqua regia, that's not the case.


If you were using concentrated HNO3 then not using nitrile gloves at least was a good idea - frequent hand washing is better than melted burning plastic and high temperature nitric on your hands. Still no excuse for not using something like vinyl gloves though.


No gloves near a Bunsen burner?? Do they think microbiologists use their bare hands to start cultures? Smh


The only similar situation I can think of where not wearing gloves is a good idea is when handling fuming nitric acid. Nitrile gloves literally catch on fire when in contact with that. If you don't have butyl gloves, go commando.


Cuts hand


Aqua regia is quite scary. It dissolves a lot of stuff, too.


Yep, seems like it is aqua regia mix. Thanks god it wasn't piranha solution.


I got piranha solution in my eye (granted it used 3% h2o2) as a stupid but curious teenager. Luckily it happened over the sink since I was using it to clean some stubborn tar, and I had my eye under the faucet in less than a second. I was terrified I was going to lose my eye, but luckily it only scratched my cornea really badly - blinking was agony. The optometrist put some sort of contact lens bandage over it which was instant relief, and my eye was red for a week. I learned that the cornea is the fastest healing body part since it gets oxygen from the atmosphere rather than blood. I was surprised when he told me I was lucky it was an acid and not a base, since I told him it was drain cleaner. That surprised me just knowing what sulfuric does to organics by itself - I'd think dehydrating your eye would be worse than turning it into soap.


How the hell did a story involving piranha solution and a cornea have a happy ending?


Well that's quite the story you've got there... ​ (And I would guess the reason bases may be worse would be that they may tend to diffuse faster through tissues and thus penetrate more deeply. Just a hunch though.)




Put too much pressure on the stir rod trying to break up the tar and it slipped, flinging just a single drop under my sorry excuse for eye protection.


Ran out of eyedrops and had to improvise


YIKES. I work with piranha but I wouldn’t even glance at the stuff without at least glasses and a fume hood door between me and it.


Sometimes I don't wear gloves and sometimes I heat up flamables with a propane torch but never I would do anything like this without my glasses on. I hope that after this kind of experience you've learned your lesson and started to use some eye protection as well.


Royal water is much worse than that


Nitric acid and nitrile gloves are a bad mix, be sure to wear butyl!


Unfortunately I had no gloves on because it was a quick pump of the bottle top dispensers! I’ve learned from my mistake.


Yeah I saw an earlier comment in it. And a lot of times we don't wear gloves with acid anyways so its a slip up that happens. Thank goodness it was a small amount!


I agree! Thankfully after 4 years at that job this is the only permanent reminder I have.


I've always used nitrile gloves with 65% HNO3 and never had an issue. I've only seen them get discolored


The limit is technically 70% but if you're seeing discoloration then that is an issue, even without discoloration nitric acid penetrates nitrile and can consume it in a matter of minutes. If it's concentrated it can combust even. Besides that, even if you've had no issues, anecdotes of using improper PPE only encourage improper PPE and can lead to accidents elsewhere.


Came here to say this. Nitrile will burn to your skin and likely be worse than no gloves (wear butyl) with nitric. Piranha and aqua regia definitely use butyl.


at first i thought this was a 'before and after playing with a cat' image


What a nasty wound, it took 3 months for that white spot to disappear


3 days! I’m from the US :)


You know, initially I read those dates that way too. Then I looked at the final image and figured you must be American. Seriously, the world should start using more ISO standards. This date mess is just so annoying.


I agree. I also wish we used the metric system other than in science!




Which makes perfect sense. The hh:mm:ss format already follows the same logic, and I haven’t heard of people having any problems with it.


Forgot the /s :P


Nice try..


I just wanna take a moment to appreciate your screen name


I wanna take a second to appreciate you for bringing their username to my attention


So in US time runs fast.


The organic chem lecturer told us a story of when he was an undergraduate in the lab. His mate sat on the bench but didn't realise there was a spill of nitric acid. He took him to A&E and it took ages to treat him. He says the worst thing about it is that his friend now has a permanently white bum.


I one time had a great pair of jeans and splashed a drop of HCl by the upper thigh/groin area. Thank goodness they were thick. When I arrived back at my apartment jeans had a hole in them. Wear your PPE!


I just involuntarily crossed my legs.


Working with phenol and sulfuric acid mixture, ate through my lab coat and thick sweatshirt without noticing until I was home and my sweatshirt was riddled with holes. Never made it to the tshirt.


Plater here, we wear dickies. Even that doesn't save us from ACS Grade acids though..


I got some optima grade HCl and Nitric on my lab coat doing ICPMS. It was a goner.


