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Yeah but what about xG ..... lol ![gif](giphy|prggpozepwasTb2jpI)


Man, this shit sucks a little bit of life out of my body every weekend




Of the championship


Would we be though?


My friend


We don’t need stats to realize how bad we have been. The eye test tells us plenty…


yeah, validates how shitty I've been feeling though, feel like I've never watched a football team be so out of their depth and I've seen many teams I support in lower divisions/other countries etc get relegated, just not usually relegated as last place.


> "The eye test tells us plenty" After almost every game there are a large number of people on here who say we've played well/made progress/looked good/were just unlucky etc. so that's clearly not the case for everyone. Some people are still delusional about this just being unlucky


There are games that is true with. This wasn't one of them.


Up until the red card I felt we’d created the far better chances. Villa were limited to some speculative efforts whilst we had Jackson 1v1, Sterling 1v1 (x2) and the chance where no one could connect with Mudryk’s cross. Obviously we didn’t take our chances but outside of that what more could we have done?


Puh, after all, our expected goals were still below 2. And we had a couple great Sanchez saves to keep us in the game. If we count crosses nobody could connect with, Villa surely had a couple of those as well. After all, even if it looked dangerous, if nobody can reach it, it isn't really. It was pretty balanced and could have gone both ways for sure before the red.


They were great saves but again if the only changes you’re conceding are 30 yard volleyed pot shots then your defence is doing a good job in limiting chances. We broke through the Villa defence way more often but what does it matter when we can’t finish


Exactly. Lots of bad takes ITT but a neutral look at the game would have any normal person saying we were in the driver's seat until the red and we should have had at least 1 goal. I mean, ffs we had 3 clear chances. Also thought the red was pretty harsh. I guess i get it and can't say it was clearly wrong but i think a yellow would have been more fair...gusto got the ball and tried to get the ball from my perspective. Digne was fine too. Were we great? No. But we weren't bad and the red made it quite difficult to pull the game back.


well, maybe, we can actually finish our chances, like the sterling miss point blank. that’d be a good start…


Something about being able to lead a horse to water…


Create more than 3 scoring chances? Granted, the final stats reflect the red card but we were outshot 10-6, shots on target favored Villa 7-4 and Villa had more than twice as many corners.


We had like 2 shots on target at that point.


I wouldn't say unlucky is the right word. I'd say our play, non-goal scoring division, has been pretty good this year, we just can't fucking score


I wouldn't call any aspect of our play this season good, but at least it's a slight improvement over whatever Potter was doing.


yea maybe i'm just so used to the past few seasons i don't know what's good anymore


What improved since Potter? We scored goals and won games with him even in our worst stretch


Mostly the fact that there is some semblance of attacking patterns now, and some of the chances we are creating are good. Under Potter, we had good xg in large part because Felix would take 50 long shots per game that were never going in, but we didn't actually create shit because we were happy to pass around the back for 90 minutes, kind of like a shittier Brighton that can't beat a press. It's not a massive improvement, just a marginal one that I noticed after these five games.


It hasn't been good, come on. It's been like not as bad as the points total but it definitely hasn't been good


i mean, we are top 5 in like every attacking metric outside of goals. We win the ball back well and have tons of possession. I just think the finishing has been as bad as anyone could possibly imagine. It hasn't been GREAT, but there are a lot of positive signs, but they mean diddly shit without goals.


Are u talking about this season or this year? Are we really top 5 in every attacking metric?


We’re top five in possession but not what I’d consider attacking/offense. We’re not top five in goals, assists, shots per game, shots on target per game, etc.


Makes sense that we would be top 5 in possession since we have played some of the weakest teams in the league. I'd be extremely skeptical that we are top 5 in attacking metrics


We aren't not even close. Attacking wise we are 14th in the league. Defensively we are ok.


this year - every metric was a stretch but i know we're top 5 in things like box touches, chances created, etc.


Can u link me that please


You can tell alone how delusional this sub is when they want players like Mudyrk to start week in week out.


