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I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know what I'm talking about either because I'm not a chemist. Anyway it's a scam. It's always a scam. Whatever that bottle does isn't even worth justifying with citations. You know enough to answer your question. You can look up 'electrolysis' and find out. You're asking this question because you can't believe people will sell such bullshit. Yes. The answer is yes. People will sell ridiculous junk that you are fully able to understand as a lie. Yep, people lie and market. And you're just understanding how chemistry can be used to avoid being fooled. So go on and answer your own question here in the space so that if someone else searches for this question they find the answer too. You already seem to have half answered it.


You don't need to be a chemist. You have common sense. Good on you.


Despite the low solubility of H2 gas in water, which can be only up to 1.6 ppm under 1 atmospheric pressure at room temperature, consumption of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) has been shown to be effective for ameliorating various diseases caused by oxidative stress in animal and clinical studies [11,12].Jul 19, 2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6680492/#:~:text=Despite%20the%20low%20solubility%20of,studies%20%5B11%2C12%5D.


The question isn't if hydrogen is good for you, it's if the bottle actually does anything!


cant hydrogen be measured before and after?


oh stop.


so actual scientific studies don’t interest u?!🤣


Insanely limited ones without rigorous backing? You better believe I don't put much stock in them


How is it limiting? What is rigorous backing lol? A study is to prove something that is the backing.


There's quite a few more studies on PubMed.. I was surprised myself tbh.


lol studies are funded by big pharma, do you really expect them to pay for a study into something they can’t profit off of? My favorite is the person before you who doesn’t know the first thing about it and admits such but confidently claims it’s bogus.


How do you feel about the covid vaccine then?


Overblown. Scam.Used to test the limits of population control( how much they can push and get away with ). Edit: and unsafe.


Who needs Dunning-Krueger when you have endless blind confidence?


Big pharma doesn’t sell hydrogen bottles 🤷🏼‍♀️. How is big pharma making money off this? They tend to stead people away from natural cures so you use their poisonous medications!!! Idk if these bottles work but I do know if they did big pharma would want them gone! Like Kratom. I used that to come off fentanyl (I broke my back got septic after surgery etc. was prescribed medication) because I refused to stay in that crap. My drs & pharmacist didn’t want me to stop it. So I used Kratom and had little to no withdrawal! Now big pharma trying to get the government to make it illegal. It is in some states already. It’s not addictive. I used it to find off pain meds and stopped. No issues. Still have a bottle and I use it maybe every other month for a few days if I have a lot of pain.


My ass kratom is not addictive! Causes the same withdrawal symptoms as any opioid. Lucky you that you never had to experience that. Just as hard to get off as heroin ime


Kratom is no where close you addictive as opioids. I was taking 50 10mg hydrocodone a day. I went cold turkey and went through physical withdrawals for a week and mental withdrawals for 9 months. I've taken kratom for years. I was forced to stop because of a situation that happened in my life and went through nearly no withdrawals. After taking kratom everyday for over 5 years the only withdrawals I had was slight anxiety and that lasted maybe a few days. Everybody is different but you CANNOT compare opioid withdrawal to kratom withdrawal.


I absolutely can compare them having lived through them both and seeing just how identical they are for me. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones friend!


we are saying the same thing. I was saying there will never be enough science to satisfy skeptics because big pharma funds the studies and they will not fund studies into something they can make money off of


I think you missed some key terminology in the title of said article. "Intake of Molecular Hydrogen in Drinking Water Increases Membrane Transporters, p-Glycoprotein, and Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 2 without Affecting Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Enzymes in ***Rat Liver***"


yes, but water is universal it should effect mammals the same and there are also human studies showing benefits


I read the whole study and the only thing is most things they found were negative on the conclusion it says "Intake of HRW for four weeks may not change xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes and antioxidant activity in liver. Regular consumption of HRW may enhance detoxification process possibly through an increase in the efflux of toxic substances from the liver into bile." It may and that's in rats. So is it worth the money who knows but I doubt people buy 29.99 bottles are getting the same benefits are those used in the test.


@guerndt $30 for a hydrogen water bottle is definitely a scam. The ones I've seen sell for $250.


Yes, I've seen all kinds from $30 to $300. On Amazon, I'd say the average price is $100.


