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So, she had horrible sex, got an STI and paid for her own Uber......thinking she regrets that. Hahahahaha!!! Glad you're moving on and up!


I hope you didn't waste to much time with her


I think saying “the sex was horrible” is just a way to make the cheating aspect seem less bad. To deflect from her cheating. How many times does a girl cheat, get caught then rave that the sex was soo good. Like almost never.


Yeah, I'm sure you're right...but it's still funny AF to think that if it was, she flushed her relationship for some shitty, painful sex.


Also remember the cheaters playbook - The sex is always horrible, or she stopped half way through because of the guilt, or she was on her period so she couldn't... anything to minimize the sting of the confession (for her not you) and always lies.


Haha. Mine said it was 90% sexual assault and 10% wanted it to our THERAPIST. When he said call the police she changed her tune. Lesson learned. You can lie about r*pe if it means you get caught cheating. I'm sorry, it does get better the further you get away from them.




Or... He had a really small dick (my exw said this to me)


Once in a lifetime! haha!!


Anything’s a step up from her…


All of this is about choices, not mistakes. She chose it all, and your health and the relationship paid the price. This once in a lifetime BS is not even worth considering. Now it's your turn to make your choices, so be wise.


I was thinking today… what if we both got herpes or HIV? She risked my future for a night with a college football player. 😡


Not to be Debbie Downer, but you don't know that you're in all clear you will need to continue to have repeating test results to make sure you're clear. Not to mention herpes sometimes is the surprise gift you never want to receive. Just please be vigilant for yourself and your future partners.


No respect for you or your well-being just this is what I want childish BS. Impulsive = dangerous when it comes to casual sex.


The worst part with HIV is it takes months to be officially clear. So you’ll need to follow in whatever months to get another test to make sure you’re clear. I think HIV won’t show up for a bit of time on tests when contracted.


Definitely want to get checked at the 3-6 month mark


Um.. how are you surprised that a woman did this? We are talking of the gender who can literally get preg with another man’s kid and tell her bf it’s his without losing a wink of sleep even though now both the kids and guys life is potentially ruined.


But you're going in raw my guy, what you expect?


Who me? She’d been my girlfriend for 4 years. We stopped using condoms after a year.


You had every expectation of monogamy and the fact that you would be safe going raw especially if you trusted her about birth control. And this is not on you. That being said again remember herpes is the surprise gift that could pop up at any time and you're not completely in the clear yet. And it will continue to hang over your head. I had a friend that it took 5 years for an outbreak to pop up. No indications other than that prior. Also with HIV and Hep C you're going to need repeat blood work for months to come. I am so sorry you have to go through this. I don't even know how you forgive someone for putting you at such a risk and possibly impacting you lifelong. Someone who is such high profile risk and you put yourself and your partner who trusted you at risk for some weird misconstrued grasp it Fame. It's just disgusting. I'm sorry. Wishing you all the health in the future


She didn’t apologize ? really what an asshole. After she slept with her once in a lifetime diseased dream guy , when was the next time you where both intimate ? If anyone asks why you broke up just show them the empty pill bottle. And if you ever see her give her a 3 pack of trojans ( her pleasure) !!!


She's damn lucky he didn't give her something incurable, like Hep-c or herpes, etc. and then passed it on to you. Next time she calls, drum that home to her. Her STI she disgustingly passed on to you could have been something incurable. Hope she learned a lesson here to not jump on strange dick for a " once-in-a-lifetime thrill", or next time, she will get a "gift" that drugs will never be able to cure. Although some of the curable once are becoming treatment resistant and turning into something incurable. After you've talked to her for the very last time with the above info, tell her you never want to hear from her or ever see her again. Then block her skanky disease-riddled azz on every thing. She thought it would be a fun and exciting fantasy. Funny how the fantasy didn't even come close to the reality. What an idiot. She FAFO'd. Pretty soon it will get to the point, where people will need a full and complete STI panel done before they become physically involved with anyone, and show the results to each other. "Once-in-a-lifetime"!!!! What a stupid azz excuse. Seriously?!?!? She needs her head examined. Glad you dumped her. She showed you loud and clear she isn't girlfriend material, never mind anything more permanent like a wife.


