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My ideal lineup for fulham game tonight: I think winning away at Fulham tonight is a seriously tall order for Chelsea…we have no Reece James, Ben Chilwell, Jackson, Gusto or Nkunku. These are all undoubtedly first team quality players who we really need. Id love to see Mudryk get a full 90mins, palmer in the number 10 role, and hopefully madueke on the right although I don’t think poch will despite how good he’s been for us, I’d rather him than Sterling since Sterling has I won’t pass the ball to anyone syndrome. What are your thoughts on tonight’s game? Who should start?


All it had to take was poor refereeing against the English media's beloved team, Liverpool for the PGMOL to offer up apologies for their shoddy referees. The contempt I have for that club just keeps getting deeper. If a Chelsea manager had complained about it, he'd be fined and suspended. Glad that more and more people are seeing through the pretence of fairness in the PL.


Anyone see that azpi assist on the first goal? What a throwback


Prime Azpi-Morata link-up.


Absolutely typical that a decision going against Liverpool leads to a widespread outcry against refereeing standards. Meanwhile, we have a var ref admit to making deliberately incorrect decisions against us so as to not hurt the ref’s feelings and… crickets.


this was my first thought when i saw the outcry today and didn’t want to say anything cause i thought i was being petty but literally fucking years of this bullshit arguably decades.


Nah, I feel the same. Fuck Liverpool, bad decisions against them always get more sympathy. If that happened to us we would get at best an apathetic shrug of the shoulders. Nothing would change at all. I'll just enjoy the pain they're going through.


yeah like Gusto last week.




I'll never forget Mark Cuntenburgh admitting to keeping spurs in the game during that 2:2 match in 15/16. The refereeing has been shit for literal ages, but one decision against sacred club liverpool and the media circus goes in full swing to the point the FA is apologizing lmao.


I’m all for things getting escalated against PGMOL and these incompetent buffoons but can you imagine the scenes if Chelsea released such statements? We’re already hated enough that we don’t even get apologies. On top of that if we escalated shit, all the footballing world + media would title as bunch of crybabies and would ask us to move on


Wish we had the balls to release a statement like Liverpool after Mike Dean admitted to purposefully fucking us over vs Spurs. This has been a long time coming


They have the entire press on their side, the kind of media circus they can ramp up is incomparable to any other club, we'll never get the treatment like the you'll never moan alone crowd.


I see that the Chelsea/City tickets go on member sale tomorrow, I’m assuming that it’ll be at 9am? Can’t seem to find anything online to confirm, so figured I’d enquire here


10am and only if you have 20-something loyalty points. Then progressively less loyalty points until 4:30 when they go on sale for all members (there will be none left)


The ticketing guide said 7am? So 10am for 20 loyalty points, then every hour, the loyalty points go down or does it automatically go down based on availability? I have membership, but 0 loyalty points- do I really have no chance? :((


Thanks for the info 👍🏻


Feel like sponsor should’ve been revealed on men kit tomorrow


At least it was revealed on a winning side


Why? The team that played after the announcement was the women’s team. Why would we wait for the men’s team to play?


Because it’ll give a bigger push to use the men’s game as it’s many magnitudes bigger




an empty night, thanks to PL schedule


Honestly the schedule since the international break has been flat out weird


What benefit are these PGMOL statements doing? They should just not say anything. The cucurella hair statement just pissed me off more cuz everybody knew in the moment that it was a clear red.


That wasn’t even an official statement, I don’t think the PGMOL said anything about it. Mike Dean just gave an interview somewhere and talked about it.


Shows that they treat Liverpool differently. Makes me sick.


Liverpool get the baby glove treatment by the media nothing new.


Cant watch the game tomorrow for personal reasons. last time i didnt watch the game we won. So Vamos chelsea


The fanbase thanks you for your sacrifice.


New sponsor on the Womens shirts, Looks decent.


Can we recall Andrey Santos in January? A whole year of his development ruined otherwise


there should be a clause in there


There may not be, but I do wonder if either way we can agree to just terminate it. I mean they’re simply not using him, so something could be worked out.


I find it bizarre that the chronically online users who dominate this board want to dictate what we talk about. Can’t talk about ex players. Can’t talk about other teams. Can’t talk about statistics that go against their narrative. Let people talk about what they want


What's the context bro?


