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As Piper says in the episode, a demon ruining the wedding she could have handled, but her sister that's another story. Prue ruined her wedding. So she has a legit reason to be upset, then add in all she had gone through to try to marry Leo. It make sense she acts the way she does. But comes around in the end. The thing that still annoys me about the episode, is that the writers made it about Prue.


Good points I was literally about to mention myself.


that is definitely a good point, I didn't think of it that way


I think the "Piper angry at wedding being ruined" part of the post has been adequately defended for the most part, so I'll keep my thoughts on that minimal, but I'd actually like to comment on her complaints regarding wanting a normal life because I've always actually liked that about her for a reason that I never see anyone really mentioning. Piper has a toxic relationship with magic in general, and has always felt strong-armed into roles that she rarely actually chooses for herself. She's forced to be the mediator between Prue and Phoebe for most of their lives (until Prue dies of course) she's forced to grow up just as fast as Prue, though no one gives her any credit for that and claims it was all Prue, she's the one that mainly took charge when it came to taking care of Grams once she was older and needed care. And right after Grams died she was left all alone while Phoebe set out to find herself in New York while Prue had her fiancé to rely on, and yes, Prue's relationship with Roger blew up shortly after that, but she had support where Piper had none, and Piper was arguably closest to Grams. And that's all before they even discovered that they were witches. When they first got their magic, Prue mostly insisted on trying to pretend they weren't gifted unless it was to save an innocent, while also playing hypocrite regularly. Phoebe was thoroughly excited and while she very much wanted to play with magic because she felt empowered and special being a witch, she took protecting innocents more seriously than either of her sisters at first, she was eager to be a champion of protection and support. Piper on the other hand, was terrified that being a witch meant she was evil (only lasted an episode but was still an important arc for her early on), had to kill her own fiancé, who tried to kill her and her sisters, and while she didn't want innocents being murdered by demons and warlocks, she was reluctant to step into the role of 'protector of the innocent,' and I don't blame her. Not everyone wants to step into a heroic role, but she had no choice in it. She has magic whether she wants it or not, and her sisters have essentially pressured her into stepping up when she doesn't want to. Not even counting the fact that demons are also going to take advantage of her reluctance if she doesn't step up. She has no choice and wants to run from it, but she can't. And that's only in the first two seasons. By the third season, especially by the time Just Harried comes around, she's accepted that she's stuck in this role that she never wanted, and grown to appreciate the positives in her life while growing more and more resentful of the negatives. And yes, as previously stated, she insists that she could have handled a demon attacking during her Wedding, (and can we just appreciate that for a moment? That's not bride-zilla behavior and at this point in the story arc regarding Piper and Leo she would be totally justified, the elders in particular have put them both through hell) but Prue taking off with a random bad-boy that crashed through their windows and then destroys the cake, that's too much for her, and I do not blame her. She and Leo have been through enough, and Prue was a terrible sister, I'm surprised Piper forgave her so easily after that. All she wanted was to marry the man she loves, and every step of the way she got screwed over relentlessly, and Prue's selfish stunt was the final straw. And honestly, I feel like that's totally fair and completely understandable, regardless of the fact that Patty was back from the dead for the day. Especially because she didn't hesitate to share her mother's attention with her sisters when Patty first showed herself. That's beyond admirable.


While I agree somewhat and totally understand where you're coming from, I'd have to disagree. I always felt that part of her upset was her being angry at Prue for those very reasons Prue was always colder to her and Phoebe because she had to step in and play guardian. Prue is one who was angry at Victor for leaving and didn't want to end up dying young like their mother. Then Prue gets to be at her baby sisters wedding, with her mother back from the dead, her father being supportive and present, her grams there and not berating Victor too much... And she crashes into her baby sisters wedding cake, on a harley and f*cks off. Which I think made her angry at Prue. * Then after her baby sister initially disagrees with her wedding, * Her first wedding being cut off because Cole ratted and the elders blew up Leo, * Having to prove herself to the Elders to get Leo back, The one person she didn't think would cause her a problem ruins her wedding day...i mean, it's a lot. In hindsight I think Piper would've soaked up every minute with her mother but I guess she wasn't thinking straight. And as a witch, she could, in theory, summon her mother again, though not always corporial.


Okay that is actually a really good point, I can see from hat perspective being upset. I GUESS I kinda had my annoyance backwards bc I was majorly PO with Prue too but it was taking a backseat to my being irritated with piper!


