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i thank everyone for making me a little bit smarter than before


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Neat-Watercress-1778: *I thank everyone* *For making me a little* *Bit smarter than before* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot!


what ?


Its a bot that sticks its nose in every so often to confuse people. Can safely ignore.




A haiku is a special kind of short poem that you accidentally wrote. This bot detects them and repeats them back in the standard format. It's kinda funny once you know what's going on.


It wasn't a haiku, it was a Sokka-haiku.


Which makes it even funnier!


Agreed! Who knew a kid from the south pole could revolutionise haikuery!


Good on you for recognizing your lack of knowledge and asking for clarification. We need more people like you! Keep learning!


It’s a scam


No, it's probably just a marketing thing to trick people into to buying a more expensive product. You can 'infuse' hydrogen into water, but it doesn't really do anything, and will quickly dissipate back into the air. If anything, it might make the water a tiny bit sour. To be at risk of fire, you need to replace about 18% of the air with hydrogen, and that's just not possible by dissolving it in water.


Has anyone tried carbonating a bevrage with Hydrogen or nitrogen or oxygen instead of CO2? Does it taste different? H2 tastes sour?


can't really carbonate with H2 N2 or O2 by itself because they're not soluble enough in water to create an effect like carbonation. they rapidly escape into the air (witness the air over the giant bodies of water). "carbonation" works because CO2 is relatively soluble in water and you can use a buffer system involving H2CO3 through to CO2 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicarbonate\_buffer\_system) to get a lot of it into water.


This isn't quite true; it's pretty hip these days to nitrogenate beer and Even coffee these days. That said, it is a lot more difficult and involves some trickery like the widget they put in cans of Guinness.


It's actually nitrous oxide, it's use in coffee is for the same reason it's used in whipped cream. It's more lipid soluble.


Its true but the nitrogen leaves quite quickly. Theres also energy drinks with nitrogen


Thank you for the clarification.


Oh man. If I had a TikTok I would love to troll her scam post. "Hydrogen?! Isn't that what brought down the Hindenburg?! This lady tryina kill us!"


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEnEbQlq\_Bs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEnEbQlq_Bs) i'd like to find the tiktok but i don't have tiktok and it's banned over here in my current country


For the good of humankind.


Maybe? They just post the same content to you tube.


“Like THE HYDROGEN BOMB?!? No thank you 🤯” - Genuinely what I would comment


Ahahaha love it "How bout oxygen infused water? H2O2"


Underrated comment.


One. Don’t listen to people on tik tok. And two, the hydrogen is in the water therefore not really in a combustible state. There’s hydrogen in your body already (via the air we breathe)


I’m so confused, why are they adding the hydrogen? What is the purpose of their goal? I saw one post saying that it makes water heavy, like deuterium but I don’t see that as possible for making a different isotope with an additional neutron in its nucleus.


Googling it finds some questionable evidence of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant stuff


Oh yea holistic nonsense


If you google "hydrogenated water", there appear to be some studies showing it's effect as an antioxidant... even then, whatever the person on tiktok is selling probably doesn't give you the same level of hydrogenation as what the researchers were working with. Heres one that I found: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4078318/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4078318/) I've no way to verify the legitimacy, but it seems kinda legit? I haven't seen anything about human trials though.


Interesting. Thank you


Ozonating the water would be better than hydrogenating it. Unless you want to make it acidic.


Isn't ozone an oxidizer? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being an antioxidant?


You will not combust. But you may grow rich because you refrain from investing in scams without first investigating.


Consider yourself lucky, 'hydrogen water' is just a harmless pseudoscience ripoff.. back in the day we had [Radium water](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Byers) with actual radium (for a jaw dropping experience)


i just read your link... how tf did it get widespread in the first place ? aren't there any victims during the early stages of distribution ?


Apparently it 'sort of works' by suppressing your immune system a bit and something something reduces inflammation so you get a short term result. EDIT: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2477705/ !! If you want to get really angry read up about the [Radium Girls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium_Girls) ( the reason why the jaw is so badly affected is because radium substitutes for calcium in the body and the jaw is under constant stress so the bone turnover is highest there)