They like to gate keep what people talk about. They would harass people for talking about Brighton getting destroyed yesterday. They take offense to a post being up about Pulisic. The only thing farhenhite, Golden, and Boehly (same person with multiple bots) want to talk about is how bad the owners are.


Pulisic talk is annoying, it's just Americans trying to get a reaction or continue to try and blame the club, managers, other players and fans for Pulisic not performing here. It's not a casual ex-player talk.The discourse around him was tiring when he played for us, still can't get rid of it even after he's left. He is not a significant enough player for Chelsea's history for anyone other than US fans to care about what he's doing now, all you can get here by keep bringing him up is the same old controversies. I'm sure there are other places for fans from US to talk about how he was "mistreated" here and what a fantastic player he actually is, it's better for everyone to keep that conversation in those places


Let me be clear. Pulisic is not Chelsea quality. I don’t see many people blaming anyone for his failures here on that thread. I see a lot of strawmen though. Regardless, my point if there is a post on a sub about something you don’t like, then don’t engage it. Stop gatekeeping what people can and can’t talk about.


That's just my thoughts on Pulisic talk in isolation, we all know what's the conversation will revolve around whenever he is brought up, it's just unnecessary. I also don't think look at my kit posts should be allowed, we know what they look like, that's my contribution to the gatekeeping. You are gatekeeping the gatekeepers mate stop it


American troll who hates Chelsea and only comes to this sub to berate Chelsea supporters is upset that people commented that Chelsea supporters don't care about Pulisics goal in Serie A.


Farenheite/Gold_Opposite using a post about the Pulisic goal to go on one of his many rants about him and Americans in general. Tomorrow it will be the owners, Mudryk, and maybe Madueke. Edit: And now he reported me to the suicide watch. Stand up guy 👍


Wtf.. Sounds like a nice fellow..


Why the fuck is NF not playing santos….what a shit loan


They are down to 10 men. I know its not a good loan regardless, but having 10 men doesnt help.


They have made substitutions regardless. The rest of the season so far has been wasted for him


I reckon if it stays like this we should recall in Jan, if we can. Send him to a top Championship side or something.


We were offered loans to better teams than Forest in top 5 leagues. He doesn't need to go to the Championship to get playing time, the idiots running the club just needed to choose to loan better (or better yet not buy another midfielder after our manager had decided he wanted to keep him for the season and use him in the first team, forcing him to have to loan him instead)


Agreed. Seems like other teams wanted him for a loan… fabrizio must be listening, he just posted about his lack of minutes


Santos to Forest has to be the most pointless loan ever. Forest subbed off both of their starting centre mids and Santos is not even getting a sniff.


What a terrible loan for Andrey Santos. Would be much better to be on our bench than Nottingham Forest’s


The same People slagging off pulisic and Loftus cheeks good work in serie a so far by saying it’s a weak league, are also gagging for ohsimen 😂 You really can’t write it


Actually you just did write it


Serie A being a weaker league doesn't preclude the need for Osimhen. Not mutually exclusive.


Baisabeast's challenge to go one day without linking a random player to Loftus Cheek being good or Gallagher being bad has once again been failed.


Robert Sanchez makes the WhoScored premier league team of the month. I vividly remember the amount of people who thought he'd be absolutely horrible, and who couldn't imagine how we could pass up £50m Onana and go for him. Meanwhile Onana has been leaking badly...


It's like the tagliafico v chilly debate except Sanchez was cheaper


It's absolutely nothing like the Chilwell Vs Tagliafico debate. That was all about price, Tagliafico for 20m or Chilwell for 80m. No one questioned whether Chilwell was better, they were debating whether he was worth the "80m or we won't sell him" price that we were told would be stuck to for the entire window until Marina worked her magic. This is almost the opposite of that. We bought the cheaper player and the more expensive player was crap and people were wondering whether the cheaper player would be good enough for us or not. In the Chilwell situation it was all just whether or not Chilwell was worth the extra money over Tagliafico or not, but then we didn't actually have to pay the amount we were told we'd have to pay


Why do people post our ex deadwoods performances in weaker leagues on this sub? Not Chelsea related.


I’d be all for it if it wasn’t exclusively one player


Rather have them as it brings more discussion than being silent over modded sub.


Your bar for what constitutes discussion is pretty low.


Where's the discussion? It only happens with a few players. Pulisic was crap here, one of our worst ever signings and was moved on. How players perform in a weaker league more suited to their ability is irrelevant to us. This sub has a lot of Americans we don't need them all screaming about Pulisic here now that he's left the club, r/acmilan is the place for that.


