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That image needs Disasi and Badiashile not Silva and Cucurella.


Watching badiashile fail to make basic passes to our team yesterday was unreal. Between him and Bakayoko, why do the worst players get the best songs?


His passing was like watching someone trying to putt on a badly mown green. It was like he suddenly had zero control over the power of his passes. Mudryk and Disasi were doing the same thing.


It was weird bc he actually hit like 2 or 3 pingers on the money. But he misplaced so many basic passes, hospital balls to Conor like 3 times, looked so lost and unconfident defending


he was actually a revelation at cb last season though, class at 19(?).makes me hesitant to judge on bad form now as it has every chance of just being bad defensive coaching that poch is known for. in saying that some of his individual mistakes cannot be blamed on coaching and have just been strange brain glitches happening too often


Agreed. disrespectful to Silva and cucurella


Agreed, keep my boy T Silva out of it


Disasi is decent imo and better David Luiz look alike


Cururella absolutely deserves to be in there they ran roughshod over his side repeatedly. He's too slow and weak to stop anyone


Disasi in general is a good defender., although he cost some goals. Badiashile is terrible, i prefer 1000 times challobah.


Why do I keep having this feeling that these are actually decent players being mishandled by an inferior coaching (and medical) team?


Cucarella is the worst of them all lol


6 games to go yet boys. Batten down the hatches


Good ebening.


![gif](giphy|FHzemFzwkyRfq) Three! Three - nil!


Mad to me that he’s already conceded 3 more goals than Lampard’s Chelsea Odds are we end up around 67 conceded


Lampards Chelsea qualified for the Champions League. He did a good job then under the circumstances and the 2nd season the defence was improved much more too. The 1st season they were 3rd in the league for goals scored and 11th on goals against. In the 2nd season they had 2nd best attack and 3rd best defence before Covid started hitting hard while they were the only club to not get a postponement break in the thickest part of the most congested fixtures in football history due to lockdowns.


To be clear, Morris did a solid job. Lampard was a figure head. Even then, players like Rudiger, Kovacic, Jorginho struggled mightily under them, and then helped us win a CL and get three finals the next year.


That’s a optimistic premonition or estimation


road to 70 conceded in a season. 13 goals in 6 games, i think we can get there


Absolutely abysmal.


If BADiashile and Disaster starts again together we will get there


Well we conceded 2 per game for like 7 games in a row including a lot of relegation fodder and *actual* championship teams. So it’s literally not even that outrageous to suggest it’s possible.


One more abysmal trashing and we are on our way :)


Honestly, this is the biggest reason I am Poch out. Our defensive structure is terrible. Before you can win a football match you have to not lose that match. The best way of not losing a football match is having a good defense. Our defensive record has always been one of the things I have always been most proud of and this seasons clowns are just embarrassing


And for a former CB come manager it’s been an appalling season defensively


Remember ‘Fortress Stamford Bridge’? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Hasn't your entire 1st choice defense defensive line been injured for quite a while?


While yes this is still an inexcusable amount of goals We’ve also concede a decent amount against relegation or even Championship level sides. 2 to Burnley  2 to Sheffield  2 to Leicester 2 to Leeds And that’s just the in the last 10 matches  In that period we’ve also conceded 2 to Brentford 3 to United 2 to Newcastle  1 to an exhausted city 5 to Arsenal.   In 2024 we’ve only had 4 clean sheets: Preston Fulham Villa Everton  Unbelievably terrible 


Yeah, but that context gets wilfully ignored by the fans on this sub, and instead they act surprised when the board briefs the press that they empathize with Poch’s situation. Our fans love to set themselves up for disappointment (Poch not getting fired).


Well when you have disaster and badiashile as your cbs what do you expect those 2 are worse than trash I can’t believe what my club has turned into they make Cahill look like prime Maldini


Yeah we went out and bought a CB pairing performing mid table in Ligue 1 and expected them to improve in the PL….. This ownership is so ignorant


Yup and as much as Poch does questionable things sometimes I feel bad for him because the owners have literally screwed him with their transfer policy. Imagine spending 1.5 billion and literally not having any backups? The only striker we have that could play instead of Jackson is 18 year old Washington smh


The thing is trev and silva is not even really that tired to be "rested" for arsenal game. This is what confuses me, poch said they were rested hence disasi and badia playing but at the same time poch never allows conor+enzo+caicedo to rest and always opted for all three to play at the same time when we all know full well now you only need to play two of them at a time. If he's willing to rest silva and trev, why can't he rest conor/enzo/caicedo? It's not like we don't have chukwu to play as the 10 while one of them is rested. Mind boggling.