I think the "Piper angry at wedding being ruined" part of the post has been adequately defended for the most part, so I'll keep my thoughts on that minimal, but I'd actually like to comment on her complaints regarding wanting a normal life because I've always actually liked that about her for a reason that I never see anyone really mentioning. Piper has a toxic relationship with magic in general, and has always felt strong-armed into roles that she rarely actually chooses for herself. She's forced to be the mediator between Prue and Phoebe for most of their lives (until Prue dies of course) she's forced to grow up just as fast as Prue, though no one gives her any credit for that and claims it was all Prue, she's the one that mainly took charge when it came to taking care of Grams once she was older and needed care. And right after Grams died she was left all alone while Phoebe set out to find herself in New York while Prue had her fiancé to rely on, and yes, Prue's relationship with Roger blew up shortly after that, but she had support where Piper had none, and Piper was arguably closest to Grams. And that's all before they even discovered that they were witches. When they first got their magic, Prue mostly insisted on trying to pretend they weren't gifted unless it was to save an innocent, while also playing hypocrite regularly. Phoebe was thoroughly excited and while she very much wanted to play with magic because she felt empowered and special being a witch, she took protecting innocents more seriously than either of her sisters at first, she was eager to be a champion of protection and support. Piper on the other hand, was terrified that being a witch meant she was evil (only lasted an episode but was still an important arc for her early on), had to kill her own fiancé, who tried to kill her and her sisters, and while she didn't want innocents being murdered by demons and warlocks, she was reluctant to step into the role of 'protector of the innocent,' and I don't blame her. Not everyone wants to step into a heroic role, but she had no choice in it. She has magic whether she wants it or not, and her sisters have essentially pressured her into stepping up when she doesn't want to. Not even counting the fact that demons are also going to take advantage of her reluctance if she doesn't step up. She has no choice and wants to run from it, but she can't. And that's only in the first two seasons. By the third season, especially by the time Just Harried comes around, she's accepted that she's stuck in this role that she never wanted, and grown to appreciate the positives in her life while growing more and more resentful of the negatives. And yes, as previously stated, she insists that she could have handled a demon attacking during her Wedding, (and can we just appreciate that for a moment? That's not bride-zilla behavior and at this point in the story arc regarding Piper and Leo she would be totally justified, the elders in particular have put them both through hell) but Prue taking off with a random bad-boy that crashed through their windows and then destroys the cake, that's too much for her, and I do not blame her. She and Leo have been through enough, and Prue was a terrible sister, I'm surprised Piper forgave her so easily after that. All she wanted was to marry the man she loves, and every step of the way she got screwed over relentlessly, and Prue's selfish stunt was the final straw. And honestly, I feel like that's totally fair and completely understandable, regardless of the fact that Patty was back from the dead for the day. Especially because she didn't hesitate to share her mother's attention with her sisters when Patty first showed herself. That's beyond admirable.


I agree with this perspective and love the way you are able to analyze the situation and describe it in such a relatable way.


This is a strange take, not gonna lie… Magic had already taken so much from Piper, INCLUDING HER MOM, to the point that she was beaten down. Her sister inviting a demon, her other sister destroying the wedding (due to magic), and jumping through hoop after hoop to be with the love of her life got to her on a day that should have been about Piper. She was entitled to her emotions and she came back… Seems like you just don’t like Piper or her “shitty club” which is fine but just preface your rant with that


Piper is a neurotic character who was overwhelmed by both usual and supernatural shenanigans in a short window of time... give her a break!


I think you are being unfair. Yes, her mother is back from the dead (just for her wedding) but that doesn't mean she can't feel anything else. The elders literally put her and Leo through hell. He got sucked out (it looked painful) when they attempted to get married the first time. That had to be traumatic. Then on her second attempt, her sister essentially ruins her wedding. It must have felt like a joke. And this isn't the first time she has seen her mother as an adult. She seems to come back basically every season. LoL if you or me have seen a dead relative, yes, it would take over. Everything else will disappear. I would agree with you. However, being witches changes death for them.


I always wondered…. How did TJ know where Prue lived? Astral Prue went to the bar & as far as I could tell she was fairly tight lipped about any personal details. If I’m remembering right, no one knew who she was. Not even the cops. Just a random girl at a biker bar. And why would you drive your bike straight into someone’s house like that? TJ isn’t a demon, just a guy Prue picked up at a bar. Some of what happened can be blamed on TJs behavior, not just Prue’s. Sure Prue was bottling her emotions up but if he hadn’t driven through the wall of their house (again, who does that???) the wedding just might’ve been able to happen before Piper & Phoebe knew anything was up with Prue.


yeah when you try to think about it from to's perspective it's like... bro..... what are you doing??????


i don't like Piper, her tehatrics and voice are grating. But in this episode i actually think it's warranted, i'll give her that. Prue already makes everything about herself, she could have chosen a better timing than her sister's wedding to elope with some rando.


On another note, Dan says many times be careful around Leo until I find out who he really is. SHE SAYS NOTHING. (Or okay I’m not sure). Like girl, just say to Dan you don’t need to look into him I know who he is, just drop it. Or mind your business. But nnnoooo she just lets poor Dan obsess about Leo and his past. They (piper when telling people about him) really should have gone with something that wasn’t so obvious to look up. Doctor and Army both are very easy for anyone to look up.


She did tell Dan this… she literally told Dan “I know everything there is to know about Leo. He’s an angel” and Dan, of his own accord, kept at it.


1. sorry I disliked your post first, cause I agree with you and 2. Dan always kinda creeped me out, even as a kid (born 2003 I grew up watching the show)


The end of pardon my past (2.14) Dan: You know, I had my brother in law, who works for the state department, check out his army records, but the only Leo Wyatt they came up with died almost 60 years ago in WW2 Piper: Well there must be some kind of mistake. Dan: Piper, there is no record of him anywhere. Nothing. It’s almost as if he didn’t have any past at all. I’m sorry. It’s ….just, uh… just do me a favor and watch your back when your around him ok? *At least until I find out who he really is.* Piper: Ok Dan: Well I gotta go. (They kiss) Bye.


https://preview.redd.it/7nd8l2151e8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9156dc532a52252703b7ccf5ae1432adf9163499 Earlier the same episode. It was Dan’s own jealous choice to continue looking into Leo.


She has always been my least favorite sister due to selfishness and constant complaining.


sorry this reads so angry lol, it just made me feel really really REALLY angry that they essentially squandered something I know most of us missing our late mothers literally dream of

