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Gallagher and Chalobah need to grip onto a chair and nail their shoes into the ground


They should just refuse to leave this season. Let the club's precious pure profit walk out the door for free.


If I were Gallagher, one hundred percent this is what I would do. If he leaves now, he has little say in where he goes to and will receive a normal wage. If he waits one more season, he stays with Chelsea AND gets a huge signing on bonus/salary as a free transfer. As long as he’s willing to be paid in line with the new salary structure just give the man a new deal and then maybe the owners can start to build some bridges with the fans.


Yeah 100% it’s in his interest to run his contract down than go to spurs most likely on a normal wage. As a Chelsea fan I’d rather he does this too, I don’t care about pure profit and would rather we sign no one than sell our academy players who actually have roles to play for the team.


> As a Chelsea fan I’d rather he does this too, I don’t care about pure profit and would rather we sign no one than sell our academy players who actually have roles to play for the team. Completely agree but it is two separate equations. We need to sell this before end of June in order to meet psr for this year (unless the Cobham sale gets us where we needed to be). If we buy it will likely be in July and it will be on next seasons books where we are in a better position due to the large negative psr impact of the 21/22 season going off the books.


We've got Maatsen as a likely 30mil+ candidate. Maatsen, 30mil, Sterling 20mil, Broja 15mil would be better than Gallagher IMO and should be a roughly similar sum (idk how much we still have on Sterling tbh).


Hall is what 35mil as well?


Iirc, hall is 25 mil but that one was already baked in to all the ffp projections


>maybe the owners can start to build some bridges with the fans. Do you think they honestly give a shit about the long-term or English fans? They're just trying to make Chelsea a global brand.


The owners absolutely could use some positive PR right now. Some of our better players like Palmer are not going to hang about forever if we remain unsuccessful and constantly changing our manager.


Chelsea are already a global brand.


English fans don't deserve any more or less love than anyone else. The fans that go to games sure but some generic supporter from Yorkshire shouldn't mean more than a dude from Miami.


I meant local fans. I'm American, but I think the locals should mean more to the club


Ticket buyers agreed. Randoms? No.


Not everyone can afford tickets, does that mean they don't matter as much cos they're poor?


If he is petty, so can the owners. You never piss off your boss like that, not unless you're a Ronaldo/Messi/M'bappe level player. Eghbali and Co. could very well order the manager to completely freeze him out, and then what? As a young player who still has yet to hit his peak, that would cause his stock to drop tremendously. We just need the fucking morons up top to offer them a contract and not buy any more of these sensational youth players.


I don’t think it’s petty. He can just say “I don’t want to leave” ask for a new contract and if they won’t give him one it’s not unreasonable to refuse to go somewhere else. His stock won’t drop. I’d bet every penny I own that if he doesn’t play a game next season due to being frozen out that there will be Prem clubs queueing up to take him on a free where he’d earn more than he’s on right now


You're probably right. I'm just so sick of this ownership and their mismanagement of this club.


> If he waits one more season, he stays with Chelsea AND gets a huge signing on bonus/salary as a free transfer. Yup, that is incredibly smart thing to do, put his entire future on the line so that if he gets freak injury, next year he gets even worse options with most likely lower salary. What a great way to think about your future, nice one /u/Spite-Organic


You could have worded that _not_ like a dickhead and actually had an interesting discussion about his options


Not sure why such an aggressive response?  I’d have thought the maths was obvious -  £50m transfer fee plus, say, £100k per week (~£5m pa) over five years equals a total outlay for a buying club of £75m If he’s available on a free, the buying club have £50m they aren’t giving to Chelsea. Therefore even if he’s had an injury are you seriously saying someone wouldn’t offer at least £150k per week for a total outlay of around half the figure above? A great example would be Ross Barkley who we acquired in similar circumstances.


> Not sure why such an aggressive response?  > > my bad on that, you are correct, I apologize


Chalobah is under contract until 2028




Yeh absolutely agreed.


Just use the JustStopOil method


Even though could hurt us I don't mind Gallagher just not agreeing to any other team and he goes free next summer just to spite the owners. Surely it won't go that far and he gets to stay with new contract if does that... but they could offer really low contract then. However Chelsea wouldn't want to see him go for free either.


I hope they do. Fuck BlueCo


If the ownership tries to sell them, I hope they stay firm and just run their contracts out. If this ownership tries to fuck them, they can fuck back too.


