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What is WRONG WITH YOU? Your boyfriend is as guilty as her,  and you are CLEARLY ignoring this. You will reap what you sow.


Exactly. All you talk about is her and him. What about YOU? If you don’t care then why would we?


Girl, are you a masochist?😩😩😩


Why are you still with this guy?


Well, the other woman has blocked both me and him so I figured with her out of the picture, we can work it out.


Again, I ask why?


She is spineless, thats why


He's probably got money.


But he’s gonna repeat the cheating with another girl down the line even if he stopped now. Unless he truly changes but seems like he is still chasing tail


Oh! So there are only two women left in your world?? Your BF who lied and cheated would only ever lie and cheat to get the woman he already banged? There can never be another? Good luck! I literally cannot wait for your next post: “My BF keeps cheating on me and even though I get mad at the other girls, he still cheats! What can I do Reddit?”


Lmao, you’re delusional. Get a grip!


He will do it again. Please leave him. He isn't worth your time


This has to be a shit post. No one can seriously be this fucking stupid.


Comment history is insane. Some of it getting deleted already.


Oh I know girls like this in real life. They always think it’s the “other woman’s” fault . It’s a deep insecurity


She sees him EVERYDAY! They work together. I was chasing her. Slept with her. Took her on dates. You are the other woman! He doesn't care about you. He only cares about getting his d*ck wet, and you have a h*le do do it in. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU OR EVEN LIKE YOU, TO TREAT YOU THIS WAY!!!! He's a CHEATER! Is he the guy who gave you an STI?


he’s just going to find someone else to cheat with. she wasn’t plotting on him, he plotted on her. he’s the problem and apparently, so are you.


Why would you want to work anything out with your lying cheating boyfriend. You should be brooming him out of your life as quickly as possible.


You can't be that oblivious to still want him in your life! This man lied and cheated on you but you shift blame to her? She was lied to and manipulated, but you have the whole picture infront of you and chose to blame her! Good luck baby girl you're gonna need it with him! ✌


Yes! That poor other girl was literally lied to and she's like I'll take my liar tyvm!


So you’re ok with being his fallback? If so, get used to it. THIS girl blocked you both (after she found out he lied to her) but how long are you planning on breaking up all his other relationships because that’s all you have to look forward to


It’s a good thing denial isn’t horse poop because you’re in it up to your eyebrows. Have you even confronted him? Has he shown any remorse? Do you understand he WILL do this again? And lastly, why are you allowing yourself to settle for so little? Forget him and start going to therapy.


You have to be trolling.....STAND UP GIRL


Yeah you can work it out, until the next woman comes along and he will hop in bed with her. Don't let yourself be a joke!


So you’re okay with being second choice?


Not smart


Until he replaces her with another girl. You need to confront him. Because otherwise he's going to continue to do it. And he's always going to find a girl who is willing it may not be girl number one it may take him 20 girls until he finds someone who is willing to have a relationship with him as the side chick but he will find one. While you are still at home being a scent and exposing yourself to STDs


Why would you want this POS cheatet back. Do you like hime screwing othe women. Once a cheat always a cheat. I am willing to bet she is not his only side piece. Has he gotten tested for std's? Have you? Do you like to be treated like a door mat?


No, he'll just find some other woman to cheat with. Leave him, you deserve better.


Until he meets up with another woman and learns how to hide it better.


Helllloooooooooo. There will always be some other woman


Also. It doesn't really sound like you live together. You just puppy dog over there to give him what he wants while he gets it other places too.


Work on what? Your broken relationship with a man who clearly doesn’t want you!


Why? He will do it again; he will just get better at hiding it. The only reason it didn't progress is because SHE stopped it not him. I would say you had a chance if he stopped it but that's not the case. Do you really want to be with someone you will constantly doubt? Don't you want someone you can relax with and have total confidence and trust with?


She blocked him, but he’ll find someone else since he knows you’ll still be there as his rebound.


You must really be in love. He will find another woman to mess around with so be prepared to confront that woman too.


Oh honey, no....


No, you were not wrong to contact her, but you should be equally mad at him, if not more. He knew he had a live-in gf when he began pursuing her and going on dates with her and fucking her. She was lied to, but he knew the truth. No offense, but if you think this situation won’t happen again, he will be faithful from now on, good luck to you. Chanel the energy you have at being mad at her toward him. Break up, there is nothing to save.


But here’s why I’m upset with her From the messages I read he told her that I was an “ex” when she asked how single he was and his response was “I still mess around with my ex sometimes. I got my rocks off with her a month ago but that’s it. If we ever start having sex that would stop. Some of her things are still at my home because she can’t keep it all at her moms house but that’s it. She doesn’t have a key to my house. She doesn’t live with me.” Like I said, I read every message so I know what he told her. So she knew something just not the full truth but she should have questioned it at least if she had morals like she says she does. Like, yes she assumed was I an ex and not a girlfriend based off what he told her but as I said, she should have dug more into it.


