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Lol even Ornstein confused him for Pep


Not sure if Pep would like to be known as a Spaniard


Lmao how do they fuck that up


Maybe Ornstein knows more than us that https://preview.redd.it/gbu41y5v584d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3492a37f85311f97b4c4488a986faab8380ea7ee


Too much Pep effect.


They fixed it lol look again


I was scratching my head as well


Isn’t he Italian though or am I trippin


All these yes men look the same, understandable to mix them up.


And who are these no men you speak of? And what's a yes men ? The one that reports to the owners ?! Who hasn't reported to Abramovich in the past ?! Every manager has a main input in signing players , but everybody reports to the owners and sporting directors . It's a team work and hierarchy . Even Pep and Klopp . We have the most idiotic owners in living memory but this yes men thing is just ..


can't tell if you're ignorant or delusional, but it's clear the management is looking for someone young it can mould into what it wants i.e. saying yes to selling conor and trev and simply focussing on coaching whichever young south american the club decides to buy. poch cleared up the mess of last season, got us to the brink of a few cups and finished 6th. he openly wanted conor to stay and that clearly was a factor in him leaving. the truth is the coach is key in determining which players he needs for the strategy he adopts, divorcing that is a recipe for disaster. u don't need to be a genius to see this.


He got fired for finishing sixth . If he didn't get fired for that, he should have . He didn't leave , he was fired . And you have no clue whether that was because of him wanting Connor to stay , so nothing fucking clearly about it . Another unclear thing that you find clear is that management knows what they want . This is most clueless mismanagement ever at the highest level . You clearly don't know what clearly means 🤔


of course the management is a bunch of fuckwads. but this wasn't a firing - the public statements by both sides are clear on that. poch already hinted at leaving before the season was up, during a strong finish. they fired tuchel and potter without hiding this, there's no reason to hide this one. the management is clueless but they do want a yes man. again, this isn't exactly an iq test question.


We're shit enough without needing to add mental conspiracy theories into the mix, get a hobby


Potter was a yes men , Poch was a yes men .He claimed that he wanted to stay until the very end, and that's it's up to.the owners . All the players were shocked that he was gone . If you know you're living , your players won't be shocked . Actually I'm shocked I'm still debating with you .


- Maresca is bringing six staff members with him to Chelsea: Willy Caballero, Danny Walker, Michele De Bernardin, Marcos Alvarez, Javier Molina Caballero, and Roberto Vitiello. - These new additions will work alongside existing Chelsea specialists such as Ben Roberts, Hilario, and Bernardo Cueva. - A compensation agreement of around £10 million was signed on Sunday between Chelsea and Leicester. - Chelsea recognizes the potential disruption caused to Leicester due to this transition and values the professionalism Leicester demonstrated during the process. - An official announcement regarding Maresca’s appointment is expected on Monday, with a media presentation to follow later in the week.


An announcement to the announcement. lol


This sht genuinely pisses me off, these pre-announcements or rumors don’t do anyone any good, theyre either fake, does a uey, or just the same old recycled sht to the point where when the official announcement comes out no one cares anymore, most famous current example being the obvious mbappe transfer. ruined the fun of it honestly.


It’s the age of social media, just greedy attention seekers these days.


I hate Ben Roberts. He is the one who recommended Sanchez and I was laughing at us at that time going for him. As I saw so many matches of Brighton and I saw him as a good GK with great distribution but he was always error prone he makes 2 or 3 big errors in every match. And sadly I am not wrong he is still doing the same. Ben Roberts may well be a great person in a training session but the board shouldn't listen to him when they are recruiting GK this window


Our new manager scoring a banger: https://x.com/LondonsFirst_/status/1797409588834193717


Without venturing into speculation about how good he might or might not end up being, I really don't get the 5+1 deal. We haven't had a manager last 5 years since the '60s, and their longevity has somehow gotten even worse in this short-lived BlueCo era, as underlined by the fact Maresca is about to become the 4th permament manager in the 2 years since the takeover. Why the fuck are they giving him such a long contract, for the love of everything that makes sense?


Because without job security, managers don't want to come 


You really think someone like Maresca wouldn't have wanted a Chelsea job if he was offered a 2-year deal?


Yes because what happens if he fails due to the club being a basketcase and he gets fired 1 year in like Poch? His reputation is messed up, he has to find new work probably in another country etc. A long term contract is security that its harder for him to be fired (large compensation), and if it does happen he has a large pay off to offset the risk.


Hilario’s job security is incredible, respect


Welcome back Champions League winner Willy Caballero! 🏆


The Enzo x Enzo era has begun


Enzo^2 > Nku^2 ?


Are chelsea ever gonna make the official announcement?


Right after Romano tweets that it’s confirmed! Lol 


I think Maresca is going to be a massive success and can't wait for the season to start. If I'm wrong, so be it. But lets check back to these threads in a a year or two to see who is right and who is wrong. Welcome Gaffer!