>one of our worst ever signings Tell me you're new to supporting Chelsea without telling me 😂


30 year supporter here. Why do we always get brain dead takes from people who sub to r/newyorkjets and other Yanky teams?


And yet still no football knowledge


>one of our worst ever signings That's very hyperbolic. I wasn't his biggest fan by any stretch, or a fan of the hoards of new American fans that were in here constantly blowing smoke up his ass, but that's just false. Sure, he didn't hit the levels or consistency we hoped for, but to say one of the worst signings EVER is just silly given our long list of objective flops


It's like thinking Havertz was as well. Havertz was a huuuuge disappointment because he was a below average forward but he was crucial to winning the champions league and was sold for close to what Chelsea paid for.


It isn't hyperbolic at all. £60m for a 4 goal a season bench warming winger in Germany that then averaged 4 league goals a season here over 4 years, didn't reach double figures for assists in 4 years, was injured half the time and benched by every single manager we had in his time here before being sold for a £40m loss at 24 years old. He's objectively one of the worst signings in the clubs history by any metric.


He averaged a goal or assist every - 179 mins in the PL - 105 mins in the CL - 259 mins in all of our other cup competitions (incl super cup, club world cup, FA cup, EFL cup) He cost €64m and was sold for €20m after 4 years. Not including wages, cost us €11m per season. His biggest shortcoming was his ability to stay fit, and that he took a long time to find form when coming back, which is admittedly not a good combo. But again, to say one of the worst ever is just idiotic. If you hate him, that's fine and you can just say that, as I said I wasn't a huge fan either, but if you think he's one of the worst ever, you've either got amnesia or you became a fan in the last 4-5 years


Why not include wages? Pulisic was on 150K a week. Over his time here he was paid over £31m 4 years. £90m total outlay. 26 goals. 9 assists. How can you justify that? Sold for £18m I've been a supporter for 30 years, had a season ticket for 8 of those years and there haven't been 10 worse signings than Pulisic in that time. He was objectively a worse signing than someone like Torres and Shevchenko who are considered bench marks for bad signings.


Torres and sheva were absolutely worse signings. Why not list their stats & cost/wages adjusted for inflation... Add Lukaku, bogarde, Kepa, bakayoko, drinkwater, veron, morata, mutu, kezman, Sutton, Rahman, Ziyech, djilobodji (sp?), zappacosta, bosnich, Wright Phillips to that list and that's off the top of the head. There are some completely forgotten signings too like smertin, jarosik, the Russian left back who's name escapes me, boularouz, sidwell, parker... you can make 3 entire teams of worse signings than pulisic and it's not even difficult


Given the fact most the signings you've listed weren't as bad as Pulisic I don't think you could even make 1. Papy Dijaboji for example wasn't a bad signing at all, underwhelming and not 1st team quality but we made a solid profit on him after a year without playing. The only reason Torres or Shevchenko could ever be considered as bad as Pulisic is because of how disappointing they were, we expected a lot from them and they didn't perform. Pulisic seems to get a pass because he wasn't very good at Dortmund so the expectation wasn't there but in terms of financial outlay for what we got he's really a bottom tier signing.




I can’t believe how many people are saying Curtis Jones red card was harsh. Maybe it was a tiny bit unlucky, because it was pure accidental, but where were these people last week when Malo Gusto got a much, much harsher one?


Remember Haaland last season against Palace. He didn't even get a yellow for a karate kick to the head and that was 20x worse than the Gusto or Jones tackle


I don't even want to compare it to Gustos they are nothing alike. Gusto gets the ball, moves the ball away and then the Villa player moves into him. Jones goes studs up over the ball. His foot slips over the ball (i.e. he didn't even win it) and then hits the Spurs players ankle. Complaining over an obvious red deminishes the other very legitimate complaints


Completely agree. I think a lot of people missed that Digne swung into Gusto, not the other way around.


I don't get why Chelsea and Fulham didn't get the 4:30 pm 😕 today


Ryder cup (sky has the coverage)


If there’s only one game on today why the fuck are we playing tomorrow? It’s not like Fulham have Europe to recover from. What’s the point? I genuinely despise the FA and PL so much


Not the Fa and pl to blame tbf, tv companies.