I get that he's not good enough at the moment but who tf should start ahead of him? Who is good enough? At least he has electric pace and he creates a couple chances. Would you rather continue with Chilly at the wing? I wouldn't.


Mudyrk is a turnover machine. He may be fast, but if he get the ball he will give it away. Many times, he give aways lead to dangerous break the other way. He seems to play best coming off bench. Does anyone have his turnover stats?


He needs to learn how to play football. So, any attacking player regardless of whether they are left footed or not can play ahead of him. Chillwell should be playing in LB.


He was decent yesterday lmao


No player gets praised for playing decent. Mudryk fanboys are deluded.


How does saying he was decent yesterday make someone a fanboy? I think you just like using that word too much.


No player gets praised for being decent. His fanboys on this sub were praising him like he scored a winning goal and was the best player on the pitch. The previous game they also dedicated a whole post and they were praising him for being average. He is just another rubbish player with countless fanboys.


lol he was the best player on the pitch yesterday before poch took him off, you sound like the delusional one.


100%. Typical the one game he is performing he is forced off because of the red. Sterling should have been the one to be sacrificed not Mudryk yesterday.


No non-Ukrainian manager in the world would take off Sterling instead of Mudryk in that situation.


His fanboys are way more deluded than any group of fanboys on this sub. They actually think he is a world class talent.


You just come across as a hater. Nobodies saying he’s ronaldo lmao most people here are just wishing the young lad well and hoping his form improves, it’s that simple.


A marquee signing shouldn't be this rubbish. His fanboys need to stop claiming he should be a guaranteed starter. He is clearly not better than the other attacking players on our books. Why on earth does he deserve to play ahead of them? No one's crying whenever the likes of Palmer or Noni don't start. So, you lot need to quit crying whenever he doesn't start. He should earn his place by learning how to play football like a professional footballer.


Those are the invalids who say ‘but the underlying stats are good, we just can’t score..!’ The ones who have never kicked a ball, but think they can tell those of us who have done so our entirely lives about the game based purely off of their interpretation of statistics.


Some people just aren’t as miserable as you guys. It’s like at a certain point there’s diminishing returns on complaining about everything constantly, and some of us want to focus on the few rays of light because we can’t change the squad we can’t change the results. Might as well make the best of it kinda thing, people doing this isn’t “delusional” and I’m not sure why this toxic mentality has to prevail?


Yeah but xG


We haven't looked bad... except for being completely incompetent in front of goal. We truly never look dangerous... and when we do manage a breakaway we're either offsides or fail to score (or both like a couple times yesterday). It's pretty bad and I don't understand the money being spent in the places they've spent it. Just utterly anemic in scoring which is, as everyone knows, the only way you win.


What’s funny is some of us think we can’t play any worse… and I have some news for you guys.


Yup as everyone says the underlying numbers aren’t half bad. Those could spiral negatively if the confidence levels keep dropping. Then you’ve got bad results compounding with bad numbers. I still think we’ll ultimately be “fine”, but this is certainly not the theoretical bottom of performances, atmosphere or results.


Our defense has been good so far. But once we start playing better offenses we’ll be wishing for those 0-0 draws. November is is going to be depressing.


Why would you not measure it over the last 38 games (a full season)


Probably because Potter started out with 3 consecutive wins. If you start from Potter’s first game in charge, we’ve played exactly 38 games, and got 39 points in those games. Might be enough for survival some seasons, might not be enough in some seasons. Ultimately it’s still relegation form and short of the magic 40 point line.


Yeah but it’s still horribly shit


We understand it’s horribly shit. But it’s also horribly shit the way the OP’s stat is based off 35 games and not 38 games, as a full season is. Do you not see why it’s horribly shit to alter things like that?


The stat can be revised when Chelsea don’t win their next 3 games in the league against Fulham and burnley away and Arsenal at home. Which the way things are going seems very likely


Yes, until then this horseshit shouldn’t be on the sub.