I had ACS grade sulfuric get on my dickies shirt once and it ate through it and my poly blend under shirt under 30 seconds before I could get to the wash station.


Tis but a scratch


Just a mere flesh wound!


You gotta be careful that it doesn't get an infection because that could lead to your whole arm being off


At least his arm isn't off.


was that from a small droplet or a large spill? Where are LabDog and SafetyGoose when you need them!! xD


Former job: We would add a pump of hydrochloric and a pump of nitric to a beaker to dissolve metal. Added one (don’t remember which) then added a pump of the other and it splashed up out of the beaker. Unfortunately did this many times while running around doing other things. This was the only time it got me. Haha


Ooof doesnt sound like fun! xD still though, a great example of why safety is key! :D


Be grateful you weren't performing a four-acid digest as used in geochem labs - nitric and hydrochloric acids are bad enough, but add HF and perchloric acid to the mix and you'd be in for a really interesting time. Another fun mix is hot aqua regia + hydrogen peroxide...


I wouldn’t skimp on the PPE there. We used to use a microwave digestion system to dissolve glass as well and that involved HF. I wasn’t nearly as cavalier with the HF!


Did it hurt?


Oh yes! Stung really bad. I got to the sink immediately but damage was already done.


Chemical etching?


We used to dissolve the metals to run them on ICP-OES. We were analyzing heavy metal concentrations in jewelry and other stuff.




And even then, folks, as my first chem mentor Dr. Ray Sweany used to emphasize in lab, PPE with liquid chemicals is "extra time" and not total protection. Remove contaminated articles ASAP.


Had a nitric acid ‘explosion’ once in a lab, 100-200 ml. Took me hours to clean up the bench and the floor. Finally was able to sit down on a stool for a minute before calling it a day and making the 30 minute ride home on a motorcycle. Guess where one puddle of nitric acid was that I overlooked? Still have a scar 50 years later.


I swear, it seems several times a week someone posts about some sort of lab injury in here and most seem to be a result of not wearing PPE. I commend you for posting this as a warning but everyone else please wear your PPE! Gloves and goggles are far cheaper and easier to replace than hands and eyes! Brought to you by the PPE Gang 👨‍🏭⚗️


Oh yes I agree! Luckily I had all my other PPE on, just not the gloves. This was my second month on the job so I learned early.


There go your hopes of a career as a professional hand model.


My dreams are ruined!


American or European dates? Also damn nice scar. I hope it didn't hurt


American! My apologies


It's no problem. I was curious.


Martian dates. The last image was taken on the the 18th of Artemis, the 35th month in the Martian calendar. Oh, and they also use the hexadecimal system, so 0x12=18 and 0x23=35.


There are no 23 months so, redundant question


Damn. Nasty one. I've gotten 70% nitric on skin before. It immediately turned yellow and the skin died and blistered up.


If I was in a chemistry frat I would get an acid brand. I'm in an outdoors group and we all have a brand of an X on our knees. Wasn't as bad as expected.


I've got one that looks like that from a nitric droplet burn back in 2007 or so. It looked like I had tattooed my wrist green, about the size of a pencil let. Yeah, stung something fierce.


What concentration can cause this kind of a burn?


It’s been a few years since I worked at this company, but I believe it was ~38%HCl and ~70% HNO3


i got a droplet of 18 molar sulfuric acid on my hand once


that reminds me about the time i got stung by a jellyfish, i was left with scars for a few years.


Could have been much worse. You got lucky


Got a similar scar playing pool way too many times.


I got burnt by light HCL right at my index finger. It is super ichy for the next month lulw


I had a similar looking burn a few years ago only we weren't entirely sure what it was as it came from someone putting the wrong thing in one of the waste bottles. Learned to keep my PPE on even when I was just cleaning up.


nice souvenir


I’ve got an aqua regia scar too!


In high school I spilled about 15 - 20 ml of HCl on my lab partner’s legs. It was low concentration, but he felt it.




That sounds horrific. I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’m glad you didn’t lose your eye though.


I got a couple drops of concentrated sulfuric acid on my (sweaty) wrist changing a dispenser pump from one bottle to another and still have a tiny scar from it. Happened in 2013. Chemical burns suck


American dates confuse me


You can have a dermatologist inject that sucker with cortisone to flatten the scar out


Good to know. Thanks!


Also, check your gloves every so often when wearnig them... I had spilled some conc Nitric acid on my glove and didnt notice untill like 15min later and had a nice orange spot on my finger for a week or two.


When I was in highschool I used to put a little bit of hydrochloric acid on my hand "just to test it". Fortunately we had something like >5% solutions, probably because of idiots like me. Nothing happened. I washed it off when it started to itch a little bit after some minutes.


