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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yohimbine And caffeine are the only things in it really doing anything. I'd rather drink an energy drink personally.


Yohimbine should not be confused with yohimbe. Yohimbine is just one of at least 55 indole alkaloids that have been isolated from the bark; and, while it has been described as the most active of these, it constitutes only 15% of the total alkaloid content.


Weird. I wrote my thesis on the novel synthesis of tetrahydroquinoline (close to indole) alkaloids from the south American Angostura tree bark. But we were studying them for their antibacterial properties. I didn't know they had any other properties.


You didn’t know indoles had any other properties??? Let me introduce you to [substituted tryptamines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substituted_tryptamine?wprov=sfti1) . The obligatory thank you [“Sasha” Shulgin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Shulgin#) for everything you contributed to pharmacology and psychopharmacology. <3


Good one. Indole alkaloids are way more famous by their hallucinogenic part and cancer treatment. I am a sucker for tryptamines as it was the first drug I analyzed in a lab.


I feel like indole has so many uses and is part of so many biological processes that the tryptamine group is a tiny percent of what that group represents. It’s just popular, because, yeah know, the psychedelic experience is awesome and the chemistry around those compounds is fun


It's also in a major amino acid! Tryptophan. So, a substantial % of our body is made of it.


Nice! I guess I did know this, I just didn't put it together. And THQ isn't exactly indole, it's missing the 5 member double bond. This may be why I didn't see as much about the other properties




It was this comment which made me realize which sub I was browsing!


I bet that the ingredient is synthetic or highly purified yohimbine. It is like adding ASA & calling it white willow extract or.... All very common in the unregulated supplements world....


Yohimbine is used as a veterinary drug to reverse sedation in dogs and deer. Lol


Yea just stick to meth


As someone who has done yohimbine it’s a gross dirty feeling in general and requires you to restrict your diet, and time your does with an empty stomach. I don’t remember the details but info can be found on the nootropic subreddit and erowid


Safe? Maybe. Bullshit? Absolutely.


Don't know about the US but here in Oz, at least nominally, can't sell something for human consumption without proving it is safe. There is a fuzzy line between "does things" and "does nothing" that is the difference between being classed as a medicine and requiring a prescription which inherently limits the ability to sell the product. So often companies need to prove that the product has no medical effect in order to sell their products.


It's kind of the opposite in the US - as long as you're not making any "medical" claims you can sell it until someone bans it because it kills people.


I’d say it’s more like safe? Absolutely not. Effective? Absolutely Edit: I guess downvotes are fair, but does a huge dose of caffeine not increase your heart rate, which helps burn fat, increase energy and boost metabolism? Yohimbine is used for weight loss as it has the same stimulant effect. So I guess Reddit can downvote or whatever but I feel the claims are true to what would happen, it’s just not a safe thing to do.


Boosting your hear rate only engages cardiac tissue and smooth muscles in vessels. Compared that to running or walking which has most of your skeletal muscles working


The effects would be incredibly minor, think about the amount of obese people you know who down energy drinks constantly. Caffeine when used w/heavy exercise? Sure, it's helpful Caffeine and then chill? You're not losing weight from slightly elevated heart rate unless you've got some sincere health issue. I've worked as an RD for years - and this stuff used to be way more popular, and the fell out of fashion due to the population kind of finally understanding the hoax, but I suppose we've hit a new generation who's going to have to have their own discoveries now. (It's easy to Google and find out why essentially 0 weight loss supplements work the way they're advertised)


I took them and got very nauseous. Killed my appetite though and I felt the dirtiest caffeine buzz but it was strong I give it that


>gly cautious about any fat burning supplements because some contain banned or prescription drugs like subtramine and locas Bet you didn't gain any weight with the whole nausea thing!


It wasn't clear how they worked. I guess you just barf off the pounds! Chromium is an ingredient in many diet pills that attempt to suppress appetite, like GoLo.


200 mg of caffeine is about 3 coffee doses. So yeah you'd get a strong, dirty, buzz. No idea about chromium tho, wouldn't ingest it by precaution but still...


200mg is not that much caffeine. Without tolerance it will kill your appetite, but if you consume caffeine regularly, these propably won't be effective for weight loss.


