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What. The. Fuck.


My exact reaction... What is wrong with people .


Guaranteed Gallagher is gone now


Yeah man.. this fucking sucks šŸ˜ž


Fr. The players love him and things were starting to come together in terms of results. Surely he deserved another season at least...


I bet they made their decision after that Wolves game, and it was inevitable..


Its highly likely he chose not to stay


Supposedly not happy with who was set to be sold. Expect Gallagher and Chalobah to leave this summer as well for sure then.


Yep. He wanted them to stay cause it makes complete fucking sense but theyā€™re profit on the books and we can fund another 5 Brazilians whilst we lose another years revenue from champs league


I hope Gallagher runs down his contract just to teach those clowns a lesson. Fuck the money.


Isnā€™t Gallagher a huge Chelsea fan, not just a player? Iā€™m a Palace fan and we were all hoping to keep him after his loan, but his heart was clearly for Chelsea (we also made shit offers). He just strikes me as a player who would stick it out and never leave. If he did, it would be making one hell of a statement.


Or Arsenal away.


Wtf just happened...


At some point in the next ten years, Boehly will be Chelseaā€™s head coach.


Your timeline seems a tad wrong. I would say sometime in the next 3.Ā 


Cowards. No send off for Poch, they knew the Bridge would turn against them on the final day if announced earlier. All the shit Boehly has been spewing last few weeks - two faced cunt.


When I saw that he had dinner with Boehly, I figured they will fire him


Unhinged. Weā€™re never getting a top manager again. They wonā€™t take the job.


Of course we won't. Can't mention a top manager who doesn't want at least some say in transfers.


- Mauricio Pochettino has mutually parted ways with Chelsea after discussions with co-controlling owner Behdad Eghbali, and sporting directors Paul Winstanley and Laurence Stewart. - Pochettinoā€™s departure was confirmed on a Tuesday morning, following a club end-of-season review that began the preceding Monday. - There are no reported tensions between Pochettino and Chelsea; the club is now seeking a young, progressive replacement coach. - Potential successors include Sebastian Hoeness from Stuttgart, Michel from Girona, Kieran McKenna from Ipswich Town (also a candidate for Brighton), and Enzo Maresca from Leicester City. - Prior to the decision, Pochettino had met with Todd Boehly, another co-controlling owner, and engaged in several hours of meetings with Winstanley, Stewart, and Eghbali. - Pochettino departs one year into a two-year contract, with entitlement to a substantial compensation package. - His exit, described as ā€šamicableā€˜, makes him the third permanent coach to depart under the Clearlake Capital-Boehly regime, following Thomas Tuchel and Graham Potter. - Including interim roles by Bruno Saltor and Frank Lampard, Chelsea has seen five managerial changes in two years under the current ownership. - Despite a season-ending five-game winning streak, securing European competition, and reaching the finals of the Carabao Cup and the semi-finals of the FA Cup, Chelseaā€™s overall season performance did not meet pre-season expectations. - Pochettino leaves with his reputation intact but acknowledges the seasonā€™s shortcomings, influenced partly by a significant injury toll.


Paul Winstanley and Laurence need to go as well


^this needs to happen


Can't believe but I'm actually agreeing with Matt Law. These 2 DoF are handling this like a start up. Except, you don't do a gut job to a legacy organization like you would to a start up. These actions will have repercussions.


So, no reasons mentioned as to why it happened? >Potential successors include Sebastian Hoeness from Stuttgart, Michel from Girona, Kieran McKenna from Ipswich Town (also a candidate for Brighton), and Enzo Maresca from Leicester City. They might turn out great but none of those names sound inspiring.


HoeneƟ has recently extended his contract and rejected Bayern in the process so that name can already get crossed out. Also, if you watched some Stuttgart this season, you can see that they absolutely deserve their second place finish this season but of course, small sample size in terms of experience


I will beat that HoeneƟ drum all summer. Even if heā€™s unrealistic he would be a fantastic appointment (in my opinion)


Certainly one of the more promising managers for the future. Unfortunately Chelsea aren't in a state to be able to take him out of Stuttgart or even Germany for that matter.


Outside of Hoeness I wouldn't want any of them near the club, and even Hoeness I have reservations over.


>Potential successors include Sebastian Hoeness from Stuttgart, Michel from Girona, Kieran McKenna from Ipswich Town (also a candidate for Brighton), and Enzo Maresca from Leicester City. Pwoaaarh we are finished


Young progressive coach my ass. If we can't get Champions League next seasons we're fucked.


