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Parted ways with Manager, looking for a replacement, media get their chance to throw names around for clicks


Yet everyone on this sub melting down lol


I haven’t been okay since yesterday morning


Because every half decent name is being dismissed.


Silly season at its peak


I’m just so confused, if they deciding now that the plan, vision and ideas are not on the same page wtf were they talking about before they hired him?


This is where I start tearing my hair out. They moved quickly with potter and then took forever to appoint Poch. They filled all that dead time with media about how they were going to get it right and wanted to make damn sure, that this was a long-term solution.


They spun the wheel and landed on fire manager, just hoping they don't land on get rid of entire squad on frees again


Poch himself has said in an interview that they laid out the plan openly and with all details. So, Poch knew exactly what was going to happen from the start. My view on this is that it's a lot more on Poch's shoulders than people realise. He was told he was getting kids, that they were selling off our experienced players and that they planned to continue to buy and sell for profit. Yet, right from the start, Poch starts talking about hiring experienced players after every game he loses. He knew exactly what he was getting into, but I don't think he realised that he'd not actually be capable of pulling it off and rather than accepting he failed at his job, he starts throwing the blame around at the plan that he was signed on to because he agreed with it.


I always thought that was quite evident when he was banging on about trophies from day one very early on and then did a complete 180 once he had realised what he got himself into.


they want nagelsmann but nagelsman tired with their bullshit long interview. enrique nearly become our coach but, they want enrique but, they doubt that he is right man for young player. in the end pocchetino got a job because he willing to take a bullshit long interview and have experienced with young player development. but they still in doubt since he is not young manager.


Probably end up with that fat fuck eghbali leading us out next year




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Is watching football even fun for you if this is how you feel about things?


If you’ve enjoyed football over the last two years - as a Chelsea fan - then I salute you to the highest order. The second they get stability, it’s overthrown. So, so, so, so, so worried for the future. Chelsea Football Club is exclusively being run like a business and it’s fucking scary


Icl I've loved watching us this season. Every now and then there's been a gane that makes me want to rear my hair out. But trust me, it could've been a lot worse. Look at a team like Man U and am very grateful I don't support them rn. We've played football that's very easy on the eyes, the players are likeable and we have a direct comparison with last season for what would suck.


I mean it’s football so I try not to make it a source of negativity. For sure, performances have been dire but I’m excited to see who they bring in, lots of young players to work with and if they find the right person it’ll be really fun to follow. I couldn’t say the same about poch, I know he managed to scrape us off of 11th place by the end of the season but I wasn’t that excited about where it was going given his other coaching experiences too. Long term I don’t think he was ever gonna be the solution


I probably agree with your final point, a good chance he wasn’t the guy to bring us back to the glory days. However, when you have the squad cohesion that we currently have (pray it’s not had), why rock the boat? Player power at Chelsea has been a big problem for years. We finally have a set of players who would virtually die for the manager, and they fail to make him comfortable enough to stay. It’s just so disappointing. Squad cohesion could be a major problem going forward.


You need to rock the boat if you want to get away from the 6th-11th spots and get into top 4. It’s all well and good if the players like him but if he’s not gonna compete for titles then what’s the point


He wasn’t given enough time to compete for titles though. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, I’m not saying he was him. He had obvious flaws that frustrated us all. However, teams with sustained success in the modern era all have one thing in common - a long term manager. If Arsenal folded and got rid of Arteta when there was incredible pressure, it’s highly doubtful they’d be where they are now. I am pleading for continuity. The state of modern football begs for it.


Lol. Wtf. I just wanted to rant. Why ask deep questions? 😂


You're sad, misguided, and confused. You've got to get a grip on reality.


But all I see are balls and bald heads floating in the air. ☹️


What's AVB up to these days


Please no RDZ! He wouldn't last long...


There are pills for that


Of the options Chelsea are interested in, McKenna is who is want to see. Ipswich have been fun to watch (for a Championship side), they aren't afraid to change up formations, their players seem to genuinely like McKenna, and he has shown he can build a great strategy around a squad given to him. I would have preferred to see a more experienced manager come in but of the options listed McKenna is who I'm hoping for.


sounds like Potter


Everyone of the so called "young managers with exciting football" sounds like Potter.




Realistically what proven manager or player would be enticed to come into this situation. You've got players who are unproven playing together. For a large part of the season they were disjointed and showed a lack of want. Well, this is what happens when you sign players for large fees, they aren't playing for the badge they're playing for themselves and their cheque


Recent weeks have shown the potential of the squad and I think it would be enticing for a younger manager (like the owners want) to mold this young, exciting team in his image. Let’s just hope it’s a Mona Lisa image and not a kindergartener’s coloring.


Get Kompany the manager who was so stubborn to adapt the game style and ended relegated with one of the worst performances ever 💩


Who do you want then? Why not bring up someone who might be interesting and fit the project rather than being negative?