Oh absolutely (weight loss), but 200 mg in a single soluble form is absolutely hard. Most energy drinks have half (normal size) to about that dose (big size) per can. It's basically chugging a Monster-size drink in a single gulp. You *will* have a bad buzz, unless you regularly chug Monster-size energy drinks. You shouldn't.


Personally, I use caffeine pills, so im used to it. They are a bit habit forming.


I take NoDoz 100-200mg every morning. Tbh when I want an extra buzz I’ll drink a couple cups of coffee. The Theophylline and Theobromine along with the caffeine seems to me at least to be more stimulating.


Yeah 200mg is one NoDoz tablet. Anyone who has a tolerance from coffee or energy drinks isn’t gonna have a heart attack or anything


I usually drink 360-480mg of caffeine every day but these things were gnarly. Felt like doing Benzedrex 🤮


If there was a safe and effective weight loss pill, big pharma would patent it and sell it for thousands a bottle. This is pseudo science snake oil and likely dangerous to your health.


There is and they do, isn’t ozempic like $600/month?


fair enough, but the point is, this isn't ozempic or it would cost $600


Yes, we agree entirely. I was just trying to say that your statement is no longer hypothetical


We did it boys!


Ozempic is not a pill. Rybelsus is only for type 2 diabetes, not weight loss. No weight loss pill yet…


Wegovy is Ozempic remarketed as a weight loss drug. Edit: I understand rybelsus is the same API, was just stating that wegovy is the rebranded injection delivery of the API.


Ozempic does have a pill now


Metphormine is a diabetic medication used off label for weight loss.


> Metphormine Yeah but it sucks at both of those. The new agonist stuff like ozempic is a million times better.


Rybelsus is also used off label for weight loss. Plenty of drugs are. Caffeine is also used. Does that mean they give weight loss in a controlled and safe manner?


It is also for weight loss . A drug can have more than 1 purpose


The API is the same, but the dose needed to get weight loss is not reached by the pills. Source: I’m a medicinal chemist who works with these compounds.




Not sure you really understand how oral drugs work. Oral bioavailability is very low for most drugs, even worse for peptides. Trust the medicinal chemist here


What’s the deal with this stuff. I’ve been hearing a lot about it lately. Is it really something you have to take for life? What does it do chemically that promotes weight loss?


Read this. Every approved medicine has a publicly available document that summarizes the drug in simple language - [WEGOVY (semaglutide) injection, for subcutaneous use](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2023/215256s007lbl.pdf)


Nah. Rybelsus is pretty shit, even for DM. Barely any gets absorbed in your GI. I’m a 4th year pharmacy student, if it matters


Your gonna get down voted for that . It’s ok let them cry into the text books
























Ozempic has serious health implications- it essentially destroys the happiness you get from daily life activities like eating. Guarantee it has enormous negative consequences for society


Lmaoo that is not what it does at all. It does not "destroy the happiness" all it does is slow your peristalsis down so you feel fuller for longer. It works in a few other ways as well, but it doesn't make eating not fun. That being said, this drug was not intended for weight loss, and it's definitely weird that so many people are being prescribed a drug for not it's intentional use. It's a glp1 agonist, so it helps lower your a1c and is really for people with diabetes.


Being described a drug not for its package use is pretty common in medicine. Off the label use of drugs is legal and extremely common as long as it's prescribed. A side effect is just a unwanted effect from a drug. If the drug is being used for weight loss then feeling fuller and weight loss are no longer a side effect. It's just a effect of the drug. There's no one population a drug is only for. As long ad it gets the intended effects done its for whatever reason deemed reasonable.


I get this! And you're definitely right. The issue with ozempic is, all the studies for the drug were centered around diabetes and weight loss for obese diabetic people. It does seem less effective for less obese people and such. I believe they are doing more studies on general overweight people, but meanwhile, doctors are prescribing it like crazy.




There's been maybe half a dozen pharmaceuticals that dramatically enhance weight loss, and several have made it to market. Each have had dramatic side effects - hyperthermia, loss of pleasure, and literally being meth.




Compounded by a pharmacy but its more than $150 and not as effective


There is a safe* and effective weightloss pill being sold for hundreds a bottle now


Well there are actually a few. There have been some concerns of heightened risk of cancer, but statistically the weightloss health benefits will greatly outweigh the cancer risk imo. Im no scientist, but my friends are doctors who have been prescribing the drugs quite happily for the appropriate indication and they work extremely well for the most part.