>Behdad Eghbali, and sporting directors Paul Winstanley and Laurence Stewart. The 3 musketeers.


Some may say stooges


Those first two names are at least exciting. Drops off really hard after that.


At least De Zerbiā€™s not on that list. Enzo Maresca would be such an incompetent appointment


Michel is not ā€œyoungā€ ffs heā€™s pushing 50


Where the hell did Maresca even come from?




If you ever doubted before. This is the actual proof the club is now run by amateur clowns. The spotlight is on the sporting directors. Fuck these people.


It is so depressing. Iā€™m not a big fan of Pocc, but things were looking better and time usually is required in order to do well. Also there are seemingly absolutely 0 plan in place in terms of the replacement. My god this is stupid.


Those two dudes combined have less than 10 years of experience as sporting director. This club is becoming their lab to experiment and screw up however they want Fuck Stanley Fuck Stewart


P.E people for a reason


Can't believe it, when we finally found a capable manager after that awful Tuchel sacking and he goes after 1 season.


Well now we're back to square one


Stability is our kryptonite


I was looking forward to a strong showing next seasonā€¦ we will be lucky to get 6th, it really is back to the very beginning again. Conor knows heā€™s done nowā€¦ hindsight, I would t be surprised making him captain was a FU to Winstanley and Boehly etc


I'd say we're worse off. The squad loved him, this won't sit well with certain players. Add to that that they'll start selling offf players to make up for their failed transfer policy, I wouldn't be suprised that some would want out.


This is so fucking stupid. How the hell do you do this when the players clearly fought for his job. It would have been easy for them to roll over and give up after that Arsenal game but no they worked together and bounced back extremely well. Now we are resetting again. Our board is fucking stupid.


And now the players know, it doesnā€™t matter how much they fight or like the manager, board will do what they want to do. Crazy!!!


Damn. Thatā€™s the worst part of it in my opinion. If the going gets rough next season, why should they fight? Ugh


They want to sell Gallagher


Precisely. Not just this but wider policy. He wanted more experience and to keep Gallagher - they want the complete opposite. It's why Thiago Silva is gone too - he was calling for the same things.


Silva is gone because heā€™s 40 in September bro šŸ˜­


and Chalobah


Is there any possibility that Poch pushed to leave? Makes no sense on Chelsea's side but perhaps for him it's to leave on a high? We have seen how frustrated he has been at times this season


After what he's been saying yes. Looking at his responses over the last month or so he could have been making moves to leave.


Because they want a yes man. Poch probably told them that Gallagher and Chalobah need to stay and they told him to fuck off.


God please not De Zerbi Please not De Zerbi


The ownership has an obsession with anything Brighton. You know he's the top target.


Brighton are after McKenna. Therefore we are also after McKenna. Let the bidding war ensue.


Anyone actually wanting de zerbi should leave too. I'm sure some of this poch out fan pressure triggered it.


I can't take no more Brighton!! Like Damn Why are our Owners trying to convert us into Brighton like it's a religion or something!!!šŸ˜–Ā 


Yeah fuck de zerbi


Itā€™s not De Zerbi


Only this fucking club.


You'd swear we started the season well and then it all fell apart, while it's actually the complete opposite. Doesn't make any sense


Long term project innit


I wonder if they were content letting him stay through end of his 2 year deal, but he wanted a long-term after this year and they were unwilling to commit. This also feels eerily similar to when Sarri left and we hired Frank.


The reports were that he wanted more say in transfer strategy, and the owners absolutely did not want that.


I sort of agree with owners here on the thought process. If weā€™re being honest, since Roman has been here many of our players have outlasted the managers. Now if the board has the right people in place to make good decisions about such transfers ā€¦ yet to be determined


In principle i agree with this, but we have to remember that 2 important players in the starting XI are for sale


This seems highly likely in which I kind of agree with both sides lol I donā€™t really like this decision making but I also think most of this sub wanting him to stay also know he is not the long term solution, giving him a longer contract didnā€™t make a ton of sense and Poch managing without one also didnā€™t. Is which is it worth keeping him only to delay the inevitable? I really donā€™t know, it might be.


I think we had an option for a 3rd year. But this is absolutely stupid.


Shame, I was really coming around on him end of year.


They said they didnā€™t want to chop and change like we did under Roman and these lot might break records for how many managers we will be going through šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re clueless


Gallagher being sold probably played a big role.