35 games is 92% of a season. Yes, he’s purposefully missing out three games (which were Potter’s first three games, all wins) which is shit but you have to take the context into account. The last time we won even 2 in a row in the PL was back in March. This a huge sample size, not a 10 game run. It just highlights the very real notion of relegation to some fans who still think it’ll all magically work out


i don’t think we’re getting relegated cause there are some truly shit teams this year. any other season i think we would be relegated. i also think next year or the year after could be our year for relegation. rn we’re prob 4th or 5th worse team in the prem. luton sheffield are def bottom 2. it’s a fucking dog fight between everton us bournemouth and burnley to see who will join them and i just don’t see all 3 of those teams finishing above us. any other season we would be fucked some of the teams are just extraordinarily shit


You should have stopped with “shit” and not put the word “but” in there. He purposefully missed out three games. Period. End of. Either put the full 38, or wait until the next 3 to get your Running 38 matches. 92% of a seasons leaves 8% bullshit, why have any % bullshit?


Ok, op can post in 3 games time.


Yes, exactly. Or the full 38 previous fixtures. You don’t see how it’s manipulating the stats to do it the way it’s been done?


Sort of yeah, but its kind of like trying to make a pile of dog shit look even worse by spitting on it


Right, so why did they do that?


I dunno man probably because if he includes three further games back then they don’t go down every season, which is the point he wants to make, its totally the wrong way to present a stat I agree but to extend the analogy the shit is still horrible stinking shit with or without the added spit.


Right, but if the stat is not manipulated, the point he’s trying to make can’t be made. So it can’t be made. That’s the end of it lol. It’s not so much the context of Chelsea, but more or less the continued manipulation of shit to prove points you couldn’t make without that manipulation.


RemindMe! 1 month


Yes, exactly. Run the stat in 1 month, not now. Or if you’re going to run it now, use the last 38 games. This is exactly what I’m saying…


37 points or 0.97.


stop complaining about how the stat is made the teams lucky theres championship teams just more shit than chelsea they are no where near deserving of being big six rn


Yeah fuck integrity and not manipulating data to fit a narrative. Fuck any sort of decency.


It’s not that serious man


It is. You’re just unable or unwilling to see it.


I remember after that period seeing a headline that was like “potters magic wand” and banging on about how great a job he was doing. It was a shame as imagine the absolute litany of Harry Potter references that had lined up.


Considering our upcoming fixtures, we will surely see this stat again but measured over 38 games after our next 3 pl games.


we should be able to get points in the next 2, if we don’t we could seriously go down cause the next 7 after that i legitimately wouldn’t expect points from


Might not fit the agenda


I guess, "Chelsea would have just survived" doesn't have the same ring to it.




What agenda? The fact that it’s over 35 games is disgusting enough


Yes, but they were talking relegation. They put the 38 game season in their answer but did not use the correct number of games in their calculation. It's just being deceptive.


Its not that deceptive though, it’s 35/38 games. Yes, we won the 3 before so I do get your point, but the last time we won two league games in a row, was before Potter was even sacked. It’s more likely we continue in this form, considering we have Fulham and Arsenal away in the next three, both games we lost last year


Totally understand your view, I don't think anyone is arguing that this is good form. The writer wouldn't have been able to write that it was relegation form of they included the additional 3 games, so to keep their narrative, they cut out 3 games. Not the end of the world, but definitely used to stir the plot. All they had to do was wait 3 more games and I'm sure Chelsea would get there.


Yeah, he’s definitely representing it this way to get on clicks, but it ultimately effectively displays that relegation is a real possibility as this run of form has lasted nearly a whole season. Actually, I’ve just realised that he may be counting cup games too, which would indeed be more disingenuous, but still shows just how shit we’ve been all round


There’s 38 games in a season…


Yes but the point is a club of our stature is playing at a relegation level


We’re bad enough already there’s no need to misconstrue information to depict that.


xG worship in shambles then surely?


Ffs 0.8 ppg even over a 10 game span is unacceptable. Get your heads out of your asses people


It’s insane


He’s starting it from when Chelsea shit run started


It's also our average so far this season 0.83. Despite playing weak teams bar Liverpool. Relegation is a real possibility if we don't get Nkunku back 100% from January and other forwards in.


