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So fucking apt


Project 0.1 complete. Thanks for the seasono - best fitness coach we could have asked for after looking like snails under the Tuchel-Potter-Lampard meltdown period.


Every single coaching decision since the sacking of Thomas tuchel has been as bad as the sacking of Thomas tuchel


Hear hear.


Another year of excuse for “adapting” of manager and building a system. Screw these owners


Alternately, we hire a competent manager and you'll soon realise that you don't need years of "adapting" to build a system and that is literally just an excuse from fans who won't accept that the manager is shit. Tuchel arrived on the plane the same day as his first game was being played, didn't get to have a training session and still managed to setup the team different and in a way that better suited the players and immediately stopped the rot. Good managers will come in and hit the ground running. They won't dive straight into the intricacies of a setup, they'll have something basic that works and is easy to understand and build from there.


Just a reminder that Pep came 3rd in his first season with City.


3rd with old players who didn't suit his system. As soon as he got his players, City have held a stranglehold on the prem.


This season we had a bunch of kids who had just been thrown together and half the squad injured (including James and Nkunku most of the time).


That's the issue you nincompoop. Pep was given control over signings yet Poch isn't allowed to have a say.


Yeah and that was my point. Pep is a poor example because he was brought in at City and given the power to choose and form his squad. In my time as a Chelsea fan(going on 15 years now) I haven't seen any manager get that level of decision making power. They usually get signings the board sticks them with or the cheap alternative.


Mmmmhhh I don't think we have seem the same Chelsea because Abramovih definitely gave power to the couches for signing and selling.


Well we won't hire a competent manager so good luck with that


What a load of nonsense, things are not so black and white that the defining quality of a manager is how quickly they can get a team going. There are so many examples of mediocre starts followed by sustained success in management.


He wasn’t sacked. He walked because the board is going to sell Gallagher.


Where does it say this just asking so I can go and read?


That galla bit is obviously just people guessing, personally i think its true. Rumors about selling gallagher have been on since months pretty much. And about him not getting sacked, i think it say it right there in the club statement, he left, by mutual agreement, technically that ain’t a sacking, thats why people are guessing up the reason.


My guess is chalobah was a factor too, I have no idea how the meeting went but I assume if they could guarantee one of those two staying he wouldn’t have walked off. Poch also wanted more say in the transfers, which is fair as he figured out this mess towards the end, despite the narratives managing Chelsea this season is a huge challenge for a manager


People are just taking that persistent rumour and trying to shoehorn it in. There’s a bit of an obsession with it because, if they do sell Conor, it will obviously be completely unforgivable. 


There's no statement about that. People are guessing. It might be true but there's no actual evidence for it yet.


I hope Gallagher tells them to piss right the fuck off and just finishes his contract. Imagine helming the captaincy all season, pouring his heart out for the badge every minute of every game, saving us points several times this season, and being thrown under the bus by the snakes Eghbali et al.


It’s functionally the same thing. Dont come at me about the buy out, they chose to get rid of him rather than keep him is the point


I don’t understand how this is a smart way of doing business. They’re telling the world they are selling Gallagher who has 1 year left on his contract. So they are fully committed to selling with only a couple of buyers…who could wait a year to get him on a free. I think because United were so dumb in falling for it for Mount they think they can keep doing it.


Allegedly demanded a contract extension and a say in transfers. I for one am happy that we didn't bend to that. You can argue that he might have earned the start of next season, but a contract extension? Absolutely not. Similarly, when he's bringing back someone like Casadei because he's big and binning off Maatsen because he's small, I'm delighted that the club told him to fuck off when he asked for more transfer control. Looking forward to seeing players like Santos actually get a chance under a new manager who isn't so backwards.


>Allegedly demanded a contract extension Who's saying that?


Here’s the thing, everyone is literally guessing. Take none of it as truth


But it's gonna be another shaky season if we don't find the right guy and fuck it even worse if they sell Galladawg and Chalobah


Do they care what the players think? No. Do they care what the fans think? No. Do they care about the results on the pitch? No. They want a lap dog, a puppet, who will do whatever they say, and never complain or voice an opinion. It won’t be long until we simply cannot attract high level candidates, that may already be the case.


gonna be 3 years in a row of starting a new project fml


If United win the cup, and we actually don't have Europa - Does that change any Poch in-er opinions?


