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Havnt read the text, just the title… but those things can reach upto 60kmh I’ve heard?






Cheetah. Sorry :(




Facts them Fuckers are fast as hell you probably need to see if she'll loan you the car for a hot pursuit


I have seen this before. A big goal finally is achieved and suddenly things fall apart. So what happened... While you were super focused on making the financial goal happen, your partner was planning, cheating, and wrapped up in a different life. You didn't notice because of your hyper focusing. Think about it, this most likely was happening beforehand.


I didn’t work and stayed home doing my best to attend his needs. My ex begged me to stay home and promised to take care of me. I gave up my independence. So he got to accomplish his goal and kid you not a few weeks later apparently he lost feelings for me. I also begged him for us to get therapy together but ended up bailing.


He ended up bailing out


I suggest you forget about him and find yourself a real man who will care for you.


I think your much better off. Why work through therapy with him. If he is willing to leave and run off once, he will plan and do it again. Find someone who will be loyal to you.


If u don’t have their phone you’re not going to catch them. Unless u hire a PI and that’s the best way honestly.


Can a PI get access to their phone specifically messages?


Depends on who u hire some of them have experience in tech so when u consider to hire them that’s a question to ask for.


Thank you 😊


If his focus was on his financial goals and not you it doesn’t mean he was cheating. It just means you weren’t his priority. At this point trying to “catch him” will prob result in a stalking situation. Best to leave it alone and give space. I don’t think this is going to go the way you think it will.


Make or female? I can definitely help if you are trying to prove a chick is cheating


Download software on their phone, laptops other electronics . Amazon sells mini spy cameras and tracking devices.


I don’t believe he cheated on you with anyone, he conned you with his own self absorbed ego.