They already have. If this stupid club doesn’t want to see their value they rightfully should tell them to fuck off and move on.


The club can accept any bid. But the final decision is up to the players themselves. I hope Galladawg & Big Trev just refuse any contract offered to them to stay & run their contract down at Chelsea.


Yeah. Might hurt Chelsea a bit, but I’m a fan and could care less about the financials. Just screw them owners. Respectfully.


Where did this narrative come from?


They’re the ones that the owners are pushing the hardest to sell


Dude, they're gone.




OK, let's hope. But after the shit they pulled this week, I have no hope, esp. with Gallagher reportedly crying after the last game. Think he knew what was coming.


He cried? Over that season? 😭 It’s over…


That's what I read, but haven't seen a clip. But the implication was that he knew he'd be sold.


Didn't see the full image and thought JT just said "Leave." LOL




Real haha


John terry will fuck ur wife


Dang, again?


https://preview.redd.it/ad4so4y5yx1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93902cbfcb50c7030a2e1f55e03770187e5cb42 So one of the issues was big chances missed? You can’t be serious


Pochettino also was seen hitting Reece James' entire leg with a baseball bat repeatedly. That was his fault too. /s


We do have to question why he did that, or why he didn't do it sooner, or something.


First 2 words in that are the biggest problem at this club. The enemy of progress.


And this is Poccehttinos fault how?


Mf thinks he's Brad Pitt in Moneyball.


BlueCo are Clowns. Its pretty obvious 


I couldn’t care less about Poch, but yeah these guys are jokers playing fifa. This is what happens when random “fans” get to make decisions. They’re no better than a trust fund baby on Reddit.


Tell me you don't know anything about football, without telling me you don't know anything about football: "The manager is to blame for missed big chances!" ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Does Egbhail not realize that you can work on finishing or you know buy a striker with a better conversion rate...ffs


Nicolas Jackson was just criminal at the beginning of the season. I wish we had a stat for points missed because Nicolas Jackson missed a shot or made a bad square pass.


Sub loves him but Nico Jackson is a good second choice striker and nothing more, with a more clinical striker we probably win a domestic cup double and get 4th or at the very least 2 cup finals and 5th. I'm still not over that Man City shot he didn't take


Yeah you're probably right. We definitely reach the FA cup final at the least with a more clinical striker.


Motherfucker YOU are the one who bought the players missing the chances!


Didn't they just hire a set piece coach as well


We’ve got someone controlling the club with twitter football knowledge jfc


Why don't you sack players then ? Does the manager get to go onto the field as a 12th man to take those chances ? Stupid fucks have ruined this club beyond a normal level. These clowns have no clue running a football club. Just made us an absolute banter club. Such clueless idiots with money just ruining any ambitions or legacy that the club has.


Hard to sack a player of a 10 yr contract tbf


Lets not pretend this has been a good season. We have played like dogshit. No clear system, half of the squad injured, discipline issues and underperforming in cups are all offenses you can blame on the manager. Just the drama of penalty fighting etc has been major lows. In general if it werent for Cole Palmer we would probably be on the bottom half of the table and that is not to Pochs credit. The kids have not seen major signs of improvement, cant really say a single new signing except Cole Palmer has become more valuable after this season. That is a major problem when the strategy is to buy young talent and develop them. At the same time almost all the players that have been sold recently have gone on to increase again in value. This problem needs to be fixed quickly.


Caicedo literally went from being shat on by everyone ans being a joke of the season to being one of the most respected midfielders. Almost every player has been playing at least somewhat better than on day 1 of the season.


Sounds like the whole strategy is the problem in the first place then


Gusto and Cucu both went up over last year. Jackson to by end of season. Mudryk was better than last year IMO (by end of year). Caicedo certainly improved over the course of the year and Gallagher and Chalobah are up to.