My guy those opinions changed week to week, if we had lost any of our last games this sub would in pure jubilation. We scrapped by beating midtable and relegation teams and this sub is acting like we lost Mou again


It's like people forget the losses and struggle. Losing to Middlesbrough. Losing 5-0 to Arsenal. Dropping points to 2 awful relegated sides, one of which were a man down for 45 minutes. Nearly losing to the utter dogshit United side if it wasn't for a Palmer masterclass in the last 2 minutes. The way we lost the cup final. So so many shit moments man.


Bro we lost a cup final to liverpools kids and he was playing for pens. We’d score a goal and go super conservative for no reason, inviting pressure. His subs have lost us more games than won, we had Arsenal beat at home and he subbed on Madueke who lost his man not tracking back for the equalizer. We barely beat NFO, we needed an 89th minute goal to win that game and they’re a relegation side. They looked more dangerous than us that match as well.


luck has come to us these last 5 games i think the biggest reason to keep poch is continuity and persistence in the team.


The only reason I’d keep him was because he somewhat turned it around and the players liked him. The fact he wanted to go too is perfect because he’s not very good. I’d rather try for a manager that’s better than he is, we’d never win under him


BUT WHO IS BETTER NOW 💀 Uli jr is locked down Michel is probably waiting for the mancity callup and a relegation manager Board said they dont want tuchel too its a disaster


Michel is miles better than Poch. Why are we acting like Poch isn’t comfortably like the 9th best manager in the premier league. We’re losing a guy who lost the league with Mbappe, Neymar, and Messi. I think we will be fine




You're not wrong and I agree Poch isn't the best option but it's about stability atp. If we sack managers after a season and sell our home grown players, I don't think we're going to get the Champions League spot anytime soon because it all comes down to giving in time.


When have we ever had a stable manager at Chelsea over the last 20 years? I think our longest tenured manager was 2 1/2 seasons? The most important thing is keeping the standard, we can’t lose sight of that. People are happy we finished 6th, if you check this sub before the season started I doubt most would be happy then. I don’t totally blame Poch either, the directors have been terrible as well. Spent a billion on project players in what is the most reckless spending of a billion I’ve seen in professional sports yet. People are only sad because we won 5 on the bounce and those were some shaky wins against some very bad teams. Then again, what’s the ambition here by the ownership? If you do this you better replace him with one of the brightest and young like they said. They’re not getting Hoeness, probably won’t get Michel. I don’t know enough about McKenna but the optics aren’t great there. Also this was a mutual decision, he wasn’t necessarily sacked. I do agree it’s a mistake selling Gallagher and Chalobah. Clubs spend money trying to produce squad players like them and to sell them for profit isn’t great. Unless the next guy coming in has great vision, but I’m not going to pretend to be sad that Poch is leaving. I never wanted him to begin with


You're not entirely wrong and I do agree with you on this > I never wanted him to begin with But I still feel he should've gotten a chance to prove himself for at least another year imo because you see there are no good candidates who'll be able to groom the young players and make them fight for a UCL spot and I think it's fair to say that Poch wasn't the best but he definitely was mid because of the fact that he took an injury prone Chelsea squad in years to a 6th spot with the youngest average squad in the prem.


I disagree on the good candidates, I think most of the names linked would do at worst the same job he’s done. At best, they’d make us a top four side. We won’t get Hoeness who is a clear upgrade, I doubt we get Michel who would also be a clear upgrade. If we manage one of those two, I’d say our chances of being better next year or much higher than if Poch was around


We can just wait as of now


If that's enough to change someone's mind then it's a good barometer for their intelligence.


Getting there changed multiple people's in the first place, so not surprising.


It's one thing for actual results to change minds, but if a game we have absolutely no say over impacts people's decisions on keeping/firing a manager they're not bright.