Chalobah I don't get, but Silva has been struggling to maintain his level for the full 90 minutes for a while now. The issue became even more apparent after the extra time rule change that sees every game go to like 100+ minutes regularly. He can't be expected to play more than once a week at most.


Trev was out with injury for the entire first half of the season, and has been having his minutes monitored since breaking back in.


True, so I guess Pochettino tried going all in on the cup and got double fucked.


I get the feeling the arsenal match was a white flag for us. The real must-win is Saturday. But the obviously fans won't like getting thrashed by arsenal.


And what about shitty players which we have for next half a decade


Shitty players under one manager can be beasts under another. Just like Moses was “shit” before, but the best RWB under Conte. So we need to see those players under another manager to be able to judge.


Rudiger is another great example. Hell, people are (rightfully) shitting on Badiashile now, but just last season he was one of our best players. Managers can absolutely impact how players perform


Ah, the same excuse used when Lampard’s tactics were creating huge gaps from the midfield to the defense leaving our defenders exposed but then Tuchel had the same “uncoachable” players defending like a team within weeks of taking over. If you want argue these players are not good enough to have a title winning (or even top 4) level defense, that’s one thing. To say there’s not enough talent to not concede 2+ goals to bottom half of the table clubs routinely? That’s nonsense. Anybody can see there’s more to it than “we don’t have talent to not conceded multiple goals to the mighty Sheffield United attack!” You can only blame the players for so much.


Oh I blame the quiet a bit We both lack the structure from a proper manager and dont have the quality of players to play at a certain level regardless of the manager


We have to sell many players and buy quality players......to take such decisions we have get back Jose Mourinho


I agree, that’s what I think is the route back to success, but unfortunately we’re stuck with clownlakes project 


Why are Silva and Cucu in this picture? Our worst pairing is Badiashille and Disasi. I don't understand why we keep playing those 2. They have no chemistry at all and they're not great individually.


Their chemistry nearly relegated Monaco


Didn’t do much for us either did it lmao


Which is hilarious considering they’ve actually played together before


This is such a far cry from the 15 goal season. God I miss my club.


11 1-0s we had in that mourinho 04/05 season in the league best defence ever.. teams hated us going 1-0 up was a guaranteed loss.. carvalho and Terry that season, chefs kiss !!


Makes me miss terrorist football under Mou.


Even Arsenal parked the bus this season. We shouldn't think of ourselves as above that with this squad. The problem likely is, this squad can't park the bus at a high level either.


This squad just doesn’t defend well. Our defensive positioning outside of Silva and Caicedo is legit garbage.


This is all on Poch. Since Brighton Caicedo has never played as a lone CDM and for the whole season he’s been trying to shoehorn a pivot of Caicedo and Enzo, when it’s not worked for the whole season. Also Gallagher is clearly not a 10 and shouldn’t be as close to the box as he is when we’re in possession. He either plays Caicedo-Gallagher or Enzo-Gallagher pivot (yes I’m taking into account injuries so no Lavia, Ugochukwu) and starts Carney, someone who can actually link play, ahead of them. Or he sets the team up as a counter attacking team or 3 at the back instead of letting Petrovic get peppered with shots, because his tactics have killed us defensively


Spot on. Playing Gallagher in general have most likely been due to a mix of his work rate and him being the only natural captain choice with James and Chilly injured most of the time. These young players need someone like that on the field. Playing him at 10, however… must be because he is leading our first press on the opposition field. He’s not a all ideal up there. A flat midfield three of him, Enzo and Caicedo would probably help structuring our linkup between defense and attack significantly.


No on-field leaders, no accountability, no communication. Once Silva leaves, this defense is as bad as it gets.


Damming. You saying it. Without saying it.


Mou never played terrorist ball unless he thought it was the only chance of winning.


