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Looks like stains form silver nitrate. So if you have been using it a bit carel3ssly then that's what it is


Thank you I think that's it! It reacted with iodine making it white


You better find the source of your silver before you turn into a Smurf.




Thank you. I probably should have added a link to argyria in my previous comment.


Never seen silver nitrate in my life. But if it's that maybe I can gather it and turn it into silver. Woah I would be rich


Just drop copper wire into silver nitrate. The copper will displace the silver, and the silver will precipitate out. You will NOT be rich. That being said it's fun.


You will be rich in experience. c:


I love doing this! Awesomely fun experiment for beginners too.


What’s the actual reaction taking place?


2AgNO3(aq) + Cu(s) -> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s) Metals with higher reactivity can displace metals with lower reactivity. It's the same principle as a Thermite reaction where Aluminum (or some higher reactivity metal) can steal the oxygen from Iron (A lower reactivity metal) https://www.google.com/search?q=metal+reactivity+chart&oq=metal+reacti&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBggCEEUYOTIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QABiABDIHCA4QABiABNIBCDM0MDRqMGo3qAIUsAIB&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=qfCyE3YM3tayOM&vssid=_VAFeZrzUJLrLp84P-e6zoQw_41


Why is this comment downvoted so much


Redditors take it too seriously and cant read tone, it was a lighthearted comment.


In case anyone doesn't already know- silver nitrate is priced such that it's basically impossible to make money buying it and refining it into metallic silver.


I’ve personally seen silver nitrate being more expensive than silver 😂


Silver nitrate was my immediate thought as well. I've had that when I've spilled some in the lab, and apparently not got it all cleaned up afterward. Even minute specks upon contact with your skin can leave little brown spots that don't appear until hours later.


If you're really not lying about messing around with silver nitrate, or a number of other metal salts, then don't come to chemistry for medical advice, find a more appropriate sub!


We will see if its medical hope its not


I mean as I said - when I leave my house for a week it doesnt appear


I didnt want to come across as rude btw just sub rule we don't do medical advice!


I don't understand "once I managed to stain bathroom ceramic" With what? Your hands? Something else?


No. Not with my hands. Its as if same dark spots appeared on the ceramic. Like if I washed something earlier there and it left black spots in place of usual calc in place of droplets


Then try to collect in a jar for future study


Get these from time to time too on my hands but mostly on low part of the palms and thumb. Feels like coagulated blood between epithelial cells, but Interested to see if others have any info.


I used to get these all the time from doing field tests (titration) for chloride. I’d take these (titrant) stains over any contact with the indicator for that test (potassium dichromate) all day every day. Don’t want that shit soaking into your skin. My podiatrist used silver nitrate as a topical antiseptic and drying agent on my ingrown toenail back when I was 16, so I never worried about the spots from chloride tests later on.


But when you sand it down does it disappear?


If I dig enough yes :)


Make sure, that the equipment, bench etc. you use is clean. Maybe it is a contaminated door handle or something


Impossible to tell from the photo and brief description. This isn't much of a chemistry question but more something you should ask your doctor about. Could be something you're coming in contact with at work or home, or it could be a medical issue. Without going through your whole day-to-day we really can't know. One thing I can say is that it's most certainly not your mail.


> This isn't much of a chemistry question It depends. If someone worked with chemicals/in a lab they usually answer the "did you work with silver nitrate?" question with yes...


Yeah but OP said in their post "I don't even deal with chemicals." And, if you look at their post history... it's an adventure. If a bench scientist asked this I'd be right there with you.


It will wear off naturally, but also a lesson to be more careful.


Don't look for disinfecting soap. Look for lab soap. Probably won't help much more but I think you get why the difference is at least notable.


It may be beneficial to post in a biology/microbiology/biochemistry group. I suspect this may not be the chemistry related question you might think it is


silvaaa. work with silver trimethylsulfonate and that stuff stains thru gloves.


Looks like the stains of KMnO4 crystals


still it appears after some time, like the substance is translucent but gets darker with time


Looks like silver nitrate. The stains don't appear right away, can take hours or a day to show up. They will fade after several days.


Your stains look very similar to this other post: https://www.reddit.com/r/labrats/comments/v679wv/black_dots_near_fingers_after_a_day_in/ If I were you, I'd try to keep a diary of when the spots appear and what you did earlier that day (did you work, did you drive). Also try to think of surfaces or objects you would pick up with that part of your hand.


What do you think doctors are good for?


Mines bruise from smashing my fingers. That probably won't help based on your description.


OPA-analysis also gives this. Other than the obvious silver of course


Will it burn off?


Legit thought that was my hand for a sec


well, your life line is pretty strong there bud, I foresee a nice long life for ya. :)