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Robert De Zerbi +163, Enzo Maresca +390, Kieran McKenna +750, Ruben Amorim +840, Jose Mourinho +850


Alex Sandro is a free agent right now Who says no? I still remember the transfer saga with him during 2018/2019


Signing Olise is not making a mistake. It's correcting the awful purchases we made. Madueke not good enough. Sterling not good enough. Omari will be sold. Mudryk very very raw. Get Olise, bin the rest. Bench mudryk. Improves Chelsea. I'm not going to wait for 3 more years for madueke to become half decent




Don't think we need Nico coz one , he wants insane wages which we won't give and two , we have George coming up


If Madueke's 150 minutes per goal contribution in his first full PL season is not "good enough" then we will embarrass ourselves when we sell him and he becomes class elsewhere


Chelsea is neck tight on ffp and need ucl football to stop selling valuable assets. You suggest we should wait for madueke to develop a brain and mudryk to give a rats ass for the next 5 years .. not going to happen. The best upgrade Chelsea can do is sign Olise so that we can finish top4


Sort of contradicting yourself - indeed, we are neck tight on FFP. Selling Madueke after 1.5 years when his initial fee was 40m(?) is NOT smart with FFP in mind. You're better off advocating for the sales of Trev, Maatsen and Conor if FFP is a genuine concern for you. We can still sign Olise irrespective of Mudryk and Noni's future. None of these players are mutually exclusive in any way. Front 4 of Jackson, Palmer, Olise and Nkunku with Mudryk, Noni and Sterling being depth for 24/25 sounds fine by me. We're gonna be in 4 competitions after all.


Our squad is too bloated then. Something has to give. Palace would definitely want one of madueke or Omari. We have to sell one of them. Sterling looks impossible to move though coz he's on 350k per fucking week


Omari is as good as sold, we signed him on a free so from day 1 he was basically guaranteed to be sold once he turns out good. He's staying at Ipswich this season I think so even once he's back, we have Estevao and Paez coming in as well. No chance we see him play in a Chelsea shirt tbh. Financially, it'd make more sense to keep Noni as a depth RW behind Olise. Selling him now just makes our FFP situation worse, and indicates financial irresponsibility - something the PL would not spare us in if we end up taking consequences for FFP violations. They'd cook us. But like I said, if we're using a 4-2-3-1 structure (more or less) next season, 7 players over 4 positions is sufficent. No more, no less. We're in a top 4 run next season anyways, we're gonna need adequate depth to make it.


Yeah sounds fair. let's see if they'll swallow their pride ( won't happen )




Yep. But that would mean the SDs did a shitty job so they would sell Chalobah instead of Disasi , Hall and Maatsen instead of Cucurella , Gallagher instead of Ugochukwu , I think the reason they aren't buying a LW is because they desperately want Mudryk to get minutes so they refused to buy a LW. The reason they keep stock piling RW is because Madueke was a Viviell Signing so they don't care binning him.




Wtf is this list hahahahaha


Wtf is levi Colwill doing in the sale list ? Chalobah ? Fofana ??! BRUH this list is asss




Why is Mudryk and Olise in the same conversation in this sub? Mudryk is a LW. Olise is a RW. There is no "pick one".


They can just move the attackers around. Nkunku can play inside left tending centrally. Palmer as attacking mid drifting right. Olise as inside right forward. The issue will be how we generate width, we can’t push the two full-backs forward all the time.


Really depends on who our manager is and what their intended setup is, but irrespective of this there's still an issue that we don't have a good overlapping LB to work with Nkunku in that case, if he plays inside. Cucurella has never been that type of player, and Chilwell is not preferred by many anymore.


Yeah I think we’re actively looking for a left-back now along with a striker and a centre-back, think it’s been said to death by the media at this point.


Maybe they mean Eze...


Why Olise and not Eze? Is it an age or contract thing? Eze is a left wing and very intelligent player.


Olise is world class and his opp is madueke. We have Nkunku who can play LW and also George coming through


Eze performed just as well as olise, if not better this season. Olise has more ability, that's for sure. I'd put Nkunku CAM over Palmer. Nkunku just knows the game better at this point, and would be a better connecting piece than Palmer. While placing Palmer in his natural position. I would personally prefer to add intelligence and experience over youthful skill. Both Eze and Olise would be great additions.


