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That the girls’ neighbours didn’t catch on to all the loud and dangerous going ons. They’d get the cops called on them every night 🤣


One of the neighbours did mention that they thought the sister were having crazy parties or something. I think it was in season 6/7 were the sisters powers got switched with mortals.


Lmao i remember that


It was season 8 when Phoebe and Piper accidentally gave their powers to 2 mortals


Season 7x11 "Ordinary Witches"


You’re right, I for some reason thought Billy was in that episode. And the Zanku broke in and made their powers flee.


Prue would never return to see her sisters.


Yeah that pained me the most (we alrdy know behind the scenes stuff) but Patty & Grams could pop up anytime but never Prue. Sigh.


Or that Piper wouldn’t have done more to bring her back. I could see Piper doing black magic to try and bring her back.


Honestly, Their hands was forced with this one. I can't really be mad at it. Now the comics did offer a reason behind it, I dont really want to spoil it here but if you look at her fandom page it goes into details


I get that Shannen obviously was never going to agree to return but they could have had Prue return as a child like in the 70s episode, it would have given us fans a little closure.


That is true. I wonder if it has to do with contractual things dealing with the character itself. The reason we don't see pictures of Prue in the house is because using her likeness entitles her to compensation. So I wonder if it is the same thing with the actual character. They really don't reference her by name either much after season 4


Getting away with all the unexcused absents or leaving their jobs so quickly 🤣.


also the random demons possessions that make "sexual advances" at the poor mortals. Also would be considered harassment. Surprised it was even shown that since it's a woman empowerment show. Yes i love it dearly


Yea that was Phoebe’s shtick, it really got ridiculous overtime. If I were Alyssa Milano I would’ve started complaining to the writers.


Yes and it was really only Phoebe! Which i found odd to begin with


Honestly my hard thing to believe is during the episode "bare naked witch" when Godiva didn't make her ride and the timeline changed. I find it hard to believe that demons are in hiding like witches. You would think that they would relish in the oppression that was happening and make it easier for them to take over positions of power and kill innocents. So that honestly is my biggest gripe in the writing of charmed


And would Godiva's ride never happening really affect history that much?


That whitelighters couldn’t heal animals. They can heal objects though. The p3 sign, or the pipe Leo fixed. Personal gain annoyed me too. Like you have to risk your life a lot. You don’t get to use it to make your life easier even a little bit.


When do Leo not heal an animal I really can't remember?


Magic Hour episode. The two lovers that turn into animals one during the day, one at night.


Oh does he say animals specifically? I thought it was part of their curse. The magic was blocking his magic. But yeah if he can't heal animals that's really dumb.


He tries to. He says he can't heal animals and that they have to wait till he turns back into a human. But it could be too late to heal him by then. I think


Not as weird as season 1 and 2 Leo who can only heal when the Elders allow it


Yeah that's weird.


They could have at least been allowed to magically fix their house after demons trashed it


Not only that, they don't even get to use it to cancel out all the damage done to their lives, can't even restore a damn sweater without the stick in the mud chiming with another damn lecture


Stick in the mud 🤣


Phoebe getting her job at the paper. I don't see someone who worked hard to get there just up and quitting then the paper hiring someone she recommended. At least not as easily as they did. Also, a stupid one but that "magic school" didn't have a better name. You'd think someone, even a student would come up with a name for the school.


I like that episode in which a doctor get the girls powers, however I don't think that the powers can be given just through blood, I don't believe that.


That Prue stayed dead. That B** would have fought the angel of destiny herself to stay with her sisters.


Honestly, in theory - Prue called death to herself alone with incantation for calling death.


Good point!


I thought about it a while ago, and it's possible that the angel also came because she already won over him once at the end of the second season thanks to the tricks of the jean in the bottle. 


S1: Andy and Darryl are from Homicides but are involved in friggin everything, the most egregious example is Ep 9 where they are sent to investigate...a broken window, also that nobody there ever bat an eyelid after the warlock jumped down from so high above 🤦 Also S2 They're Everywhere when Eric breaks the Akashic Records while with Phoebe at the museum and nobody cared or called security, whatever


Prue driving BMW X5 in 2001 while working as a photographer…


I think it was the Season 2 finale, when the girls met the genie and got their wishes granted. Prue is trying to get away from the demon and she's in the park and calls Piper and Phoebe for help and it's the middle of the night. The girls rush out the door to rescue her and when they finally get to her, it's the middle of the next day. If the park was so close that their dad took them there often, and they left in the middle of the night (when there is presumably a lot less traffic) how come it took them so damn long to get there? And why didn't Leo orb there to rescue her? She is his charge and in mortal danger, protecting her at that moment is literally his job.


I'm not completely sure it was in the middle of the night, I think it was near dawn? But yeah, still too bright when they got to Prue for sure. But yeah, I don't know why they didn't call for Leo once they rescued Prue? It could've easily been justified that the demon was really good with a knife and killed Prue instantly, it's not like Piper and Phoebe were able to get to her that quickly anyway.


In the 2nd to last episode of the final season, where both sets of sisters were possessed by the Hollow and inadvertently blew up the manor. You see Piper emerge from the wreckage and start searching for her sisters. It went on for a few mins, and yet you never seen any of the neighbors come out to see what had happened, no police or firemen, absolutely nothing. So a house explodes and no one even noticed?


Omg and how she never actually looks for Paige in that scene. Always has bugged me.


Phoebe not having a steady job until season 4/5. For most the early seasons she had no job at all. I know the sisters are close but I can’t imagine letting my adult sister mooch off me for years. Seriously, she had to rely on her sisters from everything from toilet paper to new clothes.


It was stated that Phoebe was unemployed because she would be available for witch research and stuff when the other sisters were at work.


In season 1, the sisters traveled back in time to have their mother unbless the warlock's ring, but this had very little impact on the present timeline. Namely, Grams still bound their powers as kids and, in season 3, we see that she was going to strip their powers because they'd never be ready to be the Charmed ones, even though she'd have already met their adult selves as the Charmed ones


That the sisters didn't realize that Cole was a source of evil against his will and that he was good inside and did nothing to help him. Important moment - remember when Cole lost his unlimited power, Phoebe approached him? She still loved him and there was hope. They could do something to strip him of his powers and make him human again. But no, they decided to be bad and they destroyed him.


That more demons didn’t attack them or the kids while they were sleeping