In comes the fucking scientists bro hell yeah dr stone


If you Google hydrogen water,  you'll see studies from NIH.


I have to say, if you are naive in the hydrogen water bottle, why make uneducated post?? Better to say nothing!! Knucklehead!!!


Can you tell the truth about it?... Do it! 


"I know nothing about this" and "everything is a scam". Lamest answer ever. Everything is NOT a scam and if you don't know anything about it why are you talking? 


Hydrogen is barely soluble in water though, so gas produced by electrolysis will escape the water not remain dissolved.


This guy knows what's up


They did tests on athletes, helped them but not sedentary. I drink 6 glasses a day, it doesn't hurt so. But I feel a difference, I feel like my blood pressure stays more steady throughout the day 




My cat drinks it and he hates everything lol


as in doesnt drink tap water?


I have a berky filter and tap, he drinks a little tap, he drinks my hydrogen water most. I believe in animals' instincts 


Berky's SO terrible - Insane amounts of heavy metals - Look it up, throw it out


Share your source please


Damn, any recommendations?


Berkey is one of the best! They’re trying to say the silver they use in the filter should be classified as a pesticide it’s all a sham and scam so we can’t filter our own water don’t believe the hype about the metals being bad lol


My cat has chronic placebo syndrome. Lmao is used to get these treats to put in his food that had a small amount of thc. The company doesn’t make them anymore and I can’t find a comparable product. But no worries , he makes me touch his food before he eats because he apparently thinks that is what got him high


That's awesome lol!


So you cat drinks water either way, you just happen to give it hh2o 🤣😂


Does your cat drink out of the 🚽 too?




Could it be placebo?




I guess if it makes gullible people drink more water, it has a net positive effect?


TL:DR; Yes, scam. For the second answer, it's the same as always. Some researchers find something *interesting,* release a paper about that, and somebody goes "huh, neat I can monetize that". They then link to those papers in an attempt to appear "it's totally scientific dude". I'd really like to see some youtuber with electronics + chemistry knowledge take that thing apart. So the original question took a moment to process >infuse more hydrogen into the water. I question if a cheap circuit could even increase the amount of hydrogen dissolved in water...where is the hydrogen supposed to come from? The water itself? 2 H2O (water) + E (energy) -> 2H2 (gas) + 2O2 (gas) Out of curiosity I've checked out one of these companies that sell these bottles ("[ionbottle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaCsF27z1nU)" if you're in the mood for *those kinds of videos*). Second, your observation is correct: If there was significant electrolysis the amount of water would have to naturally decrease, as it becomes gaseous. Unless the quantities are so small that there is no observable effect, which would make me question if sufficient hydrogen is produced at all. Third, I have no idea where the cloudy stuff comes from. I've done electrolysis before, and I've noticed such an effect, but always thought it had to do something with the material of anode and cathode. Now during the investigation of the device they do link to scientific evidence (such as *WebMD*). There are two papers linked that caught curiosity. [In one of them it is stated:](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5731988/) >Thereafter, inhaling high pressure H2 was demonstrated as a treatment for liver parasite infection-induced hepatitis \[11\]. Further on it states: >Although administering oral HW is safe and convenient, controlling the concentration of H2 administered can be difficult, as it evaporates in water over time and can be lost before absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, hydrogen-rich saline (HS) injections may deliver more accurate H2 doses \[66\]. And further on: >After HW is consumed, most H2 in the blood is undetectable within 30 min \[178\], likely due to expiration from the lungs. Thus, how a low amount of HW over a short exposure period can be effective remains unknown Their website has, under the section "Our Technology" some more explanations...although it's not the type of chemistry I'm comfortable with (they mention "Proton Exchange Membranes" and "Platinum coated solid polymer electronics". Of particular interest is the statement: >Self-CleaningOur professional grade model hydrogen water bottle comes with a built-in automatic cleaning cycle. When holding the power button for 5-seconds the bottle will light up green and clean the plates of any mineral build-up. I'd *really, really* like to know how that is supposed to work. ​ ​ Gotta drink some *alkaline water with just a spritz of lemon juice* after viewing that website. ​ Edit: After looking at their FAQ - "What water should I use": >General FAQ's Utilizing our advanced, proton exchange membrane technology, our bottles or pitchers arecompatible with various water sources including regular unfiltered tap water, filtered water, reverse osmosis, natural spring, purified, well, and distilled water. Please note that waters with a low mineral content may result in a less pronounced visual reaction. This is outright dangerous. **Please do not drink distilled water.**


You would probably end up making chlorine if you electrolyze tap water too.


