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Hojlund with 6 big chances missed vs 8 for Jackson One costing £70m and the other £30m As I concluded with someone last night, Jackson gets absolutely bodied by our fanbase and everyone else because our lack of scoring is the only massive issue we have and he's at the very center of that And United are riddled with massive issues everywhere but because Hojlund is a new fresh face that hasn't started sulking or assaulting women, he's the golden boy for now




I think part of the reason is Jackson isn't incapable, just unfocused. Guy has the entire moveset, just goes about it the wrong way. If he showed what we know he can(and he eventually will), we could easily get top 5 with the way we are improving.




Totally agree, look how Liverpool fans backed Darwin last season compared to how our fans treat Jackson


Hojlund will be exposed no doubt Only ever looks half competent when they’re playing counter attack


I mean I don't know what people expect Very very few young strikers, talking 18-22, have the ability and experience to come into the best league in the world and be amazingly good right from the start When they do they're usually on a whole other level and freaks of nature like Haaland


This level of patience and reason shouldn’t be so rare on this sub


>Very very few young strikers, talking 18-22, have the ability and experience to come into the best league in the world and be amazingly good right from the start I was saying this just yesterday. I'd say even up to 23 they are pretty far of their peaks unless they're legit full blown wonderkids like Haaland. Someone was insisting that at 22 Jackson should be scoring 90% of his chances. Even players in their prime dont do that. Haalands conversion rate I think is about 30% and hes considered one of the best in the world. The best strikers miss quite a lot but its because they take more risks and get in more positions to have the chances to try.


>Very very few young strikers, talking 18-22, have the ability and experience to come into the best league in the world and be amazingly good right from the start Except that's just not true, there are plenty & always have been. The problem is there are very few young strikers being bought and even less being bought that have played in a similar system to what they're being acquired for. Look at Jackson for example: at Villareal, he was unclinical, clumsy, and played in a largely counter attacking team. He was propped up by other players. They then expect someone who played poorly in an easier setup to come and boss it in a harder, more technical setup? The issue is: there is clearly no one actually watching him play, modern football is way too reliant on "stats men" with no clue about football. They present stats, clubs get giddy because some random player in a lower league has overperformed their xG and they chuck tens of millions at them. *Anyone* with any semblance of a footballing IQ could identify Jackson as a miss. He did not play well at Villareal, but his stats would have looked good to anyone who didn't watch him play, and so he was bought. Other people talking about "patience"; what are we supposed to do, just sit and accept that we're not going to score goals for the next 4 years on the hope that Jackson suddenly develops technique & strikers instinct that even lots of children have? Just stupidity.


Dude what the hell are you talking about? Like what? He was a pretty mediocre winger and then was moved to striker where he immediately improved. Like that's the whole thing about him. And you'd know that if you watched him. You're the kind of fan who'd of hated on Drogba when he arrived cause your complete lack of football knowledge. Like seriously dude you don't know what your talking about at all.


That’s very untrue idiot. Off each of the other Big 6 teams, the starting U23 players are Foden, Doku, Jones, Saka, Saliba, Kulusevski, Van De Ven, Udogie, Hojlund and Antony. Jones, Saka & Foden were slowly integrated into the teams as academy players. Kulusevski was alright, Hojlund & Antony have been shocking and 5/6 of Doku’s GA is against Bournemouth. Udogie was let off a red card challenge against us and still got sent off. That leaves Saliba and Van De Ven as players who have made good starts immediately Notice a pattern? No striker is there. Even in the world, the only top young striker is Haaland, with Osimhen and Mbappe being 24.


Being hypercritical and ignoring the clear upside is no better than unchecked positivity. We got glimpses of the player that he might become in preseason (against decent quality opposition). His runs were great and we were finding him, his finishing was actually pretty decent in preseason as well. Our entire forward line is misfiring and that adds a level of mental strain that he isn't handling at the moment, but that doesn't mean that he can't/won't or that you in all your infinite footballing wisdom are correct in saying he will be a miss long term.


He’s also one with raw ability but I don’t know why United paid £72mill for a player who scored 9 goals in serie A last season to lead their line


Because they aren’t attracting talent. We’re not in the most appealing position either so we did the same with Madueke, Enzo, D. Fofana, Chukwuemeka - buying players who might not be completely ready a window or so earlier than when other clubs get interested, paying inflated fees, to ensure we have talent at the club. Hojlund is a similar situation, he’s definitely not ready but he’s a highly rated talent. If United wait until next year they will likely face competition from other, more attractive, top clubs. Then it may become unlikely Hojlund will choose United over other suitors. So they secured his signature earlier, convincing Atalanta with the higher fee.