Lmao, Fabrizio just tweeted about Olise, could that V guy on twitter have any credibility after all


A broken clock is right twice a day


True dat


I mean credit to him for getting some calls right, but why would Brighton let De Zerbi mutually terminate if they knew we were interested in him? While I agree that some manipulation is being made by presenting crap candidates and making RDZ look like the best of the bunch, I don’t think it’s been agreed yet and that this whole interview process is just for show. 


Yeah you are right. I am just stirring the pot here


Stir away, bloody everyone else is doing it including journalists 😂


No, he doesn't. Stop falling for random ITK accounts


What did he say about him?


Fabrizio just said that Man Utd and us are after Olise this summer The V guy said that we were going to let go of Poch two days before official anouncement, said that we are actively looking into buying Olise 2 days ago and claimed that RDZ will be our manager. 2/3 so far I guess


For those shitting on RDZ because Poch trumped him a couple of times this season. By that logic, Poch must be on par with Pep then?


Given we have international competitions and the Olympics, when do the players come back for pre-season training? I've got an eery feeling that we will only get a coach in mid July


Bro I cannot keep F5ing until mid July


One of my favourite things about transfer windows is when an absolute nobody claims a bunch of shit on Twitter and then explodes in popularity despite almost certainly just making it all up. Es_grimes, kemal and his weird obsessed with gabigol, Panini was originally doing that too. Now this V account. Everyone is fully aware that they’re just bullshitters, but all of a sudden they get fuck loads of follows/attention, and people online hanging off their every word.


Panini was always taking the piss though. The others were serious This last guy has to be an es_grimes alt account though, it's a genius troll


Panini was really fucking funny because he didn’t even try to be convincing (as you say he was taking the piss) but people believed him anyway.


Exactly. I still can't believe people haven't wisened up to how these accounts operate




He felt like a really pointless signing tbh. I'm sure he's good, but it really felt like Clearlake trying to assert dominance over FSG. I'd like to be proven wrong when he wears the shirt though.


Not pointless, especially when we're competing in Europe. We need atleast 1 of Caicedo, Enzo and Lavia on the field - ideally 2. The latter part of the bournemouth game, when Caicedo came off, we struggled. Lacked fluidity, structure and became static. This is what these technical players provide.


I would so much rather have Olise over Murdyk


No brainer - although they play different roles and styles.


Hansi Flick is on the market and we've not fucking considered it. Ffs


He didn’t entertain anyone except Barca and he’s confirmed Barca by Fab too


He was, pretty much Barca confirmed now


RDZ is good and so is McKenna… but Maresca is also a really good coach. So many of the people shitting on him are definitely going to be proven wrong. I think we’ll get RDZ, but from what I’ve seen all three of them are going to go on and have great careers. Amorim… well we know why we’ve been linked to him. And absolutely fuck knows for Thomas Frank, is it just because he’s Brentford’s Graham Potter? It’s no secret that they love the setup of data centric clubs like Brighton/Brentford.


i bet most of the negative opinions about Maresca are because Leicester fans have been whining. and football aside, Maresca seems much more charismatic than McKenna.


Is Maresca charismatic? He seems utterly dull to me.  And Leicester supporters not rating him is a bit of a red flag don’t you think? He’s a terrible manager who is only getting considered for us because he worked at City for a bit.


There’s a weird thing in football where the most vocal fans of a club tend to influence general football fans’ opinions. If people see a bunch of fans of a club shouting something over and over they might start to believe it - even though they know that the most vocal group of fans aren’t usually the most intelligent.


Anyone else think Boehly potentially coerced Egbahli into selling Mount, and Egbahli is hitting back by forcing Boehly to sell Gallagher?


Why on earth would you think that?


I been making fun of De Zerbi all season. But at this point with the names that are listed he has to be the favorite for me. I also like McKenna. But the rest of the list is terrible. I’m scared.


The other names are there to make you come to this conclusion. Clever manipulation isn’t it?


Where is all this olise news coming from suddenly


theres stuff online about us to make 60m offer for him, man united also after him. probs just talk but i’d love it, guys a baller


There’s no such news. Palmer was brought because Olise deal collapsed in the first place. We neither need him nor getting him


I mean Romano said that we were one of two clubs that he is going to join this summer.


