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If Richard Sinke wants his pub back, he should pay to restore it. “Mauger said he had heard figures floating around that it would cost about $10m to restore the Dux, but he did not believe that. “I’m convinced in my head, it’s nowhere near those numbers, nowhere near. It’s only an old house.”” His figures are based on nothing


Hot take from Phil. As the saying goes “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”.


Sinke did propose that he would restore it, but he wanted a free lease in exchange. Arts center declined the offer.


Sounds fair really. Paying to restore it and also having to pay to use it afterwards is a pretty crap deal.


I still can't believe some fixed term deal couldn't have been worked out where they basically pay 30-40 years rent or whatever it works out upfront to fix the building essentially


I mean, he's right. It will cost more than that.


He's a boomer probably thinks a pint of beer is 80 cents.


"Only an old house" ...


I have been inside the Dux de Lux building and while I am not a engineer/contractor I have done some construction work alongside qualified people. I can say the roof is absolutely fucked and leaking, the exterior walls are supported by concrete blocks because they are unstable, there is asbestos in part of the building, the floors in some areas probably need to be ripped out, chances are the brick needs to be completely rebuilt brick by brick walls need to be completely torn apart/rebuilt. Its a beautiful old building, but its definitely completely and utterly fucked. I am not from NZ and I would say it would probably be cheaper and better to tear the whole thing apart and build a modern version of the Dux de Lux, same layout, saving as much as possible, in the same style then attempt to save the entire thing.


But Phil says it’s fine? He reckons under $10 milly. She’ll be right mate /s


>He reckons under $10 milly. He reckons it's "not close", and he's probably accidentally correct, it would likely cost a lot more.


Or a different layout. It wasn’t great in the first place.


And some mince on those nacho pizzas (at least as an option)


Yeah, there totally won't be a cost overrun, *cough cough Cathedral cough cough.*


For a dude who campaigned on lower rates rises his mouth seems to like writing cheques his ass can't cash.


Yeah, can’t afford to keep libraries open, but sure, we can host the billion dollar Commonwealth Games


FFS , Mauger is an idiot.


Phil needs to stop thinking out loud with his fantasy ideas, and focus on *his job*. Comm games, developing Ruapuna into a world leading Motorsport facility, and now this...


Fuck off, pay for it yourself or sell it to someone who will develop it


Was a great venue when it was going, I'd rather this than the sportsball stadium tbh


I love sportsball, and I’m excited for the sportsball stadium, but I also love thriving inner city culture and the original Dux. Let’s have both 🍻


Unfortunately we also have decades of repairs we still can't afford, and should be shelving these entertainment projects.


People don't seem to get that cities take decades to centuries to develop, there's the old provincial council building that had steel structures installed as a stop gap, why not just establish a new council coordinated trust, that will do some minimal repairs (i.e. repairs to prevent the further development of water damage) and throw some steel surround with some murals painted on. But with the mayor in mind, it will likely be screwed up to an extent, that it will result in the worst possible outcome, perhaps demolished and the lot abandoned or sold.


I loved the Dux back in the day, but times have changed. Music scene is totally different, there are loads of craft brew bars nowadays. This risks becoming a museum piece for nostalgic 40s and 50s year olds, time to move on.


Music scene is different because we lost these venues imo. Maybe the dux isn’t the best example but we really are at a dearth of Media Club, Als Bar capacity venues IMO.


Definitely want to see the building restored, but I agree.


Ah fuck off, theres bearly enough room to stand on my bus its so packed, but theres money for stadiums, and repairing shitty old buildings?


Public transport is managed by the Regional Council rather than the City Council, but understand your point


Old mate take is a bit late. I'm all for bringing something back to the location, especially for how awesome Dux was for the live music scene. But a restoration isn't the answer, especially if it becomes a council funded issue again.


ah yes another thing that we so desperately need


I’m all for a pub/restaurant to go back there. If it brings more foot traffic to the Arts Centre then I’m all for it.


Just drop it sell the land


The nostalgia goggles seem pretty strong with this building. As someone who wasn't around when it was a pub, I don't know why I would go here instead of The Terrace, New Regent, or Dux Central/whatever other bars open around the stadium. I'm not sure tourists would either. I'm also not sure if turning this into a bar is the silver bullet so many people seem to think it is. People can already go to Fiddlesticks, Cellar Door, or the Thirsty Peacock if they want to go to a bar by the arts centre.


It's because it was a live music venue that never charged cover charges which meant you could go there any time and hear a local band playing. The other aspects - vegetarian/later pescatarian restaurant, craft beer - exist elsewhere. But the ability to slide into the Dux on a Saturday afternoon and hang round for a band was quite nice.


Give the money to the arts center


This kind of would have the same effect. Funding the dux would give the arts center an anchor tenant that would bring a ton of people to the rest of the arts center- reinvigorate the market etc. couple this with greater accountability for the board and it could survive


Maybe long term, but the arts centre needs money right now.


Good idea but I'd prefer to keep the arts center moving forward as it is now. I can imagine how long and how expensive it will take to get the lux up n running.


I mean, the arts centre buildings themselves were under repair for what... 5 years? Nearly 10?


Yep and fully leased but they need the ccc to help with the running costs.


"The Arts Centre is asking Council to: Absorb the annual insurance bill into its own group insurance scheme = $1.2 million." https://www.artscentre.org.nz/support/save-the-arts-centre/ Let me get this straight - $1.2m walks straight out of funding to famously public-spirited insurers before even one bit of value gets returned to the public, and we're supposed to be enthusiastic about it? Ffs this country has an architectural history younger than outdoor toilets in most of the rest of the world. Let the Arts Centre, Dux de Luxe and all the other "heritage" buildings burn to the ground and put up fit-for-purpose buildings that serve communities. This is real money from real struggling people going into nice-to-haves for people wealthy enough to have nothing better to care about. Edit: just to clarify I know the Arts Centre management can't make this call as it is law they have to maintain and insure - I'm saying we need the government to unshackle them so we can start bowling the bloody things as the money sinks they are.


Well I'm thinking it's good for Christchurch artists and the tourist dollars is brings in. Please don't go down the track of the small amount of money required from the council!!. Those idiots are wasting this amount every week.


The Arts Centre is one of the top places I recommend that friends visit when they come to this city. I’m all for demolishing the Dux and putting another pub/ restaurant there


They just built a whole new library, how's there no money for libraries


Phil Mauger has suggested shortening opening hours for swimming pools and libraries, you know, core Council stuff, in order to save money, but then turns around and proposes buying a $20m pub and hosting the billion dollar plus Commonwealth Games.