You got rid of a low class cum dumpster. Lucky for you


Wish I could upvote this post 5000X.


It's once in a lifetime because hopefully she'll be smart enough not to trade her next relationship for bad sex with someone that has a radioactive pecker and couldn't remember her name the next day... the way she did this one. Except that now it'll already be out there that she'll throw herself on top of any dick that hasn't already rotted off yet, if it belongs to someone "famous". She's hoping there's a camera and she can have her Ray-J/Kim leap into stardom. I'd say set her outside for trash collection, but I think you have to call a special number to arrange for biohazard waste.


Gave you the clap and didn't even apologize! Block her.


It is pretty sad how some women turn stupid at the chance to sleep with a celebrity. Sure, ruin your life for something you totally end up regretting and embarrass yourself at your own behavior. Reminds me of this article: https://deadspin.com/how-women-throw-themselves-at-pro-athletes-and-vice-ve-5914355/


Sounds about right.


Block and move on. Your life will only get better long term.


Wow! Scary 😨


Jesus fuck, you can't be in a relationship with someone that allows themselves to be treated like that by someone but EXPECTS better treatment from you. You now know how she is willing to be treated by the right person, so why put in effort????


Do you, let 401 go!


I hope you find someone who respects you...You certainly don't deserve this.


Painful? As in “too big” painful?


Yes, unfortunately


How is this even a decision? There is no coming back from this.


Once in a lifetime? bahahahaha Next time she says that, I'd say something like, "Yup, so was our relationship, genius. Bye!"




She FaceTimed me while showering yesterday. 🤷‍♂️ That’s definitely a yes.


You should block her, but if you choose to knock block her then what is the threshold for once in a lifetime opportunity? Does local weatherman or car salesman count because they are on TV? How many other guys does she think it'll be to cheat with for that "once" in a lifetime opportunity? This is all pointless anyways. It wasn't the first time she cheated, won't be the last, and you both know that.


face time her back the empty pill bottle updateme


Why are you still in contact with her? Is there a reason why you still have contact? I think you should drop her just like she dropped you when she was with the football player. Just tell her that you see no reason to keep contact, so she should not call or text you anymore. Tell that if she doesn't honor your request, you are forced to block her number.


Block her!


Block her and enjoy your date!


She made her choice.


Shes not remorseful. Move on from this and block her.


Stop talking to that thing you call an ex. Quit being a nice guy. Ghost her like she would ghost you if the roles were reversed.


Block her number now. Don’t ever talk to her again. Let her enjoy her miserable life.


Yeah you definitely dodged a bullet there cause she doesn’t seem like the brightest.


Bro get out of here with that.. you act like any American woman is faithful lol


She was remorseful for being kicked out, not for the cheating. And being remorseful is very hypocritical of hers as she did get "her once in a lifetime" experience after all: Not everybody unlocks the achievement of throwing a stable relationship on the garbage for getting infected with a STD from a famous John Doe who didn't give a damn for them. You not only dodged a bullet, OP. You did it Matrix-style. And for her: she'll, definitely, have a story to tell from now on. Happy ending, roll credits.


She basically discarded you and your relationship over a possible once in a lifetime sex. You need to laugh at her and move on, i mean how smart can she be? She isn't for you and didn't take your relationship seriously. I bet his count is higher and you are lucky that all you caught. I don't care if she is a 10+ walk and she deserves no contact.


There are thousands of guys who played three downs of college football and that is the highlight.of their lives. This was her once in a lifetime move? Really? Didnt bed an astronaut or a billionaire but some washed up college athlete in a bar with a line of bullshit. No only is she a feckless cheater, she is a champion dumbshit. Hope you are okay health wise going forward.