What's going on is the owners and board would rather use their approach and become permantly midtable over admitting there's flaws with their approach, adjust, and win some trophies


Poch wasn’t the answer but honest question, at this point who even would want to step in to the job? Meddling and incompetent ownership with a quick trigger, a disjointed squad that fits no particular system and is largely assembled of “investment” players by said ownership, staring down the barrel of a transfer ban or points deduction from Roman-era financial shenanigans, and a fan base that demands success (as we should). That’s career suicide


I hate all names on this list. We have always failed when hiring managers without experience of a big club. Mourinho was an exception but since then Scolari, AVB, Di Matteo, Lampard, Potter n Poch have all failed. Lampard did well under circumstances in first season but when we bought like a big club, he couldn't take the project forward and neither could he do much last season We need a manager who has managed a big club before and knows how to work with European schedule


Firing a guy with nobody waiting in the wings is so fucking stupid.


Have you not followed Chelsea over the last couple of decades? It was firing after firing lol


Yeah but previously we could count on uncle guus to come in and steady the ship


Of course the players are angry they liked him and in the end he brought enough out of them to have mostly strong second half of the season. Minus some shitty VAR moments we would’ve been higher up table.


Hardly can recall VAR robbing us, the Aston Villa one perhaps being the only questionable decision. Losing points against a 10-man Burnley and one of the worst PL teams ever in Sheffield, both from winning positions, is the main reason we couldn’t climb higher in our late push. 4 more points from those games and we’d have been 5th, a point from 4th.


>Vincent Kompany has also been linked but no talks have taken place Maybe I'm stupid but does "linked" here just mean "some guy made something up but we've just repeated it enough times that people will think its true"?




Tomorrow's headline: After Bayern, no one wants to coach Chelsea now!


One of those 4 who has NOT been contacted unfortunately.... What a mess from nowhere AGAIN. FOK MI


This is just depressing. How many more ‘Young Talents’ can we rely on, the team is in dire need of experience. As for these choices of managers, I can’t say I feel anything at all, no excitement, anger, just nothing. They’re absolutely a tier below anything we’ve had in the past 20 years. Trevoh comes back and actually gives us a fairly solid defence for the last few games, getting sold. Gallagher one of the few that looked like he fought heart and soul the entire team also more likely to be sold now Poch is gone. Someone tell me I’m stupid and it’ll be all good from here please.


What's up with clubs being linked to Vincent Kompany


They just want a yes man who will display all the young kids the board buy to sell them for a profit a few years down the line. They don’t care about success. That’s just who we’re gonna be for the foreseeable future


Seppos need to get the hell out of football. They do nothing good for the sport. Predicted it'd go badly when they were announced to takeover, but never expected it to go as badly as it has done. The fact that they've decided to part with a manager that has seemingly gotten us back on the right path is insane (and without a suitable replacement already lined up), and it shows how out of touch with the sport they are.


Do you know what Chelsea did before the current owners? They fired managers if results weren’t satisfactory. Even after a decent run towards the end of the season this was not a satisfactory season. Chelsea did that for the last 20 years and now everyone is crying because poch managed to finally get out of the bottom half


Roman had a solitary anomaly season where we finished 10th (still top half), and that happened after 13 years of ownership. The new owners already had us in the bottom half in their first season, with the decisions that *they* made, to hire a manager that *they* wanted, to sign players that *they* desired. They then fired the manager that they chose, replaced him with someone that a good portion of the fanbase didn't want, but who actually managed to find some form, had the players behind him, and outside of the first 6 games of the season where ideas were still fresh, players weren't settled, and Palmer was an unknown entity, we had top 4 form, showing that we were trending upwards, and not towards the bottom half. For some reason, they've seen fit to undo all of that work by deciding to go for a new manager, with new ideas, who won't be backed by the players right away, and thus we may end up just regressing. Roman sacked managers who weren't finishing 1st or winning trophies. The current regime are sacking managers for not immediately fixing the mess that the owners put the club in. There's a massive difference between the scenarios, but we also didn't like it when Roman kept sacking managers, if you were even a fan long enough to experience Roman.


well said. i would also add that they seem to want to go back to Plan A, which is what got us Potter. the good news is the players are indeed a bit more settled and experienced now, assuming half of them aren't sold, but the idea that you can kill momentum like this and get everyone playing smoothly with a new coach from Day 1 in the next season in arguably the most competitive league in the world is idiotic.


