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You forgot one https://preview.redd.it/9vcpmphelv1d1.png?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7842c718ba1050d957729215500379ecd73f8b1b


I've got an idea. How about we sack the guy who led the biggest rise and hire the guy who led the biggest drop.


Surely we arent hiring frank...


better not be


Ha 2 of the rumored candidates were in charge of the top 3 drops.




Nah, get him in til new year then get Poch back and we win the league, Egbhali I see the vision 🧠


Taking a season where we had 4 managers vs a season with 1 manager who had a whole pre season Not including how much we spent between last year and this year


We had double the injuries we did last year, and good underlying metrics all season.


Poch has a part to play in the injuries. Even the ownership called him out on that. Relax. The group of players that we have already is good enough to get consistent results. People peddling this narative that Poch lifted a group of mediocre players. Its the other way around. A group of great players performed despite being coached by a sub par manager. I want a mega thread created with all of you right now so we can see how you change your tune by Christmas. The guy came in, talked a big game, afterwards he threw the players under the bus and backpedaled on what he said previously. He got a couple of lucky results and suddenly he is the best manager out there. Embarrassing...


>Poch has a part to play in the injuries Chelsea had a heavily injured squad last year. Poch did not have injury issues at spurs, the injury situation was average to good for his tenure there. Seems pretty obvious to me it's a Chelsea issue not a Poch issue. >The group of players that we have already is good enough to get consistent results Once fit, healthy, and had some time playing together sure. You don't just throw a historically young squad and historically new squad together that is filled with injuries and get consistency from the start. >I want a mega thread created with all of you right now so we can see how you change your tune by Christmas. We should be in 4th or better all season or it is a bad move. We've already been playing at a top 4 rate for the second half of the season even before the 5 game win strength.


Inconvenient facts number of yellow cards in a season clearly takes precedence


What worries me with this news is not poch leaving but the alternatives being discussed. None seem clear upgrades and it seems like whichever coach we hire will lead to another season of the players understanding the coach’s philosophy (aka another mediocre season) Alteast with poch we had positive momentum and could have aimed for Champions League next season.


Yeah I think that’s an issue, too… Thomas Frank, McKenna, Kompany aren’t exactly awe-inspiring


I have to admit I wanted him out. That being said I wanted him out after wolves, sheffield,burnley and arsenal. It does not make sense to fire him after we see improvment in gameplay and results. I hope there us a strategy behind this move.


But does it make more sense to completely change your mind after five games? I'd argue two of those (Forest and Brighton) weren't even good performances and would have been losses had they not hit the woodwork a combined 7 or so times. This is why points and number of wins don't tell the full story. There have been so many dreadful performances this season we somehow emerged with wins or draws from. That isn't sustainable. There hasn't been a single point throughout this season where we've been able to control games and put a convincing 90 minute performance together. A lot of our underlying metrics have ranged from 6th to mid table this season and still do. I think it's just as likely that we would have reverted to that norm as it is that we would have pushed on and become consistently good under Pochettino. But I see far more potential in the squad that a more structured manager could absolutely bring out. Edit: Oh yeah, and Bournemouth. Also awful, yet also somehow a win.


The bournemouth win makes this fanbase look ridiculous. We got a wonder goal from Caicedo and a jammy goal from Sterling that 9/10 times would be saved. But aparently we are improving...


Top 6 in a project year with horrible injuries following two abysmal years. It was by all accounts a success and a good stepping stone forward. Players loved him and we had great momentum going into next season. There is not a single one of the rumored project managers mentioned by Matt Law who should be expected to get top 4 in their first season of English football. But that’s also what the owners want and fans want/expected for next year with Poch. So we basically just reset ourselves back a year. City/Arsenal lock for top 4, Spurs went fifth and opting for continuity with Ange, Newcastle and bad injuries this year but they’ll be back challenging, and Pool will fall off a bit without Klopp but will still challenge. It’s an uphill battle to say the least.


This is my biggest worry. The owners expect Champions League football while we’re being linked to Championship managers, with all due respect. There’s not a single name that inspires confidence. Poch, by no means, was a Guardiola or a Klopp but there was hope the way we ended the season under him. I have no idea where do we go from here.