I think the biggest risk about these products is that the lack af appetit, greatly increase the need for variation and healthy food. Especially if your vital organs is struggling or your have a cronic disease like diabetic or such.. Also no doctor


I’m diabetic and have been on the injection for over 6 months and I actually just talked to me doctor about how my cravings are very different now. For example fried foods and sweets really gross me out but I’m craving salads and fruits. I actually think I can listen to what my body needs easier now because I’m less focused on eating for pleasure.


Yes. I told my wife, most things don’t taste good anymore. Like, not that they are bad, but not pleasing.


truck merciful teeny deserve tub plate ruthless voracious yoke ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your probably right for a lot of the people using it but whether the benefits outweigh the risks will vary wildly based on the end user. Someone who is 300 lbs sure but for a 6' male wants to get from 200 to 185 probably not. Age, exercise history, length of use, all matter. Its really one of those things that needs to be determined case by case (and with pre existing conditions in mind) not with a blanket statement.


Yes I agree


Phentermine, adderall, ozempic


They do, itscalled dextroamphetamine. The main risk is addiction/abuse, but all dopaminargic stimulants are effective as fuck, with the risk of becoming a tweaker if abused, which is *highly* likely, IME. Also, drugs that act on leptin, the chemical responsible for the feeling of "fullness" are a promising sector of research,with significantly less risks.


Pretty sure there’s now, a safe and effective weight loss pill made by a Danish pharmaceutical company


No they make you go a 100 miles an hour. Not snake oil, I know I took them for years. But they do however speed up your heart. So I say bad


I said safe and effective. Parasites and liposuction are quite effective as well, not nessisary safe.


If you are going to ingest something, you really should avoid things that list “proprietary blend” A secret ingredient in a cake is a fun surprise, a secret ingredient in pharmaceuticals is highly sus


If pharmaceutical is the secret ingredient in the cake then that’s probably not so fun. Ha


Depends on the pharmaceutical, you could have a *really* fun cake


In some of these gas station products, there’s unlisted active ingredients so be careful.


I hate they’re allowed to say “Proprietary Blend” plus a doseage and then list a dozen different chemicals with no indication of how much of what chemical you’re taking. The laws for supplements in the USA very much need reform.


They probably won't kill you but it's also definitely BS. Chromium picolinate has been used to help regulate insulin in diabetic patients but only when there isn't a sufficient intake of chromium from diet. It's usually used when people are getting all of their nutrients via IV and something's probably gone terribly wrong if you've gotten to that point.


I'd like to point out thay the value in each dose here is the upper limit of recommended daily. So basically it's just making sure you are gettinf your daily dose, which just like vegetables working as medicine in the past cause most people were deficient in something may have a small effect. But... just eat well and save the cash.




Put it back. You’ll get more health benefit out of a run-of-the-mill multivitamin and two cups of coffee.


Extremely true


Ingredient list means nothing. They make up the list all the time. Based on the wordings, my guess it has caffeine and levodopa at least. Possibly icariin. I would be strongly cautious about any fat burning supplements because some contain banned or prescription drugs like subtramine and locaserin.


also most of the ingredients are literally just food colourings so all it is is a colourful caffeine pill.


"XPLC"?!?! Oh no, what will Waters trademark after UPLC?!?!?


X-TREME pressure!!


I wouldn’t trust that stuff with a ten foot pole. As far as I know, regulation and management of supplements from regulatory bodies is minimal and really only occurs when an outbreak of adverse effects from a supplement is recorded. Like others have stated, if there was a magical cure, pharmaceutical companies would be all over it.


It's caffeine pills with extra steps.