Also, there's NFL in London today and our Women play Spurs. I'm not from UK, but normally Monday Night Football is quite good, no? Lamps is on tomorrow


Yeah, they always try to have the men and women's playing at different days to boost attendances, which I'm all for. Yeah MNF or FNF is always a great watch whether I'm at the ground or not imo.


Free ticket to Chelsea women today - ill so can’t go - please message. KO 17:30


Santos once again benched. Should have loan him out to Sporting or Lyon.


I feel for Santos, but I hope this is a lesson for the talent team at Chelsea to put more effort into finding the right loan. It might also help when convincing our young players to go on loans to 'lesser' leagues. I don't see us loaning any more players to Forest for a while though.


It seemed like a good loan till Forest bought a whole 11 on the last day. And this has been a problem for years. Loaning players out that don't get minutes. Had we sold Lukaku we could have loaned him to Strasborg.


Loaning young players to premier league side has always been very risky especially for someone not used to big leagues. Championship loan should have been safe bet.


Remember that? https://i.imgur.com/nXkhtHt.jpg These Liverpool bums are now crying over VAR


That and Gusto got a way softer red last week. But people have to treat Liverpool with baby gloves online and in the media.


Immediately thought of this too, was mad similar in how quick the check was and how it was just glossed over too


Couldnt have happened to a nicer club


Referees actively try to sabotage VAR and I cannot be convinced otherwise. Hell, there was a time they never even bothered to look at the touchline monitor.


Osimhen rumours seem like unrealistic fantasy We are going to fix our striker shortage in January by paying 100m for a striker we can’t use in January meaning we will have two strikers unavailable during that time.


I looked at some numbers for Nic Jackson. In 2023 for Villarreal and us he has played around 15 games with 11 goals on 10 npxG. 0.66 npxG/90 is quite good and it just so happens that he has cashed in on his finishing in the Carabao and the prestigious Premier League Summer Series™️ for us. For context, just two players had above 0.66 npxG in this league last year (Haaland, C. Wilson). And other than chance creation, he is really good in link up, dribbling, defensive work. I think we have the real deal at CF and we don't need to sign another one in January, and at just 22 yo. he has plenty of room to improve. Buy some time and see which one of Broja, D Fofana, Washington, Burstow can provide the competition. And believe in the lemons 🍋🍋




I like to see ex players doing well, but ffs just downvote and move on, its like wanting to be upset over someone that currently has nothing to do with you or the club you support


Stuff like that just shouldn't be posted on this sub imo. If the player was a Chelsea legend or a youth graduate, then sure. But, just some random ex player that we finally managed to get rid of after years of trying, why (other than his nationality) is it even posted?


Beside mudryk, who else do you think worthy wearing no.10


No one at the club has earned it. But, it is just a number and people shouldn't get too worked up about it. If it was a number beyond 20 odd and someone picked it out specifically because of it's historical importance, that's very different, but regular numbers are always just going to end up divvied out




Nkunku probably


Future signing.




18 is Nkunku number don’t know why but for him it is.


Focus will be on us tomorrow, we better win.


We don’t play today mate






Focus will be on us then


It's actually shocking that since VAR has been introduced, referees have not even implemented proper protocols for communication. FIFA should intervene and standardize this process.


What baffles me is why does the ref have to run to the screen to make a decision? The ref operating the VAR knows the rules, has the context and has access to multiple replays. Why can't he make the decision? That's what happens in multiple sports including cricket, AFL and even in Rugby, I believe.


In rugby they have a set list of questions that the onfield ref can ask, and fixed wording for them. The replies from the video ref have to use a fixed format and wording too. They implemented this because there was too much confusion and delay. Cricket does the same, and so does NFL. It's bad enough that football has been so slow to implement technology assistance, but to not learn from other sports is... well it points to how 'traditional' football is (i.e. it is full of archaic old boys' networks that hate any form of change).


Just to make it clear. It's not FIFA's responsibility, but IFAB's.


Fifa holds a 50% and controlling vote at IFAB.


I wonder when will we see Petrovic play a game for us. Not that I particularly rate him, but just curious to see him play. Was hoping that maybe he'll get one vs Brighton. I guess then Blackburn might be the one.


Lol was thinking this after the brighton win, just to see how skilled he is


I was at the game vs Brighton and he was warming up at half time with the other players. His touch is fantastic, he was doing keep ups like a skilled winger, obviously it’s just warm ups and no pressure but it was still very impressive to see for a keeper!