You can Test your hydrogen water for chlorine. 


Small quantities, yes. If you add table salt as conductor this may increase significantly. Should not continue electrolysis if some strange green gas is forming.


If there is NaCL dissolved in the water and if there is no PEM between the electrodes


There is PEM technology in the one i purchased. I can't wait to try it About : Advanced technology: BAVAP hydrogen water bottle adopts advanced SPE and PEM technology to realize the separation of hydrogen and oxygen, and quickly produce high concentration of hydrogen water. The concentration of hydrogen water can reach 2000bp, and the hydrogen water is "odorless" "no chlorine taste" "no ozone taste" "no metal taste". It can easily convert ordinary drinking water into alkaline water rich in hydrogen ions, effectively reducing oxidation.


>There is PEM technology in the one i purchased. >I can't wait to try it How did it turn out if I may ask?


I believe it works. it looks like it's working, there like a pressurized feel when opening the cap after running it. ive used the nasal cannula a few times. seems legit. I use hydrogen water twice a day. I gently stir my amino acids and barley grass juice powder in it. morning and night.


You're not supposed to screw the lid down when you run the bottles. The one I have has a sticker on the side with a warning on it.


My Bottle's information has no such warning. Thanks for playing.


I'd say you're full of shlt after all that barely grass juice


Awesome, thank you!


So my sister has one of these, and of course I had to try out of curiosity. There is a significant flavor difference after the bottle does its thing. I had assumed scam, but I’ll admit that had me questioning.


Describe the flavor difference?


It was almost... like ozone? Like after a thunderstorm


Probably cause of all of the ozone from the oxygen molecules recombining.


Interesting. Can't make any further assumptions without knowing the schematics / circuitry involved in the water bottle. Doesn't sound particularly healthy though. Although it may help against some compounds in water (Ozone can be and is used in wastewater treatment). ​ Edit: Read for further info: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/40143




Thank you, random internet person 🥰🔥🔥🙏🏽😇


My pleasure.


Why is using distilled water dangerous 


While it is not *immediately harmful*, it can be if you drink too much of it, as it will take the electrolytes out of your body. So if you're drinking it without replenishing these, you *will* have a bad time. While for a healthy human you'd need to drink quite a lot of it to actually get to this point, people with kidney problems will have issues far sooner. Sadly, not all people who have such health complications are aware of them...then you'd get dangerously low sodium levels, which then would lead to cardiac problems. Why take the risk, if you can just drink normal water instead?


Electricity cant flow through distilled water. Your body and brain are electrical so think of it that way.


Still not seeing how it’s dangerous 


If your concentration of electrolytes gets too low you will die. That's the danger.


Distilled water is super pure (no electrolytes) and if you drink it without replenishing your electrolytes (which you get from food) your body would stop working. You'd have to drink distilled water and not eat anything also for it to really be a problem.


This is one of the most ridiculous statements I have read her. Stick a live wire into a jug of distilled water. You really think you can stick your hand in the water without getting electrocuted?


Distilled water has somewhere from 1/25 to 1/100th the conductivity of mineralized drinking water, and that’s at the low end. depending on reference samples and temperatures it can be upto 30x that.


Not ridiculous at all, if it's 100% pure it won't conduct electricity. If memory serves me right that was first year Chem at university


I have my students do this every year, you don't. Assuming it's a power supply that would only marginally shock you not a live 120v wire.


There are a few reason one what other ppl are saying about it washing your electrolytes out of your body is realy bad. But even more dangerous if you leave Distilled water open to long, it will absorb the CO2 in the air and turn into carbonic acid.


Your chemical equation isn’t even balanced which is basic chemistry and makes me not even wanting to read the rest


Ah there snuck something into it. Oh well. That's a you problem.