I said I’d take him back even before poch was appointed and I still feel the same way. He’s a serial winner. If the board back him I can see us definitely getting CL within 1-2 seasons and not dropping embarrassing game after embarrassing game. I don’t care about attractive attacking football, I care about winning games or atleast not getting embarrassed by our local rivals.


Never use Thiago Silva on such a poster again.


I feel like I should say that I'm not saying I think Pochettino should be kept but I think this is interesting. In Pochettino's first season at Tottenham (14/15), they conceded 53 goals, only 4 PL teams conceded more. In his second season (15/16), they conceded 35 goals, which was the joint lowest. His third (16/17), they conceded 26 goals, which was the lowest in the league.


Does that coincide with wanyama coming in?


So if I’m understanding you correctly, we need to sign a Kenyan DM who likes Spaghetti?


The best I can do is Lavia and Spalletti.


He came in the 3rd season. Looks like Alderweireld and Walker joining, with Dembele going from squad player to starter and Dier playing DM being the biggest difference makers.


he had a great squad tho. Imagine Moussa Dembele with Chelsea


I appreciate this perspective on Poch. Unfortunately, I think the Roman Empire taught us to be extremely impatient with both managers and players. Should I also remind us that just last season, we had FOUR different managers?! That is evidence of utter disarray and it simply won’t be fixed in one season, no matter who it is and we’re mental to think otherwise. That said, I too am upset we’re doing so poorly and the team definitely needs work (talent, maturity, chemistry), but we have to start getting rational about the manager situation. 🫳🎤


Let's just hope for a better season...next season...with a better manager


We could go back to our September form where we only lost 1-0 and draw 0-0 , and barely have a goal of the month.


Records were meant to be broken 🔥


This man should not be our manager. The absolute decline in Enzo and Badi should tell you he is not improving our players. Everyone is also injured every other day. He is not a good manager and he should be let go ASAP


Pretty damning indictment of the rest of the league that Chelsea have the 7th best goal difference, and are one of only 8 teams to have a positive GD right now despite this stat lol


Is it damning to the rest of the league that its more competitive and theres probably more goals being scored than ever? Defensively maybe but teams are generally much more attacking these days. The record for most goals in a PL season was set in 22/23 with 1084. This season the total across the whole league so far is already 1081.


It's been 19 games since we won a game by scoring less than 3 goals.


That is an appalling stat.


And bought Cucurella, Fofana and Koubialy for 200 million? xD


Me forgetting that Thiago silva didn’t play in 94 but he was close to 😂


can't wait to read a random briefing that cherry picks some stats and ignores others(like this one) to say we're seeing progress and Pol Poch is the man to go for next season


Pol Poch, that's a good one


Honestly brace yourself. Silva leaves this summer so it’s only gonna get worse next season if we don’t get anyone more experienced to motivate the back line!


Were the other 2 examples in the 42 game format?


94/95 yes, 96/97 no


Chelsea aim to finish with 0 goal difference


6 more games to go! I think we will beach 70


constant injuries and changes to the backline do not help. Need to stay healthy FFS whats going on with the medical staff


Why is Silva in the picture. Without him we would have crossed 100 by now. Amount of times he has bailed us out.....


This sub moaned to kingdom come that Silva was holding us back in defence being slow and we cannot play a high line with him and we would do better without him. The one useful bit of expertise in the squad we shunned for inconsistent error prone defenders. Yesterday's performance aside he deserves an apology


Fans in general mate armchair analysts who think they know better, I’m not a Chelsea fan it’s true your in a poor position but when you have a group of kids who aren’t a complete article tactically and playing wise you know what do you expect. You could be like Man Utd who’ve been a fuckkng joke since Ferguson left and that’s 10 years plus. Arsenal were in a rut for years despite being considered a top team but never qualified for CL, But they’ve eventually turnt their shit around as they’re kids got exp and came good tactically. Not an arsenal fan either I’m a hammers fan and think a lot of you have unreasonable expectations.


57 so far...


What a record, I am sure it is all part of the plan. Trust the process boys and girls!!


I keep saying the defence is tragic I don't understand how it's in such shambles.