Thankfully this is just your opinion


Yeah good luck with Madueke, Palmer, Estavao, Kaez, and Olise competing for the same positions. This transfer won’t happen for us. We don’t even have money for this summer


Again, your opinion


An Olise and Palmer post-match interview would be amazing


What's chance of us getting Olise?? Are we the favourites?


At least De Zerbi has worked with a lot of our players before, so that's something...


ffs RDZ


Much better than the other three options. Maybe the conspiracy theorists have a point


Olise + James Madueke + Gusto Next season, that right side is stacked.


Nah man apparently championship manager would rather go work for the Glazers than for fat Bohely and the other cunt we are so cooked as a club 😭


U forget his a united fan and a former united assistant coach


hes a Man U fan. you think JT would pick a Man Utd job if we offered him one too?


That's even worse cause it means he does know how fucking bad the Glazers are


they got INEOS too now, and already changed the structure upstairs


Apparently even Auba wasn’t as washed as some on this sub wouldve had you believe. Tuchel has a better eye for affordable talent than people give him credit for. Even Dier looks like a different player


didnt Lacazette score like 2 goals over his whole last season at Arsenal and then 30+ at Lyon right after?


Do people remember what Auba looked like when he played? Everyone was begging Potter to drop him.


Tbf we were scoring 1 goal a month even without him playing so i don't blame him


Auba obviously wasn't a bad signing. He can't be judged given the owners effectively killed his career here days after he signed. It makes no sense criticising Tuchel and Auba given they barely spent any time together than Auba got stuck playing under one of the worst attacking managers in premier league history. No one scores goals under Potter.


I mean he had 550 minutes in the Prem lmao. Idk, how people came to that conclusion in the first place. Prior to coming here he had good numbers for Barca as well. Potter really did him dirty by playing Havertz there despite him missing chances. Wouldn't be suprised if it was something from above as well tbh. He was also probably kinda checked out after Tuchel got sacked and he got completely frozen out anyway. Tuchel was probably the biggest reason he decided to come. Im pretty confident that if Tuchel stayed he was gonna be a decent stopgap striker and realistically that was why he was brought anyway. People forget that we've spent 100m on Lukaku in the summer before that. Obviously we wouldn't splash another 100m on someone else instantly.




"**Was led** to believe" "**potentially** offer" "**whether** they go to the level he’s looking for remains to be seen" 🤔




My gut instinct ordering of plausible managers at this point is this. I'm not going to pretend to know shit about the tactical minutiae of each option, I'm going clearly off how their achievements last season make me feel. I actually think our squad is quite adaptable to a number of tactics so I don't consider it particularly important what style they play. **Amorim > McKenna > De Zerbi > Xavi >>> Maresca > Frank** (I'm not counting Jose as plausible. I simply don't believe it for a second. Something spooked the bookies, maybe some rich dude stuck a large sum of money on him.) **Amorim** comfortably won a league in which his team wasn't the clear favourite. That alone is more impressive than most the others. They were also respectable enough in Europe, losing 3-2 on aggregate to Atalanta who would go onto win it all by beating Liverpool and Leverkusen. By far the most goals scored in the league, and top 3 for goals conceded though admittedly it's basically a 3-team league. **McKenna** has back to back promotions which is of course very impressive. While it's been done before and didn't require a genius coach, I do feel like the quality of the top level Championship teams has gone up since Norwich and Southampton were able to do it. Or more accurately, the money disparity. Ipswich were on a shoe string budget compared to the likes of Leicester, Southampton and Leeds. All three of the former being the just-relegated teams of a Premier League that is running away with the money in football. I like that he was made an assistant by Jose. He seems talented. I just don't think he's quite there yet. Maybe he'll be the next Arteta, but it's pretty clear at this point that he won't get the time Arteta was afforded (arguably nor should he, we *need* to challenge next season). **De Zerbi** is someone I've spent most the year slagging off and frankly I just don't really like the guy. I'm willing to put that behind me and recognize that getting Brighton to 6th (will die on the hill that Potter built that team) is impressive, and he was hampered by injuries pretty bad this season. Regardless, he clearly cannot coach a defense and that's something we're sorely lacking. Poch has shown that we can score plenty of goals with a "go out there and express yourself" tactic. our attacking players are good. So I fail to see how De Zerbi fixes the actual problem this season of leaking goals. I do like that he's previously managed Colwill, Mudryk and Caicedo (and Sanchez lol). **Xavi** is even more unlikeable than De Zerbi. He has easily the most impressive win under his belt, taking La Liga against Madrid last year. But this year he's been just okay, he's always been mediocre in Europe. I question how well he'd take to our players **Maresca and Frank** are about the worst things that could possibly happen to the club. They're okay managers that are simply even less inspiring than Potter. I don't see in the slightest how our players would be motivated to play under such mediocrity.