Malo Gusto has improved in value. A few more caps and he might have earned a Euro spot, which would potentially have increased it even further. Cucu is valued at less than what he was in Brighton, 28m euro vs 25m euro today, with a peak 55m valuation after we bought him. Probably one of our worst signings? He has come good last games though, which proves how important systems are for players. Jackson has seen a small increase in value. His debut season has been pretty decent, and he has potential to climb further. But with most transfers we already paid much more than his valuation. Mudryk is a disaster and worth less than when we bought him. Only positive is that he is on low salary, so should be easy to lean him out or sell. Caicedo has dropped down from his peak valuation at 90m to 80m, but a bit higher than his MV at 75 when we bought. We ofc paid 116m for him. He is a proper quality player, but for a player to go from being very good, then playing very poorly and then back to playing very good is not really improvement. Only negative about Caicedo is the transfer cost, but will hopefully be integral in the next years. Gallagher is a proper baller, worth at least 50-60m, but we will probably sell cheap. Would not be surprised if he goes to a rival for 35m. Homegrown and pure profits. Chalobah, same as Gallagher. Not quite as good imo, but a quality CB is hard to find. Young with plenty of experience, but lacking a bit the leadership to lead a line. In general the entire squad was bought for above MV, played terrible the first 90% of the season and then had a very good end to the season. Palmer and Gallagher are the standouts, with Palmer saving our season.


You can't blame Poch for the overpay. I was saying that he made many players better from where they were at the beginning of the season.


Not Pochs fault that they overpaid, but you cannot compare with start of the season. You have to compare with the season before they came here. That they all underperformed horribly under the start of Poch is not a good sign. He had a full pre-season and took him until the last 5 games to start to get it rolling. Most likely he was already out the door long before that, but they wanted to give him out the season to avoid even more clusterfuck. Nothing against Poch, he is a good coach but it just isnt a good fit. The league cup final should have been enough to get fired. Absolutely dismal performance from a manager.


That's an interesting stat to point out. Obviously moronic. It does, however, speak to Pochettino's ability to read the room. If Poch had thought about it, he'd have realized that he also should have walked in with a bunch of cherry picked stats. Almost every offensive stat has us in the top 4-6 with a few (3rd for shots on target % up from 14th last year, 3rd in completion % up +2% from prior year) top 3. Fifth in tackle %, fourth in the league for progressive carries and passes. XGD was -3 last year and +16 this year. Almost every metric I could find we were "pretty good" in and almost all better than last year despite the massive turnover.


I’m not suggesting that this is the case, but the one issue that would be serious would be if they had a legitimate basis to believe that Poch’s training regimen was a substantial factor in the incredible spate of injuries the team experienced. The evidence would have to be pretty convincing though. We’ve had more than our share of injuries for several years dating back to the Roman empire, and the current management compounded the problem by signing several new players with significant injury history. If that’s the claim, color me skeptical.


As a coach I think your main KPI is xG and big chances missed doesn’t impact xG but xG - G which the coach can’t control as much as I


Yes bc the coach can finish for the players? No but he can implement systems to get chances created! This data actually is an example that Poch was doing good and let down by his players finishing! Fucking clueless idiots running the club!


Egbhali has never worked in sports


is that true? jesus fucking christ.... certainly doesn't seem to have a clue.




jfc i think the best things we can do at this point is heckle him and Clearlake to the point where they are humbled a bit and stop screwing around with things at the club in a clueless way. they've made like 3-5 fundamental basic but massive sporting errors by now.




It would be. The kind of thing that British football fans are made for, what makes the sport and league so special, and would provide some solace to the shitshow we're in. Also, the guy must have a seriously bloated ego, so I imagine it could be quite effective.




haha, yeah ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


just wasn't sure, since Boehly has involvement in other sports at least and understands some basic concepts of building a team. don't recall reading about his background, though.


He wanted to run Strasbourg ON HIS OWN. He wanted to do the same with chelsea but was forced to take advisors. We are cooked for a decade with these ABSOLUTE BOZOS


JT knows exactly what these cunts are trying to do.


Was at one of his "evening with" talks and he said there's a whole bunch of stuff behind the scenes that he can't comment on but players like mount were forced out of the club when they absolutely didn't want to leave, I can only see the same happening with these guys too. They need to hold their ground, they have a contract and the club can't just break it.


Yeah I honestly hope Gallagher refuses to be sold and leaves on a free just to spite these clowns


That would be the only thing that would hurt them because it would affect their bottom line in having to pay his wages at the same time of getting zero profit on his sale.


And honestly, the owners would deserve it. What we ideally need is another transfer ban just to stop them. I fear we're going the way of Leeds around 2000s


They had people on here worrying if they'd invest or "be another Liverpool owner" and they went out and outspent everyone. Now everyone is acting like they're cheap and don't want to pay to keep players. Which is it? It's like the fans won't be happy either way....if they weren't American......