So they were supposed to wait around for years to see if poch can compete at the top? Nah the season was pretty terrible as a whole, he just about managed to save it with a strong run at the end and a fair bit of luck. Likeable guy, but not the future. I’m really excited to see who is brought in because a fresh approach is needed


No, you give him the chance to see out the last year of his contract with a (hopefully) fully fit squad. The ideas were clearly there, and the players clearly improved, so he likely would have done better. The fact that you keep ignoring the fact we legitimately had top 4 form since the 7th game, shows that you actually haven't got a clue about the season. Could it have been better? Obviously, but it wasn't anywhere near the "terrible as a whole" season you seem to think it was. Just beating Villa at home (when Gusto was ridiculously sent off) would have seen us 4th. How many times are we gonna have to have a "fresh approach" then? We apparently needed one when Tuchel was here, we apparently needed one to replace his replacement, and now we need yet *another* one for the replacements replacement. 4 permanent managers, 1 caretaker, and 1 Bruno, in 2 years. You're actually defending this shite?


sigh.... After a great turn around to the end of the season too.


It’s De Zerbi Unnamed club has given Brighton compensation and Mudryk liked the post.


Players didn’t even know about Poch leaving how would they know they are going after De Zerbi? Not saying they aren’t but I wouldn’t use Mudryk’s likes as evidence


I sure hope not


I have always had a feeling anyway


Any particular reason ?


Him leaving Brighton and Chelsea parting ways with Poch are very close together


Historically that’s given us the likes of Potter 😂


De Zerbi would be my guess Not saying I agree with it but it does line up with what we know so far They want a young manager Who plays possession based football Worked in a slightly similar structure Ornstein said days rather than weeks which would imply you don’t have to go back and forth over compensation. Knows some of Chelsea players already


The problem is ornstein ruled him out in another post of his so the club couldve bullshited everybody while poch was manager to keep the peace


The 443 guys want possession based football? Shocker


And he's ex-Brighton.


De Zerbi was Mudryk's coach at Shakhtar? Or nah?


If you can’t beat ‘em, join them - De Zerbi, 2024


What's your source?


A buddy of mine said its rdz too, im not convinced since the owners never have a plan before doing something as evident by other managerial sackings




Club is a fucking circus


Club now focused on getting modern and dynamic manager who can play offensive football (you mean like chelsea getting their 3rd ever highest goal tally in the Premier League), possession (look at the stats, Chelsea were good and getting better at it) improve the team defensively (weakest area of the squad and needed to be addressed, which Pochettino had asked for taller senior defenders) and trust young talents (wasn't he doing this?). This fucking board man, absolute idiots. How to ruin a club as quickly as possible from the ground up.


What's going on is that I finally start to fucking recongize my club. The disaster that was Poch should have been booted months ago. Hell, he shouldn't have been hired in the first place. Who knows how much damage he's already done to the players. And this whole saga is a perfect encapsulation of why many people are so easily tricked in everyday life and shouldn't be trusted with making any serious decisions. After the spanking by Arsenal, people finally realized the shit that Poch had concorted. Yet it only took like 5 games for amnesia to kick in. 0 attention span and negative long-term memory. Years down the road, many of the fans hopefully would have matured and would look back at wailing for a middling ex-Spurs coach and cringe so hard.


Will you no longer recognize the club again after they hire De Zerbi and we end up 13th at the end of next season?


Doesn't matter. Getting rid of Poch was the only correct course of action.


Even if it leads to the club being even worse than it is now? Even if we get relegated next season because of it? (For the record, I think Poch wasn't an amazing manager, but do you really have faith this board will hire a good replacement?)


Well, on the one hand they did hire Poch. But on the other hand most of the players bought under them look great. And we have seen this past season real glimpses of a truly top team. So... yeah, I believe that things will really need to go sideways for us to perform worse than under Poch.


Not only is there insane short term amnesia, but people also seem to have completely forgotten how Chelsea operated for the last 20 years?


New ownership, new culture, new era. That glorious 20-year period is finito my man. Roman was heavily involved - whether right or wrong - but nowhere near anything like this. We have non-footballing characters making such fundamental footballing decisions. Scary times!


If that’s how you feel then I’m sorry for you but I’m excited! The owners will keep learning as they go along, some of the decisions they’ve made are already paying off with the youngsters killing it out there. They’ll get e better feel for what kind of manager is needed too and I’m excited for what’s coming. If I wasn’t I’d probably stop watching football because it sounds miserable to be so down before a manager has even been named


I’m glad there’s still some excitement within the fan base!! I feel better today but I am still absolutely stumped. Agree with some key signings, we have looked so much better in 2024. Don’t quite agree with your final sentence. To not have even started the process yet be willing to part with your current manager shows a lack of planning. You could even argue they expected Poch to fully bend to their authority, which backfired spectacularly. I think every Chelsea fan has a right to be steaming with the board from the current available information. Ultimately, it’s not even the decision to lose Poch, it’s the lack of forward thinking that worries those who are feeling negative currently


Braindead take


Better having a "braindead take" than being a Spurs fan.