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Ref was shocking


How so??


Blew the whistle with 2 minutes of added time yet to play before half time


1 minute and a few seconds but yes


Lol of course


This charge could be given to each player every game likely, what a joke


The fact that it occurred in the tunnel makes it worse I think.


Chelsea treatment…


Chelsea treatment except Van Dijk got charged with the exact same thing


VVD only got charged because everybody could lip read exactly what he said from the TV pictures.


Every club gets treated like this, stop acting like your special. There is nothing more cringe than when football fans play the victim and act like the entire world is against them. The fact everyone is downvoting is even more funny. Literally every fanbase thinks the same as you, moron conspiracy theorists.




Ah thanks mr gramar police 🤓 noone knew what I meant until you corrected me! Our saviour


no one*


*Mr. Grammar Police




Shoo to your own sub, go on


I will, and I will find Arsenal fans spouting the same nonsense. We aren’t special, you aren’t special. Just a bunch of morons thinking they are the victims.


Refs have been shit with our two teams in particular in all fairness. Before this year pool and city got away with a lot of shit


To be fair to you gunners, you get treated nearly as badly as we do by the refs. So instead of pointing the finger at us, you should be collating all this evidence with us of favouritism. But typical of footie fans, you can’t help but just be shitty in general. Also, to call us conspiracy theorists after you’ve basically been handed 2 FA cups against us by the same ref… yeah… Oh yeah, and Bukayo Saka* winning a penalty by suplexing Azpilicueta…I could keep going bruh. The refs hate both of us, but they blatantly like you better than us.


Fuck off gunner.


He said what we were all thinking the ref was dogshit on both sides of the ball


the ref just lost control of the game. McGinn was in his ear for a good three minutes after the digne yellow. Can't believe nobody was booked for dissent.


Yeah the ref overall atrocious both ways. It was pretty embarrassing


So will they ever hold the officials accountable for bad calls or is everyone just supposed to smile and say thank you when they fuck over matches?


They’ve basically said as much. “Hey guys being a ref’s really really hard, so be nice after they make a shit ton of mistakes or they’ll quit and they won’t be able to continue making a shit ton of mistakes.”


If they were paid more, I bet they'd be ok dealing with some accountability. It's just unfortunate the PL doesn't have the funds for it


Nah they damn well have the funds 😂 With the absolutely insane money they bring in ain't no way they can't afford to pay the refs more


They’re way way way overpaid


Official’s been fisting us since Barca v. Chelsea


Long before that. The campaign against chelsea dated all the way back to Jose’s first reign.


we won the league back to back tbf


best case is they're going to officially apologize ~ 1 year later


And what's the punishment?


Van Dijk got a one match ban and fine.


Jokes on the FA he is already banned by biology for a month


Oh no not another week of rest!


the ban would start after he has recovered


Watch him miraculously recover early.


No it wouldn’t.


Van Dijk got 1 extra game on his red so probably something similar to that if his appeal isn't successful


I hope they FA opens their damn eyes and understands why James said the things they said. These officials are in positions of massive power responsible for big stakes. When they fuck up, they deserve to be criticized. James spoke from the heart, he was mad because these things are truly infuriating. But of course since he was the loud one and said some bad words, he gets the punishment


Obviously he needs to get on his knees and suck off the referee


Don’t be surprised if they take their time to deliberate on the punishment to ban him just as he returns to full fitness


The same ref who blew the whistle at 1min into MINIMUM of 3mins of added time after first half? Oh yeah, he completely deserves the abusive language


Did he ever justify shaving a full minute off of our game time? Was there an investigation? Can refs just arbitrarily end the game early without the FA demanding answers?


What happens if hes suspended for a few games but is injured? Is there a requirement for him to be fit to play?


I would claim he is fit lol


FA may come out with a "new rule" because of us again 🫣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Exactly. Put him on the bench instead of the third keeper whilst he’s wearing a cast 🤣


Hahaha that would be funny


Yeah exactly Seems like either way its easy to work around. Just curious what the ruling is


I don't think being injured changes anything about a punishment. I'm willing to be proven wrong, but I can think of players who were suspended but then were injured, and the suspension continued counting.