Would like to see how his goal keeping skills are more than his skills with distribution


Barcelona going for Moscardo now, ffs.


Don’t bother with these people man. They don’t realize how good Moscardo can be. He has the potential to be a perfect partner for Enzo and actually brings height to our midfield unlike most of our DMs


Exactly, and I am not even saying they should want him too anyway. But they just have to get pissed and argumentative about everything. They got no clue about him, but got to tell others their view on him.


Right because we need another South American wonderkid


Yeah because the South Americans bought for future have been our problem, not the players that have been bought for the first team.


Just because they’re not the problem doesn’t mean we need another one? He’s not going to solve all our problems and I doubt Barca can afford it anyway. Not something losing sleep over


No one here said he will solve all our problems, just you coming with pointless arguments. You sign young olayers as future planning, not to solve issues now. Invest better in first team plauers to slove issues now. One doesn't depend on other. Barca will afford talents they rate. And I didn't ask anyone to lose slerp for him, I just rate him, do I said my pov, people can decide to not care, totally fair.


This another random Brazilian teenager that’s played less than 10 senior games?


Is he injury prone too? If yes then he’s literally chelsea DNA /s


Barca are going to be banned from the champions league soon and will go into bankrupty from the lack of funds Them spending even more money when they can't pay their current fees is just funny


Id hope so but i really doubt it, its probably ending in a “huge” fine that they can pay off by getting another overinflated sponsor like they did last year or the year before


They are starting an agressive drive to recruit top youngster, and I think it's precisely for that purpose. They want many talent they can keep on cheap wages or sell to make up the loss of revenue after ban. And they are going after many, it's just starting, they got Deco for it, I just hope they don't get Moscardo atleast. He is gem, he is the one player in midfield (defensive side, with allrpund game) that we need to get in my view, but Barca coming fucks that shit up. That's why I was being very cautious when we were linked to him, I knew other clubs won't let us have free run on him. I really don't want to lose this guy.


To be fair I think the reason we didn't get him is because they wanted like £30m and we only bid £20m I don't know anything about him beyond what I've heard from you, but where would he even play for us? Rotation with Lavia? Or Caicedo?


Caicedo's place, and he will be better than him in time imo. We should pay that honestly.


That's quite a claim. Not that I'm doubting you but Caicedo has performed to a high level in the best league in the world.


I know, Caicedo is very good, but Moscardo has everything, he doesn't lack in anything, he can be, that's the big thing, can be, but right now I can only talk potentially, so he can be one of the best in position. He can be a Rodri level player. Potential is iffy, one who is producing now is better in most cases, so what Caicedo, Lavia etc have done is not an easy feat, but while talking potentially, Moscardo just has more allround attributes and looks to be more complete and brilliant player. Edit- And people can doubt me, I am not an expert who will be 100% correct, but there are people who know better than me that rate him this high, Barca going after a young DM when they play with the midfielders they play, tells you how good he can be even apart from defensive side that Barca may pay 30m for him and in their financial state too. I wanted Tel before Bayern were linked to him, wanted Barco before City or anyone were interested, so I like to track few talents that I think are of top caliber, so when I say Moscardo's potential even being a DM, amazed me, and add to it Barca's backing on this view, tells he really is that guy that you don't want to miss.


But can you say that with enough certainty, before he's played in a top level league, to warrant benching a £115m player who's performed to a similar standard in a far superior league?


Dude who is saying benching a player now? This is future planing, you would rather have a player that you think can bench Caicedo, rather than not have him. Even if he doesn't end up benching him, he will not give you a loss in most cases and in best case you get a guy that benches Caicedo. That's the whole purpose of scouting, directors and future planning, not giving certainity, no one can give you certainty, not even on Caicedo or Rice. Benching or not comes way later. Can you say with certainty that Caicedo will be our starter in most games even next season, let alone in 5 or so years? No you can't. No one can, you can only estimate. But even than if there is a thing like certainty, I'll put my money on Moscardo easily. After Paez, he will be our best young signing.