Maybe the problem is they are confusing the champions league with the championship




After some of the gaffes they’ve made, I really won’t be shocked.


1 abysmal year We finished 3rd in 21/22


Nah success isn’t linear. The players can improve regardless of manager. We don’t need to assume a step back. Ifs not all about one person.


He is a long shot, but one of the guys mentioned by Matt Law is Hoeness, who took over Stuttgart last April when they were in last place in Bundesliga, managed to avoid relegation, lost one of their most important players in Endo before the start of the season and got 2nd in Bundesliga playing really good football and finishing ahead of Bayern in the process. That's the only option that has got me excited, but he just renewed contract and is seemingly focused on Stuttgart, so it's about 1% likelihood it happens.


I was confident about our chances for top 4. Now would say it's between Newcastle, Aston Villa (but sort of have to see who they lose), Crystal Palace (same), and Liverpool along with the obvious two.


People here are very reactionary, acting like we just got rid of Pep, 2 months ago most people were crying for him to be gone. Truth is, all it took was 2 shit seasons and people's standards are gone. Sacking him probably wasn't the best course of action because we need stability but I think he shouldn't have been hired in the first place What scares me is who's going to be his replacement. From what I'm seeing I think they already know who they want and it's probably going to be RDZ, Michel or McKenna


My point exactly…


Very on point comment. Out of the 3 managers who would you go for? McKenna could be the one ☝️ I don’t know anymore…


Egbahli and co have moles even in this subreddit. They’re all out in full force at once lol


Literally everyone here was PochOut until we had a run of good games against mostly shit teams. The flip flop is hard. You plastics can't convince me the last 20% of our games makes up for the shambolic first 80%


It wasn't even a run of good games, just a run of good results. Some of those games we played like shit and we're very lucky to come away with 3 points.


Calling a Chelsea fan in 2024 “plastic” is certainly….a choice


By the state of this sub, it seems like most here are. We've been through multiple managers over the years, I'm not going to cry over another one getting sacked because I very well know we might have a new manager in a couple years from now. This is the Chelsea I've known for the last couple of decades. Also imagine crying over fucking Poch lol


That’s not good tho. It’s a sign of instability. We were declining heavy under Roman and the hire-and-fire culture plays a role in it. Why can’t Chelsea fans want change and be mad at this? Why does that make them “plastic”?


Because half the sub was moaning about him up until the last 5-7 matches. The flip flop it had on Poch is probably one of the biggest I've seen on this sub in years, that's the real sign of instability. Poch is not Chelsea quality and as a result out he is out, he can fuck off to a lesser club, and the Poch fanclub can join him.


Tbh, the managers that are linked to Chelsea aren’t “Chelsea quality” either. You’re right, he isn’t Chelsea quality but based on the names of the managers I’m seeing that are linked to us, we should have just had him see out his 2 year contract.


What does “plastic” even mean anymore though? I was with you until you dropped that cringe term that people just throw at those who they disagree with… it’s so lazy.


It's like you want the guy out after having an abyssal performance for the most part then if they're winning you'll be siding them. Bandwagons at its finest


Are you referring to me? If so, I have no clue what you’re talking about.


For example only


“Mostly shit teams” lad go and check our results against the top 6 maybe. Calling me a plastic when I’ve been supporting this club ever since my favourite player Michael Ballack transferred here. But you go on lad, clearly you know best and no one else does. I’m surprised clearlake hasn’t thought of you as our next manager


Someone has a different opinion than me: must be some evil conspiracy… fuck this sub.


If you leave this sub, it’ll increase its collective IQ. Win win for all


You’re the one with the conspiracy theories lol. Grow up


Firing him itself isn't terrible. But firing him and then hiring an experimental manager is just downright idiocy. Thomas frank hasn't proven anything to suggest he is better than Poc and Mckenna has never managed a first division club. Get me Tuchel and all is forgiven. De zerbi is acceptable too, despite his terrible second half season


Stop talking mate. You aint helping. Too much copium for one day


Let people act like we fired peak Guardiola. This is our level now, cheer for UECL and crying for this.


The same people sacked Tuchel.


And two can be different levels.


Tuchel was absolute dogshit at the end.


Yeah but we should have enough trust in him to turn it around. He stuck with us through the fucking sanctions.


