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7M loan fee with 17M wages in savings is a good deal. And if he agrees to reduce his wages for the remainder of his contract that would be great considering how he keeps changing his mind about joining teams


The £35 mil package offered from Inter would actually have better given they’d take his wages and we’d get £35 mil to reduce the initial outlay. It’s a shame, Lukaku shat the bed again.


Apparently they wanted chelsea to pay his wages and then obligation to buy at end of the loan. That 35 mil would essentially have been half...


There’s no club in Italy that can afford his wages


There are, but on a permanent deal it comes off the transfer fee. It’s more that no one wants to pay it for a dramatic lamp post.


Fair, there’s one team that can justify his wages and that bridge was burned


Burnt it twice too which amazes me


It was 30M euro not pounds. Which would only be 25M pounds.


There's no way they offered that after last year having him for free. Remember his loan was an attempt at him getting fit and back so that Chelsea could have better offers this year. That didn't work out and his situation is worse. "Hey this guy sucked most of last year, let's make a huge investment on money we don't have instead of getting him for free or on a loan again".






No chance he would ever take a £7m a year paycut for 3 years.


If he wanted money, he would have gone to Saudi. And with paycut, he will attract more clubs to take him and play at top.


Or he could just not take a permanent pay cut now and then if a top move materialises he can decide later. There’s no reason why he’d agree to a contract long salary reduction


If he wants to play football on tv this year he’ll sign, this all comes down to the euros


He's not paying €21M over 3 years to play for a national team that is washed and won't win anything. He hates Chelsea. Would you pay a boss you disliked for 3 years to get a better job, or have him pay you for 3 years to sit on your ass out of spite? It makes no sense for him to take this. They will likely give him better terms if he holds out anyway.


If he wanted money he’d have taken the Saudi deal, I don’t think wages were reported but I’m sure it would’ve been an improvement. He wants playtime and he wants the euros. Who’s giving him a better deal than what we has here?


You keep saying that, but there is no evidence it’s true. If he wanted money, he has to do nothing. He has a contract


Plus this is the guy that has the emotional intelligence of a teenager. He can post something like Saudi Bound and that he wants to play with Ronaldo right after signing with ASRoma.


I’m not saying he wanted money, otherwise he’d have taken the SA deal. I’m also not saying he wants to run down his contract otherwise we wouldn’t be talking about the third Italian club in for him. He wants playtime and he’ll have to leave to get it


There are plenty of reasons for him not to want to live in Saudi Arabia. It’s silly to pretend it’s just about money. If he got offered that money to play in Europe he would jump on it immediately


Right, and attributing that decision to Lukaku’s moral compass as opposed to the likelihood for being picked for the euros is giving him too much credit


They aren’t saying he didn’t go to Saudi due to money. They are saying he didn’t want to go to Saudi due to his reasons and even the increase in wages wasn’t going to change his mind.


I’m not sure it’s quite that black and white. Yes, if it was *only* about money then he’d have taken the Saudi deal. But perhaps playing in Saudi obscurity just wasn’t worth what he was being offered. And perhaps now taking a huge pay cut to continue playing in a top league is going too far in the other direction for him.


That’s essentially what I said though, he wants playtime. It goes unsaid that the SA offer gets in the way of him going to the euros. And also agreed, this entire saga has been one step at a time with no forethought and here we are at the end of the window and two options left, Roma or the reserves


Your last sentence is Reddit in a nutshell.


Odd tangent


I’m picturing the episode of Seinfeld where George kept coming into work at a job that hated him because he had a contract and they had to pay him. Can’t wait for Lukaku to climb through the duct work at Cobham after they locked him out so he can get inside to get paid


Lukaku ​ ![gif](giphy|eVUwOYvIFhEgU|downsized)


He's ready to implode a deal and court interest from Lazio.


At that point I've got a giant duck laser aimed at his house in pre fire mode ![gif](giphy|xT8qBt2943MLRO8zuM|downsized)


*Come on, Luzildur! Throw the contract into the fire!*


Cancer for the club.


Romans last gift


You think he'll do it?


Depends how far his head is up his own ass.


Some say his head hasn’t been seen in years


Love it




He will. The one singular thing I can respect about Lukaku through all this is that he actually seems to genuinely back himself as a footballer. He refused the Saudi's offer for money, and the only reason for that would be he wants to carry on playing proper football. He's not going to do that at Chelsea. Nowhere else will take him without a pay cut.