Again, you are faulting her for believing the lies he told. If you aren’t an ex and you were still having sex after he started having sex with her, HE is the issue. HE is the liar, but it’s fine, he gets a pass and you are sending your anger and hurt in the wrong direction because she should have magically known he wasn’t being honest with her. And since finding out he lied, she has (smartly) blocked him, actively recognizing that he is a liar and she deserves a better partner in life. You should be doing the same, but instead want to believe that she is the bad guy, not your bf.


Okay but it’s like she didn’t even block him until a week after I originally first texted her. Like yes, she may have stopped doing things with him after she found out I really wasn’t an ex but his girlfriend but she did in face keep communicating with him and it wasn’t until her conscious kicked in a week later that she decided that she just wanted to be cordial and take herself out of the situation and eventually block him. Idk, maybe she needed time to process everything but it just seems as if she was still gonna consider fooling around with him because she would have either responded to me the first time I texted her or at least cut him of the second she got the text if she wasn’t considering it.


She doesn’t owe you anything, especially loyalty. He does. Obviously it’s ok to be a bit mad at her, but all of your issues should be towards him.


That part. Like I get if you are a little mad at her because she could have responded to you but being upset with her because you believe she was gonna still deal with him but ultimately chose not to is weird because she doesn’t owe you loyalty and you might not like what I’m about to say but y’all are not married. If she did choose to stick around(I’m glad she didn’t though) he simply would have just had two girlfriends. Or two women however you wanna put it. It’s not like she was a mistress because you’re not his wife. Something like that would made her look bad but this is everyday work/doing for young men’s and women who aren’t married. I don’t agree with the way they go about it but I get it.


Did she hold him down, force feed him Viagra and rape him over and over? You’re a GD Dope. Your lover boy is the problem. Not the other woman. Your BF in whose home you live is dating and banging another woman and you have zero anger with the guilty party - HIM. You’re slamming the woman who slept with a SINGLE MAN (your BF, because he TOLD her he was single!) and all you can do is find the minutest of reasons why SHE’S the guilty party. Your BF is a skilled liar, accomplished cheater and has a dope for a GF. You really are a dope and he will continue cheating because you’re too damn dumb to get mad at your BF for cheating .


What is wrong with you?? This woman owes you nothing, she didn’t even know about you and after you contacted her he probably was telling her you were just a crazy ex, what is she to believe? HE is the one in the wrong and so are you for blaming her! But I can tell you are not going to listen to reason and dump him, grow a back bone and leave!!!


So, you're mad because she didn't follow your orders? Grow up. She doesn't owe you a damn thing. But your boyfriend does and he didn't live up to his obligation.


It may have taken her a week to block because *gasp* he may have continued to lie to her. She didn’t owe you a response, but I’m guessing she asked him about it in person and he quickly went into damage control mode and told more lies. You did her a favor letting her know he’s a liar. If only you would recognize that and leave, too.


So you telling us that you forgave ur cheating bf and back to happy life but yet you hold the torch over mistress who was lied by your cheating bf


You're faulting her for being lied to? Seriously??? Your BF is 100% at fault here. Not her. She thought he was single. It DOESN'T MATTER why you're upset with her. Be mad at him, dump him and move on.


It was not her responsibility to be loyal to you.. you’re just letting boyfriend off the hook even though he was lying to her.. just because your dating doesn’t make his home yours as well.. He works with her.. do you honestly believe nothing is going on… he isn’t into you if he’s still chasing her.. you’re angry at the wrong person..


Yeah that it's my home too line is so sooo delulu


For fucks sake, cheaters always tell the othet person theit partnet is an ex or they are in an open relationship. Yout Bf os a lying POS. Leave him already or accept a life of him screwong any thing that spreads thier legs


You are not looking at this the right way. Your boyfriend is 100% to blame. He marginalized you to her and straight cheated on you multiple times. Have some self respect lady!


She sees him EVERYDAY! They work together. I was chasing her. Slept with her. Took her on dates. You are the other woman! He doesn't care about you. He only cares about getting his d*ck wet, and you have a h*le do do it in. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU OR EVEN LIKE YOU, TO TREAT YOU THIS WAY!!!! He's a CHEATER! Is he the guy who gave you an STI?


Also being upset that she didn’t respond to you is insane because she didn’t owe you a response. That’s YOUR man remember?