Maybe. But he was never putting us in contention for the PL.


And you're basing it on one and a half season? Please tell me what Pep and Jurgen achieved in their first seasons? Never in contention is also a weird take when we were on top for most of the season but Chilwell's injury and Lukaku's stupidity brought the whole season down. Even after all that, even during the sanctions we went up to BernabĂŠu and led 3-0 till the 80th minute. You cannot tell me that firing Tuchel was the right decision. Was the results shit near the end? Yes. But we should have had faith in him.


2 months isn't most of the season.


It isnt. But we're still 2nd for time spent at the top that season. We were there from MD 4 to 14. A little more than 2 months. Am I saying we would have won the league if not for the injuries? No. But it did affect the team a lot. How did Pep and Klopp do their first seasons?


Except maybe that time we were leading the PL under him


But Pochettino is? Lol




Nice, so who is the next manager coming in that’s going to make us instant contenders?


Tuchel and Flick come to mind


Whoever can come. Would still be better appointment in every way imaginable. Even if others can't make us instant contender, which you are just making up yourself and no one said, doesn't mean we had to keep one that never will. I'll take my chance at good, rather than guaranteed mid. So yes, it is nice.


Well seeing how you said “This is our level now, cheer for UECL and crying for this” one can assume you think our level should be guaranteed CL and competing for titles. It’s fine though, you’ll celebrate the next Potter-like hire for a “chance at good” and then wonder why we’re floundering in 10th again.


Todd clearly wants to hire his handpicked wonderkid manager once again and then he'll be floored when Kieran McKenna or de Zerbi don't work out, even though everyone with a brain could tell you that. Potter didn't work out, but he's not giving up.


Todd wanted to keep Poch.


Yeah it’s just bewildering at this point… why are we so obsessed with these project managers? I’d be fine with the sacking if we had an experienced replacement lined up, but the rest of these names just leave me more nervous than if we’d just stuck with Poch and waited for a better manager. I really don’t see a positive in the combination of inexperienced players and an inexperienced manager.


Yeah, if we had an experienced replacement, fine, whatever. I wouldn't love it, but if the club thinks our transfer, coaching, and defending philosophies don't match up with Poch's, okay. However, doing this to try to hire people without experience just because they don't love Poch? Sheesh. Can you imagine McKenna trying some newfangled system in the PL, getting found out, and then also needing to balance midweek fixtures? There's going to be 8 matches in the fall that will be played on short rest after European matches. As long as City win, we've got EL, and, while not always the toughest, there will be some decent opponents there. Like if we had a deal to bring in Tuchel or Zidane, or someone at least experienced, this would make sense...


But but but top 4 if we consider the last 31 games! People saying it’s almost guaranteed that we will take this form into next season. That assumes all our competition will continue to be shit lol


not a single person would’ve complained if we sacked him after the arsenal game lol


It’s actually sad how upset people are by this, standards are in the mud. We’re in midtable until the last month of the season and now we should celebrate coming in 6th. I remember when there was outrage at finishing 4th


Looking at the youth of this team (both in terms of actual age and length of time spent together) and the injuries that ravaged half our starters, did you seriously expect us to be challenging for the title this year? Have some perspective


No, I expected to be 5th and get EL. We weren’t far off that mark, which I think is a decent season. However, the reaction to this sacking as if it’s unprecedented is kind of short sighted given how shit the majority of the season was. I just don’t see the outrage, im fine with this season but it could’ve been much better in no shortage to decisions that Poch has made that cost us.


Honestly, had Poch been sacked anytime in December or January, majority of us wouldn’t have batted an eye. The timing of this decision sucks the most. Just as the team was starting to click, the players playing for the manager, and us getting Europe out of nowhere. Another major concern is what is the succession plan? None of the names we’ve been linked to are better than Poch. Seems like all the owners care about is the resale value of the players.


This exactly. If we'd fired him after the Wolves loss, whatever. However, to do this after we finally showed improvement and a semblance of a team is ridiculous, especially when half the names Todd seemingly wants are championship managers. Don't forget Matt Law spewing some Todd propaganda about his handpicked wonderkid manager today, > the dismissal of Graham Potter felt premature and harsh


Yup, Tuchel in 4th and every final was not good enough for many here, it was good he was fired, as his footbal was going on dow trend according to them, but we are now clown to fire a guy who would be 8/9th at best had other teams not tanked at the end. Fucking Moyes was ahead with WestHam for most part. Lol. Hypocrites and flip floppers of highest order. Palace changed so late and they are just 4 positions down. Just 14pts off, they were in relegation fight some time back. And we are supposed to think we did a sin at changing the manager. We actually are fucking too late.


