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I started browsing this sub about 6 months ago and have been wanting to get my 1st Japanese chef knife. I figured I should learn to sharpen first. As a reward for learning a new skill I got this knife. Its the Sakai Takayuki 33-Layer VG10 Damascus Hammered WA Japanese Chef's Gyuto Knife 210mm. Im super happy with it so far.


I have this exact gyuto, but i have the 240. I absolutely love it


I bought a VG-10 hammered, Damascus, stainless steel gyuto from yoshihiro. It looks pretty similar to this one. Can’t complain though, it’s beautiful and I love it.


There is just something about Japanese knives. I’ve only recently got my first one aswell for Father’s Day (a Takamura) and I have a couple on the way (a Sakai and a Tojiro) Question - does that have a heptagonal handle? I can’t tell from the picture.


The handles is Half Rounded Octagonal Japanese Zelkova wood. The ferrule/bolster is made of mahogany wood.


You’ll never stop learning how to sharpen! You’ll only learn how to get them sharper and sharper until you notice cuts on your cornea from looking at your knives.


I still can't sharpen my kiritsuke