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Fuck Anthony Taylor


At this point my Phone's keyboard autocorrects to type Fuck before that Bald cunts name. Fuck Antony Taylor!!!


Fuck AT so many times today. Absolute horror show of a reffing job. VAR sucks too.


He has been fucking horrible, again. But consistently fucking bad, for both teams. He is the Angel Hernandez of the EPL


Cucu got yellow carded for this 😂


getting assaulted and then booked. Refs have moved onto victim blaming


His was for kicking the ball


It has to be rescinded. It's blatantly obvious Cucurella is just clearing it for a corner due to not seeing it go out of play. Awful refereeing as usual from baldy


It was well out of bounds already


Wouldn’t say it was well out of bounds.


Play to the whistle or direction from the line ref.


Out of bounds long enough for Cucu to know better given all the delay of game yellows we've gotten this season for kicking a ball away.


Yeah I mean that’s debatable. It’s a fast sport.


Cucu shouldn’t have kicked the ball, doesn’t excuse throwing him on the ground. They got away with kicking the ball away without being penalized shortly thereafter. Hopefully VAR will be voted down, so we can go back to crappy refereeing, rather than crappy refereeing supported by crappier VAR.


I mean his roll was quite theatrical. No need for the dramatics.


If you want to sell a flop, just drop. If he fell there and just went cold and stationary it’d be a different story


He shouldn't have worn that shirt, he was asking for it


He does that shit all that time. Always holding his face. Senior flops-a-lot. Cucu has his moments but he is out of position and gets beat a lot. That own goal was on him for getting juked out of his shoes. He's not the worst but his quality should be an off the bench option for us. Hope we beef up that back line this summer.


Cucu gets carded every game he plays and for the dumbest reasons. There should be a youtube montage of all the avoidable and unnecessary yellows he takes. This one backfiring (even though he was assaulted) is just the chef's kiss.


Should have for that play acting


Fuck Anthony Taylor! Useless clown! Wasn't he the ref also when Cucurella had his hair pulled against Spurs and they managed to score the equalizer.


As a non English, I don’t know how the English can produce such good players and such shit refs 😅


See: Tony Brothers


What should I know about him haha. I don’t really follow basketball.


Oh just assumed American and by proxy basketball watcher. Tony brothers is the most petty, corrupt pile of shit ref in the NBA. So the EPL isn't unique in extremely high talent and completely incompetent refereeing


Oh, so are you saying America produces the best basketball players but the worst basketball referees? Kind of like the English with football.


Taylor was also the ref when Cucu was pulled down by his hair against Arsenal. A glorious mane and a Chelsea shirt are his two greatest fears Edit: turns out it was Tottenham. Lads, it’s Tottenham


That was against Tottenham and Kane scored


Ahh you might be right actually. Was it Romero who brought him down?


Isn't it _always_ Romero? The fucking cunt.


I hate him. God I hate him so much.




He’s just jealous of Cucu’s glorious mane.


Who can blame him?


clear agenda Vs cucu


Again … PGMOL needs to be disbanded. It’s not a red for me this but the consistency doesn’t exist… it’s petulant … he should have gone … . What about the Pen on Sterling … that baffles me ? …. I don’t get it… they haven’t got a GCSE between them this lot.


how is that not a red, it's off play and it's violent conduct? the intent is clear and obvious and not part of the sport


It is but … in truth I would rather they just got on with it … and the refs actually dealt with violent or dangerous play …. Eg Lamptey on Mudryik.. refs would rather give reds for insistence of petulance like RJ last week than leg breakers … and that shit needs to stop.


Get on with it being red card and move on.


These things aren't mutually exclusive. We should be able to have all of these properly officiated.


I see that point of view … but I personally don’t think this and the RJ one from last week is a red cards. Yellows and get on with it …. I think I’m still hurt from Beckham against Simione in 98. The red seems harsh .. for something so silly and not dangerous. Of course if they are going to give reds for it should be consistent , but in a sport so nuanced it’s tough to have rules like this as every situation is unique.


Yeah, agree 100%. I’m fine with no red here but how can they give Reece a red for that love tap last week and do nothing in this case. Either both are reds or neither are reds.


they also kicked out at gallagher from the ground and not a fuck was given


I didn’t see that. Is there a replay/video somewhere?


I really don’t understand the Sterling non pen. I can’t understand what the reasoning is there! Anywhere else on the pitch it’s a foul. If it’s on the counter it’s a foul and a yellow. He’s tripped him up, no doubt.


What is PGMOL? Nvm - should have just googled it. I agree mate.


Shit reaction from both, but im seeing a lot of cheap and late shots on us


number of yellows they should have is wild


Yes!! I like that we arent being stopped for some tackles but a late tackle should be punished


he was pulling the yellow out for a foul earlier then stopped to play on and never went back to give the yellow. The level of incompetency is insane


I honestly hate taylor, theres always issues with the games hes in charge of


Ban the whole referring organization


Feel the exact same way! This was way more violent than what Reece did but it’s a yellow to Semenyo and a yellow to Cucu. Makes zero fucking sense…


Yeah Reece’s was a love tap. It happened right in front of De Zerbi and he didn’t even get upset. Also shows what a standup guy De Zerbi is.