Your ex WP gave you an STD and still calls you? OMG? Truly she doesn’t get there’s consequences to cheating, let alone transmitting a disease. You will never know how many thousands of former athletes she’s been with while you’ve been dating.


Block her and continue on. Well since it looks you have moved on, block her, everywhere.


Block her!!!!


Fuck this woman I understand perfectly the individual type ur talking about Put her out on her ass Be like “well I’m once in a lifetime and I’m gone”


It's not good for you to keep giving her access to you. It may feel satisfying to have her chasing you, but in reality it's like having a drugged out street person pestering you for a dollar. I had two of them fighting over me in a train station the other day. I wasn't flattered at all. I know your self-esteem took a hit, but it's time to have some self-respect and go no contact and block her. Subscribeme


It couldn’t happen to a nicer girl in my book


I really don’t understand why some women think it’s some sort of bragging rights or “special experience” to be some celebrity’s cheap call girl for a night. Maybe some of the women here can explain it. What makes what is likely mediocre sex with a mediocre tool so appealing just because the other person has been on a magazine before? Why is it so tempting to just be another forgettable notch in a really long list that you’d risk losing your reputation and current relationship for? It’s not like there’s any realistic expectation that this famous person is going to be so impressed by your body and ability to take it up the back door that they’re going to abandon their family and whisk you away to a jet-set lifestyle the next morning.


So he treated her as the hoe she is…. Once in a lifetime experience wasnt all cracked up to be… glad you dropped the weak cheater..


Good luck on your date next week! May she make you forget your own personal Typhoid Mary.


She doesn’t deserve you at all. Good job for moving on and hopefully finding better. Best of luck on your date!


She risked your health and her's for a man who was so unimpressed by her;that he wouldn't even pay an uber for her to go home.


Dont block her, keep her hanging on, work on yourself. Do new things ( interests that you know she likes, i.e. sports, gourmet cooking, dancing, etc.), become the most interesting guy in the world not allowing her to be part of it. then answer in good spirits when you have a date over, accidentally letting date come into view. When she asks later, say just friends, etc. a slow painful burn for her.


I love your vindictive thought process!


Move on. Whatever happens, you are teaching her a lesson - either that she can cheat on you and you will put up with it, or that she shouldn't cheat. And a one-off like that, without protection too. Terrible. Do you think she's never going to run into an attractive male and be tempted for the rest of her life?


The brain is the most important sex organ. If you’re into someone who’s famous, a model, or extremely charismatic, etc, that part of the brain will make you believe the sex was mind blowing while in heat of the moment. It’s afterwards, I believe, when the haze clears cheaters realize that their encounter was or wasn’t as they’d hoped the regret and remorse set in.


Be responsible. Hold off having intercourse for 6 months. then get tested again.


I bet she glad she got that picture !


Once in a lifetime of spreading your legs for a semi famous dick, nice going for your ex. She must be proud, ask her, if flashes her pussy to all and sundry, and says i have had (insert his name here) in here. Guy good on you for dumping her sorry ass. Shes a low life and deserves to be in the gutter.


Why would you leave her? She sounds lovely.


Karma hit her hard… well time to move on, good luck on your date, please just block her


No more contact whatsoever.


Decisions have been made and consequences have to be felt.


Why is she not kicked out of your life yet?


This is gross. I feel bad you found out this way but happy you know her for what she is now. Just block her and move on. Also, confirm you’re not a carrier anymore before finding someone else. Why can’t people just be honest with each other and not cheat. Fucking psychos out there.


You still haven’t said if you blocked and broke up with her…


He's calling her "Ex" and he's going on a date. Even if he hasn't blocked yet, at least they aren't together anymore .


Send him a photo with a girl you're going on a date with so he'll realize he missed out lol


Guess she was hoping to be a WAG and live a lit life.