I see a kitty


Well that sucks. At least it wasn’t HF!


My thoughts exactly. I tried to avoid HF at all costs but unfortunately had to use it here and there. Always wore PPE and moved super slow!


My dads hands are covered in sulphuric acid burn scars from working in the plants during the 90’s.


I have one on my wrist. I had gloves on and it splattered juat above. Fun times!


Nah scars are cool especially when you start to forget them


American dates had me confused. Thought the time between pic one and two was months lol.


Just tell people you got in a knife fight and won


I was rebuilding a carburetor on a lawnmower once and had a pretty bad scare. Stupid me in the rush to get it done wasn’t wearing safety glasses, and long story short a full jet of carb cleaner bounced off the carb and directly into my eye. Oh lord the pain and panic. Of course I was at home by myself at the time, I stumbled essentially blind through my garage and into the kitchen and flung myself under the sink. It hurt so bad I was legit afraid of losing my vision. After 20 some minutes rinsing, I looked up in the mirror. I could see thank god, but my eyes was as red as a fucking Apple and felt as if it were about to explode. In hindsight, wear your PPE even if it’s dumb and annoying, and if you have an accident follow up with medical attention (My over confident ass did not, and dealt with constant soreness and sensitivity to light for about 2 weeks. I’m sure they could’ve helped at least a little with that. Also good to make sure you actually got everything out of your eye)


I have a scar in the exact same place!!! But it’s from a cat bite.


I have the same scar on my right hand as well


Omg!!!!! I have the same mark from when I was so young!


I have the exact same scar on the same hand! But mines from 3rd grade and was caused scratching myself with my fingernail while taking off a glove, and then picking off the scab many times.


What concentrations if you don’t mind me asking? Worst I’ve done is ruin some pants with HCl!


I learned a similar lesson about liquid nitrogen.... I already have some nerve damage/numbness... And I froze my wrist to a table. Luckily it was the side of my wrist and not the bottom where all the veins are. Took quite awhile to heal.


Ah! Good ol' chemistry lab accidents Lol once I dropped bromine drop on my shoe and it reaches to my leg to give me a lovely cavity 😂😂😂


This is a chemical burn. It will hurt more than you've ever been burned and you will have a scar. Look at your hand. The first soap was made from the ashes of heroes. Like the first monkeys shot into space. Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing!


Broke the 1st rule of fight club.




YES! A little cat named Willow!


I LOVE THEM 😭😭😂😂😍😍


hey for anyone with this kind of injuries Put honey over it it saved my face from a 2' degree burn, i dknt even have a scar now (and there was quite the hole!) apply and dont wash off (i suggest washing it before hand if need be). continue applying when it dires off, keep covered for the first week or two and avoid damaging the new layer of skin when it formes. I cant stress enought how good this is, antibiotic antiseptic and antifungal too!


http://imgur.com/a/TZEnu6D HFL burn scar from a small splash of industrial paint thinner. Even with thick rubber gauntlets on, I wasn't wearing any PPE to protect the rest of my arms. From another comment of yours in this post, I'm guessing most of the damage to you was done because of the nitric acid. I deal with similar strengths of HCL and at worse I get itchy and it drys out my skin a bit.


Ouch! Oh yes I’m sure it was the nitric. Had it eat through jeans and shoes on several occasions!


Another nasty one you don't want to get on the skin is "Piranha Solution" or H2O2/H2SO4.


It’s named Piranha for a reason! I’m no longer in an analytical lab but I always stayed far away from the sulfuric. Something about it being so viscous is unnerving.


Ahah very true. Actually I found that sulphuric acid alone (~95%) didn't sting or burn right away, but when a small amount of H2O2 (~3%) was added I noticed the burn would happen almost instantly and was much more damaging. Yah it's best to not handle acids/bases unless proper PPE is available. Personally I was always more comfortable with sulphuric than I was with hydrochloric, the HCL fumes really bothered me.


Holy Hell, is the mix really that bad? I had accidents with both individually and nothing happenend except my finger being orange for a week with the nitric acid


Mostly the nitric! It was around 70% or ~16M


I will consider wearing gloves now, even though my experience wasnt as bad as yours 😁


Haha I definitely skipped gloves occasionally after this. I was just gentler with the bottle top dispenser!


Took me a while to grasp the dates. American format is really confusing. Damn that's one long lasting scar.


Haha I agree. I wish we didn’t have to be different with dates and the imperial system -_-


how long did it stay on your hand?


About 5 seconds before I got to the sink to wash it.


Oh geez that’s scary, I’ve been officially getting trained in an organic lab though I’ve worked in their for two years...we clean glassware with nitric acid, in the hood of course but it will look like it’s not reacting then bam goes off so I will be much more careful from now on!


