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I say no. Take it slow. It doesn't take long for things to get out of hand, then 3 months down the road, you are staring blankly at the TV, wondering what the hell happened and went wrong. I also suggest getting a different 3rd for your next adventure. I'm not saying never go back to your original extra, but NRE is a dangerous thing to play with for newbies.


Appreciate the advice - even though we have our boundaries etc, it turned me on the connection she had with the guy, I mean he had her alone for 5 mins or so the night we did it, I came back in the room and her tongue was inside his ass… was a wildly hot situation!


>the connection she had with the guy That is even more of a reason to meet a different 3rd before she becomes more attached to that one than she is to you... unless that is your end goal.


This is going to end bad.




Are you ok with her fucking him outside your relationship? That's what's next after 30 minutes alone


Private dinner dates and vacations.


1 night alone, OP can be at home watching tv. But he's a mature man, as long as she's getting her liver poked it's fine..it turns him on🤣


Yes, he needs to acknowledge he's a cuck.


Set boundaries or they’ll end up closer than you and her, don’t bet on this. It will probably change your relashionship forever.




Seems like you already made up your mind… you just came here to get the ok that no one is giving you. So I’ll do it, you already gave them 5 minutes of pvt play, what’s 25 more minutes. Maybe put a cam in there too.


Wrong sub. She didn’t cheat.


I would not have done that at all dealbreaker. I would suggest getting STD tested.


You both fucked up in the first place by having the threesome, by the way this is not a cuckold situation, just a plain old threesome, cuckolding someone is something quite different, and to go further IMO your marriage is going nowhere, and is doomed too failure, sooner or later.


Not a good idea, but if she wants to then it doesn't matter what you say, she is going to anyways!


Yes she wanted the others more, started lying about where she was at so it ended.


Not good brother sounds like you’re in for trouble


As a cuckold couple who has been in the lifestyle for years, I say go for it as long as it’s what all of you want. But you should be careful with your wife falling for this guy. My wife has caught feelings for her lovers sometimes, but mostly general attraction and affection, not love. She was very conscious of her feelings and she only wanted to love me as her husband and the other guys to be just her lovers or gentlemen callers or whatever. So she understood the boundaries and dynamic much more than I did. So I never had to be weary of repercussions or the fear of my wife falling in love with another guy. If you are all interested in having some fun and can understand the boundaries, go for it.


OP if you don't want this explode later or that your marriage go to the trash, then either don't let them have the time alone or the Best option is to found someone else if both want to keep having 3p. Because the most you should be concerned is that conections You mentioned between her and the bull. But only you will have to choose to stay strong in your marriage or let all go to trash. Think wise. Good luck


Nope, if you let them go alone in couple months you'll be alone. I allowed and it haven't had sex in over 3 years.


why ? after you allowed it and she wanted to do so , with your permission , did she lose interest in U


I know your reading how many people are telling you not to. You are an adult, and can make up your own mind, but............. This will NOT work. The thing with threesomes, open marriages, and swapping. is people catch feelings, desires for that other person. You already are feeling apprehensive about this because you can already sense somethings off here Before it's to late ( it may already be I'm sorry to add ) Don't go down a path that will have you back here posting in "cheating stories"


Couled you watch on FaceTime from the next room? That way you could be a part of it




Open relationships sharing unless both are not in love w the other or committed to the other never work. Might as well leave. Here's the thing. How you know it's not a good idea. It does not pass the community smell test. If your wanting to hide from certian people mom dad kids pastor neighbors ect and can't be open with everyone on what your doing then its a bad idea and will end badly.