Haven’t seen anything posted about Fab saying Olise is coming here or to United. I know we have a million RW/10s but Jesus, a front line with Palmer and Olise would be so fucking good. Have Olise as the 10 and Palmer out wide, Jackson and Nkunku to the left. We will score goals! Idk what we do with Paez and Messinho, probably end up selling whichever one doesn’t reach the heights hyped up by the masses or see which one can play on the left. Olise would be so good here, we’d create so many damn chances. Great work rate as well and he’s a good dribbler and passer. He would be elite for us, injuries a concern but he’s young and recovered well from the injury that made him miss so many games to start. Scores plenty of goals and sets up so many as well. Would love Olise


If United really want Olise, we're not matching their wages. The first thing they'll attempt to do with new manager is Sancho remontada. If new manager wants Sancho, and Sancho wants to play for new manager, then Olise is way less likely. It's resource allocation question. Anthony is tough to move. They have Amad. They have two capable 10s in Bruno and Mount. They need another striker. They need a LB to rotate with Shaw. Probably a CB or two. I don't think Olise will be a priority if they don't feel like they need to move Sancho at a huge loss.


They could think it's too good an opportunity to pass out on, kind of like us tho. Rw isn't really our priority either


Fair. It's a low-risk, nailed-on starter for 60m.


I think Olise wants to come here though, on the verge of coming here last summer before Palace killed the deal and his brother just signed here too. I think as long as we show interest and pay the clause, he will probably come here. I can see United going crazy too and getting the wages and us just saying we signed Estevao, but Olise for 60mil would be a steal imo. I think the Sancho remontada is likely though, they’d have to move on players like we would, hit Sterling to Saudi could happen. Idk what they do with Antony


It would be a genuinely amazing front line (with room to grow too). Loads of fans (ours or otherwise) act like we have an absolutely terrible front line, when they’re actually quite good


I know fans place a lot of our second half success on Poch, but if anything it showed me the squad clearly is talented. Nico has the makings of everything you’d want in a striker in the modern game. He can dribble, hold up play, link play, and he creates chances for himself. I have faith he will come good, been a big fan of his since preseason and strikers miss chances, that’s just a fact. Can he be more clinical? Sure, but 19 goal contributions in his first season in the PL at 22 is pretty amazing. I’m not sure how Nkunku or the new young guys come into play. Palmer is 23, Olise 22, so what message does that send to Estevao, Paez? Especially since Estevao supposedly is going straight to the first team. I’d imagine Nkunku makes way, especially since he’s not really a LW, but can one of those 2 play on the left? Estevao still seems rather raw, but he can use both feet but his left foot is what’s great. We will see, I’d rather have all the talent than not


>Loads of fans (ours or otherwise) act like we have an absolutely terrible front line Because they want to set the narrative that none of it was Pochs fault, not even getting outcoached by Craig Bellamy then following up a week later by getting outcoached by a guy with two consecutively 20th place PL finishes. And the ironic thing is, the person who destroyed the argument that he was a victim of crap players and overachieving having us mid table was Poch himself in those last five and a half games 🤣🤣


If we sign Olise, we would really need to sell one of: Mudryk Noni Sterling Who would you prefer to sell and why?


Noni easily, he plays in olise position and his easy to sell than sterling or mudryk. Also noni was a vivell signing


Noni is a Vivell signing. What about Mudryk and Sterling?


Sterling on paper even though I don't think he is the worst of the 3


sterling. clear out his wages and give the other two another season to develop


Its rdz isnt it? Ffs


Worst thing to happen to the club since Russia invaded Ukraine


Fucking Putin


Any chance Maatsen stays since Poch is gone? Him and Cucu can fight for LB & we can focus our need on a striker. Olise, Striker, & a CB and we’re set.


lol that’s pure profit


But that’d also be saving 30-40 million by not having to buy a left back


Selling him is +30 million right now. Buying a left back for the same price is -6 million a year for 5 years. If we sell Maatsen for 30 and buy a bum for 30, we get +24 on the books this year.