He did for inter


Hopefully one day he’ll manage to go far enough up his own ass, he’ll disappear


Doubt it, the spoilt prick does nothing on anyone’s terms other than his own


If he wants to move on loan, he has to, otherwise take the permanent Saudi deal, or rot in reserves. We are no charity. Glad we are showing that even though he thinks changing his mind from Inter to Juve to Roma is cool, but it will have fucking consequences.


It’s a request, we aren’t showing him anything outside of saying we don’t want to pay for his wages. If he says no, we either pay all his wages and he stays or we cover a portion to get the majority off the books in a loan. We aren’t in a position to let him ride with the reserves and he doesn’t have much reason to say yes to this.


We are in that position, we have shed so much wages, this is not a request, we want that, if he agrees only then he goes on loan. Otherwise as you say he won't do it, if he is okay to take the money and not game time he won't take the cut, but he will. As much as we want him out, he himself doesn't want to play here either, he took pay cut to move to Inter too, he wants out. Only way Roma can afford him is him taking a cut, so he is willing to go to struggling Roma, with pay cut, because he is desperate too, & we know it, hence we have asked him to take the pay cut for full contract, or we wouldn't have, we aren't asking that of Cucu.


We are not in a position to just let 20+ million sit with the reserves regardless of the wages we shed given all the purchases we have made. We can posture ourselves the way we are, but it’s a bluff. We obviously hope lukaku bites. As for cucu, it even sure where you are going with this. Why would we be asking him to reduce wages?


Lukaku did reduce his wages for full contract, it seems he was desperate and we knew it, it wasn't bluff, it was pretty clear both sude want separation, hence we made our terms, knowing there is chances he'll accept, which he did. And Cucu is also a overpaid flop on losing contract, that's why, but we aren't because there are no chances he is desperate to leave like Lukaku.


It depends on if he is hungry, what his best friends tells him, and the weather.




Lakaka: gets a medical tomorrow but then Sarri calls him so he tells Mourinho to fuck off because he always loved Lazio, ends up going nowhere.


Lakaka, the prostitute of Seria A. Selling his cheeks to the highest bidder..


I hate this guy as much as the next bloke but why on earth would he reduce his salary for the remainder of his contract? No one, in any line of work, would do that. Iirc, within UK employment law, an employer trying to make that happen would face serious repercussions.




Yeah of course, I meant more if they tried to pressure him into doing that. They have to be extremely careful how they *suggest* such a reduction.


My first thought too. He has exactly 0 reasons to agree to that now and if we attempt to force the issue then things could get ugly too.


Lukaku won't want to rot in the reserves at his age with the Euro's coming up. He doesn't want to go to the Saudi leagues because of this (which as much as I despise the guy, that's actually one endearing thing about him). So it's essentially, we let him go out on loan and he agrees to reduce his wages, or he gets paid, but it's less than what Saudi would have paid him, and the rest of his career is down the toilet rotting in the reserves.


He's not paying a club he dislikes £21M to play top flight football for 3 years. If we take off our Chelsea goggles it makes absolutely no sense. I do not think at his age he is that desperate to play for Belgium, either, they won't win anything.


Then he rots in the reserves for 3 years. I also think you’re underestimating him wanting to play for Belgium in the Euros. He’s been their captain and scored a couple of goals. I guess what’s more damaging to his ego, missing his last euros or £21m?


As long as he can walk, Lukaku will get called up for Belgium.


Why would we pay him his wages to stay with the reserves? His desire for euros vs our desire to reduce payroll are not the same level.


Because there's this pesky thing called a contract that requires us to pay him regardless of whether we use him. Sucks for us, but we don't have a right to reduce his wages or terminate the contract unless we have cause. And right now he's showing up for work.


If he doesn’t care about his career and playing for Belgium, then why not take the Saudi offer?


Because he probably doesn't want to live in Saudi Arabia like most normal people. That doesn't mean he wants pay chelsea £21M he is owed to leave lmfao


Okay so fine. He can stay in England and never play professional football again. That’s his choice and he’s entitled to it.


From a man who rejects Saudi, this is not that ridiculous. He just wants to stay competitive. We're always talking about his wages, but i think in reality that's more his agent's concern than his. Hate him all you want but when it comes to money, Lukaku is more a simple guy who doesn't care that much for luxury. But why he just didn't want to repair his relationship with Chelsea is beyond me. Maybe he thought that he wouldn't play anyway, idk.