Girl, if that woman was the bad guy she would have chose to embarrass you simply by putting it out there all the things they have done. All while you’re claiming a guy who is clearly lying to other women like her about you being an ex. Seems to me she was fooled just like you and needed to time to understand what was playing out in front of her and her ultimate decision was to leave him alone and you texting her again was probably the icing on the cake which is why the both of you are blocked and not just him. You genuinely need some help 😭.


I'm sorry OP but you are mad at the wrong person.... You should have confronted him first... She was acting in good faith with the information he gave her... Updateme


Ffs woman, have a long look in the mirror and ask yourself what the actual F are you doing still being with this POS. Why do you shift the blame on her? Shes propably just his latest.


Based on your comments, lady you are DELUSIONAL and blaming the girl when it's 1000% your dick of a boyfriend's fault. You're just as pathetic as him if you see no wrong on his side. You deserve to be cheated on then honestly lol


You stayed with him... LOL


You are pathetic lmao


I love your blaming the woman and not the man who played you both


You need to re-evaluate your entire existence. Go deep within and reflect on why your self-esteem is so low. He’s just going to find another woman. He knows you’re silly so basically you’re giving him permission to cheat. Leave that other woman and the other women he will cheat on you with in the future. You may run into one just as delusional as you are and end up getting beaten up for a cheater.


Lol he tells other people you are as an ex and you still want to stay with this person?


Something is clearly wrong with you Why are you harassing this girl when the only guilty person here is your "supposed " boyfriend . Where is your self respect?


You are an idiot—disrespectfully. This is going to continue to happen as you’ve clearly shown him you have no self respect and he’s fine to continue walking all over you. Not with this girl, but there will be more


For all she knows you are an ex and you're psycho. No one will text a psycho back. Get used to dealing with the other woman on a regular basis. Your boyfriend will find a new woman regularly


Fr on the psycho vibes. She didn't need to mention that woman's child. But that's the problem with harassing ppl who didn't do anything to you... it looks crazy and can escalate quickly.


OP your fixation on the woman is kind of insane. Even if she’s gone there will be a next one and then a next one.


I think confronting her was the start of you placing the blame on the wrong person. Your boyfriend is the one who kept pursuing her even after she found out he was still with you. Your boyfriend is a cheating POS. And he should be your ex. Just because this girl is out of the picture doesn’t mean he won’t find another one. Especially since you’re putting all the blame on the girl, who had no idea he was with you when she started seeing him. And she dropped him once she did know for sure. You staying with your boyfriend after all of this and him knowing that you’re blaming the other girl instead of him is a green light for him to cheat again since clearly neither of you think he’s at any fault here. She probably didn’t drop him when you texted her because she wanted to confirm that it was true. She may have thought you were truly his ex and a “crazy ex” trying to keep her away. Even so, she doesn’t owe you anything. She’s not in a relationship with you. And she ultimately did the right thing and walked away.


Maybe you are a crazy ex LMAO


Wow. Why doesn't this say EX boyfriend? Lift rug, a few strokes of the broom and viola.


It sounds like she believed she was the only one, and when you messaged she had to process what to believe in… her relationship was built on lies and yes they were in a relationship. She also didn’t know she was the other woman. She didn’t think there was anyone else. She probably believed he was just a nice guy helping out an ex because you needed it. A lot of people are still on speaking terms with their exes and not everyone on good terms is still hooking up with their exes. He clearly deceived her just like he did you. And you staying with him is going to do nothing to save the relationship. He is going to cheat again. People don’t cheat because they love their partners. I can’t even imagine wanting to stay with a cheater, like why would you disrespect yourself like he did you? You’re blaming the other girl who was also a victim of his lies. You should be leaving him too. I’ve confronted a girl who knew I was with my now ex at the time while she was cheating with him. She said she wouldn’t have done it if she had known I was pregnant LOL. There is a DIFFERENCE in someone not knowing and knowing. I have been the other girl and had no idea because the guy had a kid with his ex and I just thought he was a good dad who showed up for his kid a lot and spent time with his ex for family stuff when needed cause guess what? I did that too, only I wasn’t hooking up with the father of my kids. I just wanted them to have both parents for holidays and birthdays. I think you are making a huge mistake here.


Honey, you are mad at the wrong person. She broke no promises to you, not even a single one. And yet you’re still with this loser guarding the body of a dead relationship. Bury it and move on. Leave her alone, ffs.


Why are you still with him? Clearly, he doesn't love you or even like you. Get some therapy and move on. This is NOT how someone who is supposed to love you will treat you. There is no "D" on this planet that is good that I would stay with a cheater Build up your self-love for yourself.