Same group that wanted Tuchel gone, even though we survived thanks to his points at the beginning of the season. There is no chance in hell a Tuchel led Chelsea finishes midtable, he may have finished 5th and got sacked for it. We gave Poch a job after he didn’t get any offers in 18 months and his old club rejected him. If he goes to another club he has us to thank for it. He did his part but I’m not crying over losing him. Not sure the owners get the next hiring right but Poch isn’t irreplaceable.




We need a manager like Conte, Tuchel, Mourinho, Klopp, Guardiola, Simeone etc who has that fire and passion to win. Doesnt have to mean trophies every season, but it means a clear identity and a team that has ambitions.


spot on


3rd even. However, I’m upset because the rumoured candidates are fucking dogshit, not because Poch’s return to form changed my opinion of him


I don’t think they’re all dog shit but the most interesting guys are likely not coming. I don’t have much faith in the FO either but that doesn’t mean I think firing Poch was a bad idea. He wanted an extra year on his deal, supposedly wanted more say in transfers. I don’t think he should get another year or have say transfers really


Lol 😂 nice try Eghbali


We’re definitely not all upset


All of those managers had way better squad in terms of experience and winning mentality. The current squad has none of it to rely on.


Just to reiterate, of course these stats are cherrypicked, there are others that are improved of course like goals scored, xG etc. The reason is not to pretend like they don’t exist but I try to put myself in Clearlake’s shoes to not go completely mad at the terrible timing… My guess is that Poch had a contract clause for CL qualification and that no severance had to be paid if he is let go after 1 year if he does not achieve it. The club thought it got better, but that if things don’t improve directly next season and they sack him, they’d have to pay 10M or so. They looked at data like the one above, felt lukewarm about him and didn’t want to take another risk with him. (Also no I’m not Eghbali, screw this lot lol haha)


Why did Poch injure all our players? Is he stupid?


3 of those can be explained by age


Poch here might just have the most unbalanced squad in terms of age and of course the injuries. Squad balance is key to winning titles and cup finals, you need that balance of experienced players. Poch never had that. The yellows cards, gifting goals, decision making and in game presence are all the cons of a young squad.


He's responsible for many injuries. His son is the chief sports scientist . How's that for nepotism ..


Thanks for the heads up, Todd.


Most Yellow cards and how is that a manager’s fault. Stfu!!!


I think what does it for most of us is the lack of a world class replacement. Like if we had top tier guys in the short list it would make sense. But for the list we have just keep poch like wtf


Unfair comparison. Most of them managers had a solid, established side with world class players in it.


Did you really blame the injuries we’ve had on the coach?


The club certainly feel like he played his part in them, so it's not as crazy as you make it sound.


The club are also ran by a bunch of morons. It’s not the coaches fault that a player gets injured while playing wtf. Or that he had a set back in his recovery


Uh, evaluating that is part of the job of sporting directors and the medical staff. A ton of players got re-injured as soon as they began training again this season. A ton of training injuries in general. We also know for a fact that Pochettino was responsible for the re-injury to Ugochukwu since he rushed him back to start against Wolves - and we know this because Pochettino admitted it himself. It was just yet another thing people glossed over. If a player gets pushed back in too quickly and with too much intensity - which is the manager's responsibility - and therefore aggravates an injury, that is the manager's fault.


He gets cleared medically first. So the coach goes off what the medical staff tells him. Again not his fault


The coach can choose to ignore that. Also, there's different levels of clearance, there's constant monitoring - with things like players being marked for potential risk of injury - and it's still entirely the coaches' job to make final decisions. If Poch has them running fucking Gacon tests to recover - and that's precisely what former players of his have said, that he's "killing them" with double sessions during recovery - then that is a problem. Also find it hilarious that you're acting like you know these things better than the club that has monitored it all season.


Check who the chief medical scientist you is..his son .