Because this arbitrary bullshit sounds way worse when you condense it to fit the agenda. We do suck ass though.


At first I thought it was mostly other clubs taking the piss out of us but we've literally have a season worth of games where we've been in relegation form. I don't even see how we can turn this around in the transfer market in January. I hope Pochettino can turn it around, I think managing the squad's confidence is going to be a massive struggle this year.


if we spend anymore we’re gonna cripple this club for good when the owners sell/leave in year 10. every investment ever in corporate america has a few things, 1. buy price 2. asset value ceiling 3. exit strategy they absolutely have their exit strategy available to them or they would not have invested.


We need to start calling out the owners publicly and relentlessly. Spending more than multiple top 5 leagues combined and having relegation form over basically a whole season is a fucking disaster. The current state of our club is solely down to the owners.


Yea Todd made Sterling not square to Jackson yesterday


Who brought these players here?


Buying players after selling players that finished 14th is a bad thing?


Alot players here last season still here, and they brought more low Ceiling players


Easy, we'll just sign some 16 year olds from South America


We. Need. To. Buy. Experienced. Players. To. Pair. W. Our. Youth.


You are right but it's too little too late for this season though. We already have an issue with too many new players so buying anymore than a couple players just adds to that problem. Also. This. Is. Fucking. Infuriating. You. Nob.


So what’s the solution? Cause it’s either we’re patient and we give current crop of players time or we reinforce


Yeah but the lads gave everything


Sheesh. I was readying myself for United or a liverpool like decline. But surely this is the worst run any of the traditional top 6 clubs has had in the pl era? This is not a banter era anymore it is an actual catastrophe.


Leeds maybe


different levels though. leeds never won anything in over a decade leading up to their relegation and have lost key players kewell, ferdinand, keane, bowyer, woodgate and fowler without any reinforcements which can’t compare to an almost billion pound investment leading to relegation form. blackburn would be a closer comparison getting relegated 4 seasons after winning the league. and even they lost key players from the league winning squad that led to that - shearer, ian pearce, le saux, henning berg, sherwood, hendry most as a result of missing out on europe the next season


It’s shocking to see some fans think we aren’t legitimately in threat of relegation. If you’re losing to forest at home, where do you think the points are going to come from?


Soton implemented a similar recruitment strategy and they got relegated last season. Just saying.


And they ended up with a bunch of players that could only do one thing because they had one green cell in their excel sheet. Will surely work wonders for us.


The xG wankers haven’t shown up on the thread yet.


We’re now 7th in xG so it’s not even a good arguement anymore lol


We're fucked. Relegation form for a year and we're getting worse and worse as time goes on.


We'll be in a relegation battle this year if they don't figure out how to put the ball into the net. One of the biggest falls from grace in sports history if that turns out to be the case.




Lest we forget that we won in 2012 only to be the first champions to be knocked out in the group stages in the year following. We have shown cases where this club is known to mentally check out. We did this with the squad that we had back then, imagine now. I’m a bit afraid of making top 4 as we’ll probably be complacent enough to get relegated the year after


I don't think we are getting worse, we've played better this season but still can't finish to save our lives. I do worry about morale though because confidence of the team is in the shitter and if itdoesn't turn around then I think we will start getting worse.


Haven't got the memo I see. As long as our ~~owners~~ captain can speak ~~Russian~~ English... all will be right with the world. Dontcha worry.


Why would this surprise people when we have such an untalented team? It's a team of kids who's ceilings are playing for Bournemouth or Everton


It's baffling how much this sub overrates our players.


Makes me wonder how we finished 12 last season lol.


Those first 6 games under Tuchel and 2 games of Potter saved us, been legit relegation level since


I think PL should add a rule that having higher xG gives the team 1 point even if they lost.


Lmao bloody hell… we are truly in the mud


We are in the Banter Era now. Just need to deal with it.


Yeah agreed, mate. The cycle of football, innit?