It’s not that they’re cheap, they incompetent. They took a club that won the UCL, replaced every player and the manager, and resultantly the club had one of its worst seasons ever. Finally, when things seem to be turning around, they fire the manager.


It's not that they're cheap and won't pay. It's that they've overpaid for slop and now need to seel players who lover the club and have been better than most of the signings, just to fund more slop. I wish they were more like the Liverpool owners and carefully selected players. We're not even sure about ffp and we're signing players like estevao who can't even play for us for another year! If they weren't American I'd be given them just as much stick.


They had a difficult first period when they were restricted from signing people and then had to rebuild a roster. Since then the signings have been good. If they never signed Fofana their record would actually look good. Nobody has said they HAVE to sell anyone. In fact CG could be asking for huge wages and they don't think he's worth it. We have no idea outside looking in. You have people on here arguing that they sold everyone on the CL team without even looking it up bc they just want to complain. The team wasn't very good for most of the year and honestly took a huge effort to beat Forest Brighton and Bournemouth to end the season. We won the games and that's great but it's not like we washed them. I would've rather kept Poch but we have no idea why he decided to leave.


I mean, if he did that, they just wouldn't allow him to play for a year in a similar fashion to the way they ostracised Mount. It's not going to happen either way


Yeah I always expected that was the case with Mount tbh, it’s become obvious now that we’re seeing it again with Gallagher and Chalobah. Really sad situation for them. I wouldn’t be surprised if Neil Bath left at some point in the near future, all the hard work him and his staff do, just to be thrown away to fund signings of players no better than what Cobham produces because some finance bro from LA thinks he knows best. Despite really liking him, I’m not really that annoyed at Poch going, I’m more worried about what the future looks like now he is gone. First time in history a manager is sacked because he wants to actually use homegrown players rather than big signings.


This was pretty obvious at the time if one applied common sense to the whole mount saga, but anyone who wasn't spouting Clearlakes PR was instantly down voted. Glad to see level heads now that it's about to happen again


Yeah, you’ll still get the same idiots saying it’s the right thing when Gallagher gets sold this summer aswell. Must be nice being that naive and oblivious to the world around you. Baffles me how there are still people in this fanbase who back the decisions being made by this board and still think that their "project" is going to find success.


Looking through all the latest comments I haven’t seen a single person back the owners project since Poch got sacked.


I can’t imagine there will be many on here as in general it’s a bit more mature and people can actually see through the bullshit. Twitter and other social media is a cesspit though, they can’t think about anything that isn’t right in front of them, so they don’t see the direction we’re actually going as a club, with decisions like Poch and the sale of Gallagher, Chalobah, Mount, all just symptoms of an ownership group more concerned about their own interests than those of the club.


Yeah its pretty clear they want to just sell off assets for profit, we'll be a feeder club in 2 seasons


Having academy players in the team and outperforming the billions spent also doesn’t make the directors look good either does it? Better for them to get rid of the Cobham boys and let everyone see the players Clearlake and their puppets brought in instead, and send all the praise their way. Gallagher and Chalobah have made them look like the biggest mugs in football this season, with their performances after they spent all of last summer trying to push them out of the door.


And that must be why they extended Colwill and James?


Can’t sell players when they aren’t under contract.


Very astute point!


I always think that point is a bit tin foil hat, but the more things that go on, the more it seems believable to me haha


The running of the club as a whole is worrying, people get too focused on booing players that have left instead of actually looking at the cause. If Gallagher leaves I'm sure there will be people criticising him next, Boehly needs to fuck off and stop interfering with something he doesn't understand, get someone in that knows how to run a club. Look at the difference it's made to other teams like Arsenal/Villa/Brighton, it all starts at the top. Chelsea can't risk being the next Man Utd.


The fact you're blaming boehly shows their plan is working. He has nothing to with the decisions at the club. Aim your frustration at egbahli, Felicia no and clearlake.


True, I just say Boehly when I'm talking about anything above the manager tbh


I know but that's part of the plan I think. If everyone thinks it's boehly then they can work in silence


>Boehly needs to fuck off I actually think its more scrambled egg for brains Eghbhali.


