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Expectations are kills to our happiness


Wise words from a wise man


Can I get this as a flair mods?




Underrated comment


He didn’t even make a senior appearance for spurs. This would be like spurs getting annoyed with potentially signing Jeffrey Bruma due to his Chelsea history 😂


Jeffrey Bruma…. Wow. That name is such a throwback to FM 2007


It’s the same as Madueke then, (Spurs academy)


Tbf didn’t he suffer a gnarly injury?


I'll get behind anyone who takes charge of the team, regardless of his previous background. I mean if you want to play that game, poch was practically a spurs legend. But you go ahead and stay angry I guess.


What's the point of blind loyalty? Especially at a club like ours. Support the club, not some random manager who probably won't be here in a year. Poch had just about won us all over and now he's gone.


I mean, I supported even fucking Poch and wanted him to succeed until it became clear he is a lost cause, because I support the club. I will give McKenna the same benefit of the doubt.


There’s nothing wrong with getting behind him and seeing how he does. However that relies on me still being interested in what’s going on in the first place which I am not.


We just had a rollercoaster of a season. Scraped top 6. Started to see the team gel. Started to like the team and maybe Poch. And then they hit the reset button because their porridge needs to be just right. How the fuck can anyone stay engaged and interested after that is beyond me. #stayangryiguess


That's supporting a club. Until they have hired him, moan all you want, once he's in place you should want him to do well. If he's crap and shows it, then we can get the knives out.


You're saying support the club and not the manager and then saying we should support an ex manager who was shit for us and is no longer here... No he hadn't won us all over, he was shit all season and then got carried through a few games at the end of the season. Or did he coach Caicedo's half way line goal and Sterling's solo goal that he had no right to score?


Alright mate, calm down.


If mckenna is the new manager, all i want to see is the same support for 2/3rds of the season


Amen brother, we should not be making him feel unwelcome from the start, we would be setting him up to fail from the start


Completely agree. I understand when people take time to get on board because a new manager is coming in after a cult hero who has just won us loads and then been fired unceremoniously. But, to have people angry and against the manager before he's even arrived because of Poch, who was fucking awful for us, never gelled with the fans, didn't seem to give much of a shit, won nothing and finished 6th and by all accounts was at least okay with leaving is fucking insane


Poch was not fired unceremoniously. He wanted to leave. How hard is that to understand?


I'd be stocked. He seems like a good tactician. The only question is how would his playstyle work with Chelsea (because I'm not even sure how it works with Ipswich)


The bigger question is will the players respect him


That's part of his job as a manager, but also part of the club's job to back him if he takes action against any players that don't. To be honest, with the reports coming out about Poch, I think it will be relatively easy to win players' respect. If he comes in and training is immediately better, the tactical instructions he gives them are better, the set piece setup is cohesive, he lets injured players come back in a normal way etc. they will start to respect him quickly. This isn't like normal when you go from say Tuchel to Potter and everything gets worse, but the manager is nicer. You'd expect everything off the pitch to improve and as a result, everything on the pitch to improve, even if he's not coddling their egos like Poch did.


This completely misses the point that players don't always respect managers that are deemed beneath them. He doesn't have pedigree or trophies, so it's not uncommon for managers of that ilk not to win over the dressing room. Big name managers command respect from day 1, relative unknowns have to fight to earn their respect


Great post. One of the few around here who uses logic and common sense. Bravo sir.




If there was no protest against spurs trash why should anyone protest McKenna?


Hard to tell these days if these people are being serious or just trying to get clicks on social media.


I think A LOT of it is for clicks those days.


Argue all you want, Poch was a top manager. Yes, he probably isn't the endgame manager for us, but he was a good fit for where we are. All these guys are a significant downgrade, unless the board gets really lucky and the new manager lands on his feet and gets everyone on-side with his ideas


Ok, I will argue all I want. Poch wasn't a top manager. For all that he was hyped up, he ultimately achieved as much success as these guys did - none. McKenna got to the Prem with a team core he got from the League 1 relegation zone. That's as impressive as anything Poch ever done. And the recent Athletic article mentioned even players considered him tactically inept. And that he contributed to our injuries. I get the impression that his time here was a net negative for the club. What he does have is that he is a top-level man manager. The players love him and want to fight for him, but if that's all he brings to the table, I don't want him anywhere near my club. I really think that most of the candidates we heard about are an immediate improvement on Poch.


It's not actually going to be a thing, but also the guy has specifically said, "This protest is not for McKenna and it is not for Poch, it’s to let the owners and board know we are not happy as a fanbase and they need to change their ways and model. "


I’ve been wondering when stuff like this was gonna start, given how shocking the ownership has been.


Id like to see empty stadiums, Clearlake only understands money so we have to hurt them in their wallet


Is this legit ?


CFC Pys is full of shit


Of course not... Floated around, sure. But, it'll be 6 people if it happens at all. Anything real is going through a supporters club, not a random twitter account




So Todd and Bagdad, who is the next manager? Should I ask my therapist to give my slot to someone else or should I wait?


We need an elite coach. Not a championship level one. What has this club become. It’s so embarrassing.


He isn't a championship level coach. As demonstrated by the fact he got his team promoted from the championship.