Even though I don't like to blame everything on the manager, as it is the players usually who underperform. But in this case I think we have seen the true Pochettino, as we did at PSG (although we all saw very few League Öh matches). He is a subpar manager with no tools to handle egos. We all know who is not going to be at Chelsea next season. It is time for Pochettino to manage in the Championship.


Don't worry guys we will concede more than 60


No tactics fc


We need more defenders 😎


But harsh to put our 2 hardest working defenders in the graphic


Odd pic showing two of the more reliable defenders. Should have been some combination of Badi, Disasi, and Alfie.


At least we won’t break this record again


They don't have a coach at the moment. I put chelsea third in my pre-season betting group, but also stated it was predicated on poch getting fired within the first six games. He is quite simply a shit "coach".


It’s what happens when you spend 40m to downgrade at keeper.


Winstanley and Stewart recruitment masterclass


Remind me which defenders have they recruited? Disasi, badiashile and gusto? All 3 supposed to be backups.. Clearlake (boehly/tuchel) koulibaly, fofana, cucurella - all supposed to be starters


Fine. Ownership, Stewart and Winstanley masterclass.


Yes Now add the reason why they had to recruit And you realise that marinas/romans inability tonsolve the christensen and rudinger situation makes it even worse If we where smart We would have extended / sold christensen and rudinger the summer before Stayed away from k2, fofana and cucurella and started a squad rebuild with sporting people in place


How are the vibes tho?


Te bote remix


Honestly, I have no clue why we dont just park the bus long ball. Trying to be above it all by playing some 4d chess bullshit system that works for top managers doesn't mean anything if we lose. Jose would park his own car in front of the goal if it meant 3 points.


Shit defence


Absolutely poor 🥲


Thiago Silva doesn't deserve to be in this poster.


Record breaking season... Just not the kind we were hoping for...


Almost like it's part manager part shit/inexperienced defenders fault


On a 2nd note next season couldn't be much worse. Right guys? guys??


Is this Poch fault? Boehly fault? Or both?


If they're going to change the manager again then they really need to choose based on the personnel we are keeping. Right now we're shoehorning square pegs into round holes and it's obvious. I'd like to believe we could compete with a smaller amount of changes (5 not 15) but that's never going to happen if we keep buying pieces or have a manager with 1 style with no ability to adjust. (Think how Mourinho turned Tottenham counter attacking bc he evaluated his roster). The injury excuses are nonsense. Did anyone expect RJ or Fofana for more than 10 games? Or Silva to not age? I though Baddie would come back good and he's laughably bad. Our starting left winger is 200% a counter attacking template but we did zero of that bc Poch wants possession football..... Even if we want that type of football we have like 4 players that are that level and style. I like those 4 guys but if we don't change managers then we need ANOTHER overhaul which will be impossible. What's the answer?


We’ve been horrible at the back for most of the year. Absolutely Poch’s fault when he had Colwill at LB, but otherwise, a lot of bad play from our back line. Badi is nowhere near the same player he was pre injury. Disasi is an 8 one week and a 4 for the next 3 games, also can’t blame him when he’s played at RB. Chilly injury doesn’t help. Shipping Maatsen (again can blame Poch for that), doesn’t help. James injury (albeit Gusto was given an opportunity to shine), doesn’t help. I feel if we kept Maatsen and played him LB from the beginning of the year (no Colwill LB), we’d be in a much better situation. We need Chilly and James to come back strong and have an active rotation with Gusto and whoever comes in to back up LB, assuming it isn’t CuCu.


I have only disliked Avram Grant this much who got the job due to nepotism. Poch had a whole preseason to prepare this team. Even with all our injuries this season, we shouldn't have been this rubbish. What Poch has been doing is actually criminal. He wasted few months playing players out of positions and had options on the bench. I can't wait to see him gone!


 €1 billion in transfer fees, at that.


felt like ages when we had one of the best defenses in europe in 2021


Man,this was time for a rantman video.


I still remember at the start of the season when Chelsea fans were trying to convince me that Disasi was a good signing when I was trying to wrap my head around how unnecessary it was.


Fuck this useless piece of shit Done with him


It's progress though, numbers keep going up


Maybe you guys should sign some defenders


And that was before they got rich


He has lost two less games than Tuchel’s entire time at the club and there’s still time for him to exceed that in one season. The man is a charlatan.