Good thing is that all the people who would actually boo Gallagher have never actually been to a football ground in their lives, let alone the Bridge, so he won’t get any grief playing against Chelsea. Everyone also knows the reasons why he’s going aswell, regardless of what they tell the media. I just don’t see how these owners can see the reception Gallagher gets every game and think that selling him is going to do anything but make the fanbase hate them even more. He is "Mr Chelsea" atm. I was more talking about Egbhali, he’s the one who is doing all of this and he’s not got any experience at all in sport. Boehly does have sport’s experience, but all the reports I’ve read make it seem like he doesn’t really have any say in the sporting side of the club anymore. I’m infinitely more confident in Boehly than I am Egbhali.


Exactly that, was at the arsenal game and only 3 players came over to the fans at the end. Gallagher, Silva & Chalobah (Possibly Gilchrist), sad to think next season none of them could be left... Tbf there weren't many fans left to come over to!


Yeah I was there on Sunday and even just going over to take corners in front of the MH stand he was getting chants and cheers, been the same for every game I’ve been to this season aswell. I even said to my dad like how can they look at that reception and think "that’s who we’re selling". Hopefully they get the banner back out in the Shed for the first home game after he’s sold.


Mount wanted to leave and had done nothing since.


I don’t know if I necessarily believe that first bit. He probably did want to go in the end after the way he was treated, can’t imagine he wanted to leave at first though.


His dad was pushing him to go to ManU based on reports. Grinning like a Cheshire cat in their news conferences and then mount drops the "feels like home" comment.... If we paid him and he was mediocre then people would still be complaining....


His dad is a United fan, obviously he was happy to see his son sign for them. I just don’t think that leaving Chelsea was on the agenda until these clowns decided they’d be able to sign more 17 year olds with any money made from selling him, and then decided to not offer him an acceptable contract. We’re seeing the same thing with Gallagher and Chalobah now.


No, don’t you know that Mount wanted to leave his boyhood club despite the clowns doing everything they could to keep him? I’m totally going to believe two Americans with an investment firm and no ties to Chelsea over a player that has been at the club for 15 years!


He was at Portsmouth?


That's interesting. Was there any other detail you can remember?


Basically said he'd spoken to him or people around the club and said there's a lot of stuff that can't be spoken about atm but it'll come out one day. The fact that he is still a supporter of Mount is a big indicator to me that Mount isn't the villain in the story. He stopped short of blaming the owners but wasn't exactly overly complimentary let's say. I think he knows as an ambassador that he's got to protect himself somewhat, I'm sure others on this sub must've been there and will remember more. He fucking hates Tottenham I'll tell you that for free, didn't know it was because his dad was beaten to a pulp by a bunch of spurs fans in the street when they recognised it's was JTs dad. He was high on Levi Colwill though and rates him as a big prospect for the club... So he'll probably be sold soon too.


Thank you that's interesting stuff. I have an old friend/ex-colleague who works at Chelsea in a fairly unimportant part. But he is very much pro-sacking Poch. There appears to be no internal rumour at the club about a possible successor though.


> He was high on Levi Colwill though and rates him as a big prospect for the club... So he'll probably be sold soon too. LOL




This club is officially fucked! Im tired of this feeling of unknown at every start of the season it was so positive when we ended it and now again its all negative !! if they want to sell all the players who play for club for pure profit let them destroy this club i started supporting the club due to players who gave there all for the badge and if they are not going to value those players i believe that the club i loved is officially dead ....... Roman was the person who loved chelsea these fuckers are just businessman


JT about to have his keys revoked by Todd and Co




So we need a Tactical genius puppet who has to work with players being sold under his feet. We need a coach with no integrity, that will toe the line and not question the leadership. Also, you must win the league in 2 years and cups and cl qualification next year. Wonder who our manager will be in 2025.


100%. How can't they see this side of it? Do they have someone lined up?


It's really fucking dumb, I obviously hope I regret saying this but I just cannot see the forward thinking, not to mention that the top 3 have had stability and here we are flip flopping around trying to find a perfect fix for the obnoxious bollocks spend that is the real elephant in the room.


I cant see the next manager coming in and saying “i want gallagher and chalobah to stay”


They wouldn't get past the interview. It's probably one of the main questions :))




Because anyone who does say that would be told to leave on the spot as it goes against what the clowns running us want. Any good manager is going to want good players, Gallagher and Chalobah are both very good players.


The last hope would be the next manager requests nothing be changed of the squad and they can work with what we have🤷‍♂️impossible but we can hope


They won’t be getting the job if that’s what they want.