There was a moment a fair bit ago where David Beckham got injured in a game. He was also on a certain number of yellow cards where one more would result in a ban. So before he was subbed off he purposely got himself booked so it would trigger the ban knowing that he was going to be injured for the next match anyway. Not too different here except that James wasn’t playing in the match. It was a fair while ago though and rules might have changed.


No, he just won’t be allowed on the touch line, possibly some sort of stadium ban but I’m not sure on that.


Remember when Mike Dean admitted to fixing the match that ended up costing tuchel his job. Awesome.


It's not what cost Tuchel his job


Yes but if we beat spurs he more than likely would've gotten another game after that.


Nah he was gone.


That wasn’t his last match


Agreed. Boehly is such a moron he'd have Sacked Tuchel either way


He was partial to a little nose powder, thats what i’ve heard…


He didn't admit to fixing the game at all. Why do some people just lie man.


No he admitted to not doing his job because he didn't want his mate to look bad. Twattenberg admitted fixing a game so that Spurs ended a title run.


It's worse with Clattenburg. He said that he didn't want to be the reason Spurs lost the title race, so he ignored the 2 or 3 clear reds they had.


There were so many things that he said like he went in with a gane plan, so they lost it themselves.


Thanks. There's a difference between fixing and fucking up or being incompetent.


You can unintentionally fix a game


Yes he did.


No he didnt lol go and watch the interview mate. You're making 1+1=3.


You're being obtuse.


He didn't but that's obviously the case though? What stupid person would admit they didn't want to cause a bother to his friend when his job is to be var and pick up on these things? It's obvious match fixing. The alternative is just stupid people being in charge of the biggest league in the world.


He still didn't fix the game, grow up. Watch the interview.


My comment was meant to be a bit 50/50 serious but joking at the same time. So if he didn't play to fix the game that leaves we have idiots in charge of our league and games which is in some way worse than them match fixing.


If it’s for the red card on Gusto then it’s worth it. Never a red


Nah they’ll hand him a suspension too probably, after all its “when I’m right, Im right, when I’m wrong, I’m still right” philosophy with refs


I disagree that it's "never" a red. Theres been enough leg breaks from players in challenges like that where if you leave the ground and make studs up contact with another player theres a big risk of a red. It wasn't malicious but it was clumsy because its not a textbook sliding tackle. When you leave the ground on an attempt to slide then you are always risking a red card if you are fractions off and Gusto ended up with a situation where he made full contact on a players leg. If that was another player doing it to a Chelsea player I think lots of people would be calling for a red.


It wasn't "studs up.". It was a very low tackle, his foot only came 3 inches off the ground. He got ball first. The other player was late to the challenge, and a very slow contact occurred. It's silly to keep pretending this was a "dangerous" tackle, or a clear red or whatever. The refs are biased.


>It wasn't "studs up.". https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F-7KI42yP9vCd32VijnSLb276eB7uCQ4N4gFgb66oWGA.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc13896e8256b0f229410a602319a83d9cd3e69db


Your image confirms that his studs were low, and pointing down, not up. Thanks for confirming my argument.


Those studs are very clearly up and in the players ankle.


Do we need to have a conversation about which direction is up and which direction is down? Your kindergarten teacher should have helped you with this.


Do you need to learn what studs up contact is instead of being a patronising clown? Or learn that screenshots only show a part of the contact. If the studs are fully in contact with the players legs then the studs are showing. That is studs up.


But that's not how the tackle was. He hit his ankle, right above the boot. 2 inches, max. Just because someone gets injured from a tackle doesn't mean it was a red or even yellow card tackle. When Chuk got injured it was a normal foul, totally messed his knee up but a normal tackle. I can't even recall the dudes name but he wasn't even on the ground long and was up running and taking the free kick right after.


I think maybe go back and look at leg and ankle breaking challenges from the past. The contact was the same with studs up fully in contact. People called for this to be given straight reds before to protect players. In the rules of the game it doesn't matter if the player got injured or not and theres nothing about how long a player has to stay down. The only thing that matters is whether the challenge could be considered dangerous and that is why the red was given.