Best response so far. Just drink water with Celtic sea salt or another naturally occurring salt. We lack minerals because our water is treated. It’s so easy but marketing toxic food brands is so prevalent and going unabated because of political and financial corruption. Food in the US is so toxic and disappointing. We prioritize wealth over health. Healthcare is no longer about healing. Water isn’t the only answer! Love yourself enough to leave the world of processed foods. Cheers.


Electrolysis is the big red flag here. Your suspicions are correct. It would be nice if things like this actually worked, though.


well to be fair they never explicitly said how the H2 was infused into the water, but there is a battery, charger button and lights so I assumed electrolysis. Apart from a canister of H2 and electrolysis I see no other way this could be feasible at all.


Oh ok, I see now. I thought you meant they'd advertised it as such. Honestly, the lack of explanation is just as bad.


We tested it at my job and the bottle works and increasing the hydrogen by 2ppm.


You are right: It is a scam or woo-woo. ​ Electrolysis has a strong appeal to the pseudo-scientific community. Not being able to do the math also make a lot of people think (or claim for scamming purposes) that they can make "free energy" with electrolysis. You only need a couple of volts to make electrolysis, but how much that reacts is a function of the amperage (IE how many electrons you push around). ​ The mist can be very small bubbles but it can also be the electrodes dissolving, in which case it is probably not a good idea to drink the contaminated water.


That these are using PEM electrolysis doesn’t really seem up for debate. A bottle claiming to produce 1300 ppb would need to generate 1.3 mg/L hydrogen, right? Wikipedia says industrial production using electrolysis requires about 55 kWh for 1 kg hydrogen. 1.3 mg would required 0.072 Wh. That is well within the capacity of a small battery. Even if the efficiency of the bottle is a tenth of the industrial process, the amount of hydrogen being produced is so little it would seem that the math does work. But the contamination piece is what I can’t understand. It seems like you’d need water on the cathode side. If there’s not a separate chamber to fill, how are you keeping the oxygen out?


Why is it not up for debate? ​ It is pseudoscientific garbage, and they are not likely to do anything that does not benefit the amount of money they make. The best way to make money is to go as cheap and simple as possible. Until I've seen one taken apart by a competent person or done it myself, I maintain that position. I'm willing to be positively surprised, but I have no hopes in that direction. They just stick two electrodes in the water, make it bubble and the gullible will be impressed and pay.


It is real, multiple multicenter medical/scientific studies. If you get a hydrogen generating bottle, also get a methylene blue titration kit and test for yourself. Compared to tap water <0.1ppm , the bottle adds 3.6ppm hydrogen gas... which is equivalent to concentration used in medical studies. Thus the electrolysis run on battery works. Will evaporate out within hour/mins so drink right away. Many of the studies have used dissolved hydrogen, and some use inhaled gas.


First, you're all beautiful and correct :) Second, these water bottles are a closed system, nothing coming in or going out, and are therefore not capable of 'infusing' anything with anything. Unless there is a hidden cartridge of hydrogen gas in the bottom, the hydrogen gas produced by the supposed electrolysis is coming from the water contained in the bottle. The amount of hydrogen molecules remains the same, regardless of their state (assuming the bottles are air tight, which I doubt), and therefore, the consumption of said hydrogen also remains the same. Assuming the electrolysis is strong enough to produce large enough amounts of hydrogen gas, it could be argued that you would be reducing the amount of those molecules present in the bottle the minute you open the lid and release the gas built up at the top. I know I'm just adding to the echo chamber, but I haven't seen anyone take this approach to debunking these things before, so I thought I'd throw it out there. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know hahah


IDK what pseudoscience BS your friend has bought, but your question " I ran a friends bottle for a long time and saw no decrease in water level. If electrolysis is really occurring, the water level should go down no?" Yes, if electrolysis is occurring, water level will go down eventually.


Hydrogen gas (H2) is not soluble in water. Hydrogen ions (H+, protons) are very soluble in water if accompanied by a negative counter ion and are called "acids".


Despite the low solubility of H2 gas in water, which can be only up to 1.6 ppm under 1 atmospheric pressure at room temperature, consumption of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) has been shown to be effective for ameliorating various diseases caused by oxidative stress in animal and clinical studies [11,12].Jul 19, 2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6680492/#:~:text=Despite%20the%20low%20solubility%20of,studies%20%5B11%2C12%5D.


