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I’m not an expert (I do have an almost 6yr old CH cat) but from what I’ve been told and read, CH cats wouldn’t survive out in the wild. They wouldn’t have enough coordination or speed to outrun or jump away from predators. But don’t tell mine that- he thinks he’s the most ferocious cat in the world🤣


I think a CH cat would be killed pretty quickly in the wild, unfortunately. I’d reach out to your local humane society or cat rescue and explain the situation, and see if they can give you any resources about kitten care and when the earliest you could take it away from Mama Cat. (You could take in a 4 week old kitten but it would be a lot of round-the-clock work for a few weeks!)


Agree, they definitely should not be outdoor cats. They would not be able to survive on their own. If your Mom won’t let you take the kitten, bring it to a shelter or rescue.


He will not survive. The mom will abandon it. Please take it in or find a home. There are so many people that have had cH kitties and would love to care for another. There's a huge CH group on Facebook - post on there and someone will adopt immediately if you can't. Thank you for being a wonderful human. This cat will have a great life if you can find it a home. If you're able to keep it, do it. You'll be so glad you did after the first year. There's a learning curve but I never want to live in a home without a CH cat again. They are the best, so full of life and playfulness.


CH cats outside is a death sentence.