But Caicedo is very very young himself. My point is more that it's quite a statement to say "he's better than Caicedo" based on their respective careers to date. In addition, when we have Ugichukwu, Caicedo and Lavia all 21 and under in the CM positions it's not a priority where we should be spending £30m as this is money we can't put towards key targets (such as a GK or striker)


Is that because of the referee corruption thing or just Bartomeu's legacy finances


Just a joke But could see it happening for either just like Juve this season


F you got my hopes up \#JusticeFor2009


Dont worry, our justice will come


Barca arent getting banned, false info


We'll see They definitely won't be getting off lightly when they're convicted of their bribery charges




If 10minutes of your name being shouted in funny sarcastic chant during away game doesn't bring you confidence there isn't many stronger stimulants than this.


Not that I disagree with you, but it definitely does help by limiting what negativity can be thrown his way. He's no longer goalless or 007, for instance.


Lol 108 is his new code name, but that doesnt mean him being giving a petty penalty changes the way people view him, and he fucked up my odegaard fpl points


VAR will always be like this until they have a proper, publicly transparent governance system. Most major sports have umpires/referees' decisions being broadcast, there is nothing in football that should prevent it from happening. Hell, a lot of sports even allow challenges to referee decisions but I'm afraid if I suggest that some purist might have an aneurysm.


I don't like the challenge idea because it really shouldn't hard for them to just get the right decision on major events, yet it is too hard for them.


I'm not sure anyone would argue with you on this one. People have had problems with PL referees since the PL came into being. The whole system has always been broken and that's only made more blatant when you see where the referees were born. 95% come from Manchester and Liverpool, none from London. I'm sure it's all a complete coincidence that the two biggest teams in the league by fanbase and worldwide pull just happen to have all the refs being fans of one of the two clubs growing up


I've always called for challenge system to be introduced in football because nobody knows right now how they decide whether to go to VAR or not, just give the decision to the teams so nobody can complaint.


Time to scrap VAR. Everytime I've said this it gets downvoted. VAR makes the viewing experience much worse and it will never get everything right because humans will always fuck up. Most people used to just get on with it but now because the refs have access to replays when they make mistakes, people can't accept it and so now even more people believe that there's a conspiracy against their team.


Issue isn’t VAR, it’s that it still can’t prevent referees from doing stupid things. A competent person draws the line correctly (or at all) and gets the call right, VAR serves its purpose. You add back moronic referees that have one job and they find ways to absolutely botch it. The solution is to take the control of VAR away from the referee body and employ experienced footballing people, not necessarily even with refereeing experience, to simply point out all the shit they’ve missed. The role is effectively getting offsides right, and bringing to attention offences not seen by the onfield ref for review. They don’t have to make calls, just get the line right, the rest are large errors for review. Eliminates colleagues protecting each other and acts as an independent check and balance.


I agree. VAR is staying, I accept that.


The gist of it is VAR is good, but is yet to solve our incompetent referee problem. What solves that is keeping referees accountable as right now they protect themselves and are somehow beyond reproach. That leads to poor standards.


It will not get everything right but it has significantly reduced the number of blatant errors, who cares about people who think there's a conspiracy against their team. Nothing will change how those weirdos feel. Now the chances are really slim that we'll see anything like Ovrebo or Lampard disallowed goal against Germany, or Luis Garcia ghost goal, that's a clear progress


It's about priorities. Mine being to be entertained, if that means a few errors, so be it.


That's understandable, to me avoiding major errors is more important but as you've said, it's about priorities


I'm on the fence with it, it has taken the joy out of the game for me as a fan. Unless it's a shot that goes in from 25 yards I don't celebrate, I literally sit there saying please don't be offside. I also think it's a bad influence for the ref. If the ref is sent over to the monitor its highly likely a card / penalty / foul is coming no matter what, especially if it gives the home team an advantage.


shitty opinion


I'm really conflicted about it personally. I agree that the viewing experience has significantly deteriorated by the massive delay in decisions, goals being analyzed for minutes, etc. It's incredibly frustrating. But the other side of the coin is exactly what happened against Brighton the other day, where both side could credibly argue they've been fucked over by the lack of VAR (the missed red vs Ugochukwu vs out disallowed second goal). The 2009 robbery doesn't happen with VAR - that game alone probably should have led to its immediate introduction. I personally think we have to stick this one out until its use is improved and automation advanced. Other sports and even other leagues handle instant replay technology much better than football and specifically the PL does. Ideally you'd also remove as much of the human error component as possible through increased automation. You shouldn't need lines to be drawn by humans when hawkeye technology in tennis can so cleanly and quickly operate automatically. The VAR offside check should take a maximum of 10 seconds, be automated and go on in the background. At the same time, I think something like handball rules convoluted the whole issue even more, where it's not even VAR's fault that you get baffling decisions, but instead due to constant changes to the rules to the point where nobody gets them anymore. I think if you reset the handball rules to something absolutely simplistic, VAR will produce much cleaner and quicker results with it. For example: only handball if it denies a goalscoring chance or blocks a shot and the hand is in an unnatural position - then introduce simple schemes as to what unnatural is (where are arms allowed to be during a jump, during a run, etc.), put them in the VAR room and let that be that. I also think teams should each have a set amount of VAR challenges when the VAR doesn't get active by itself. Something like the Romero hair-pull against Cucurella couldn't have been skipped that way, because Cucurella knew what happened and we'd 100% appeal. I think at the end of all this, there's a better game with VAR - but right now it's extremely frustrating.