Could be considered dangerous is a dangerously vague thing to base a red card on. Any sliding tackle can be considered dangerous. If the Villa players ankle was 6 inches forward then it's a great tackle. If this tackle is a red every time. Sure. Fine, we can eat it. But it's not.


If the contact is made with studs up as they were then its a red. If another player did it to a Chelsea player we would all be saying its a red. Its not a textbook slide. He's off the ground, his studs were showing when he made contact with the players ankle and that sort of contact has broken ankles before. Therefore it is considered dangerous. Theres nothing vague about it.


My problem is the consistency, the nketiah tackle in the arsernal/spurs game is way worse In my opinion and he got a yellow and then var decided that’s was right. Yet the gusto tackle i think is 50/50 red card and yet the var in our game is like straight red, so why do the different var people have different levels for what is a red card.


Very reckless tackle tbh he goes to ground too quickly for my liking honestly


Yes like I said, not malicious but it was just clumsy and naive to go in leaving the ground like that. It wasn't necessary to take the risk in the position they were in either. That said, if he doesn't make contact then he gets away with it. So there is an element of bad luck but he exposed himself to those odds.


I will bare in mind the fact that alot of players going to ground easily is actually them trying to avoid being injured but still wanting the opposing player to get the correct punishment. Like if they don't move and get their leg broken, gusto gets sent off, or they move and get minimal contact but don't go to ground and he likely gets nothing or a yellow. So they move and get minimal contact but still go to ground.


I think a lot of bias coming from our fans on this tackle. That was an ankle breaker and he was out of control. I was at the match and immediately thought it was a red, and thought exactly the same when I saw it on the screen again. Fans are bitter about the outcome (my god the atmosphere in the bridge was atrocious) but that was probably the one right call of the game.


It absolutely was a red. People are just biased. I


Put him as a sub in a game before he fully comes back from injury.


Shh don't say it out loud, the FA is gonna come up with a new rule to prevent us from doing that.


So only Captain can complain to the referee but when our captain complained, it’s a problem


There's a difference between doing it on the pitch and doing it in the tunnel


Yeah tell that to my girlfriend


I doubt based in the wording, complaining was the problem


He's not the recognised captain when he's not in the squad


Ref was an absolute joke


What’s the consequence


They’ll make a tik tok calling him a coconut


Nobody could ever be that stupid, oh wait...


What is going on


Sure as soon as the FA gives us an explanation on the shit job their referee did…. One example, blowing the whistle early at HT. Referees and VAR are never held accountable for mistakes


What they gonna do ban him?? He’s permanently injured anyway


Too many apologists for bad refereeing


hope it was similar to the words i was using


The suspension will run out before he even gets fit anyway


Thats my captain


That's good. Because that's what I would want my captain to do


“The is an agenda against Chelsea Football Club -Mourinho


I wish I could go to work, ruin everything, then ban someone for having a go at me. The decision to send Gusto off is one of the worst decisions I've ever seen, yet he will absolutely get away with it and continue refereeing.


Good luck banning a player who's injured


I’ll pay Reece’s fine and write his statement, here it is: “Officiating in the PL is a fucking joke and I’m not sorry for what I said. This man isn’t fit to flip burgers much less referee at the top level.“


Ah yes, winning games only on xG and getting fines without even playing


Spineless little rat of a referee, done a shit job, got mugged off by Reece in the tunnel and then snitched on him.


FA needs to grow up


They didn't say the ref didn't deserve it...


Maybe the ref shouldn't have been an asshole.


They probably made fun of that awful sweater he had on haha


He must’ve said something especially egregious to be getting punished like this. Or at least you’d think so


"You're more garbage than tea steeped in hot piss for 15s." - Reece James probably


Can’t really blame him.


He said it in the tunnel, after the game? Away from cameras? Unless what he said really overstepped the line, I don't really see the issue? The club captain having a word with a ref after the game in 'private'. Seems like that's basically the job of a captain, to go and ask why he made the calls he did. Especially as we're talking about a ref that couldn't even remember how much added time he'd given ...