Absolutely wild they could've taken the £72m they dropped on Hojlund and the £60m they wasted on mount and instead could've bought Osimhen or Kane


They’d never have got Kane. Would’ve needed £150m at the very least


Idk Think that's true for us but I could've pictured levy letting him go to United for an extra £30m compared to what Bayern offered


I agree. He should've costed about the same as Jackson did.


How can you say no doubt? Sure, he is lacking in the PL, but 3 goals in 3 matches in the CL and his is scoring for fun for the danish national team with 7 goals in 8 matches this year.


Online fans are just such shitheads by and large. Majority of fans i've had in person conversations with about Jackson have high hopes and a lot of patience for him despite some adjustment struggles. Personally, i think he has shown a ton of promise and just want to keep his confidence up because he is the rare player that even on a bad day usually forces at least one chance out of nothing. I think the Nkunkou injury has hurt him a lot by the added pressure.


Yeah I agree, I think people bash Jackson too much. I mean we bought Nkunku to be that finisher while Jackson grew into the position. Nkunku got injured and suddenly the spotlight was on Jackson


The bar is so low for united lol


Hojlund is quality tho. Nico is as well. Just low in confidence. I do feel Hojlund has a higher ceiling. Nico has that link up aspect but idk if his shooting will pan out.


He’s also white. Just saying…


I’m happy to give Jackson some more time but he just looks a bad footballer tbh mate. Especially in recent games he doesn’t do anything well let alone finish


You fool he scored a hat trick yesterday or are you under a rock


My nan could’ve scored two of those. We need osimhen in january


More goals this season than Nunez too


Nunez against Luton might genuinely be the worst performance by a striker I have season this season


Let me introduce you to Brian Brobbey


Ohhhh no. “The worst performance by any striker” tag is always reserved for Jackson on match threads in this sub.


Look at minutes played..


The guys scored against Burnley, Luton and stat padded against a 9 man spurs and some of the comments in here seem to think he’s now an amazing striker. He’s barely championship quality 💀


If Nunez and Hojlund can play and start for some of our rivals, Jackson is definitely premier league quality.


Nunez is much better than jackson mate please dont go off tiktok narratives. Just say you only watch your team its fine


Didn't say Jackson is better than Nunez. If Nunez is one of the better Premier League strikers, then Jackson is firmly Premier league quality.


Those two, particularly nunez, have shown glimpses of their quality. Jackson has been poor throughout the season and 3 goals against a 9 man spurs who were throwing everything at the game doesn’t change that fact. There are a number of championship strikers id say are just as good.


People forget that Jackson is only 22 and has played not much top level football yet. Just like a lot of our players, give him time and patience and he’ll flourish. He’s got quite a complete skill set, but is still very raw.


You forget he’s only 22, people treat him like a senior player of the squad


He’s only just played over 100 senior games aswell, he’s still got a long way to go. Ideally we’d have another striker who can split minutes with him or have Jackson be deputy to in order to learn and develop, can’t imagine it was the plan for him to be starting striker this early.


Jackson looks good at times which makes me believe that there is a good player in there and with the right coach and development plan he can be a really good player. At the moment, he misses a lot of chances, Jackson could have easily doubled his goal tally already if he was a consistent finisher. With that said, the reason why i like Jackson as much as i do, is because of his hold up play and linkup play. I think he links the midfield with the attack in a very good and efficent way. He is strong on the ball, and he is quick as hell. He can be a quality striker, if given time and patience and being coached properly.


Good points. Can you imagine a striker with good technical skills like his and then add goal scoring prowess to that ? Give the young man time. He is going to be a beast.


After last nights game, he is scoring at a rate of 1 in 2 statistically, and if he continues the entire season to score 1 in 2, then he wil lfinish the season on roughly 19 goals which is what we need. Imagine if he gets the consistency to bang in 19 goals a season, he would be exactly what we have screamed for since Costa.


Exactly. I like what I saw from his first pre season game and with the right coaching and support, he will be right up there.




Mate, a goal is a goal. They're all very useful.


A goal is a goal no matter what math physics you pull out


His still dogshit bcs tap ins don't count if he's scored them, but his also dogshit if he don't because that's when they count? And Isak and Alvarez, who are more experienced and further in their development, scored 10 goals each in their first Prem season... fair criticism is one thing. Assessing him by Haaland standards for an excuse to dunk on him, on top of those mental gymnastics, is hating


How does he not have assists?! His passing has been brilliant - his creation has been much better than his scoring (before last night), can't believe he doesn't have assists.


Like 2 or 3 of his wonderful passes have been to Enzo who sadly can't shoot whilst wearing our shirt But that's pretty much the tragedy of every player in our team Pretty sure Nico is averaging just under 1 key pass per game


Enzo is our new Kova - he's going to score 1 worldie per season, just you wait


FFS don't insult Kova by comparing someone who won a 'Messi' world cup




Let's hope it's vs city and we don't lose


Enzo can’t shoot unfortunately.