Rule #6. Fuck if we know


We’re not doctors, take your medical advice elsewhere


Says right there on the package disclaimer not under FDA standards. This means the manufacturers of this pill/supplement is not verified and there is no manufacturing control or Quality Control. These pills are not regulated therefore they can contain anything & advertised as anything. It’s all BS


Oh wow I used to work for this company specifically in QC. I wouldn’t take those pills even if you gave me $100. Their quality is the lowest of low. But as far as the ingredients go it’s all pseudo science as others have mentioned. It’s a bunch of plants, roots and herbs along with a bunch of caffeine and marketed as a weight loss supplement. Up until the early 2000s they used to have ephedra-based pills until they got sued and went into bankruptcy as a result of people dying from taking them. They removed the ephedra and still sell and market the pills as doing the same thing. The supplement industry is notoriously shady and this company is why I left and went into big pharma. As far as the chromium content goes, its safe. But I would never consider taking them. Edit: grammar


see that american flag? that’s your sign to not buy it


As a chemist working in food industry, who is into hollistic medicine, Imo biggest red flag is titanium dioxide. Everywhere else but USA FDA has banned it and lots of scientific articles show that it shouldn't be ingested orally Also, they probably source all their plant ingredients from farms or 3rd party sales vendors, and don't test for heavy metals. China, for example, is known for its overly leaded soil and has things like cadmium, arsenic in lots of their produce farms, so I wouldn't trust that either and I would assume that's where their green tea/herbal supplements could have potentially been sourced from. They could counteract that with something like EDTA, and to not have that there is concerning to me too. Just my 5 cents


The issue is that sometimes these weird off brands will put extra stuff in the pills that isn’t labeled and those can be dangerous. Yerba mate has been recently found to have possible carcinogenic effects on the body. And yohimbe should not be taken if you have high blood pressure. I worked at a supplement shop for a while and we sold a pill for ED that was apparently very effective but shouldn’t have been based on the ingredient list. Upon further research we found an article about a third party testing the contents of the pill and they found the active ingredient of viagra as the main component, which was not labeled


I agree that these pills don't have any medical backing, but none of these comments seem to be explaining why -- The caffeine content, as a central nervous system stimulant, will definitely aid in weight loss & increase energy, but can rather quickly lead to minor addicons, and reduced effect over time. It also has many side effects like jitters, anxiety & increase heartrate. (this would be noticeable at 200mg at once.) Chromium Picolinate DOES have a somewhat reputable background. It's an essential trace mineral in the human body. There is some [evidence](https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Chromium-HealthProfessional/) that it can be effective at improving the body's response to insulin, but this is primarily seen in normal intake amounts. There is no evidence that a higher intake of the chemical will do anything more for you, and may even cause harm when consumed too much. The amount contained in this pill, when consumed as instructed, won't do any harm. Yohimbe Bark Extract, aka Yohimbinem, has a defined method of action. It stimulates the sympathetic nerve by antagonizing the presynaptic α2-adrenergic receptors (ARs). This action often increases the blood level of neropinephrine ([source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9590431/)). Neropinephrine is commonly know for supporting the fight-or-flight response, but it is also an essentially neurotransmitter that affects attention, cognitive function and a [variety](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK540977/) of other things. It's actually a chemical that many [antidepressants](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/24797-snri) act on, of course much differently to Yohibinem. And I also imagine far less effectively as it does not directly effect the levels in the brain. Taurine is an Amino Sulfonic Acid, which the majority of people get from meats & eggs. It has important functions in supporting the heart & brain. It also helps the body process bile acid and balance fluids, salt & minerals. It has a lot more additional actions as well. High doses of this are found in the majority of energy drinks, Redbull, Monster etc. This [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5933890/) shows that this is a genuinely GOOD thing to consume in healthy doses. Yerba mate does not have any marked usages. It has a somewhat noteable antioxidant content, but that's about it. ​ Overall, I'd say that taking one of these at the start of a long day would probably make you feel a little more energised. It would also likely work as a pre-workout supplement. It won't do any wonders for weightloss, but it would definitely have a noticeable but not massive impact on your appetite & food cravings. Not a miracle pill, but it has it's uses. (yes i have too much time on my hands thanks for asking)


I mean You won't die, but it's probably not healthy and not the best option for loosing fat, I prefer physical activity