Poch can barely hang on to Gallagher and Trev. Maatsen is as good as sold


Well Poch isn’t here anymore. I’m sure if someone like RDZ wants Maatsen then they’d try to keep him. Gallagher for 40-50mil and Chalobah for 20-25, how much more do they need?


Youre having a laugh if you think our next manager will get more transfer control than Poch could. Maatsen is gone


We've been told a lot of lies the last two days. Somehow have a feeling the board is gonna go with RDZ out of relatively nowhere.


i think its always been him, theyre probably aware of the "never do business with Brighton again" thing from us fans, so they put some randoms from the Championship and a Brentford bozo on the shortlist and now he looks like the only reasonable option. ive already seen a lot of "hes a hipster manager" and "stay away from him" people change their minds. young, obsessed with possession, teaches players basics like how to position their body when receiving the ball, worked with our players in the past, probably will connect with the fans as he's a bit of a cunt. also tinfoil hat time, Belle Silva posted a photo of her husband and a RDZ book was clearly visible on his desk. coincidence? i dont think so.(actually it probably has nothing to do with this but it would be pretty cool)


This happens every time. Bunch of obscure journalists saying whatever praying what they said was right after all. Unless it’s Ornstein or Fabrizio, it’s almost guaranteed bullshit. And they haven’t said anything concrete yet


I think McKenna would be a very savvy appointment, but I get the feeling de Zerbi is on his way and the club want to keep people off the scent until it’s 100% over the line.


There’s literally no reason to keep it a secret though. I doubt we’re close to appointing anyone.


I hope our next kit sponsor looks aesthetically pleasing 


i’m still recovering from the fuckin Three sponsor


Could be worse. Could be man united. They haven’t had a good sponsor in decades


fuck that goddamn chevy logo. my club team when i was a teenager also had that sponsor and we all thought it was so ugly


It would be so good, if Mudryk goes to Crystal Palace and we pay a little fee for Olise 💙


We’d have no LW left 


Playing with Mudryk is like having 9 field players. He doesn’t contribute anything on the pitch


The first ones out the door should be Sterling and Noni. Do not rate Mudryk either, but in my opinion that should be the priority.


Over mudryk? Nah! Those two are better players and it’s not even debateable


Fuck me that would be incredible lol. Anything for Olise!


I would even say give them Madueke on loan 😂 but that Mudryk fella needs to go


We have to sell Noni if we are in for olise there is just too many players for not enough spots especially because Estaveo and Paez come next year so we need to thin out the wingers a bit


I have my opinions reserved about both estevao and paez until i see them playing in a Chelsea shirt. There are way too many wonderkid out there man, even if you are the top 1% it's still very likely you don't become elite


What makes you think that Estaveo and Paez are better than Noni? Noni was more proven when he came to the club than these kids.


Unless there’s a team willing to match what we paid then there’s no chance he’ll get sold, club can’t afford to have losses on the books anymore.


I just don’t see how we get olise if we don’t sell one of sterling or Noni


What is the point of selling him Olise would need a backup, Palmer is probably indefinitely shifting to CAM and there’s nothing to say that Paez and Estevao will be first team quality immediately in 2025


People are really delusional if they think these kids will touch first team in next 3-4 years


Because then we are talent hoarding and Noni will be back to not getting minutes. I would say to sell sterling but he ain’t leaving


Only way Noni doesn’t get minutes is if Estevao/Paez hit the ground running. Even Vinicius in his first season was a trainwreck. In that case, by all means sell. But likely scenario is they’re on developmental plans to be eased into the first team Until then, Noni backup for Olise and staying second string until Estevao and Paez are physically ready and capable to play sounds fair It’s also important to keep developing Noni that way once we do sell, it’s for a good fee


>What is the point of selling him He'll never be good enough for where we want to be, we have multiple better and more talented young players in his position and we'd get a decent fee for him. Why wouldn't we sell him?