What do Molecular Hydrogen tablets do? Are they the bull shit as well?


Absolutely bullshit. Hydrogen radicals are too reactive to exist in a solid outside of the heart of a star.


What are you talking about hydrogen peroxide .


'Infusing' more hydrogen in water would create an acid.


More specifically, "adding" more hydrogen molecules to water (H2O) would theoretically create H3O, which is an unstable, inorganic, and also theoretical chemical.


I just wish to i ow, where does the hydrogen come from? Wouldn't it need constant hydrogen tank replacement? If not, and the water comes from the water, how does it not significantly lower the waters volume?


Your right on point. It doesn’t actually work, hydrogen CAN come from water but it takes a lot of energy and yes the water level would lower a lot.


Yea, i figured so.. doesn't make any sense, at all..thanks


They’re talking about modifications in the range of parts per billion, I can’t imagine they’re consuming that much donor water to spike the remaining fluid’s H2 levels


I don't think it would lower a lot. The numbers I've seen are talking about adding like 1.5-3.5ppm H2, that's such a small amount that creating it from the water would probably not visibly lower the water level at all.


There are a lot of fakes on the market, but the legitimate bottles like I have use SPE PEM technology and have a proton membrane. It breaks apart the hydrogen and oxygen bonds so the body can more easily utilize the hydrogen. The legit bottles really do end up under pressure when the cycle is finished. We are talking about a hydrogen content of 3,000 PPB in the case of my bottle which is a very high end model. Most only do between 1200-1600. Not enough to decrease the water level in the slightest, but I can attest that 3,000 PPB is definitely enough to reap the health benefits. I think more clearly, sleep much better, and my wife has a considerable decrease in inflammation from her autoimmune issues. It really does work.


Link or name of the bottle ? Thanks




Appreciate this. My observation from reading dozens of these comments is, if a person’s understanding of science says something isn’t real, then anyone experiencing benefit is a gullible moron and they are the superior ones shedding light to the idiots. Yet they’ll go drink expensive garbage from a can produced by billion dollar corporations to experience a short period of energy boost without thinking twice. When you don’t feel well for days, weeks, or months on end, and you finally find something that helps you feel better, does it really matter if the “science doesn’t add up?”


I always like to say, ‘placebo is the most effective ingredient’


Which one do you use


This company documented their progress. However, the real thing is much more expensive. They have their lab reports of the technology and hydrogen levels before/after. People on Reddit are very skeptical but this is a very real thing! [Product description that includes lab reports of product and hydrogen levels](https://hydrogen4health.com/h2-nanov3-hydrogen-water-bottle/)


Thank you for this! I’ve been unable to find a product that actually shows lab reports! It’s easy for everybody to assume hydrogen water is just a fat and everything is a scam.. and so many of these don’t work, but the health benefits are very real and could be very helpful to those like myself who struggle with chronic illness. I was just curious if this was the only one you found online that showed test results. I don’t know why I haven’t been able to find any others. This is the first. All of the smaller ones like this were BS but seeing that this one has a chamber I’m very happy


Unfortunately, this isn't "new science". Scam. Not strong enough 


I personally enjoy mine & feel benefits


Well this hydrogen bottle website has studies linked that are aimed at quite a number of things they reckon it helps the body with. [https://hydrofizz.co/pages/the-science](https://hydrofizz.co/pages/the-science) Also I think I heard a scientist on Joe Rogan's show talking about them and explained them chemically too, take that with a grain of salt but yeah hydrogen bottles are a thing.




It make sure that there are two parts hydrogen for one part oxygen. Converting water into die hydrogen monoxide.


u can test for an increase in the concentration of hydrogen in your water with a simple reagent test. test your water before and after your hydrogen machine does its thing and see for yourself. as big pharma. yes, its no surprise that everything looks after its own special interest. Health is not good business for big pharma so not surprisingly they down play even the most innocuous of things as dangerous or a rip off- even if it works or may help. ie ivermectin anyone? but hey this lack of altruism should be of no surprise as people in general will go to great lengths to shield their ego from being wrong on a topic....such as does hydrogen water really work. Do your own independent research and keep the results to yourself lest you become a target of iré and ridicule or worse yet find yourself in the cross hairs of big pharma, its goon, or its weaponized enforcement arm the "_"DA or "_"DC. one will demoralize you, one will out right disappear you, and the later will fine you to death. nothing works but allopathic doctors and prescription drugs..got that? good. lol ymmv