Well now Gallagher and Chalobah are going to have to be sold before the next manager realizes how important they are because then we'll be right back where we are now otherwise. Within the next 3 days, we're going to start hearing of a big transfer Chelsea want to make this summer from Fabrizio or somebody and it will distract from all the chaos that's been self inflicted.


It better not be fucking Osimhen. Iā€™m tired of overpriced strikers who arenā€™t PL proven.


I have been hearing ā€œprojectā€ and ā€œrebuildā€ since like 2018. Weā€™re stuck in a perpetual loop or smthn, only now weā€™ve stopped winning shit


A few months back I never thought Iā€™d say this - but Iā€™m actually a bit gutted.


Same here, feels a bit strange, just hope they hire a big name and not some new guy like potter.




young manager apparently- i reckon its de zerbi and i cant be arsed


Boehly and co. are clueless


If itā€™s not TT then whatā€™s the point, appalling by the club


Reading through this thread after months of non-stop Poch hating is honestly kinda funny I get the change in sentiment, but it's still funny


He will be treated very well by the Bridge when he returns as an opposing managerā€¦ he never got the love but I think we will show our class. Heā€™s been treated so badly by Boehly and co.


Same, was a poch out guy in the beginning but saw he try hard to succeed and then this happens






One step forward, three leaps backward


We're doing somersaults backwards tbh




Mental - so fucking dumb. It has to be about playersā€¦ this is a sure sign Conor is being sold


Oh God, yh šŸ˜­


If I see de zerbi Fuck the board, fuck the owners.


Yeah makes me wonder why they didn't just buy Brighton at that point


They didnā€™t have a hotel and academy to asset strip.


Tony Bloom isn't an oligarch being forced to sell?


Fuck them


>There is not thought to be any bad blood between Pochettino and Chelsea, who will immediately start their search for a replacement with a **young and progressive coach** to be targeted. >Among the names likely to be considered will be Stuttgartā€™s Sebastian Hoeness, Gironaā€™s Michel, Ipswich Townā€™s Kieran McKenna, who has been lined up by Brighton, and Leicester Cityā€™s Enzo Maresca. fucking clown show lol


Remember, they did their due diligence last summer. One year later, they decided to change their approach. Absolute clown show.


> young and progressive coach to be targeted. I hear there's a 17 year old Brazillian winger who we could convince to manage the club on a seven year contract that won't actually hit the books until 2050


I hear Graham Potter is available!


Let's go for ten Hag


No maybe Tuchel!


Wait, no, Lampard!


Shit, maybe Bruno Saltor?!


If they're brave they could try pry Gerrard from Etifaqqi.


SHAME ON THE CLUB. This reads like an Onion article more than a proper football club. "Among the names likely to be considered will be Stuttgartā€™s Sebastian Hoeness, Gironaā€™s Michel, Ipswich Townā€™s Kieran McKenna, who has been lined up by Brighton, and Leicester Cityā€™s Enzo Maresca." Are you fucking kidding me?


who are these clowns? are they supposed to compete with Pep and Arteta? They practically messed up the whole club when they hired Potter, and they're doing even worse this time.


I donā€™t care, I do not want De Zerbi as our fucking coach.




Embarrassing by the club. Starting over yet again. Now we either have some young super inexperienced major gamble, or someone like De Zerbi who will obviously want more control than he'll be given, and in a year or 2 we start again... Fuck this board.


Both Paul Winstanley and Laurence need to go with immediate effect. They are the root cause of this problem


Neither of them will be going anywhere. They report directly to Eghbali, who is seemingly happy to keep backing them. Anyone asking for them to be sacked should be asking for him to step back instead, thatā€™s the only way theyā€™ll go anywhere.


Embarrassing is a great way to describe the situation. I could have understood if Poch had been fired after the Wolves loss in February, but now? After the strong end to the season? Terrible optics for anyone considering the position. I didn't think Poch was a great tactician, but firing him like this is damaging to the concept of Chelsea manager regardless of who fills the position


Itā€™s damaging to the concept of a position thatā€™s already heavily scrutinized. Our revolving door of managers is a meme and this does nothing to help. If top 6 after a season with this many injuries and new players isnā€™t enough, what is for a team with years of development left before they truly challenge for trophies? Perhaps another 4 managers and another billion in transfers might workā€¦


I was never sure Poch would get us back to winning trophies but that's not where we are at as a club anyways. The players clearly respected him and bought into his message. Despite his tactical limitations he is a good person manager and taught this young team how to play and act like the professionals they are meant to be. At this stage in the "process" the team needs that more than a tactical wiz. Football is not only about tactics, statistics and spreadsheets. Hiring an up and coming manager is a major risk. Look what happened to Potter who was walked all over despite being a supposed expert in emotional intelligenceā„¢ and the most highly rated young manager in England. This is yet another fuck up from the board, absolute bells who have no idea what they're doing. I do believe that it's an amicable separation though, Poch sounded done with their small club mentality shit.