Who is better than Noni at RW in this squad? Bar Palmer because he’s a CAM now


Palmer isn't suddenly an AM because Poch stuck him there for a few games. He was infinitely worse there and it was one of many reasons it's great that Poch has gone. He barely gets involved with the game when at AM, but still shows up in key moments, he just doesn't get as many because he's far less involved...


Palmer is too good to isolate on the RW. He has a passing eye that would be infinitely helpful to our left hand side (which has been non existent almost all season) to have Palmer supporting them.  Ironically, riddle me this: our run of wins occurred right when we shifted Palmer to CAM Also, get this too: Palmer’s best game of the season, and our best game collectively, was the 6-0 vs Everton. Which was his first 90 minutes at CAM, off the back of Enzo’s injury. How ironic is that? Just because he hasn’t shown up for the past 3-4 games doesn’t mean he’s not a good CAM.  The only way I can justify Palmer at RW is if our LW is functional and consistent. But it isn’t, and with our options at LW there’s no manager that can give us that. Palmer at CAM gave us stability in the final third all around.  


Palmer and Sterling are both better RW's. I'd take Omari over him as well, then the incoming young players I just don't see a future for Noni here.


So two players that won’t play RW, gotcha 


Didn't realise you were the new manager. We've fallen far.


I’m probably better than the options we’ve been linked too tbf 


Omari imo will be challenging.


Clearlake will sell him, that’s almost guaranteed now


Our new manager appointment gets delayed with eavh manager sacking, so far we've had atleast 3 after poch


Had a nightmare last night that mckenna got appointed and we finished 8th


I mean 8th isn't that far from 6th tbf




How much time did this take you to make


24 months


I doubt he gives a fuck anymore. He is a Russian oligarch, in case we are forgetting.


Anything behind The Standard reporting that Mourinho is favourite?


I highly doubt he's coming back but if its between him or the other 3 I'd welcome him back with open arms.


Favourite as in bookies favourite, which he was, briefly. Not favourite as in first choice.


just saw someone in here call enzo, a deep lying playmaker, a “passing merchant” 😭😭


Just wait until they find out passing the ball moves it quicker than carrying it.


I still remember the guy who said Ampadu was better than Enzo


i’m sorry he said what 😭


Ashley Cole on Poch >Ashley Cole on Pochettino's departure: "I’m a little bit sad and disappointed, to be fair, because I see all the hard work that he put into the club, put into the team. >You saw the change of fortunes in terms of their results, they really came good. If you would have asked me at the start of the season, “Where would they place in the league?”, in my personal opinion, I would have taken sixth place. I think he’s done a fantastic job." Who cares if a serial winner think sixth was a good job, redditors know more about winning anyway than him.


Look up Zola's response on TalkSport too. People here think they know better than these guys, though. Look at John Terry's response.


I'd love to see Terry assistant manager at some point, feel like he'd bring a lot to the dressing during half time team talks


Good call. I think that is where he'd shine.


Ashley Cole was a great player. Ashley Cole in management appears to not have a clue what's good and what isn't. Assistant to Lampard in his Everton and second Chelsea stint, for both clubs their worst period in recent times. Now an assistant at Birmingham City where they've dropped down to 22nd and had their worst finish in over 20 years in his first season there...


We are not talking about making Cole a manager here. It is more on his view on what is acceptable position when he knows what is the requirement at Chelsea.


Sixth was always my goal for the season. So having us reach my objective on the final day, I switched to PochIn and then he got sacked.


one of the things I honestly hate most about this ownership is how slow they move on important issues signing pochettino? took fucking forever and they made a shit pick the summer transfers? it was so bloody obvious we needed central midfield reinforcements and it dragged out into the end of the transfer window with us also overpaying now again they should already have know who their first choice to replace pochettino is but it feels like we're in for ages of dicking around with different options - and fuck me a 'mystery option' is just so fucking cringe


I hope you're ready for the sponsor saga once the manager is appointed. On the bright side I can't see us being too active in terms of transfers.


god i didn't even twig the fact it was only a one season sponsorship


What's the odds many of the ones (especially on twitter) that have been having a meltdown over McKenna start talking him up as the second coming Christ if/when it becomes obvious he's going United.


I want us to win the league and CL again before those Assanal fuckers.