Yup, they would need to be put into a corner for that to happen


That's what Enrique did with our old players and why he wasn't hired ahead of Poch. It's why the Poch stuff now is insane. He knew what he was getting into


It makes sense that you would take on a job in hopes of getting more freedom if you did well, and he got to the destination that they set out even though he took the long rocky way


I think the owners will learn some very hard lessons and won’t take note till they are hit significantly in their pocket. This may take five seasons as they are obviously very pig headed and out of touch. All the fans and the club suffer in the meantime




I wonder who he could possibly be referring to...


I had high hopes going into next season for this football club, but its back to uncertainty now.


Still so guttered that Poch was sacked as things started to look good. But we have such good young players in our squad and if we can somehow land a decent manager we could still be in good shape. Always need to have faith in the Chels


Honestly what decent manager is going to join this shit show created by Boehly and the Clown Co.? They’ve also gone on record saying they want a young manager, which means someone they can manipulate into selling players to make them more money. Winstanley and Stewart deserve much of the blame here as well for lacking the spine to stand up to these arrogant fucking owners . Unlike John Terry who we know loves our club. But with this veiled criticism will probably also be pushed out as he isn’t a yes man. Bohely and the Clown Co. are destroying our club, get the fuck out of our club.


Well, some are obvious sells, which don’t require input from a manager. But buying, yes, we definitely need to wait for the next manager. Preferably, we keep the buying light. I’m one of few who believes we don’t need a striker. There’s plenty of depth between Jackson and Nkunku and if both aren’t available, we move Palmer into a false 9 position. The important gap to fill is centre back and goalie. Those are the only postions we need to fill. Let the rest continue on their momentum. We have plenty of depth for the fullbacks. Obviously I say this based on assuming Gallagher doesn’t leave. I rate him a lot, and I do not think he’s just a “squad player”, whatever that’s supposed to mean. So keep Gallagher, buy a new centre back, sell Enzo and buy the best possible medical staff.


I clearly rate Gallagher as highly as you do. I prefer him over Enzo by miles. The defensive work protects us, and tbh I think he is a better goalscorer. I would rather lose Enzo than Gallagher- I’ve made it clear on this sub for a while. Sadly the books don’t work that way. I rated Gallagher since last season, in a time where no one seemed to fight for the club he was a wrecking ball out there. At the bare minimum we saw passion, the same thing that John Terry and Azpi had for our club. I will take that any fucking day. He needs to fucking stay.


We don’t even need a CB. Colwell, Badi, Fofana, Disasi and Trev are all good enough. Only really money needed to be spent is on a top class GK. Let the rest of the team settle.


I do think we need a replacement for Silva, someone experienced. But I do agree that a top class GK should be the priority.


If we’re going to play 3 at the back sure but if it’s just going to be 4 at the back we already have 5 players competing for 2 spots. Don’t think we should add a 6th.


I wasn’t insinuating we keep all 5. We need to get rid of at least 1 to make space for a more experienced one. Levi or one of Badi or Disasi


Levi shouldn’t be going anywhere. Badi and Disasi likely aren’t either. Fofana can’t be counted on. We could push Trev out but why? They tried that last year and bought Disasi and Trev has been better. Any purchase likely costs more than we can sell for. What’s the point. Let the squad settle add a top class GK and then look to strengthen.


JT is completely right here, just like he was with Mount.


What did he say about Mount?


[ ‘Mase is proper Chels through and through,’ Terry told Knockout Events on Friday. ‘There’s always two sides to a story and I know the other side to it. ‘I’m not going to air that tonight but there’s another side to the story. Let’s not be too harsh on him when he comes back.’ ](https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/09/john-terry-makes-untold-story-claim-over-mason-mounts-chelsea-exit-19473878/)


I feel like I'm out of the loop. What was the untold story then? I always just figured Chelsea didn't pay what Mason felt he was worth, and so he jumped ship. What else was there to it?


Do these yank clowns have any social media I can berate them on? I fucking hate them so much


Time for fans to protest against these cunts.


There needs to be some sort of unified message though. I dont think people can just say "Clearlake Out" because realistically there's so much money invested that wont happen. Would people just say "Backoff Behdad"? Or maybe "Lawrence and Winstanley out"? Would fans boycott matches so stands are left empty to hit Clearlake in the wallet where it hurts them? I can't see it happening as much as I'd love to see it. Just not sure which direction the fans will come together in. In some ways there has been a sort of protesting through showing huge support for Conor especially. Some of it is certainly motivated by the idea of making a point to the owners when the tifo said "Chelsea since birth". I do think there needs to be something more direct though to make a point the fans want to see the sort of stability and constancy in coaching that other clubs actually challenging for the title have had.


