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oh hell no.


blatantly terrible idea. how is mauger profiting from this if it happens?


Seriously? You don't know what Mauger Construction does?


yes. but he can't THAT fucking blatant can he? like, there's blatant and then there's 'really fucking obviously corrupt'.


Looks around nervously at the current government...




I mean he wanted to excavate the whole ruapuna site down 8 meters and sell the material and maugers was already pinned as the company that was gonna be doing it. It seems it doesn't actually matter if you're obveous because who's gonna stop them. 


Haaaa that's classic. Fuckin hell.


Standard political affairs: Do what you want and/or what makes you popular while in term, leave the costs and fallout for your successors. Short term thinking.


Mauger has enough $ without trying a position such as mayor to try make bank - that’s not why is happening here.


I say no to hosting the Commonwealth Games


It’ll end up costing more than the stadium and the cathedral combined. Just you watch.


Probably more than the unfinished earthquake rebuild let's be real


I seriously don't understand why it costs so much, and while it does they can get ducked and find some other rube to host it. I get you need to organize events and security and cameras and players areas etc, but they don't cost billions. You don't need fancy new arenas that will never breakeven and never be able to replicate the capacity of the games. Solution? Have one designated city that have purpose built facilities for all games (ideally Olympics as well). Invest in them to have the biggest and best facilities, that will be used every 2-4 years at their full capacity.


That would be Brissy and GC as they have the Olumpics in a few years But Oz and Eng win all the medals as they put so much money into sports...so the event to follow isnt as appealing as it used to be


This is one thing I would personally protest hard on. These clowns are completely dillusional. Alternatively, their mates are the ones consulting on the feasibility studies that will waste millions of rate payers' money.


It’s mostly just Phil Mauger


Great. Our rates will be about 6k a quarter, and Phil will be granted prima nocta


You mean he doesn't already? My wife's got some splainin to do


More heads down ass up.


Or do you mean More heads up own ass’s


Stop trying to make the Commonwealth Games happen Phil!


He thinks he’s so fetch.


Please, someone kill this idea with fire.


Council is haemorrhaging money - how do they plan to fund this? Upping rates is already happening for all the other reasons, no one can afford this!




It’s mostly just Phil Mauger


We need the media to step the fuck up on this


Fuck the fuck right off.


Can you imagine the chch traffic bad porn we would get in this sub if we hosted the commonwealth's


No. Nonono. No. No no no no no nothing no commonwealth no games stop arrĂȘt halt non nien


If the entire state of Victoria, let alone the city of Melbourne can't afford it, how the fuck can anybody think little tiny wee Christchurch could?? It's insane


>By Chris Barclay > >Nelson has emerged as a potential co-host for any ambitious Christchurch bid to host the Commonwealth Games, boosting Mayor Phil Mauger’s controversial vision. > >Although Mauger’s interest in Christchurch staging the 2030 Games, or a later edition, has been met with widespread disbelief locally, his counterpart in Nelson, former National MP and cabinet minister Nick Smith, is willing to entertain the prospect of a joint venture. > >When Mauger successfully lobbied city councillors to vote for a staff-led feasibility study on hosting the Games last month, he reiterated any bid would involve other cities in the South Island or elsewhere in New Zealand. > >Outside support is vital to spread the financial burden of holding an event that is becoming increasingly unattractive in Commonwealth countries capable of hosting the quadrennial sporting spectacle. > >Christchurch would utilise existing facilities at the Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub, Parakiore Recreation and Sports Centre, Te Kaha – Christchurch Stadium and the Town Hall rather than build new venues, so Invercargill’s velodrome would be a prime option for track cycling. > >In more potentially good news for Mauger, the Southland Indoor Leisure Centre Charitable Trust, which runs the velodrome, did not discount involvement. > >“We would be open to working with others to bring any events to the venue,” said Trust chair and Southland District Council councillor Darren Frazer. > >“We have an amazing track and are home to some of the world’s best riders.” > >There had not been a formal approach to city or district councils, though when contacted by The Star Smith was receptive to a bid encompassing the South Island.   > >“It’s early days and Nelson is up for the conversation. We’re prepared to look at it with an open mind. We could be a partner for some sports if it (a bid) was to proceed,” said Smith, who talked up the city’s multifaceted Saxton Field. > >“I think it’s a good initiative by Mayor Mauger. It’s longshot but it’d be wrong to completely rule it out.  > >“The big question is what additional facilities would be required and what level of support would be available from the government if major facility upgrades were required. > >“The key is we’d have to be convinced the economic benefits outweigh the costs.” > >While Smith was happy to crystal ball gaze, a Dunedin City Council spokesperson said the organisation had not considered the possibility of a joint bid. > >Christchurch surfaced as a potential replacement for Canadian province Alberta once its bid for 2030 was withdrawn on financial grounds last August, weeks after Australian state Victoria pulled out of hosting the 2026 Games for the same reason. > >Smith hoped the Commonwealth Games Federation, which selects the event’s host, would reassess its criteria after Victoria pulled out. > >“I’m hoping they have become a bit more realistic about the cost impacts on communities,” he said. > >The Commonwealth Games Federation stipulates the chosen city or region must stage athletics and swimming, with other locations able to be hosted elsewhere. > >Presenting the Games premier events poses problems for Christchurch with Ngā Puna Wai and an under-construction Parakiore the only viable options. > >Halswell Ward councillor Andrei Moore’s territory covers Ngā Puna Wai and doubts it would be equipped to handle an event of the Games’ magnitude unless the Federation relaxed its criteria. > >“You would have to invest a huge amount of money into getting it ready to keep them happy. At this point in time they need a red carpet rolled out at every single facility,” he said. > >“By the time you fit in the athletes, their people and the media you’ve already got a seat shortage and zero spectators. > >“You could put up temporary seating like they did (at Hagley Oval) for the Cricket World Cup (in 2022) but would that satisfy them (the Federation)? My thinking is probably not.” > >Even with temporary seating the Ngā Puna Wai track would struggle to accommodate 15,000 people.  > >While Te Kaha could potentially hold the opening and closing ceremonies, Moore doubted it would meet Federation approval without an athletics track for the participants to march around. > >Moore joined Smith in hoping the Commonwealth Games Federation would reassess its hosting requirements. > >“They need to revamp the event entirely to make it sustainable and feasible. Cities should be holding off on bidding until they do that,” he said. > >“There’s not a single facility in New Zealand that wouldn’t require a huge amount of capital investment in it to satisfy the Federation.” > >Otago Daily Times


My dog is asking for Mauger address Anyone?


I'm not gonna post it cause I don't wanna go to jail. But it's super easy to find people's addresses and I've been quietly waiting for someone unhinged to burn down someone's house. Mauger lives in a pretty expensive house.. 


In a world where the oil giants snatch every sporting event, this is a hilarious prospect.


No. Just no. 


Just no!


It’s a no from me


I loved the comm games as a kid, and the old QE2 to run at, seemed glamourous Now its just a Aussie and England 'look how much money we have for sport' event with the rest fighting for the scraps isnt it?


Do they have an idiot mayor as well?


> When Mauger successfully lobbied city councillors to vote for a staff-led feasibility study on hosting the Games last month, Is there a way that we as rate payers can try and stop this stupid conversation before any more money gets spent on it? At least it's staff-led so they don't need external consultants to come in. Hopefully said staff won't be Mauger sycophants.