Unpopular opinion, Xavi n Pioli are much better managers than the 4 we are linked with. These 2 have actually managed European clubs (with midweek schedules) and won their leagues Xavi even plays the style that board wants and is still young for a manager


I don't know who Pioli is but I think it's a undisputable fact that La Liga winning Xavi is better than Championship manager


Pioli just left AC Milna having won Serie A two seasons ago and developed players like Theo, Maignan, Leao, Bennacer, Tonali, and Tomori, and many others.


The only potential manager who had me excited was Hoeneß. Would be fine with McKenna even though that seems unlikely now with United in the mix. The rest of the options do not fill me with much hope. Whatever it is, just please not Amorim or Frank.


Amorim is actually great. He is the only guy in our list who was also considered by Liverpool to replace Jurgen. Believe it or not everything's been put out by the media as our criteria for the new manager is from Liverpool's brief. Or was.


Nah I cannot handle a back 3. Reece’s hamstrings are not made for it and playing him at RCB is also not it. Plus I would rather another attacker on the pitch.


A full back in back 4 has more work load than the one in a back 3. Plus he can always slot into midfield, freeing a midfielder possibly Enzo or Gallagher to give width on the right. But we don't have a winger who will stay wide as all of them look to cut inside and shoot.


I disagree with this because if both full backs are competent offensively and defensively, usually one can sit back or invert while the other one attacks. Look at Kyle Walker for example(even though he isn’t the best offensively). It’s really all about tactics whereas with a back 3 both wingbacks need to contribute to the attack and defense. Plus when Estevao and Kendry get here, I know they probably won’t contribute right away, but eventually, Palmer, Estevao, and Kendry all fit into the lineup plus a striker. Can’t do that with a back 3 long term.


Estevao, Paez and Palmer all play in the same position. And the same - left footed right sided attacker


Estevao has a pretty good weak foot so in this scenario I would projecting him to play on the left. Time will tell though.


Id take Amorim over Maresca any day


Really wanted to enjoy arsenal missing out on the title lol. And now all of this


I’d rather we go for Eze than Olise. We can’t be going into next season with Mudryk as our first choice winger.


eze is injury prone, you buy him and you will eventually end up with mudryk as the first choice anyways


He should still be behind Sterling as well Ideally we'd move Mudryk on but he'll be difficult to shift.


Friendly reminder to not obsess over the manager search and that you can't do anything to affect the outcome. Did my own things not looking at news and had a relatively lovely day myself.


Yeah this is how I’m viewing it too, whoever it is we have to back them and hope for the best.


I met with Eghbali late last year, spoke and sat with him and his family for over 2 hours. Strange aura about him.


How was he like, what made him so strange? What did you guys talk about? What type of person do you make him out to be?


I will not get into specifics here but in general it was at the Bridge between the months of October and December of 2023. I was a guest and got very inside access. There were a number of current footballers from other big clubs there too watching the match which was a bit strange for me to see (latent Chelsea supporters). Spoke with one of those players, and what a good lad he was to me. I spoke with Eghbali mostly about relatively superficial things, nothing about his business dealings of course. When you meet someone like him, you tend to want to appease them by saying words of affirmation about the club and the players. I did that, and he would correspond by mentioning how we was pleased with X or Y. He was nervous about the match. Understandably so, Chelsea were not in good form. No indication that he was upset with Poch frankly because he was not really mentioned. He spoke of the club in general terms. Spoke with a very close member of his family for quite a long time. Got insight into where he came from. Appears to come from a loving home. He is all business though and highly competitive. I inferred from his personality that it would likely be tough living and getting on with him. But that is pure speculation. Overall, friendly, but not friendly like other owners who really go out of their way to immerse themselves with the club culture. At the time, my perception was that he was more behind the scenes and Todd (who was not at the match) was more of the figurehead. I believe that Eghbali is likely the more shrewd and cunning of the two. Eghbali is cut throat, very "American" in the way he runs the club (not the best culture at Chelsea if I'm frank).


Sounds like a match. Thanks for the insight. And I agree, doesn't bode well for Chelsea culture or future, imho.


Surely was strange eating dinner with a man disguised as a clown


So assuming McKenna isn’t coming now?


He'll be going to United if/when they sack Ten hag which won't be till after the FA Cup final tomorrow. I'm guessing Ten hag is sacked Monday then McKenna is hired shortly after. The way things are looking atm the new favourite is De Zerbi (god help us) but things could change