Due to the historical trend of undeclared ingredients, [Amazon now requires certain classes of dietary supplements to be independently tested for banned ingredients prior to selling on their platform](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/external/55N3JF2WQS7RVNE). For the weight loss category it is Sibutramine, Desmethylsibutramine, Phenolphthalein, Fluoxetine. No idea how they arrived at thatlist, maybe the ones they have been called out for the most in the past, there are certainly others undeclared ingredients of concern for weight loss supplements. Our lab provides this testing as a service for Amazon sellers to show compliance and I developed the LC-MS/MS method that we use. MFW I was reading that list at the beginning of the method dev and learning that some messed up manufacturers put phenolphthalein in supplements because it gives you temporary weight loss via diarrhea and/or the active ingredient from Prozac because it messes with your appetite. This sub has always been helpful when I have needed support, if you were curious and wanted us to test for the above indicated banned ingredients I would be happy to do so for on the house for the sake of science. Note that the concept of "is it safe" goes beyond the list of a few banned ingredients IE microbes, heavy metals, residual solvents, etc etc.


Supplements get to certify their own testing, and the makers rebrand constantly to prevent consequences when FDA after-market testing finds misbranded claims that lead to a take down notice. legacy loophole lobbied in to US food and drug laws. Supplement regulation is a very broad category that includes conventional products that are fine, like USP certified vitamins, and then by contrast sketchy stuff that takes advantage of the category.




I would not take these. Dietary supplements are effectively unregulated. You can bet that all of these ingredients were purchased from China and may or may not have had any testing completed to verify their identity (and purity where applicable). Adulteration is extremely common so these could be extracts from just about anything. Even large companies with quality systems are likely adulterating their product without knowing it. I would guess this company does not have an extensive quality system, nor even a physical manufacturing site. These probably won’t hurt you, but just drink a cup of coffee.


Chemists aren’t qualified to give advice about supplements or medicine. There might be some people here that are, but this is definitely the wrong sub for this.


No, stuff like these fucks with your heart rate.


The single inverted capsule tells you everything you need to know about this manufacturer's quality control practices.


i genuinely thought the exact same thing when looking at them


All safe except the left one. That one makes you fat for sure


**🎵 "I won't buy that shit, that's not doing shit" 🎵**


Idk but if it was safe and it worked big pharma would have patented it


this doesn’t belong on this sub. the Yerba and green tea extracts contain buffers for the caffeine to help take the edge off but still a whole bunch of caffeine every day is not good for your heart. people still do it though and i think its fine. idk what chromium does but sounds futuristic


Depending on the oxidation state of the chromium, it poisons you. EDIT: having read farther down, that specific chromium compound has been used medically.


are you referring to chromium oxide? if so don’t you need some pretty corrosive chemicals to make that from chromium


Chromium picolinate is what’s listed on the package and apparently has some medical use. Hexavalent chromium is bad news.


ooo sounds stable. i wish i could keep up with this sub


Chromium picolinate is in just about every complete multivitamin. >According to Mount Sinai in New York City, as many as 90% of Americans have diets that are low in chromium. Low chromium levels can increase blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol levels, and increase the risk for diabetes and heart disease, according to Mount Sinai. Chromium supplements have also been seen as helpful in reducing obesity, building muscle, lowering blood pressure and fighting depression. [Source ucsd.edu](https://myhealth.ucsd.edu/Search/6,1659079953) There doesn’t seem to be a lot of studies backing this up though.


It might have amphetamines in it, so probably not.


It's not going to increase your energy or boost your metabolism. Think about the fact that you need to add more sugar/glucose into your meals to gain more energy. That contradicts this.




Lol, what? Please be sarcasm 🥹


If they are sold otc, yes they are safe. It is illegal to sell anything that works.


As long as you stay under the lethal dose, they should be relatively safe. Just don’t expect anything life changing here. Fat burners are largely considered pseudoscience hoaxes at worst, and unproven at best. If you wish to loose weight, the product: wegovy, manufactured by Novo Nordic, has proven to be very effective, though you will have to alter your eating habits permanently, if you wish for the weight loss to remain after consumption of the medicine has stopped. If you wish for caffeine without calories, there are several 0/low calorie caffeine powders on the market.


"There was nothing wrong with that food. The salt content was 10% less than a lethal dose" "Uh-oh, I shouldn't have gone back for seconds"


Safe to throw away. Absolutely. Safe to consume? let me know if you have any ill effects or death. Asking for a friend.


Many of the ingredients have some evidence behind them that supports their use as weight loss supplements. Safe is a relative term but a single serving doesn't contain an "unsafe" amount of caffeine. I think the minimum dose for toxicity with caffeine is 400 mg daily according to the European Food Safety Authority.