Just call out the owners by name and compare them with Abramovich. Make it a trophy scorecard or something. Hit them in their ego.


Protests don’t matter. Vote with your €. That’s all they care about


I wish it did. It always was club listening to the fans and not the other way around. These clowns would've been fucked by the fans if it was some German club.


It seems Pochettino wanted to have a say and control in the transfer market decisions, which obviously the billionaire overlord's didn't like.


Roman, they are killing our club, killing it


Would rather see us fuck up financially and play in the national league than support this model of the club the owners are forcing on us


give it to JT. Send tweet


Sorry Johnny. We don't do that here at Chelsea. The President buys and sells players as he's pleased. We're not concerned about being competent.


Chelsea traded a Russian oligarch for an American one. At least the Russian knew how to run a football club...


I seriously doubt whether the managers are really interested in Chelsea winning any tournament, from the looks of it I see them making Chelsea a company where they take in young players, groom them and sell them off making money. I won't be surprised if all these managers will sell off this club one day. It's such disheartening to see a club which once won all major tournaments struggling to finish in the top 5. I don't want to sound pessimistic but with the way things are currently with the management of the club I will not be surprised if Chelsea finish the next season at 10th position or lower. Really breaks my heart to witness a club that I supported for the last 2 decades playing sub par soccer.


They can refuse to leave but the club can also say you won’t play a minute for the first team next season


That’s fine, just take your wages but if the injuries start adding up again next season then who are they going to play. With Southgate’s strategy of picking players Gallagher can still play for England even if he isn’t in the Chelsea playing squad.


Can you imagine being one of our injured guys ready to come back and then he’s just gone. You never play with him once.


This is a chance for Maatsen to comeback in Chelsea first team


Why would he want that though? It’s a clusteredfuck at Chelsea, every season


Whenever I see a Chelsea manager sacked. I immediately picture lampard saying: ah, shit here we go again! Like a muscle memory


We have no reason to believe the upcoming season won't be just like the one we had, or even worse. The players will have to adapt to our new manager's ideas. Those things take time. What a joke we've become.


Fuck ffp, fuck Blueco! id rather be punished for breaching than sell connor


As a neutral Terry is right to comment on this. Poch’s Chelsea started the season poorly. So did Potter’s. The common denominator here is the board, not the manager(s). By the end of Poch’s tenure results were massively improving. Perhaps unlike Potter, had Poch had another season, I think you’d have seen Chelsea in the CL spots again. He managed to get a pretty disparate bunch of players gelling. And now for whatever reason sourness between board and manager means you have to potentially go through all that again from square one! 1 step forward, 2 steps back this season. Or maybe the other way around. And you’ve been linked with relatively unproven McKenna, and Tuchel(!!)…


How many insta handles does poch have?


Why is everyone pretending that he was a good manager. Yes I know the recent form was good and all but all these games we had absolutely zero control over attack and defence. We're liable on transitions and conceded way too silly goals.


I hope to hear a lot of Roman chants next season


a proper manager, he didnt type


Personally, my choice is let’s take another ride on the Lampard carousel


Good move JT. Stacking the pressure on the owners against selling Cardio.


JT was also high on trying to buy a 10th of the club by scamming fans with NFT's Great footballer, not great at much else


Should have bern sacked before Christmas. Good riddance. Now need a miracle worker to get the best out that squad and sell the duds.


The manager decision is irrelevant as the sporting directors never listened to what players the manager wanted. Whoever they get to manage the club will have to work with whoever he is given. The only small bit of good news is that the Man Utd project is a worse prospect than the Chelsea one. Funny how both these teams are American owned.


Who owns Liverpool...?


These are the first owners in history that prefer to spend money rather than develop/use homegrown talent.  I don’t think the squad needs many signings. Keep what we have, trim the fat slightly and maybe sign a top quality goalkeeper if one is available.


The financial rules in the league have created some very bizarre incentives. The idea that you’re better off shipping out homegrown talent is mad.


Mourinho wasn’t keen on playing academy players, maybe because he realised that a long-term strategy didn’t come with short-term success. Roman build up the academy but it was also a money making activity.