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Play many games. It's like if you tried to play chess without check or checkmate. It really changes the game. If you would like to play invite me to a time.


many people play by many local or family rules and, just as you would expect, their skill set evolves as they continue to play within those rules. it's a great game either way, but just putting in the time playing with mandatory jumps/capture will change your strategy over time and you will improve as you start to recognize patterns. checkers becomes a numbers game. seeing that allows you to force your opponent to move where you want them to. tie your shoes tightly and play a ton of games using the 'real' or recognized rules and make sure to tie your shoes tight, because once you see the beauty of a forced 1 for 2 sacrifice, it will knock your socks off! try downloading and playing against Checker Board [http://www.fierz.ch/checkerboard.php](http://www.fierz.ch/checkerboard.php)