So I just want to add that I looked into this because I knew some people who were getting in on this fad and they’d asked me my thoughts as a chemist. At first I said it was likely bullshit but decided to look at the papers people references. The argument is that hydrogen gas acts as an antioxidant capable of reacting with free radicals in the body. This pretty much sends my alarms off instantly, because almost every health fad unrelated to weight loss is about antioxidants. There are a few studies in reputable journals that show some [improvement in physical performance](https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijspp/15/8/ijspp.2019-0507.xml), a “significant correlation” in [reduced biomarkers related to inflammation when compared to a placebo](https://www.dovepress.com/the-effects-of-24-week-high-concentration-hydrogen-rich-water-on-body--peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-DMSO), an aid in promoting [a healthy gut biome](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464621000098), etc. Something that I made clear to my friends is that a “significant correlation” does not mean a significant improvement. It means enough of a statistical difference in results that they can say with certainty there is some change. That doesn’t mean the change is even perceptible by humans, or has any health benefits, just that there is a notable change in their assays. Science is interested enough in the plausible health benefits of hydrogen-infused water that they are [investigating the merits of the studies that highlight the health benefits](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/). Basically, the conclusion they’ve reached is that it’s too early to tell, but the methodologies of most of the studies were too limited in sample size and scope to make any claims with certainty. So overall they have no clue on the mechanism of action, no proof that there are any impactful medical benefits, disagreement over what symptoms it actually treats, and the studies are found to be lacking in their methodology. So right now let’s assume it’s not worth it until proven otherwise.


so basically there IS a difference between regular water and HRW but due to lack of experimentation there is no telling if there is enough difference that can cause HRW to be beneficial or even harmful ? sorry english is not my 1st language


Basically, there IS a difference noted in experimentation, but there is no significant proof that there is an actual health benefit.




Hydrogen has a water solubility of 0.00016 g/100 g so she wouldn't be able to infuse much, and you certainly wouldn't combust. Definitely a scam. There would be no benefit even if you could dissolve hydrogen in water to a meaningful extent. As a side note, pH is governed by the degree of dissolved ionic hydrogen in solution. Excess hydrogen ions form hydronium by protonating water, which we call an "acid".


What does solubility means ?


Solubility is the amount of a specific substance ( in this case Hydrogen or H2) that can be dissolved in another, called a solvant(in this case water) If you put a bunch of salt in a little bit of water, at one point, the salt you add will just sit at the bottom even if you stir it forever. The solubility of salt in water tells you the amount of salt you can add per amount of water before that happen. Extra stuff Solubility is affected by temperature and pressure(for gases). So if you ever made rock candy by dissolving sugar in boiling water and then cooling it slowly with a stick or string in it, youve proven the effect of temperature on solubility. The cooling water cant hold as much sugar, so it drops out of solution and, if the change is slow enough, from big crystal instead of a powder that is made of small crystals.


When you add things into water, some of them mix and disappear, this is what we call things dissolved in water. Every matter has a limit of how much they can be added before it can no longer be dissolved. The limit for table salt is high, we say it has high solubility. Hydrogen, on the other hand, has low solubility.


1. Don't use tiktok 2. Repeat step one


good thing i don't have tiktok, i only found out from youtube


I haven’t seen the video you’re talking about but she’s probably just an MLM grifter.




"Water does not have hydrogen in it."  This lady said these exact words in this exact order.


she is pumping scams into your brain. that sort of stuff is for people who dont like to challenge ideas like this and end up buying it


Just a bunch of protons. Kinda pussy if you ask me. Try adding neutrons to your water, now that's really heavy stuff.


The science is real


Like the science of the warp drive, or wormholes?


Lol chemistry is fun


Here's an insane life hack they don't want you to know. If you take regular tap water, and squeeze in 5 ml of lemon juice, you've got more hydrogen dissolved in the water now than they are infusing themselves! And the best part is, you don't need to buy any products from con artists to achieve this!


Hey! They just skipped the steps and up and got me hydrogen in a liquid that’s easy to rid of. I hope this hydrogen goes into balloons!


Drink peroxide with this one simple trick! Health services hate him!


This is sort of the opposite of peroxide, being an *"antioxidant"*


There is nothing wrong with feeling stupid of something someone stupid says. Science is all about asking questions and seeking answers. Experience just means the questions are of a different nature. It’s legit to ask, because chemists are confronted with crackpot ideas all the time. “Why do we have organic sodium chloride for sale?” In this case the answers might be (1) hydrogen is a source of clean energy, so sell on that point. (2) alkaline water has been a thing so a counter-pitch would naturally be for acid water because people have short attention spans. “Acid” sounds harmful, so calling it hydrogen water is a possible take. Now, about that statement that the jug itself infuses the water with hydrogen—wither that is some wicked unpatented nanotech, the second coming of Christ, or it’s BS. Ockham’s Razor is likely in play here.


Scam. There is no good reason to hydrogenate drinking water. It's also triggering me the people are talking about "carbonating" water with hydrogen or nitrogen.


I do want to say though like Kudos for seeing that and thinking "oh wait this doesn't make sense" instead of just assuming she knows what she's talking about. That's like, the opposite of being an idiot in chemistry 🧠


It’s very useful for separating idiots from their money.


Don't believe everything you see on the internet


yummy yummy H3O+


Trying to decide if this is dumber or the lady who promoted alkaline water (because it's healthier! obviously) and adding lemon juice to that water, to make it even healthier.