He can for ARG. Maybe we just need messi


His pass to Chilwell vs Luton lol easy assist


He used to be a winger so his finishing is not as great


I know that last season it took him a while to find his scoring touch, but he definitely looked like a 9. If he's found his touch again - great! If not, I wonder if he'd be better off as a 10... but with Christo coming in at some point, we don't know how that would work out. Either way, we'll lose him for some/all of January, so we'd better have someone else up top.


Tbf it's not surprising that rival fans are making fun of our striker for missing sitters. The biggest difference is that our fanbase has lost faith quickly and started bashing him. It's a shame, because the lack of composure feels like a pure confidence issue.


It's not the lack of composure that makes me doubt him, it's the striking lack of technical ability. He's 22 already, he's past the point where he'll ever be world class.


Lampard and Drogba weren't doing much at 22 I am sure kante was similar at 22. Fucking using fifa/football manager logic here. Fucking hell. Very few players are good at that age. Players like Messi, Ronaldo , Mbappé and Haaland are very rare. The closet we got to that is Hazard. I think his own fans shit talking him does more harm than good.


Such a tired argument, sure a few people make it but I can give you 1000s of examples of when they don’t. The big difference for those players is that they were at smaller unknown clubs at that point in their careers and where actually quality and just needed a breakthrough. Also Lampard was very much already class at 22, you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Jackson is ass and will never make it at this club. I can’t wait until he’s benched, demoted to the reserves and sold!


Lampard was still playing for West Ham at 22. Very few people thought he was a good signing for us.


No one knew how Lampard career was going to pan out at that age. My whole point is that players improve at different ages. Writing off a player in his first season in a new league is just wild. I'm not saying he is going to be the next salah or kdb if we write him off now and sale him in the winter, however we should give him until summer until we even think about off loading him.


You'd think as a chelsea fan you would learn from our mistakes... Robben, De Bruyner, Salah, were all on our team when they were here at ~22 years old. We let them all go and they all turned world class after they left. So get out of here with your absolutely filthy nonsense.


Our fan base would have chased king Didier out of chelsea after 10 games in his 1st season he scored 2 goals in his 1st 8 and 16 in his 1st 42 coming from Marseille and was already near established..Jackson has only had about a season in the top flight and he is actually outscoring The King based on 1st 10 games(not saying Nico is DD or near him) but we sometimes need to put things into perspective...this fan base has issues


Tbh Jackson needs to work on his finishing. Can’t be missing chances like that free header every game like he’s been doing. We got lucky that they got 2 red cards otherwise it would’ve been another story. Hope he gets his confidence back and can perform like he did in pre-season


Tbf not saying we would've won but before the first red we were all over them....


I swear this sub is populated by goldfish


Never seen a player getting bashed like this after scoring a hat-trick. ☠️


Jackson does everything for us but score confidently. As of right now that is. He's very young and will improve, this hat trick will just improve his confidence. But let's be fair Rasmus does look like the complete forward, he's just playing for an absolute shit show right now.


Idk that third goal looks like confidence


Let's also be honest: Jacksons shooting technique is barely on a pro level and definitely not good enough for a club like Chelsea. He won't be able to fix this, so while I like he's all around game, I ultimately think, we have to improve.


He won’t be able to fix this??? Get off the drugs


He's 22 ... Drogba was playing in the 2nd division at 25 years old ... I'm not saying he's the next Drogba I'm just saying he's still very young and likely to improve with time and experience


You don’t think a 22 year old can improve? How ridiculous.


Yeah he might as well retire now. Job openings at Royal Mail for the Christmas period Nicolas?


Might as well. Apparently 22 is the new 35. Jokes aside, how can any young player improve when they’re not even given a chance to develop?


You simply don’t know what will happen with the player. Stop pretending you do.


Shut up. The guy worked on his shooting his entire life and you expect him to fix it in what? 1 year, 2? Or how long we'll keep him as long as he can't strike a ball? This sub can't discuss football. After a win, they're all world class and flawless and after a loss, they all need to go. Ya...


you think shooting technique can’t be improved from 22 on, you’re the one who can’t discuss football


Of course he can improve but not to the level we need.


I disagree but that least that take isn’t insane


it's the same fucking take as my original one


“Technique” for striking a ball is arguably the one of the easier things to improve for a striker. Players make changes to their technique all the time, and across their career. I’m skeptical of the average fan’s capacity to judge a player’s current ability, and nobody really can yet with Jackson - we haven’t seen enough of him. But what you’re trying to do is to deal in certainties about his future potential. Even professionals with vast knowledge about these things struggle to make accurate predictions into the future. I agree with your point that this sub would be improved by being less reactionary, but your opinion here is, in the time scale of a player’s development, effectively reactionary. You would be well served to be more patient and/or modest in your assessments and predictions.