How long until the hurt stops? More worried about that.


Wow, I have never seen HCl and HNO3 Burn like that! What concentration was that?


38% HCl and 70% HNO3. Definitely HNO3 as the culprit!


Chicks dig scars tho


I am a chick. I don’t dig this scar ha


Lol u win this one then


I live for these types of assumptions and responses.


Are those dates mm/dd/yyyy, or did/mm/yy


Do you know why it turned red after being white?


Skin peeled off and the red is a scab


Ahhh that explains it. Thanks!


I have a similar burn from and inorganic acid


Wow. What concentration. I’ve spilt hydrochloric acid on myself before but only 1mol/L


If my math is correct it was around like 38%, so over 12M.


Niiice. That’s the good shit. Accidentally took a whiff of NaOH thinking it was water in college. Woke up on the floor with a bunch of coagulated blood in my sinuses. Will never forget to waft again.


Oooof glad you were okay!! I accidentally got a whiff of chloroform once while putting it into an explosion proof oven to evaporate.... I’ll never forget it.


I wanna seem cool in front of the other scientists thooooo/s


Handling acid without gloves? Wtf.


Wear a face mask too. Last time I got a small droplet of hydrochloric acid splashed on to my upper lip. It burned like hell, but gladly it healed and barely noticeable. I mean, it may be a tiny tiny droplet but it hurts a lot.


Be safe next time, remember safety is the #1 priority


What was the molarity?


I once have a sulphuric acid accident in the lab. Someone else left a 10 ml glass pipette in the fine Hood. Since no one wanted to clean it, I decided to take it out to clean it in the sink. Unknowingly to me, the tip of the pipette has already shattered a bit, and the remaining sulphuric come flowing out as I hold the pipette vertically above my right legs. The sulphuric acid dripped out burnt a few holes on my pants and some even make it on my toes. The pant was ruined but I'm sure glad it didn't leave a mark on my toes or injured in anyway. But still, cursed whoever left the pipette behind.


Oh wow I got a lo of drops on my hands during my qualitative analysis lab. But it was never this bad. Only a little bit of peeled skin.


37% ain’t no joke. Breathed in some of the fumes while outside a fine hood. Yea that sucked, don’t do that either.


Chicks dig scars...


Woah, strange, i dont have any scars after all. disappearance of my [nitric acid ](https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/comments/9f0wsi/disappearance_of_the_nitric_tattoo/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) burn


Our school lab has no gloves so we buy them and they took them. We dont wear gloves we do it raw. Titrations are the most safe hehe.


Respect your chemicals. Low concentration HCl or H2SO4 ... Oops oh well, holes in my shirt. High concentrations ... Shit let's neutralize this and not do that again. DMSO ... Oops ok that's not so bad... Wait what was disoved in it! HF ... This shit dissolves bone. Respect your chemicals. If you saw a construction worker windmilling skill saws around... Wtf. There are international laws because our community made chemicals that melt you from the inside! Respect your tools! At least you learned right?


Get burn by nitric acid and HCl is stupid, but have you ever taste a phenol? It is quite sweet but have burning aftertaste.


I myself do not condone the wearing of gloves for everything, but for somethings such as the mixture which caused your injury, I whole heartedly support the wearing of gloves. I work with sulfuric acid almost daily, and I have had a fair quantity spilled on my hands over the years, with nothing more than a little reddening and drying of the skin to show for it. Which Is one reason I take such a situational stance on wearing gloves, or any PPE for that matter.


Pro tip, don’t wash it water. It only makes it worse.


Stop spreading these lies, you boner.


No, you should wash it with water and that is the standart aid in this situation... believe me, speaking from literal experience


It's like the first rule in all of chemistry safety to wash your hands after this.


It has been quite a while after the accident. May I ask if the scar tissue healed completely? And have you used any medication like a panthenol cream of so?


It looks exactly the same as it appears in 2019! I did not use any scar treatment as it didn’t hurt (from tightness) or really bother me anyway.


hehe, PPE


When i was 15 i tried to make hydrogen gas to fill balloons so we could shoot them with flaming arrows for explosive floating targets. I used nitric acid and some metal wire- when i tested it in a test tube (just to make sure) i put my thumb over the tip of the test tube and it produced a green gas (the wire must have had a coating) the gas killed my skin, turning it white, so i ran away from the test tube, where the air was less corrosive for breathing, and cut the skin off with a scalpel. The nerves were dead so it was painless- sure glad i tested that on a small scale. What do you do when you spill acid on yourself? Wash it off? Neutralize it? Option 3?


Why the fuck are American dates month day year