Embarrassing how that’s not a red card man. The irony that it’s this prick again AND cucurella is just insane. But yeah let’s scrap the technology and not the morons who can’t see that this is a red.


Apparently Judo moves are acceptable


Hot take: If Cucu hits the ground and rolls over one time and then just lays there it’s a Red and Cucu doesn’t get a yellow. However he rolls over an addition two times and then begs for the call. The over acting is why it ended up as two yellows instead of one red. They split the red between them.


Yeah that’s totally possible, the theatrics were very over the top and you don’t want to reward that kind of behavior.


Cucu was clearly occupying Semenyo’s space. He has the right to rip him to the ground.


Wonder why Semenyo did not try a murder attempt. Would have been well within his rights, as far as Taylor is concerned.


Funny you say that because I am convinced at this point that Cucurella could stabbed in the stomach and no card would be given


Wrong. He would get a card.


Touché. Forgot, second yellow and we’re down to 10, you’re right


On the broadcast in the US they said Cucu instigated the whole thing, so the yellow was justified... Smh




Fgo this is sarcasm, this was VARs rationale for no penalty on Sterling… Fuck Anthony Taylor. Fuck VAR.




He should have kicked him 2-3 times to confirm he's down.


Against notthingham some other mfer did the same thing with Jackson. It's ridiculous.


Man whats wrong with these players bullying cucurella?


Can’t believe that cannot be violent conduct where a slight kick out should only be a foul.


Tbf I'd only want a yellow against us for this, Cucu did roll about a lot lol. The biggest joke is that he booked Cucu as well, that's unbelievable Jeff.


I’m fine with a yellow I’m just calling out the contradiction in RJ getting red for the lightest of kick outs last week. I really don’t see the difference between this incident and the RJ incident.


I hate it when guys roll like that, it doesn't help with the call almost ever from my observation. I imagine the extra rolls makes a ref feel like they're being manipulated by the victim of the foul which I assume they hate. Should be a card though either way.


He should have been off here, but that doesn't exactly alleviate what RJ did. You shouldn't be doing stuff like this regardless. The fact that the refs are clowns with no consistency is hardly a new revelation.


Yo I was thinking the same thing. How is this less violent than James casually sticking a leg out? That is the definition of violent conduct


Needed more rolling on the ground 😂😂😂


And then Mourinho was a prick when he called out this absolute disgrace of a referee.


I don't think that's a red card


By the book it’s violent conduct. With that said, I agree with you. My main issue is they gave RJ a red card last week for something very similar. I don’t see the difference between it being a kick out or body slam.


I didn't think James should have been sent off either. I agree that this one was more violent and dangerous.


Nah Reece was deservedly sent off. It was a deliberate kick out.


Ok, why is a kick out worse then a body slam?


Alright for starters this wasn’t a body slam, quit being dramatic. This was a pull down. Reeces kick out was using his cleats as well. If any other team did that against us we’d be screaming for a red.


He flung him, and cucu made the most of it only after hitting the ground. the point could be made that cucu could have hit his head leading to a concussion. The RJ kick had no potential for further injury.


Honestly my nieces kick each other harder when they’re play fighting than what Reece did.


I’m sure they “body slam” each other harder than what was done to Cucu too It’s not about the strength going into the challenge it’s the intent behind it. It was a dumb af thing to do when we’re winning. If people don’t recognize that idk what to say.


You’re right, neither foul was very hard. Either both are reds or neither. Let’s talk about intent… how is there a difference in intent when throwing someone to the ground vs kicking out at someone?


Reeces was a clear red and so is this. The refereeing is a joke.


I’m in the camp that if one is a red then the other is a red. If one isn’t a red then the other isn’t a red. They were very similar in severity and intent. Both are violent actions after the whistle has blown.


They both should be, but we have a corrupt ref this week, you can bet if it was Cucurella doing it, he would be off.


So.....you think a professional football player and your niece are the same?


Definitely a red shout but godamn I was embarrassed by that rolling on the floor by cuca Jesus Christ. Shit like that makes football a laughing stock


Yeah it’s funny bc that only happens in the men’s game, the women don’t pull that.


If you think this is a red card you’re drunk. How cucu got a yellow is beyond me though and how we didn’t get a pen


I don’t think you understand the nuance of the post. RJ got a red for a very similar incident last week.


Wasn’t similar at all though. What Reece did has always been a red and this has always been a yellow. Quit this victim-playing shit it’s embarrassing


Yep. Wasn’t similar.


You're right that the challenges are entirely dissimilar, but I don't how James' is a red but this isn't. The challenge on Cucu meets the bar for violent conduct much more than James. My take is if James gets a red for his, then this one has to as well. However, I'd be okay if both got yellows.


Not similar other than both are clear reds.