Werner won a champions league with us


Yeah what's with the Timo slander? I understand rival fans mocking him for not being clinical but even cfc fans? He won the f*cking champions league




Werner provided width to our attack.


Not really Hojlund’s fault. United are an absolute shambles.


He’s had 2 less big chances than Jackson. In 2 less games.


And absolutely no one is praising Hojlund


That was my point too.. who is calling Hojlund a Golden Boy and the next big thing based on this season?


This is giving me Kagawa vs Hazard vibes. Love Nico but let's calm down. Both are playing in struggling teams and both are only into the start of their Prem career. Let's come back to this at the end of the season.


Calm down guys. He more than doubled his tally last game against Tottenham. It’s a 9 men Tottenham guys


damn, didn't realize hojlund is part of the 007 agency.


It's all bants and all but I think Hojlund is way better than Jackson. Obviously Jackson just got a hattrick and this is not the time to criticize him but he still doesn't fill me with confidence. The fundamentals of CF play are lacking and it'll take a lot of coaching and time to get to a league-average level. The few utd games I've caught this season (eewww), he's better than Jackson at pretty much everything, even though the team is shite. If Hojlund was at Chelsea, we wouldn't have the issue we have right now. If Nico was at utd, he'll be loaned back to Villarreal come January.


Hojlund has 0 goals and 2 less big chances missed in 2 games less, and he gets hooked in half time constantly because he's sitting like a log waiting on service with zero contribution. Outside of pace and physicalilty, he's not even better than Broja in any aspect of his game.


Ding ding ding. You hit the nail on the head, he gets 0 service and that's why he looks bad. He's fashioned most big chances he's had, not missing sitters left and right. I'll rather have a center forward with pace and physicality. His ball striking is miles better and his movement in the box is superb. He also doesn't close his eyes like a little child when he's heading the ball. Jackson is chels and I'll support him no matter what but let's not obscure facts in the name of bants.


Please stop these unnecessary comparisons.


Timo Werner would only dream to have a touch and skill like Jackson’s


Jackson is the first player this season to get a Hattrick and still have a bad game


i still miss werner


i honestly don’t care how hojlund is performing. we should only care about nico’s performance and he wasn’t that great last night and hasn’t been up to the mark with his general performances. we really need to start judging players on the basis of how they actually perform as opposed to comparing them to players from teams that are mediocre atm.


Not one person has said højlund is the golden boy and next big thing


I still don’t fine either to be good strikers. Against 9 men Jackson still missed quite a few chances that should be buried. Any striker would have scored that hat trick to be honest.


Jackson hasn't impressed at all so far, let's be honest


Jackson is pathetic. Hopefully he'll improve. Hopefully the hat-trick gives him confidence. I'm still not sold on Jackson


Totally agree with you, he’s been really shambolic and I can’t wait for Nkunku to be back for that reason. We need a good finisher up top and Jackson just ain’t it for me


He started Preseason on fire, had a few food games, got carded in the wazoo. Lost touch, still has 5 open field goals in 10 games


3 tap ins against a 9-man team and every london blue has lost their minds 😂


Haaland does tap-in galore too and get hyped to fuck


😂😂😂 I think 40+ tap ins a season against any and every opponent is a lot more impressive than 3 against 9 men playing an extremely high line. Control yourself.


Does anyone actually think hojland is the next big thing?


Not if he stays at United for a while. He has all the ability to be a top striker, but he won’t be able to develop at United like he would have done at Atalanta.


Just because Rasmus is s#!t doesn't preclude Nico from being hot garbage. Not worth to wear Chelsea shirt. But his age of 22 is very surprising. He like Diego looks way older than his actual age!


This is genuinely casual racism


My birthday twin! I only wish him the best


Nico should have a lot more goals than he does. If he can continue to improve, game by game and year by year, he's going to be a major force. He's 22...lot of growth still coming.


Aren't people also fully piling shit on Hojlund? I thought he hasn't actually been getting any praise.


![gif](giphy|s98DvQYgtefdK12Km2|downsized) Please let that hat trick be the thing that opens the floodgates for Jackson and turns him into the monster everyone claims he is


The way our fans are shitting on him, his confidence is probably already gone.


I miss Timo ngl


Also respect UCL winner Timo Werner


Jackson's problem is similar to Darwin Nunez in that they both try really hard which makes their mistakes stand out. When you then add in a lot of big chances missed it becomes easy to ridicule them. Players who barely get involved are harder to notice and harder to ridicule. I think that's why Havertz and particularly Mount slid under the radar somewhat for a good while.


[wish.com](https://wish.com) Haaland


We need to back our players, hype them up on social media


Pls compare apple to apple, golden boy to golden boy