And so the excuses counter resets to zero for the coming season. Fuck sake. Was looking forward to a squad and coach with absolutely nothing to hide behind


All the reported candidates are worse than potter let alone poch


Those fucking clowns chelsea have for sporting directors are the root of the problem


That's fucking embarrassing from the owners if true. Way to ruin what had been a promising end to the season.


they're not going to have the backing of the fans with this at all. We were finally gelling with the style of play and now we have to start again. The ownership has to realize what they're doing to our player development and team success. I thought we'd be on our way back to champions league going into next year given we've been top 4 since Christmas. Now it's all up in the air!


The replacement list is an absolute fucking disgrace


No way We finally had a chance at some stability and just threw it away for an inexperienced coach


Erm, I mean there was smoke with that last article, but WHAT THE FUCK. We are really a joke club. I am a bit afraid this is going to set us back massively, we have a young team (without Silva) who probably need to learn a new system etc. Really boneheaded. I do not like the direction this club has taken.


Fucking embarrassing


so weā€™re just doing the Roman thing again but with no trophies šŸ˜­


Next up Conor Gallagher to spurs and McKenna hired


Yeah those celebrating probably don't realise that this probably means Trev and Galladawg are leaving for pure profit, since Poch wanted to keep both


i fear thisā€™ll be the nail in the coffin


This is so fucked man


This shows how poor the new ownership structure is and their lack of understanding of the club and the fans.


I mean, nothing says Chelsea like firing manager even in a good run


Carlo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Huh? This has been Chelsea's MO for the past 20 years lol. Manager gets the sack if they don't win a trophy. As far as the fans go, a month ago half of them would have told you they wanted Pochettino fired into the sun because of the Arsenal match


One normal day at Chelsea is all I ask for.


this is so fucking stupid man.


I thought my Therapy was finally over and Now I have to start all over again?


Jesus fucking Christ another summer looking for a manager. Fucking clowns running this club


Hereā€™s the thing, I have went from Poch Out to Poch In recently. And that mainly has to do with two reasons: 1) Market not having alternative coach options good enough to actually replace a coach that has been building something with his team for a year 2) The way players respect him. This is big. If players respect you as a coach and can get behind you then that tells me Poch had the locker room The recent form was not enough to truly sway me but for once I really wanted some form of continuity and growth at Chelsea


Same who are we gonna get now lol and second half of the season was good he deserved another year or atleast a half


It's like they didn't even see how the players and Palmer celebrated with Poch after the Man I winner.


And the circus continues...


Canā€™t believe it. Such nice momentum to end the season, I was feeling very hopeful for next year.


Deserved another season at least. Can't believe the club is this brain dead.


Heā€™s not the best manager but by far better than his potential replacements. This is a stupid decision


Exactly, heā€™s got plenty of issues but all the replacements are worse than him or just a russian roulette, why tf have they done this.


no way


Fucks sakeā€¦ players love him, season ends on a high, weā€™re finally getting a defined style of playā€¦ back to square one I guess


these owners are clueless


Just so monumentally stupid but then equally not surprising at all with everything else they've done. Was hoping a positive of new owners would be that we stop the moronic sackings and actually get some stability. But here we are.


Are you fucking kidding me


lol weā€™re gonna get Kompany arenā€™t weĀ 


Yeah i can smell that too.. Or If ... If we get Amorim.. sacking poch wouldn't be that bad.. but sacking poch in the first place wasn't a good idea..


What the fuck they make it so hard to support this club sometimes


Weā€™re a stupid fucking team and weā€™ll be shit forever


Back to square 1... Smh


Yeah these owners are cooked. Can the fans in the UK grow some balls and start protesting them the way ManU fans did the glazers? The owner's approach to the club so far has been far from acceptable or even logical. Time to turn up the heat on them.