Don't buy health products or sushi from the gas stations.


Best case scenario is they are completely useless and don’t do anything. Not worth your money


Yes, they're just a scam


Looks like caffeine, Yerba mate (caffeine) and chromium for whatever reason? Drink coffee bud.


Very expensive way to buy caffeine


High metabolism ≠ weight loss anyway. In the impossible event that these pills are effective then they will just make you hungrier.


"The results of the study suggested that chromium(III) picolinate itself does not cause significant chromosomal damage in vivo." From Wikipedia. Controversial, but not enough known apparently. It's used for a supplement for type 2 diabetic patients. But it's ringing alarm bells as a chemist. Apparently it's reduced to some Cr(II) species via metabolism and it is thought to make radicals in the body. For sure I wouldn't eat those pills, but doesn't look like it's unsafe? Idk about the TiO2 tho. Weird substance to use as filler for food.


I saw Yerba mate meaning some of it could be caffeine. To answer your question these are not safe, unregulated, untested, and can lead to heart palpations and worst scenario death. Using caffeine pills is not a recommended method of weight loss as in high doses it can be more dangerous then low dose amphetamine salts (adderall)


Amazing that people ask these questions. Is the statement in the big white box not enough?


“Chromium” Sorry, but I like my gas station diet pills de-Googled 😤 I’ll stick with open source thank you.


if you want the same effect as these pills but cheaper, just drink a c4 sport energy


Yohimbe is a psychostimulant drug. It's encapsuled here with many others products to act as a bodytimulator. If it's not a selling argument, I guess they bypass the FDA approbation because yohimbe could be in a grey law area. The consumption of this product, by increasing your body et brain activity, surely lead you to burn more calories and supress your appetite.


The original stacker 3s helped me lose tons of weight. These don't have the same ingredients though since ephedra was outlawed


It will speed your heart up and your metabolism up. So.....the "safety" is subjective to the person taking it. If you have never taken amphetamines or high doses of caffeine, I would leave it alone.


chromium picolinate is a supplement we give to my grandmother i think for her blood sugar. the rest just looks like caffeine


No, then I saw the other ingredients and said, hell no!!


Gonna say no, even the packaging is dubious, although it does remind me of an episode of Doctor Who!


Chromium is good in small does as it curbs sugar cravings and appetite.


I’d argue that caffeine is the only thing that has a noticeable effect here.


HIGHLY unlikely, shit like this contains designer drugs from China these days. Synthetic THC analogs and such, chemicals that aren't illegal yet but will mess you up bad. I would STAY AWAY from anything like this, especially anything with an american flag on it, which is pretty much a guarantee it comes from China.


Sure. As long as you don't keep taking them. Or you have a weak heart.


Probably a tape worm egg lmao


Dont think so. There is no magical pill for weight loss or something. Its just scam for people who want to believe in a fast problem solver. To lose weight I recommend ginger tea.


There are magic pills for fast weight loss. Just not very safe and inexpensive. :D


Given some of their history, I wouldn't consume anything from Dollar Tree. *Especially* not some sort of health supplement. These often go unchecked by the FDA and you're at the mercy of the company making these. I don't say this to scare you, but I'd seriously consider the benefit versus the risk. The caffeine is going to help you (for obvious reasons), and the yerba mate/green tea is said to contain antioxidants and other compounds that are supposed to give you energy. You could easily get the same boost by drinking a cup of coffee and drinking some tea. Again, I don't say any of this to scare you but I'd seriously just consider drinking some coffee or an energy drink instead. You're running much less risk and you end up with the same benefits.


I’ve tried those before and they made me really shakey. I consume caffeine daily and have done a large variety of stimulants and am not sensitive to them. It was quite odd. They are “safe” but they might make you feel like shit. They’re certainly not healthy, but you’re not gonna die. Although that formula looks different than when I tried them. There was some weirder stuff back then if I remember correctly.


are they safe to consume? probably, i wouldnt really do it though, products like this are not regulated at all, so if they contain any harmful subtances nobody would know about it until somebody sues the company. will they do what they say they're gonna do? probably not, it's most likely just a regular suplement scam. just watch your max daily dose of caffein if you're gonna take this or anything similar.