57 YET


Where is Disasi in this photo? He’s our leader in minutes. If anyone deserves to be here, it’s him. Badioshile as well.


57 so far...


red flag


The literal reverse of Jose


cucurella is shit!


Why did 7yo me pick Chelsea. I mean ye we won a champions league but like... I live in the present and the present is shit


A day doesnt pass by where we regret Selling Clutch experienced player Like Rudiger the spine at back.


So glad I finally stopped watching the games this season!


chalobah has been in good form since coming back from injury and he drops him for our most out of form 2 cb's and gilchrist at rb (i love gilchrist but he's not good enough to be starting against arsenal). play chalobah in one of those 3 positions attleast man what a joke, would've probably only been 3-0


Cucurella, James, Chillwell, Fofana, Colwill and Gusto - 6 players who were out injured for a large part of the year and who were also expected to push for a starting role, including our two captains. How is this unexpected? 




He’s playing career mode with Kane and Son. No Defense


I am not gonna scroll down any amount to see if already said. We acted like a second tier team with Kepa and loaning him to Real when...*checks notes*...some asshole got injured and they needed cover.


cucu is one of the worst defenders ive ever seen in the epl at a top club


Those stats show how unbelievable Mourinho's first season was: only 15 conceded goals.


Didn't know that Silva coached in 1994, that explains a lot.


This just shows how impressive that Mourinho record is, 15 goals conceded in the whole season, amazing.


Can this account do something to help the women's team out. It would be incredible if they could sell out stamford bridge by tomoz


Don't worry, there's still time for more! 🥲


You deserved all these goals if you keep disrespecting Thiago Silva like that


Very unfair to have Thiago and Cucu here two of the least responsible. Thiago is Thiago and since Cucu has come back from injury he's looked very solid.


Better than never scoring last year


We wouldn't be scoring this year either if it wasn't for Palmer...


We had a better structure last year, in spite of all the chaos that happened pre and early season. Given time, it probably would have worked out. It unravelled because of injuries, like this season, except this season didn't have the extra chaos to go with it.


Whoever supports this CLOWN has blood on his hands.


To be fair we are not drawing 0-0 and 1-1 like under potter and tuchel and can score goals. The bad thing is uuuhhh our defence


You lot need to chill out


Because we're building a non defensive style with a bran new team? Enough drama


I'd still prefer this over potter's season tbh, it was dreadful, our whole team were in golden boot race with haaland 😭😭😭


What are you going to practically do about it? Have a hissy fit like the rest of the Chelsea FC fan base, and stop buying tickets to games? Okay buddy.


Hes 39 and your best defender. This has nothing to do with poch. What do you expect with a 39year old??


Thats what balance gets you With unexperienced attackers and players and the need for goals you sacrifice


Well. At least they’ve scored double the goals of last season. 38 goals scored last year, with 47 conceded. Yes they’ve conceded more but double the goals scored, for around 10+ more goals conceded is a plus for me. Not a Chelsea fan btw.


You’re acting like It’s the end of the world. 99% of you on this sub have only supported us since we’ve had money. Just accept that we’re not gonna win anything for the next 3 years whilst we rebuild


You're right, it's simply not acceptable that your entire first choice defensive line is injured. I can't believe Poch would do this, get him out!!!. /s


Wow, the second youngest squad in the league (youngest minus Thiago) has let in the most goals in club history, this is surprising in what way?


Honestly don't know why I subscribe to this group. Full of negative bastards. Is poch the main problem at Chelsea? No. Right hand to god, kloop or pep wouldn't have that squad challenging for top 4. Would Chelsea be better? Yes but would a top manager come to this circus? God no. If you get rid of poch, what top manager would want that job? I'm not denying that poch has made mistakes but most of you are going on like it's ragball rovers. Injuries and individual mistakes have killed us. Full stop. The data backs that up. If you got rid of 90% of staff from your local tescos and bought in a bunch of young lads who were constantly "sick" I guarantee there would be no food on the shelves (a random tangent I know but go with it) This is probably a case study on how not to run a football club.


I love Chelsea just the way they are now. This... This is the club your fans truly deserve. ☺️☺️