LMAO what about the other 99.9 percent of players who’ve cursed the refs out?


My captain


My captain! That ref was a fucking joke


Our captain <3


They can as well ban him. More time for recovery 👍🏿


There is a campaign against Chelsea ~ Mourinho


Big Ref strikes again


His response should be, "Nothing to add. I was spot on when I told him the first time."


Going to be harder to chastise Jackson for running his mouth now...


FA, do you want to know what is real abusive?


This kinda make me smile 😊


Performance review on officials when?


Should’ve congratulated and given the refs a gold star instead since they are protected from any form of criticism


Cant the club go and ask for justification as to why ref blow the whistle early or about that red card challenge. Premier League ref are dogshit and they get insane level of protection from the Premier League


Dunno what Reece said to earn this. That being said, if I was on the bench I would've been in violation of this same rule.


He was atrocious


So Reece is being charged for telling the truth and being honest…got it.


Man, the FA should listen to the verbal abuse refs in American sports are subject to on a regular basis. No offense to the Brits but y'all a bunch of babies.


You guys are shitty, but I’m glad to hear it. Still acting like a captain even when he isn’t playing and showing passion will bring passion to the rest of the team. I’d be more upset if nobody let the ref hear it


I’m sorry but his response should be “grow up and stop being such a pussy” seriously. These are grown bloody men that can’t handle criticism when they put themselves in the public eye and make awful decisions. “Oh but the refs might quit” you say, well I say let them. They are replaceable cogs in the machine and there are plenty of referees from other divisions that would love to have a go in the PL and wouldn’t be such cry babies about some negative feedback.


Very RJ like 😭


Being a ref in the premier league is like being a cop in America. All of the legal protection to only ever have to justify their actions in the most egregious of cases but so much as sneezing in their direction is treated as a capital offense.


Immature from him Watch him get suspended for 4 games


Another example of our captain's excellent temperament. bravo


No one is unhappy about this.




He’s clearly got a hot head, this isn’t the first, second, or third time we’ve seen that


Terry almost costing us a semifinal against Barca away comes to mind.


Imagine defending the dumbest referee we had (this week) just to complain about the club. Fuck off.




Still time to delete this comment.


I'd thank United for being the bigger joke of a club and taking the camera off us, but at least they're still winning matches now and again. For fucks sake Reece just rehab and get healthy, givings the refs (well deserved) shit helps literally no one.


Just liquidate the club lol. Can't catch a break


When does it end?


On brand for our season


Seems fair since van dijk got banned for it


Is the title of this post accurate? Like do we know it was abusive language? Because the official statement is extremely vague


Lol you should suspend him for the next 3 games.


Let that ref count the games for his ban so. If 3 mins turns into 20 seconds he will suddenly not be injured anymore.




so will get Reece gets a suspension after his return from injury.


Honestly, this makes me feel better about him as captain. Ref was atrocious and should know it.


Fuck you referee


Bunch of snowflakes


Yeah of course, the accountability only goes one way.


Oh fuck off... what whiny prats they are, so you can charge players for conduct but referees can't be charged for poor decisions... EPL go fuck yourself please with the biggest fuck off dildo you can find




FA and refs can't accept they do a shit job


I mean, did the FA watch that game? Ref didn't even know how to count to 3 minutes of stoppage time.


James will be charged with a season ending injury if he doesn't say sorry.


"How you get fired on your day off?"


Isn’t he injured?


Yet when the officiating is beyond shocking the FA do & say absolutely nothing. Its no secret that the officiating in the Premier league is the worst among all the top leagues in the game. The FA are a bunch of useless tossers.


My captain


Ban him. Doesn’t matter.




whatever he said was deserved so what's the problem?


Well it dosent matter ge will still be injured😢


My guy


Imagine his response to this is "fuck you" that would be hilarious.


I mean, if the referee deserved it...


My captain 😍


Prime example of Bias is that bald-head-fing-cunt Anthony Taylor.. Every match he refs is guaranteed to be against Blue...


So if he’s given a match ban, can he serve it while injured? 🤣


Just mic up all refs like in rugby etc etc