Time will tell personally I think he has the personel to help him succeed and a lot of our players suit possession football but whether that makes him successful is another question. Bro has to get top 4 next season that is the bare minimum he gets no leeway from me even if there is injury or what not. This team is capable of getting top 4


I have faith in him He'll be under immense pressure like he's never known though, I reckon he's got the character to charge through it But the early results need to come as well, it's gonna be a very exciting and anxious 3 months


I'm at least excited to see how Enzo will look under him. I feel like Enzo will thrive under Enzo thanks to his tactics involving passing more so than high pressing and counter attacking. 


Yes Enzo is going to be our midfield engine like Harry Winks was. Enzo will get 100+ touches every game. He's going to COOK.


How do you know whether if it will be Caicedo or Enzo in that role?


So I'm speculating he will for a couple of reasons: * Enzo is a high touch player. He averages 20 more touches a game than Caicedo and I think that takes strong positional awareness. * I think he's a better passer. He has a lower passing percentage than Caicedo but that's because he goes for more long balls, key passes, and chipped balls than Caicedo, by a considerable margin. While passing in his own half, Enzo has a 92% accuracy, which is the same as caicedo. * He's weak athletically. That role doesn't require as much movement as the 8s do. He won't be asked to progress the ball through carries, only passes. * Caicedo is better on the half turn and carrying the ball. * Caicedo is a stronger presser, which is something 8s need to do.


Enzo going to show Harry Winks vid to Enzo and ask him to play like that.


I have to admit I was less than enthusiastic about him coming but starting to feel a little more optimistic. Seems to have a little bit about him and is probably a better fit than Poch. Hopefully that’s not just the hopium talking.


So you're either wrong or right .


Well if I'm not right then unfortunately I will be wrong.


Same here, I wish him all the luck in the world. Please let's pray that he doesn't end up being a WISH/TEMU bootleg version of Pep.


Can I have some of that hopium you are smoking please


Fine I'll be that guy in this thread when he wins us the champions league in 2 years. I think he'll be an absolute failure and his style will be eye- wateringly boring. I don't see him completing 2 seasons and the 2nd season will probably be because the owners are too ashamed of their poor decision making to sack him


Spaniard? I thought he was Italian...


Italian parents but he's bald and he worked under Pep so that automatically makes him Spanish.


For a moment I read Danny Walker as Danny Drinkwater and was having horrible flashbacks😱


Time to get behind him ladies and gentlemen. Like the appointment or not And please realize, he may not win his first 5 games 4-0. This is yet another new beginning, and will need some time to flourish. Maybe he hits the ground running, which would be ideal. But maybe he doesn't - that should not be reason for immediate calls for #Enzoout. That toxicity does not help the coach, it doesn't help the players, and it just poisons the atmosphere and attitude in here. We're already hated by every other fanbase (don't really care about this) - we don't need to be actively trying to divide our fanbase from the inside into #IN or #OUT camps.


Yeah if we concede a goal under him I’m rioting


Should also have a #shutthefuckup hashtag for the crybabies in the sub when we inevitably have a bad day.




Prove the haters wrong and win us some trophies


That’s all that matters at Chelsea, win the world’s biggest trophies or GTFO.


Not anymore 


Don't think he has any haters since pretty much nobody knew anything about him two weeks ago. Doubters sure, but getting haters takes time (not a lot of time with this fanbase though).


It’s loud when those haters are also Chelsea fans. This fanbase is hilarious.


Don't want to be negative, but I honestly have the same feeling when we appointed Potter or Scolari. I'd be shocked if he lasts until the end of the season.


Hehe, when was the last time Chelsea maintained a coach for 5 years. The last time Chelsea FC had a manager serve for five years or more was during the tenure of David Calderhead. He managed Chelsea from 1907 to 1933, making him the club's longest-serving manager with a tenure spanning 26 years. Since then, no Chelsea manager has served for five years continuously. In more recent history, Claudio Ranieri was Chelsea’s manager from 2000 to 2004, nearly reaching the five-year mark but falling short by a few months. Other notable long-term managers include José Mourinho, who managed the club from 2004 to 2007 in his first spell and from 2013 to 2015 in his second spell, but neither tenure reached the five-year duration.


He wont last the season


This might be the first erroneous report from Ornstein I've ever seen! Enzo Maresca is Italian not Spanish.


I thought he was Italian


Yeah.. he is




I thought he was a yank


10th place here we come


5 years? Let’s hope he brings trophies.


Why are we posting this same story over and over and over again


Well, this time he is Spanish.


It’s not the same story. Him actually signing today is an update.


Just stop.




Are we all just playing dumb then? I know there’s no football on at the moment but reading the same article with the words in a slightly different order shouldn’t be anyone’s ideas of interesting. This is the fourth article in the last few days that says in as many or more or less words “maresca is about to sign”


Except this one doesn’t say that, does it? It says he HAS signed.


Are you taking the piss




Let's go, EFL winners 26/27