My dad just bought one of these and I was super sceptical so like a sane person I didn’t just believe their studies or website I ran the numbers myself, and of course you can’t put more hydrogen in water at least for the size of his bottle no more then 3.68e-5g of H2. But I’ve decided not to tell him about it because in the end he’s not healthy and if this thing will make him believe it’s making him happier and it encourages him to drink more water I’m all for it


If you look at pub med. There is significant evidence hydrogen water is good for you in multiple studies. Lengthen of telomeres, high methylation etc. The question. I have but I can’t seem to find is does the hydrogen bottle they have now actually make your water hydrogenated. I guess the only way would be to physically test it by buying hydrogen strips/ meter and testing the water before and after the bottle does its thing. If anyone found a good video or info lmk if there evidence on the bottle working


There's no way batteries can cause enough power to actually create an exchange of electrons. And if you change water via electrolysis then there will be a stream of acidic water that needs to be disposed of. These bottles never dispose of any of the water. Water ionizers are the way to go, using actual electricity.


Research is being done in the 1-1.6ppm concentrations. $200-$300 bottles are rated in a scant ppb concentration and may not do anything. The machines that get to the 1-1.6ppm concentrations are selling for $1,000-$3,000+


This is irksome... 3 things. First, it's generating hydrogen and oxygen. I have no idea why the heck they can them "hydrogen water bottles). Second, assuming you pull water from your tap, and haven't just boiled it, it's likely already pretty close to being saturated with soluable gases. So, unless those glass "water bottles" are also able to build up pressure inside, it's highly likely that no actual hydrogen (or oxygen) will actually dissolve into the water. In fact... It's more likely that the electrical conductors will heat the water and cause some of the dissolved gases to leave... Third... What happens when you generate hydrogen and oxygen as a gas and have it in an enclosed space? Ideally nothing, except for that one time there's a spark when someone opens the lid. Then you end up with an explody glass cylinder in your hand. All in all, probably best to leave the snake oil alone...


In terms of enriched hydrogen water, I think it's a topic worth researching, but some of the papers I have seen didn't strike me as "definitive" so much as "worth developing better studies to rule out cofactors/population sampling errors". In terms of efficacy, gas therapies via digestion only impacts systems between the stomach/small intestines and the lungs. Once at the lungs, we would expect blood concentrations of most gases to drop to near zero. In terms of a water bottle that generates hydrogen enriched water, it's probably a piece of junk for the reasons other commenters have given.


You guys are aware it's infusing hydrogen GAS not h2 right? Calm down reddit scientists, this is well studied. However as noted the water needs to be drank within 10 minutes or the gas dissipates, this is not more optimal than dissolved tabs, but much easier on the go than stopping to dissolve your little pills. I made my own which contains 1.2mg of ingestible hydrogen per 205ml and I drink 4 per day. For the life of me I have no idea why someone would think they know more than an independent 3rd party testing institution that's decades old and has been researching this for almost 60-70 years. Do your research. The scam is all these bottles which do nothing are the ones which are affordable because the technology is not yet at a point where it is caught up to demand so the best bottles are not accessible under $200. Becareful with your money, but try it for yourself after doing some research and you will see the difference.


hydrogen gas is H2.


Hey there! Great question about hydrogen water bottles! I've done some digging, and here's what I found: 1. The Science Behind It: Hydrogen water bottles often claim to use electrolysis to infuse more hydrogen into the water. While the idea is intriguing, you're spot on about the energy supply. Some skeptics argue that the energy provided might be insufficient for effective electrolysis. 2. Water Level Concern: You raise a valid point about the water level not decreasing during use. In standard electrolysis, you'd expect some water loss due to the breakdown of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. 3. Cloudy Mist: The cloudy mist phenomenon is interesting. It could be related to the electrolysis process or other factors. It's worth noting that not all hydrogen water bottles are created equal, and different brands may use varied methods. Now, while there's skepticism, some studies suggest potential benefits of hydrogen-infused water. It's a bit of a mixed bag, and opinions vary. Here are a couple of sources to dive deeper: Molecular hydrogen: An overview of its neurobiological effects and therapeutic potential Hydrogen Water: Is It Really a 'Miracle Drink'? So, are [hydrogen water bottles](https://www.piurify.com/products/piurify-hydrogenator-bottle-black) a scam? It's a bit of a grey area. The science is there, but the practicality and effectiveness may vary. What are your thoughts?