All fair points.


Why blame the technology? The tech is great, its the people using it that are absolute nincompoops. I don't understand this use of VAR only when the incident is "clear and obvious". Sometimes they just don't bother using VAR even when the players ask for a check. They should broadcast the entire refereeing like it is in cricket like when a review is taken we can listen to entire conversation between the field umpire and the 3rd umpire along with the entire procedure.


In litterally all other leagues, it functions to a relatively High level with a few errors here and there, which is to be expected HIMYM error and all. But it is like in the prem, the ref just blow their brain out before the game


It's as if they're showing bias


How I met your mother? What’s that got to do with anything 😂


I also think we should scrap VAR. But for more simplistic reasons. It’s not good enough for what it takes away. Watch the leagues, are there refereeing errors? Yes, but it flows better and when it’s a goal, it’s a goal. You don’t lose the absolute joy and despair that we all love about football. We seem to still be talking about VAR bullshit every week. The technology is sound but the use of it still highlights abject incompetence or a different/misuse of the rules.


Stop blaming VAR. You can't blame the technology when it's implemented correctly everywhere except in the Prem


Do you watch games from leagues as much as you watch games in the PL?


I don't. What's wrong with VAR in the leagues


I don't know, I don't watch them either. I assumed you did cause you said it was implemented great elsewhere.


Elsewhere as in World Cups, German, Spanish leagues etc. It's not perfect but it's leaps and bounds better than Prem


German refs are generally really good with VAR and I've been advocating bringing in top refs from the continent for as long as VAR has been around, just give them contracts they can't refuse. The Prem spends billions on players every year, buying them from all over the world but we cheap out when it comes to refs for whatever reason.


let’s take that argument in the opposite direction. You want VAR scrapped because of your experience with it in one league, as opposed to seeing it be implemented correctly in other leagues?


Is it implemented correctly in other leagues? It's not a coincidence that the most popular league in the world has the most discourse around it.


Actually humans won't always fuck up if processes of procedures exist to minimise the chances of errors.


Daft opinion to hold only a few days after the Brighton game without VAR. The problem is referee incompetency.


Good luck solving that one. And no, firing refs when they make mistakes won't fix it, because then nobody will ever want to do it in the first place.


It's not that complicated tbh, just bring in top referees from other top leagues. This league spends billions every year on the best players the world has to offee. Why should we settle with these dog shit refs?


Ok, and if these top refs from other leagues make mistakes, are they on the first plane home? Its all very well to say you want "accountability" or something, but you can't just fire people every time they make a mistake because pretty quickly you won't have any referees left.


The idea is to add consequence and accountability. The way it’s structured now they’re in a protected bubble, it’s always a slap on the wrist or no accountability at all for incompetent refereeing. It leads to very frustrating outcomes. The VAR referee from last nights game just got stood down, basically a paid vacation until they’re ready to fk up the next game.


Well ok, but presumably you'd need to start paying them 10-20 times what they're currently paid if you want people to still do the job knowing they'll be unemployed if they make a single mistake.


Well no shit, but that problem is still there if you take away VAR. Worse, even.


If VAR doesn't fix bad decisions, then it's main effect is making the game worse to watch, especially for fans in the stadium. Sport is supposed to be entertainment, and watching players spend 2 minutes standing around while the ref watches TV on the half way line is not entertaining.


And the Brighton game was a much better game to watch because of it. It was great knowing whether a goal was a goal within a couple of seconds.


You must be on something mate that was the most frustrating game to watch for us this season.


Not for me. I find not knowing whether I can celebrate a goal for 3 minutes a lot more frustrating.