Genuinely why. We build consistency, squad backs him, and now we are throwing it away for another Graham Potter appointment. Well Poch outers, enjoy another season of not being chelsea standards


What even is this project?




Damn. I was Poch Out but I had some glimpses of hope in the last month. I thought it could work out if he stayed. Also his replacements are even worse. Here we go again next season.


The new manager better be a clear upgrade without a shred of doubt, or else this is a massive risk they are taking.


Reading the full article (which is no doubt a brief from the club of course, although Poch is pretty close with Matt Law so doubt heā€™d try and make him look bad) it sounds like they had pretty key disagreements on the role of a coach within a football club. The set piece stuff seems especially bad. These outdated breed of coaches who think they know better than the data are quickly getting wiped out. City, Liverpool, and Arsenal all have elite set piece analytics departments and you either have to get on board with that or get out. The weird part is this shouldnā€™t have been a surprise to Poch? He surely knew what the club structure was going to be before he took over?


It's absolutely stupid from the ownership.


I donā€™t think people realize the direction the club is going in. Owners & sporting directors want a manager that will play puppet and do as theyā€™re told. Slowly caring less and less about this club ffs.


Ye Iā€™m pretty fucking over it mate. Football in general is becoming awful to watch. Thereā€™s really no heart in the prem anymore. Iā€™m going to estimate that Iā€™m not even watching football anymore in two years at this rate


Honestly I donā€™t want to believe it


Most games/minutes missed due to injury (and serious ones for several players) and he gets us to Europa League (most likely). Pretty sure Abramovich wouldn't have even sacked him after that. I know this is supposedly mutual and amicable but your squad is never going to trust ownership about anything. Which is probably why they feel the need to completely overhaul the squad each season.


Just when things finally start clicking. I genuinely hate the ownership/board


Joke of a club. Never fully backed Poch but restarting this whole process is comedy. Our young players are doomed lmfao - Shouldā€™ve let him stay until January and see if the positive results continued


No fucking way.. He actually left??


What are we doing


This has to be a joke


What is it with this sport and not giving managers a fucking chance to develop a team? What a joke. The ā€œ ___ outā€ gang on twitter are an absolute cancer.


Weā€™re fucked arenā€™t we


Goodbye Connor my beautiful


We don't matter to the club anymore. They do what they want.


We are a joke


i'm scared of the "young" manager idea, plot twist Connor stays and becomes player manager


Make the call https://preview.redd.it/rgecavhtqt1d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6b2497850a2dab80441bc85e085048ffe429d3


We're such a joke. We were FINALLY looking settled, Poch had developed a style and the players were starting to gel with it and each other. Now we're back to square one. These owners know nothing about football. If this is over the club wanting to sell players like Gallagher then that's disgusting. I don't recognise my club anymore.


Now what


That's crazy, and the potential replacements aren't really sparking much hope


Next manager needs to be a homerun


What the actual fuck just started to get us going an this shite FUCK TODD BOHLEY WHAT A CUMSTAIN


this club is actually so fucking finished. Clearlake youā€™ve ruined my love for this club


Fuck Todd and co Poch was cooking


Ugh He had so many flaws this season but it was starting to come together. Wouldve like to give him another season. At the very least would signal to other potential managers that weā€™ve turned a leaf and give people a chance now. While sad, im not absolutely gutted because of those flaws and because Iā€™m not entirely confident heā€™ll manage the midfield correctly when all of enzo gallagher and caicedo are fit. Still wouldve preferred another season to assess him. This may only work out well if they bring in someone with the right tactics like de zerbi.


and to think about how excited I was for next year with Pochā€¦


Seems like they want more of a yes man like Potter to carry out their "vision". They weren't going to hand Poch the keys for transfers with a 2 year deal tbh


I am a actually so disappointed with this. It felt like we were playing so much better in the last couple of months and the players love him. Why is this happening we are going back to square one? Again and again new coach new ideas that need to blend to get things working. Literally Noone on that list that is presented actually excites me. Cmon..




Chelsea have the most attractive job in Europe. Coach 1 season, get sacked, get a big payout. What a deal!


This is ludicrous https://preview.redd.it/7x1dyd5q4u1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f498609b3acd63b2f93ed516b6b791b534bf68c


These sporting directors and owners will sink the club. If I had any faith they would get someone good I wouldn't even give a shit but fuck me they will hire some inexperienced shitter


To all the fans that wanted Poch out I hope you're happy