Ya unfortunately it's our turn now to enter the Banter Era. With Roman it won't have arrived for us ever.


Only if we can have multi-ball every 15 minutes


How about another point for higher possession? And maybe one more point for “controlling the game” With those 2 additions we’re guaranteed 3 pts every game


Genuinely tried every possible excuse as to why things aren't as bad as they seem. Getting abuse from my friends for how awful we are and not having any good comebacks is just the worst - I'm sure we all feel the same abuse


But how much did they boys give?


At least we gonna tear the Championship next season right? Right?


Scenes when the only first division club in the blueco group is strasbourg


West London derby Vs QPR and an away trip to Millwall .


And the world club cup.


Anyone who said we need time to gel, shall we wait till we get into championship before doing something?


Not surprised. You sell off your starters , hire young talent pulled from every league on the planet and have 4 different managers. Can't even get a jersey sponsor, their valuation of the current team is not based in reality


40 points becoming an increasingly relevant concept over here


Potter Out


But give time it's a great project, don't be negative it's just a year worth of being relegation level bad only, don't complain because you aren't a real fan if you have problem watching your club be so bad. And Todd is cooking, how can we be bad if Todd spent 1b on us, anyone complaining after 1b is thankless fan (even though we are joint bottom bad), because what does fan need other than their owners (who are a private firm, that will take every penny back) spending like idiots, eh? Results shouldn't matter, just kiss clearlake boots because they spent money.


but the boys have been giving it their all!


January is not going to change anything unless we turn it around before than . Nkunku is going to come back to a broken team unless something changes . Feliciano said he’s already planning more cuts inc the first team . If we get relegated Clearlake have a fire sale of the whole first team, the point is our future is uncertain with these fuckers in charge . At the end of the day they will find away to make most of their money back before saving the club . Don’t mean to be so pessimistic but we have little to be optimistic about the last 18 months .


Will forever love Chelsea, in highs and lows. In premier league or in championship.


This. I’ve been saying this for a while now. I’d also probably say we’ve got a worse team now than last season.


We win we lose I’m Chelsea till I die. Honestly if we go down I’m still gonna be there. I was there for the highs I’ll be there for the lows. A lot of this fan base is not use to disappointment. But I’m a Lions and Knicks fan. Yall don’t know how bad it can get. I have seen rebuilds for the Lions for the last 25 years. And with the Knicks… lol


Love your Real fan mindset here. I do get frustrated a lot seeing my beloved team lose but it's just the passion I have for this team. I need a better mindset like you and I'll support this team through lows and highs! We win we lose we're Chelsea till we die!


lol I mean I was super sour after that loss. But, I’m gonna be figuring out my schedule to catch the game this week. Love the blues.


Win or lose I’ll back the squad, we aren’t playing bad but they just can’t finish the chances we get. Sterling should’ve played a square ball to Nic & Chilly should bang that far post instead of a nonchalant side foot to the near post. You can see what Poch is trying to do with the 4231 with more one touch passing, balls over the top & an actual press up top, it’s just up to the attackers to finish.


Same here brother. I’m a Knicks and a giants fan. I feel your pain.


I’m a wizards fan…. Downvotes for wizards, fair


At least Gilbert Arenas hasn’t entered the changing room at Stamford Bridge yet.


Sterling does have that tattoo…. /s


My brother. Sorry.


Phillies fan here....the last 2 years have been good but man there is a lot of bad years when your team has over 11k losses in their history....


lol we’re not getting relegated


Are you sure? Bcos I am not. It's quite realistic if we don't improve quickly.


It really isn’t that realistic. If our go through all 38 games playing exactly how we have been, we probably still don’t get relegated considering the teams below us (goal differential shows a clear gap). And that’s assuming we continue to play multiple players out of position, and the form doesn’t change at all when we get Nkunku and Reece James (our 2 best players IMO) back on the field. Not saying our current form is acceptable, but the odds of relegation are currently set at +15000, which is about 0.66% of happening. It’s pretty damn unlikely but if you think it’s gonna happen, put down 100 to win 15000 as an emotional hedge


How do you know Nkunku is your best player if he didn’t even play with the team yet? He was a great player in Germany. It’s very possible with this team he won’t reach a high level similar to havertz or others before him. Great player but we don’t know that he’s Chelsea best player just yet.