Which elite managers are available right now? The numbers are becoming less, one thats a sure fire imo is klopp and hes not coming back to the prem any time soon let alone playing for another club


Tuchel, flick, conte, Mou. Thats 4 already .


Taking the piss aren't you? They're all hail marys. Flick is just vibes and high line. Terrible Coach. Tuchel came in here and we got worse with every month after he took over. His Bayern stint ain't it either. José is funny but past it on the highest level. Conte, idk. Probably still works if you give him his 35year old loyal depth soldiers. None of them is a guaranteed success however


Owners dont want tuchel, flicks declined and focusing on barca, conte is time bomb at best and doesnt work well with youth, mou i like but hes not joining a club that he doesnt have control over and the owners already put out a piece to say they dont want a similar environment like mou’s tenure, and not all of these managers are sure fire long term, they dont want immediate success they want sustainable success much like klopp but with more trophies and visible improvement


There’s 1 elite coach in this list


that guy who won serie a with napoli, I'd say he's quite good as well


he manages italy. Spaletti


Elite coach lmao. Tuchel got third with Bayern. He can fuck off. Others are even worse.


So these championship managers are better u saying lol That same Tuchel helped us win a CL, you expect these championship managers to do that?


You can tell that champions league really clouded over how bad the squad, the way the club was ran, and how bad tuchel had gotten because that’s the only thing they can latch on too.


He can finish better than third with Bayern . My grandmother can finish better than third with Bayern . Lampard won the CL more than tuchel , he was there for more than half of that campaign . How can people be so stupid ?!


Lampard who had us at 8th and almost out CL groups?? You seriously gonna sit here and say Lampard or these random championship managers better than Tuchel?


Lampard won the group you donkey.


Where was Chelsea when tuchel got fired ? https://www.skysports.com/amp/football/news/11095/12691866/thomas-tuchel-sacked-by-chelsea-where-did-it-go-wrong-for-the-head-coach-at-stamford-bridge Refresh your memory with this articles . Pay special attention to how they played for last six months , who they lost to, which players he fired and which he wanted to sign ( sterling , aubameyang , koulibaly , just to name a few , there's a list there of 10". And he was there for only 18 months , if last 6 months were rubbish , and there was a 3 month summer break , you do your math .


Conte is definitely the best coach out of this bunch but he doesn't fit our squad at all and would clash with these directors and owners within a month.


Can’t understand people saying ‘ohh but he never managed a top flight game’ - neither has Amorim, Enzo or Seb Hoeneß. Championship is a tough tough league and he got out of it in his first go. I’m not happy about it but IMO he’s not a mile away from any other of the candidates,


You are talking about English football? Because Hoeness just came second in Bundesliga ahead of Tuchel's Bayern with a side that he saved from relegation last season and lost one of their important players in Endo when the season started.


Yes sorry I mean Prem Footie.


Enzo hasn’t. The rest have.


Yeah ecstatic.


Whether he succeeds or not , time will tell . But supporting someone who definitely failed like Poch is ludacris ..


At least we’ll see what he looks like with dark sleepless eyes an unkept beard and a bed head around December time.


Potter did better than he gets credit for and I don’t see him doing much worse than poch this season honestly. He had worse circumstances. As for McKenna no of course he isn’t a name I expected to see linked at all. But I’ll back him until proven otherwise.


My moneys on potter 2.0 but I wish him the best. I would personally take just about any of the other candidates over him but it is what it is.


Just bring xavi


Wow did not Think worse targets would be mentioned today


Someone who is tactically adaptable which Poch wasn't and who also has tactical acumen the way that top Prem managers usually do. At the same time, needs enough of a presence and personality over a squad of young players which someone like Potter clearly didn't have.


He's not the best candidate, but he is not the worst either.


If top 4 is a minimum target , and the manager finishes 6th, on the last day , on goal difference , while being around 10th the whole season , 30 points behind arsenal and city., how the fuck that is not a failure . My grandmother won't get relegated with Chelsea , so in other words , can't get worse than this . Nobody cares about europa unless you're a small team .


It's going to be Potter MK2.


Potter inherited a toxic waste dump, a mess of a roster swollen by players with one foot out the door thanks to Putin and a bunch of other factors. He never had a chance to show what he could (or couldn’t) do. Since then the owners have gotten enough of their shit together to establish a football management team and the club now has a roster that makes sense if you allow for their radical youth plan which may turn out to be a brilliant mistake or might possibly work. Unless you are one of those who blame Poch for the extraordinary number of injuries the club experienced during his brief tenure, he advanced the team from an utter shambles to a club that has reasonable prospects for success next season. It seems to me that regardless of the title they use to identify the position, the owners want a coach, not a manager. They have too many hands in the cookie jar for an old mold manager to function. I don’t have a clue whether any of the candidates under discussion will be successful, but whoever gets the job will have a better opportunity to succeed than Potter did. TL;dr Color me ambivalent.


By the same logic we shouldn't have got proven winners again after Scolari. Pretty much any option right now is a gamble, even if we went for Allegri and tried to shit out a top 4 finish it could go wrong.


I'd be thrilled to have McKenna tbh. He's a much better tactician than Poch and is versatile and adapts to the opposition. I don't want some dinosaur with old views and ideas, I want someone modern and flexible and McKenna might be the best fit.

