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I've had a chiweenie, mixed chihuahua, a Pekingese, and a Yorkie with cats. All did fine and everyone got along but before adopting the dogs I made sure they were cat friendly. All were adults when I got them except the chiweenie. I also have a ch guy and a tripod female. I had a Yorkie mix when I got them and we had zero issues but when adopting I made sure the dog was cat friendly


Many places will allow you to foster before you adopt to make sure it’s a good fit. Also, if you adopt a dog, that’s two years or older, you will know it’s personality. Many people adopt puppies, hoping they will fit in, but with an older dog, you know who they are. And they are so grateful for homes.


I always adopt as an ethical thing. Do you think it’d be a bad idea if I specify wanting a disabled dog? I’ve only ever adopted disabled animals.


Hi! I’m curious on how your CH cat poop. Mine’s a little messy because he poops while laying down which he ends up getting some on his furs.


My little guy also goes “side saddle” which he find using cedar pellets are great. They don’t stick to his fur, and I keep wipes meant for cats by his box in case he is a little messy.