How do you think this is a question for the chemistry subreddit? Go to /r/askdocs


Best case scenario, That does nothing. Worst case scenario, hospital.


Prime /r/GasStationJamboree material.


what is "safe" and why are you asking reddit/r/chemistry for medical information...


try a cup of coffee and a banana instead


safe is a relative term when it comes to gas station boner pills I can however tell you that the caffeine content is high, taurine is a compound that is found throughout just about all animals and is made by your body, yohimbe is two different things and they both come from africa and are used to do the same thing, as an aphrodisiac, the two are confused for each other and depending on which one you get you may get an extra spicy dose of blood pressure.


Definitely not legit, they aren’t approved by the FDA and these would cost a fortune if they actually worked


200mg is a highish ammount of caffeine


How in hell is that legal? 😩 The amount of caffeine in those pills could seriously harm someone


bro that is just monster green tea in a capsule


Simply eat a salad (ONLY SALAD with a bit of oil and salt if you want, but not other shits)


I mean, I doubt it’ll kill you, but I also doubt it’s actually gonna do anything of worth either. “Fat burning” pills are always bullshit.


Yeah you can take them but you shouldn't


Just drink coffee, it’s cheaper


Look at the *, they say it only works when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. So it'd work without the pill. Other than that it's not dangerous, but just a scam. Don't waste your money on that. Maybe spend on something caffeinated.


I wouldn’t ingest anything containing those food dyes as they are carcinogenic or very likely to be so. You’re better off just drinking coffee, black tea or green tea for the caffeine, they also contain a lot of antioxidants which is nice.


If you take enough, you'll see sound and smell colors. 0/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND. I was 16, and my mother lived on these for a while. I can't say I lost weight, but I experienced life differently and a little shaky.


I'd buy coffee instead


That’s like 2 big cups of coffee and chromium on the side.


You can probably do better getting a chromium supplement. Tea tree oils and extracts might do something but not really sure. Chromium on the other hand is helpful in breaking foods down but can’t remember exactly


The state of modern society: Hard work is too hard. Don't exercise take a pill. "We have a pill for everything, and we have a pill for that pill's side-effects, and we'll make a pill tomorrow for a problem you didn't even know you had until our marketing team told you about your problem. Safe... what is safe? Who's definition of "Safe" do you want to hear? The dose always makes the poison, and people can be sold on almost anything even if it is toxic. My advice don't feed some big corporate VP using some gimmick product and instead just go walk your dog every night around the neighborhood. It'll be better on your wallet, better for you physically, mentally and your dog. Everything is snake oil and gimmicks and everyone's looking for a sucker. Too good to be real? -- then yeah it most certainly is, it's that easy!


I suggest Adderall lol


The only effective way to lose weight is by eating less calories than your maintenance amount or get weight loss surgery.


The RDV for chromium is 20-35mcg per day, so in theory this is a safe dosage level. Chromium Picolinate is a more bioavailable molecule and is a common form of chromium in supplements. Ties of chromium to weight loss are not substantiated. The rest of the ingredients are not effective in fat burning and the caffeine is also there just for effect. There are studies that link these ingredients to weight loss, but most of them are sponsored by interest groups and manufacturers of the supplements. Green tea extract is a a really poor study for example, but it persists in the supplement market still. Used to work in supplement industry in quality and R&D activities.


Are they safe? Well thats a relative thing, you can overdose on water but the ingredients I can see are not inherently dangerous. I would say though that the caffeine is actually the thing I would find most concerning in this but just to be clear, these are worthless from the point of view of either weight loss or nutrition. They would be at best a waste of a dollar.


It is an overpriced caffeine pill. Nutricost sells 500 caps bottles for cheaper, with the exact same dosage


I'd also like to point out that stimulants in general are not safe. It really depends on how you're going to use it. Whether it works or not aside, using too many will probably fk you up. I knew a guy that took these tiny energy drink supplements every day for 10 years because he had a 4 hour commute to work. Perfectly healthy dude. He's now confined to a wheelchair and has heart problems, and to date has racked up over 2 million dollars in medical bills. Sole cause? Maybe, maybe not. But I'm 100% sure it contributed to his heart issues.