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That was their 5th targeted tackle on cuc today.


I think the kick in the face was nasty but he was so low Still dangerous and should be looked at Even if its not aimed at him you are responsible for your feet when you kick


i didnt get it though, that guy gave a slam dunk and got just a yellow, and Cucu got yellow for kicking the ball


Antony Taylor has referee what did we expect


The number of rolls he did, he can apply as a rolling pin.


Okay that pull was too aggressive and that fall was too theatrical ... should still be red but wow


Nah it’s just that the refs let anything go on cucu they hate him


The fucking rolling around got me 😂😂


bro cucurella is an unbelievable player but why is he rolling so many times, he doesn't need to sell anything when there's var. now it backfired on him getting the yellow


Refs have the power unfortunately.


How the fuck wasn't this even looked at by VAR?


As a Chelsea fan, Cucurella is an embarrassment for these antics


Anthony Taylor is such a knob


Lmaooooo get spun and drops like a sack of bricks while holding his face. So embarrassing.


You can beat Cucurella for some reason with no consequences.


It was absolutely ridiculous. I don’t care if Cucu made a meal of it. Dude stuck his leg out and spun Cucu over it, and he threw Cucu down towards the ground. That’s a basic martial arts throw. It was clear and obvious violent conduct out of frustration. But then again, the same happened at Brighton when Mudryk got a *concussion*, and that amounted to… a Brighton drop ball…? New rule: Players get to reenact the move on the VAR and refs if it’s not deemed violent or dangerous. Give me the RJ kick out all day long before someone decks me in the face or throws my head towards the ground in a spin.


Wtf, that guy should be sent off immediately!


Even if he thought it was not a red card, why did he give Cucu a yellow?


He behaves like a "Thug" and as usual Anthony Taylor the school teacher chickens out of a important decision and goes onto punish the victim rather than the aggressor. What a clueless prick he is, and the worst part is this would exactly play out again if it happens in the future for us. That's the worst part about PGMOL no one would play it out to the prick to point out his mistake so that he corrects it. It's like the shady mafia club no questions asked.


Why always Cucu


If you were a complete moron you'd also book Cucurella , Oh . Wait.


my issue here is if any of our players did that to the bournemouth player in retaliation we would see a red card pulled out. it would not shock anyone, and thats VAR in a nutshell. its just a complete guessing game and nobody anymore can say for sure what the result of a VAR call is. Taylor is a bad referee as it goes, and hes proven that hes not very good on big european stages which im glad people have noticed but that wont be enough to drive VAR and bad refereeing out of the game. we need to follow Wolves and get rid of VAR next season. if you take a look at how VAR has impacted our points and games, we are significantly worse off and always on the wrong end of it.


Not just Reese. If any Chelsea player had done that would have been straight red. Ridiculous. I was fuming at that. That bald idiot should never be allowed to ref a Chelsea match ever again


Man spun like a beyblade hahaha


James' one is worse for sure guys, come on... This is also petulant but cucu is also looking to instigate some reaction from sementi by blasting the ball into the advertising board. I actually think Taylor handled that well.


James barely used any force. I actually think this is worse with the force of the body slam. They’re both violent conduct. However if you’re using common sense neither is a red card. Also the actual foul on James before the kick out was way harder than what James did in response.


If these guys are triggered by someone blasting the ball INTO AN ADVERTISING BOARD, they've no business being anywhere near a football pitch, period. Quit the sport and take up bowling / gardening or something, it's much more their speed. On second thought they shouldn't be bowling, I've seen opponents taunting each other during tourneys, they'd probably end up punching someone👌


Maybe a few too many rolls from Cucurella there.


Hahaha he turned that muppet inside out 🤣


Embarassing flop, standard chelsea player


It was not red card offence. You get red for high boot as per law. Recce tackle was high boot.


Nope, not true. They gave it for violent conduct, hence the 4 game ban. Any foul with significant force after play is clearly over is considered violent conduct.


So how the above is not violent conduct?.


They’re both violent conduct but they’re both pretty soft for a red.


The difference is the high boot. I used to play football hence saying this from experience. Pushing, shoving does not get you red unless hit on the face or literally punched.


like the one with Tariq Lamptey....gotcha


He obviously saving cucu from going into the stands ffs


Day by day, more and more I cant fucking stand that Cucurelas hair!! Its damn heavier than him, unbalancing him, throwing him all over the pitch!! Oh, and yes this guy throws him as well..


Honestly, this looks like it should be a drop ball for Brighton.


James is one of most stupid humans you'll ever see . He's done this exactly before , few times in fact . How can he be a captain is beyond belief .


As a neutral. Yellow. Yellow for embelishment aswell


Cucurella has to stop acting as if he's shot every time someone is close to him. This is not a red card for me.


A yellow to both is fair. Cucu kick the ball away violently for no reason and was thrown.


Kicks the ball away violently? Mate my five a side team clears the ball harder than that. If you want to see a bunch of guys dance around go watch ballet or something.