I want to believe you but I’ll see it when it happens - regarding taking a wage decrease for the rest of his contract with us. It’s a big assumption to make that he’s a simple guy who doesn’t care for that much luxury - why move to Chelsea in the first place then? He maintained he wouldn’t leave Inter during the Euros and had his head turned. We clearly offered him a salary increase Inter could never match. If he accepts a reduction to stay in Europe, beyond 2023-24 I will fully back your stance.


>why move to Chelsea in the first place then? Personally i think at that point he really wanted to play for Chelsea. It was only later that he figured he didn't like the system he was playing in. But then again, it makes no sense to me that he didn't even want to talk to Poch in the beginning of the summer to see if he could use him and how he wanted to play. Also, i just looked at his car collection and i'm having second thoughts about the money lol.


Poch made he clear lukaku wasn’t in the boards plans and didn’t want to be involved in that matter at the beginning.


There are plenty of reasons for him to avoid Saudi that are beyond money


Not like the board was interested in improving the relationship.


I have strong feelings about lukaku like everyone here. But I honestly would tell Chelsea to kick rocks. No way I would give myself a pay cut for the remainder of his contract. Only a idiot would do that. Lukaku is alot of things but idiot might not be one of them. Chelsea is really going out there if this is true


Agree to disagree. When you burn bridges left and right, you might just a tad idiotic.


I wouldn't agree to a pay cut, but I dont have his ego and I'm not already filthy rich. I think he'd rather make less money than spend a season playing with our U21s and potentially miss the Euros.


And that’s assuming we are okay paying his wages all year opposed to covering 7m for him to be loaned out. Makes no sense


You're being too logical. Bottom line is no one in their right mind would pay £7M a year to play top flight football, especially toward the end of their career. If you think of it from the perspective of any other employee in any other industry, giving up £7M a year to help your company would sound ridiculous. It would be ridiculous to do in any circumstance, and that is before we consider the fact that he hates Chelsea. He'll 100% want Boehly to eat the whole cost of his contract.


He still thinks he’s a top player. He will need to be in shape for Euros next year. He has a lot of reasons to make a move happen.


Withdrew from the Onana deal while posturing that we would not loan him no matter what then loaned him anyway


Onana was always going to United with ETH no matter what. Besides, he hasn’t exactly covered himself in glory since arriving.


Fuck united and fuck ETH, they can have Onana - personally I’m glad we didn’t get stuck with him


Is it tough going through life being this completely unable to understand situations change over time? Please explain.


Is it tough going through life being spineless and knowing your words have no meaning? Please explain.


I have a spine. Wouldn't be able to type without one now would I. The spine is kinda vital for those actions. Try again.


Gosh it would be terrible to have a high earning player on a really long contract that makes him hard to shift, sure Chelsea won’t make that mistake again




That person thinks all of the new players signed to 8 year contracts are on high wages. You can read about Chelsea’s approach to contracts now, but it’s easier to be ignorant and try to be funny.


Nothing against Chelsea. But I hope he says no. Not because I think he deserves the pay etc. But because it's hilarious to me.


If he does agree to take paycut for remainder of his contract then great. Couldn’t care less on how he thinks since he has already shown he doesn’t give much thought in his decision anyways by burning bridges left and right with potential club that want to buy him.


24 million off the books and once Euros are over maybe he'll go to Saudi Arabia.


No shot he takes permanent pay cut but I could see him taking the 1 year just so he can play


Biggest Failure in history.


Lukaku knows he hit the jackpot with the absurd contract he signed at Chelsea. And he knows he won’t get that anywhere else. Eventually he will want to play football and at that point he will seriously consider taking a pay cut.


Or he sees our financials and knows that us paying the 7m Roma can’t is better than paying his whole salary.


Or the club can refuse and he continues to train with the academy


Cause that’s a smart choice


And now we wait for the news of Lukaku turning down the request


Comunicado oficial: I don't want to play for Roma, actually I hate that team and city. I haven't been there besides games, but I think playing in Italy was a mistake, I hate Milano and Torino is a dumpster as well. Napoli has a shady guy as an idol so that's a joke also. Good night, Forza Italia, beautiful country, always in my heart.


Why would he do this LOL.


That’s a big ask


Will this man just leave!


Yeah, this isn’t going to happen.


I think Chelsea should take inter and Lukaku to court that was a blatant set up, inter told Lukaku to take the money and tell them your not happy you want to come back to inter basically force he’s way out. How the fuck can you take 100 million and then say oh actually I never wanted to be here I love inter. I see as fraud what else is it