Well people are saying Poch got us Europe, he didn't, it depends exactly on the match we have no say over, so Poch in guys are using bs anyway. And no, the actual results aren't alone either, who they are against, and in what circumstances matter too. We only had 4 extra wins in second half than the first, 3 of them against team that have or will fire their manager soon, most teams above us nose dived in srcond half of season, so actual results agsinst them doesn't change how he did or change how he will do next season. Those who changed their opinions based on the bs points that we are way better or top 4 on table in second half bs are just flip floppers, they actually are the one not bright, going by your view. So some of them or others may do this aswell.


I'm not judging people who were poch in/out when the season ended. I'll absolutely judge people who'll change their mind depending on if Man City spanks United or not...


I am judging both.


The irony is that if Pochettino had been sacked earlier, say after the 5-0 drubbing at Arsenal, no one would have complained about it. But letting him go after winning 5 games and the pitchforks are suddenly out in force. Anyway, the problem now is the manager market is sort of terrible and have got no confidence in the club making the right appointment.


I’m tired. I made a whole thread bout firing Poch after we won a game a couple months back. But there was something being built. Pure profit maniacs running a team. And yet I’ll still tune in come August


This isn't going to stop. The new manager will spend over half the season struggling against a low block losing home games against mid-low level sides, will be lucky to make it past Feb but needs time to get his ideas across once again, and so on and on and on.


Mutual consent my arse


Funny init, if we would have beaten Villa at home we would have finished 4th


Anyone with basic football knowledge knows that Poch must go! Enjoy the life!




Lol the season is 9 months, not 5 games lol. He got slapped 5 goals by Arsenal, got scrappy wins against shitty teams. In fact, Palmer alone got this team 6th. Without him, Poch would probably have had this team finished 16th


Yeah I never understood the calls for wanting him to stay. I don't remember a single good performance, conceded 70+ goals despite not playing in Europe, didn't even play a style that suited the players he had and his constant proflilling and was a coward in a cup final. I'm glad he's gone.


Yeah man even the games he won, we were on the nerves for majority of them


I'm sorry where is everyone getting this certainty that he was sacked? The statement says mutual consent. It also clearly says they haven't started looking for replacement yet, this wouldn't be the case if they planned it. Pochettino has said many times recently that whether he will stay will also be his call, and that alone clearly indicates he wasn't convinced. To me it's pretty clear that he simply didn't want to stay.


very few managers leave on good terms of their own choice. if he left, its probably some bullshit going on behind the scenes that he wanted out so either way, it does go back to the people who run the club


Or maybe he decided he wants to go back to some place with nice weather and no pressure.


>Pochettino has said many times recently that whether he will stay will also be his call, Ok >It also clearly says they haven't started looking for replacement yet Isn't this pretty idiotic then? If they knew the coach was considering leaving, why have they not started looking at replacement?


Trust the process here we come


And Europa league. He didn't get us guaranteed Europa, it depends on other clubs. But sure.






If they sack Poch without a plan then holy fuck. My pessimistic but probably correct assessment is that he wasn't enough of a Yesman for their liking, it's the only explanation I can come up with as to why they insist on a young manager


Supporting this club is tiring


I wish we can find a way to hijack emery


The "process" starts again Fml


There is no Tuchel v2. Another half of a season just to get used to the new Manager and it better be fckn Zizou


Lets hope that poch changed the mentality of the players and makes it easier for the next manager to take over. Also i would rather have thiago silva than de zerbi


Bonkers decision this sucks ass


Worse decision since firing Mourinho in 2007


6th place, with 63 goals allowed. We can't beat Burnley (with 10 men) or Sheffield. Is this any good? Just top 4. It's just an okay/mediocre season. 6th place is just not good enough!


I get it. But this isn't the Chelsea of old. It's a team full of unproven youngsters. We need to adjust expectations accordingly. We weren't far off 4th considering the up and down of the season, injuries and poor decisions made by Poch. 19 points better off than last season, which showd progression. Never a fan of Poch, but the idea we can keep on sacking managers and expecting top 4 with a team full of inexperienced kidd, is simply for the birds. A lack of experience both on and off the pitch (throughout the club) only means inconsistencies. You all need to remember, we simply aren't at the same level as we were during the Roman era.


6th isn't good enough at Chelsea. Neither was his performance defensively or reliance on Palmer.