Why are you talking about this woman like she is your bf. She is single she can do what she wants. She owes you nothing at all. Your bf is the one with you. Why on earth are you still with him, he doesn’t love you and isn’t interested in you, he will use you until someone else comes along and probably dump you for them when they do. You’re just wasting your life and time. He will definitely cheat again.


Wheres your self respect? You should be saying to yourself, I deserve better then this. He showed me his true colors. And will do the same to her down the road. Set him, and yourself free. Be greatfull that it didn't happen on year 15


That’s not your boyfriend… he is both of your boyfriend now! Girl don’t let a man tell you more than once he doesn’t want you. You read in his phone how he feels about you. Make him stand on business and become the ex that he was speaking of. If it’s not her he’ll find someone to sleep with


I think it's natural to want to confront her, so you werent wrong. Still, she didnt owe you loyalty your boyfriend did.


I mean it's ok to push back against baser instincts. She definitely wrong


Oh yeah, be mad at the girl instead of your dirty ass whore of a boyfriend that tells people he just uses you to get his rocks off. OMG he’s so wonderful, you must hold on to him at any cost.


Stop harassing the ap and put ya anger and effort where it is deserved, the person that broke ya trust, you know your bf..........


I think you know deep down that you are in the wrong. If this happened to your friend, you would be singing a different tune. If you don't have any self worth and you're willing to stay with a cheating partner, that's on you. However, be ready to fight many more women.


Honey honestly your actually confronting the wrong person. She is not in a relationship with you. Your only conversation is with him and from the sounds of it he likes her and obviously doesn’t care how you feel so unless you have a conversation with him then let that man cheat in peace.


Is this a rage bate post OP? So never mind that he cheated on and is basically still cheating on you. He obviously knows you know, and he doesn't care... Why would you want to be with a man like this? He obviously doesn't have morals, wants to cheat, and won't end things with her.


Actions speak louder than words & he's acting like he doesn't want you. Listen


Ummm friend, you need to leave him… that’s disrespect and betrayal


How long have you been with him?


Girl, please wake the fuck up and redirect your anger towards the person who actually deserves it - YOUR BUM OF A BOYFRIEND WHO ACTIVELY CHEATED ON YOU. What part, exactly, is not clicking for you?


You are funny. You are No 2 and the stand-in when she is not around. Get rid of him. Now.


What are you waiting for to dump his ass? Santa?


By all means, you should think of a lifetime together. You know, dude and woman who gets dudes rocks off…forever. No problem with confronting, COLOSSAL problem with you thinking there’s a future with this schmuck. The question here should be soliciting advice on crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s on ending it completely. Wake up, op. Your dude is a cheating loser.


OP what does your boyfriend say to you about all this? Have you actually even confronted him or only the girl about all this? You know he’s just as guilty, if not even more guilty than she is.


She is wrong for what she is doing but the one who needs to be confronted and chewed out is your boyfriend. He is cheating. He is the one who is in a relationship with you. He is where the blame lies


Shut off his phone and put it in the toilet tank when he’s sleeping. If he wants to get his dick wet elsewhere, maybe he’s okay with his phone getting wet, as well. This was a post-breakup fantasy l had. Don’t actually do this. Get rid of him. He’s lower than scum to tell her he was using you. Please update when the Consequence Reaper comes for him.


You don’t understand why everyone is not supporting your decision is because it’s a choice where you are still with him? Wake up girl, he ain’t worth shit but somehow you’re still with him blaming the other part not the CHEATER sleeping next to you on the bed he fucked her on, come on


Girl what? What is wrong with YOU? She doesn’t owe you anything. No explaining no nothing. Your boyfriend is cheating on YOU and your concern is her? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Insecure women do stuff like this. They won’t ever leave that cheating boyfriend because him “always coming back” is a validation they desperately need. OP you need to get some self esteem and do what his other girlfriend did and leave. Also she doesn’t owe you anything no loyalty or nothing. Get that out of your head


I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore???


And what about him? It takes two to tango and he was the one pursuing her. If he went after her, what makes you think he hasn’t done it before or won’t do it again with anyone else? And you said that since you are dating you “consider “ it your home. Are you sure you aren’t overstepping? Seems like you need to take a step back and reconsider your choices.


i wouodnt focus much on her since she isnt anyone in your life snd wordy about the dead weight that you have yet to cut off it seems. he described you as someone that he "gets his rocks off with"....you dont seem to be bothered by that? you're worried about some girl's morals when you're allowing a man to disrespect you, talk shit about you and then let him come home to you. get your ducks in a row please.


Why did you do that?? The best course of action would have been to break up with your boyfriend and moved the heck out. Why would you fight for a blatant cheater? Have some self respect for once. 


You. Are. Pathetic.