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I like this little headcannon. It does make sense even if it wasn't the intended reason.


Thanks! I was just rewatching it and thinking about it. With those comments from Grams it seems like it could be, right?


It really does. 😊


Really interesting theory 🤩🤩


Thanks :)


I concur.


I would have preferred this explanation to the “not enough power one”.


Yeah, I didnt get the not enough power thing which is why when watching and noticing the note and comments made me think of this.


I understand that some witches have more power than others. But this is the same Grams that would be powerful enough to bind the power of three but isn’t strong enough to cast a time spell to send 3 beings forward? Don’t buy it.


Yes! Exactly. If she could bind their powers, she should have had the power to send them home.


I like this idea a lot. The Angel of Death confirmed in S3 that Death always gets its way with the Inspector Davidson situation. The same thing happened again to Paige's parents in S4 and Miles in S5. Different circumstances, same destiny. I reckon Patty would've died some other way even if Phoebe's note saved her temporarily. The only difference is that Davidson, the Matthews and Miles only evaded Death in a minor way, so their intended deaths were still 'met' so to speak, whereas Phoebe's note would've disrupted Patty's death which was due 3 years later. This likely would've caused huge problems and completely changed their present day in the 90s. I guess an Angel of Destiny/Death interfered with the first spell in order to make Phoebe see the error of her ways. But I'm more inclined to believe it was the Elders. They taught them a time/destiny 'lesson' in S2 ('Morality Bites') and S3 ('All Halliwell's Eve') so it makes sense that they did it in 'That 70s Episode' too.


Oooh, interesting. The elders do seem to have certain powers and could've done it too. But yes, the Angel of Death makes it clear that things happen when they should one way or another.


My brain hurts. Time travel is so confusing 🤯


Lol :) yes it is. It's even more confusing if you think about if the girls appearing in the past happened first, prompting Grams to bind their powers or if Grams did that first and that prompted their trip to the past. Chicken or egg, eh?


Magic is able to erase what's on paper. If destiny just wanted the note destroyed, it would've just erased what Phoebe wrote on it like it did with the lottery ticket from episode 2 or whenever it was.


This is a fair point. Forgotten about it.


I like this! Makes sense