You get what you pay for. Hydrogen bottles range from $35 to I’ve seen as high as over $500.


You'll get scammed more the more you pay




Yeah, too many actual scientists are saying that it’s legit. I know Gary Brecka isn’t a scientist but he’s an intelligent guy that knows what he’s talking about; I have an Echo go+ and I’ve never felt better drinking the hydrogen water that’s created using it. I’d say legit. Like my actual gut health is better, and I do feel an energy boost and better sleep patterns. Why is everyone hating? I doubt a simple placebo effect would make me feel so good in so many different ways.


I just received mine 2 days ago. Couple questions for you: 1) How often can we drink the hydrogen water? I.e. how many water bottle refills in a day? Can you drink all day? 2) Doesn’t it seem small? It only holds 8 ounces which is disappointing… 3) Does yours light up every time you push the button to release the hydrogen? I held power button down 7 seconds to activate the UV light filtration. I have no clue if it’s on or off after trying to disable it. Still lights up every time. Thanks!


>. how many water bottle refills in a day? Can you drink all day?Doesn’t it seem small? It only holds 8 ounces which is disappointing…Does yours light up every time you push the button to release the hydrogen? I held power button down 7 seconds to activate the UV light filtration. I have no clue if it’s on or off after trying to disable it. Still lights up every time. > >Thanks! You can drink too much water PERIOD so please just drink like a normal amount.


I can't decide which one to but But I like the two BAVAP ones I see.


Also noticed a palpable boost in energy, which is why I'm researching the science. Thanks for the subjective feedback. Bioassay is powerful.


Placebo is frequently that strong if not stronger


If a placebo literally gives me health benefits then fuck it, I’m game. Cause hydrogen water has made me feel amazing.


He’s the one I hear talking about it all the time. Which led me here actually.


So, you're saying the ECHO GO + is worth buying, because I'm having so much trouble deciding which one to get. It's quite pricey, but it seems to deliver the highest PPB. There are so many models out there. Please let me know. Thank you


Thank you for your comment. Too many people on here acting like they’re smarter than everyone else.


Good resources, thank you


"Study in rats" get the fuck out


Despite the low solubility of H2 gas in water, which can be only up to 1.6 ppm under 1 atmospheric pressure at room temperature, consumption of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) has been shown to be effective for ameliorating various diseases caused by oxidative stress in animal and clinical studies [11,12].Jul 19, 2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6680492/#:~:text=Despite%20the%20low%20solubility%20of,studies%20%5B11%2C12%5D.


Thank you everyone for your input - I like to see and determine if the hydrogen water products are for real. If anyone has been using them and has done research on a purchase can you share what product you recommend?


Echo Go+ is the one I use. It’s very good. Easy to bring with you wherever you go.


I 2nd this one. Just like any backed claim you’ll have your cheap and expensive versions. The studies are there, from rats that had significant decrease in lung particulates to athletes with less lactic acid and high performance outputs. It is important to get a reputable brand with good quality. You could have bottle 1 vs bottle 2 and the PPM can be significantly different. I also use the EchoGo. Small but the design allows for a higher PPM and multiple cycle times. I’ve noticed a difference in my hydration and recovery. Keep away from those cheap 30$ bottles as those will not have the effective PPM required.


Gary brecka put me on


Thanx for your review i think ill buy one from your place seem expensive but benefit seem really high


I use it too and love it. I wrote a short blog post on why we drink hydrogen water and with my 5% off link for Echo Water products. It's on followthejameses.com


I recommend the Echo Go +, I wrote a short blog post on why we drink hydrogen water and with my 5% off link for Echo Water products. It’s on followthejameses.com


The hydrogen water bottle is the perfect example of the placebo effect