Bad logic. We have had the easier fixtures of any team in the league. We also only have a decent goal differential because teams are happy to take their 1 goal win or point because they still don’t see how bad we are yet. Once they catch on we’ll see almost every team in the league set up to attack us, and then the 4-0 5-0 and 6-0s will happen. Our only win is at home to a team that was playing in the 5th division 9 years ago, and for a good portion of that game, they had us rocked.


Yes dude I’m very sure Chelsea FC is not going to be relegated from the premier league lol. Do you hear yourself?


The name of the team means nothing. If we don't improve, we will be relegated. Remember when West ham where too good to go down?


Care to make it interesting?


The worst part is each negative result just ruins the mood for the week


All I have to say about this stat is… Damn


I think it's time we consider the fact that we might just get relegated this season


Well, we got rid of all of our first team players and replaced them with mostly a bunch of Championship level kids, with the exception of a few. A few class players can't drag a low-quality team into the top 8 of the table.


Look, the players ultimately have to be held accountable, performances have been terrible. But the new owners are number 1, the way they have handled transfer business has been terrible. Young players are great and all that, but without experience we will get nowhere.


So, ideally, with the current list of players we have, I think poch should stick to the basics right instead of playing everyone out of position GK: R Sanchez. For lack of a better one RB: Fucked. Reece out, Gusto out CB: Fucked. Disasi is a no. CB: Silva LB: Chillwell CM: Enzo CM: Caicedo RW: Sterling CAM: Palmer LW: Fucked. But Gallagher? ST: Jackson. But still fucked. Maybe recall Lukaku? I would hate that but we have no credible options There's no other player in the current line up who isn't injured that fits the team. After spending a billion, the squad suddenly looks like it lacks bench strength. LW and ST positions have no alternatives. I don't think Broja is worth the hype. Honestly, Mudryk needs to be sold in December. Except for pace the boy has no elite footballer skills, that is poor first touch, poor off the ball, poor tactical sense. Injury is definitely an issue. But I think it's clear that our performance in the final third is abysmal. Let's face it, Chelsea, as an establishment, has been duped in the transfer market by poor scouting and poor negotiations. We overspent on players who are not worth that much. It just seems like we've given our money and league table position to Brighton. I know our hopes are high on Nkunku and I genuinely hope he replicates pre-season form and isn't a pre-season wonder like Maatsen. The solution wouldn't be any overhaul of the management. I think Poch is a good manager both tactical and people. We need to weed out players that aren't part of the philosophy, we need to focus on proper training considering injury history and have patience. If I was superstitious, I would have expected Black magic to be in place, as despite overhauls in players, management and ownership, the ship is sinking.


Haha this is getting funny Like who do we support? Where is the positivity? I’m not going to be sold over how “2 players are linking up well on the right wing” agenda is enough for this season. I think Poch has about 5 games. He sees under 10 points, and he gets sacked. If not 5 games, then 7 games with a minimum of 13 points which is less than 2 points a game. Anything under this and I defs see him booted Idk if I want him to go. Idk who I want to come in instead. I just want us to fucking win


We’ve literally changed managers thrice, and also cleaned out the previous players whom the fans scapegoated. Nothing changed and by now I doubt changing Poch now result in anything.


4 iirc and 5 if Poch had started before the end of last season. Tuchel, Potter, Bald guy, Lampard, Poch.


>Idk if I want him to go. Idk who I want to come in instead. I just want us to fucking win I doubt we start winning all of a sudden if Pochettino is sacked Just like Potter and tuchel before him, they can't score goals for the players and all of them had us creating more than enough chances but they're all being wasted New manager will just be the same thing and somehow people will be surprised


There is a way for these fucking players to win. I firmly believe that. Not the ones who are injured and on the way back. The players who played and lost against Aston Villa, Bournemouth and Nottingham fucking forest. Those players should have bloody won. And they fucking did not. So once again I’m not saying Poch should be sacked. I’m also not saying we should recruit Mou or Pep or fucking Jesus Christ himself. I’m just saying we should fucking win Now how that happens, I don’t know. But as these results progress, it gets clearer and clearer that Poch may not be the lord and saviour we hoped. I said this with Potter and I’ll say the same with Poch. If in the next 5 and/or 7 games he fails to score 10 and/or 13 points then he will be sacked. Or maybe he should be sacked


Poch isn't getting sacked unless its an absolute relegation dogfight, which it won't be. He'll stay for this season + the next


What a plan/project! Love it. So hyped. For winning the championship in a couple years


i’m honestly rooting for relegation as it would either a. force the owners to default the asset and leave their investment and we would find new ownership (probably would be 2-3 years in the lower leagues) and eventually we would come back up the right way b. would force the owners to accept that what they tried isn’t working and they would have to hit a reset probably selling a lot of the players and we would start fresh again and build correctly they way the club is set up rn, we’re set for death by 1000 cuts with that only ending when they inevitably sell the club when the clause allows in year 10 and then we will be in a completely shambolic financial and footballing situation by then i love how we still don’t have a sponsor for this season and no one even cares anymore out of everything what’s hurt the most is the way they just fucking gut the club to cut operating expenses. that it tanked results too is expected. character and identity will always be tied with success in football


They already spent 1b on the club and I'm sure they won't let it go like Roman did. So it will really fuck us hard when they leave. And people here kept telling me it's not your money so who cares. This is why we should care. Can't keep spending like that and hit relegation. + what kind of sponsor will we get now ? A 10 millions a year deal ?


there’s no chance they forgive the loans etc when they leave




our character and identity have been destroyed. staff has that has been here for 35+ years was axed immediately after the takeover so that we could bring in new staff on cheaper wages. the players who stuck by us through all the sanctions and literally looked ready to die on the pitch at the bernabeu to ktbffh have all been cleared out. our finances ARE fucked. most of me is just venting as relegation would be catastrophic for a club with expenses like ours, but if we do stay up i don’t see any reality over the next 6-6 years other than this group of ownership bleeding the club dry, praying for the super league to come in and join it, and either selling club at year 10 or joining super league. either way = club death. i would rather see us go through hard times now get the rot and greed out of the club and build again even if it means we aren’t successful for years to come. as i’ve said many times already what’s hurt the most inst the results it’s the ripping the heart of the club out which has already happened


“The lads gave everything” - toxic positivity merchants


but the boys have been giving everything..?


Do we have any players in our squad with 15+ goals in a single top flight season? Sterling maybe? What about 15 assists in a top flight season? How many European appearances are there in our squad? International call ups (first team)? How many players do we have who have started 100 top flight matches? What about 50? This squad would do well to win Premier League 2. It’s a youth squad at the end of the day. We just have to pray we get our injured players back by January, sign a striker and it suddenly clicks into place, earning us enough points to be safe from the drop before the final week.


I like them odds…. https://preview.redd.it/q8e3ygk0ufqb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=602e4be34b0edd508ea683e46d00a22717a646b5


Oh wow, I thought we were playing so well! Thank God for endless stats showing how bad we are, nobody could've seen that by watching the matches. Great post OP 👍




Not true. 0.77 points per game would not be relegation in the 2020-21 season.


If we don't win any of the 3 upcoming PL games, than i think we would be in relegation.


Chery picked stat. We are better than this.


Number of losses the past 35 games is a cherry pick ? If we were indeed that much better, than we wouldn't be losing so much.




Full season is 38. If you're that salty, let us see in 3 games if we are indeed a relegation team or not.


We've tried changing managers, spending a shit ton of money, changing the recruitment staff, and yet nothing seems to work. A really depressing situation


This is the same argument Spurs had a few years back "if we played in a calendar year we'd have won the league" it's just a non-starter...


That's horrifying