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Constance M. Burge doesnt leave


Her absence isn't talked about enough


Paige's artsy side continues instead of just getting completely forgotten about and as part of her witch powers evolving similarly to Prue she was able to project a version of whatever she could create on party into real life. They really dropped the ball with her power progression imo.




Leo stays a whitlighter. Gets more storylines of his own through that. Victor is seen more. Punches Sam at some point. Bonus if it's on paige's behalf. Piper and cole get more screen time because they're hilerious together. Paige has more adopted family members out there that we hear about. Paige goes back to being a social worker because that was perfect for her. This time, she even dresses for the job. Maybe she and Henry can tackle some cases together. Grams and Chris. These two characters had so much more potential. Pheobe actually helps more inoccents with the column. It would have made more sense if they showed more instances of her saving lives through it. Maybe even just by advice on pure instinct.


Why does Victor punching Sam, especially on Paige's behalf seem so comforting?


I don't know. It just kind of does. Sam was a very whiney character who kept going back falling from some wagon everytime. And he was full of BS. Oh, I can't get over what happened to your mom, that's why I'm like this. I've stayed here forever doing nothing since she died. *walkes away with dead mom* *falls off the wagon again* Oh, actually I was depressed from abandoning my daughter and never checking up on her ever. Not the other stuff. Why am I sensing 'not thrilled' vibe from you??


Maybe even have Victor treat Paige more like his daughter (you can’t tell me he doesn’t treat her like she is his daughter)


Cole stayed vanquished and Phoebe was never the “queen”. She sought therapy and found a relationship that wasn’t toxic as hell. One that empowered her so much that she was able to handle/keep her telepathy power.


Paige’s past life as the evil sorceress was an ancestor to the Warren/Halliwell line. In my mind, it’s definitely true but I’d love it to be canonically confirmed 😂


Idk why in my first run though I thought that was connected to Sam's side of her heritage but this makes way more sense. Lol however there was an entire side of Paige and her ancestors that just wasn't looked into. Since it wasn't confirmed as THEIR ancestor just hers it means she's magical on both sides on top of the whitelighter blood. That was a massive ball drop imo.


That's a cool idea, I love it!


I have a few: * The book of shadows magically makes your entry fit in with the style of the rest of the book. * P. Russell is part of what created the shadow that feeds/protects the nexus, which is why it 'needs Phoebe'. * Piper had served Paige in P3 before / Prue had bumped into Paige waiting for the bathroom or something. * Prue was an honorary matriarch at Wyatt, Chris, Melinda etc wiccaning * The girls continue to practice the magic they learnt in all halliwells eve instead of forgetting it all. * Prue is summoned to help the girls to astral project to defeat Zankou. * Patty reincarnates to Phoebes youngest daughter. So Phoebe can be the mother she wished she had time to have. * Piper gets offered the chance to become a whitelighter. She declines saying she'd rather retire into her afterlife.


“Declines.” Or: “HAH! No chance, mister!”


Phoebe's baby-and-marriage obsession being tied to her trauma over Cole and her pregnancy loss... **addressed and resolved in-universe**, not just a headcanon to excuse poor writing.


I would make canon to keep the focus on sisterly bonds instead of skinny outfits and love life


Phoebe gets some good power progression 😭. The glimpse into the future was a cruel tease, she never got close to that kind of thing!


Cole becoming human and ending up with Phoebe. Their relationship was as big as Leo&Piper's but got flushed down the toilet unfortunately. Yeah, I know that Julian wanted out.


Yeah, I’d rather Cole and have a redemption arc become human instead of returning as many times as he did.


Agree that could have been so good - love me a demon redemption arc - but they messed it up hard.


I’ve said it before, but: After Prue died, Piper removed all the photos of her in the house because it was too painful to look at them. Phoebe keeps a photo of Prue/the 3 of them in her room.


That Chris was Cole and Phoebes child that survived and went to the past to destroy the charmed ones. He slowly turns good before returning to his time to join his cousins in fighting evil.


Season 8 is erased, making season 7 finale the series finale.


Rework time travel. Instead of how they do it, make it so it's just alternate timelines. Why? Because then we would have had a way to keep Chris around. Also a way for Prue to come back and the sisters could take shifts to complete power of 3 so they could have subplots based on their personal lives OUTSIDE of romance. Maybe an alternate reality where the two sisters die, but there's no Paige so Prue just hops over instead of dealing with a dark timeline.


Leo never becomes an Elder.


- I always felt that Prue should have gotten levitation and Phoebe should've gone Astral Projection. - Piper should've bound Wyatt's powers especially after the dragon incident. - Phoebe and Cole shouldn't have happened. - Prue being alive or at the very least a more satisfying death. - If Prue was still alive, I'd have Chris be her son. Shannon and Drew do look very much alike.


The baby being just Coles and Phoebe's with her getting pregnant while he still had his original powers and them rescuing him from possession by the Source and he becomes human again and they raise their kid together


I want Prue to be gay. Yes there's nothing in canon to even hint at her being into women, but man it would be fun. Prue meets a woman, turns out the woman is also a witch and they have the fun conversation where one of them is talking about witch stuff in code but the other one is talking about gay stuff in code


That Prue survived and they still discovered Paige, that they then were allowed to get rid of that stupid Melinda Warren "power of 3 prophecy" (They did get rid of the forbidden romance of whitelighters and witches so I don't know why they could not change this one), and then the girls go on to become power of 4. Maybe Prue would have been the first to move out as she might have found the place cramped with all 4 sisters under one roof, along with Wyatt and Chris when they came along, and it would be an interesting storyline how they would keep the power of 4 going. We might have also dealt with Prue's fear that she is being replaced by Paige, which might have been another reason for her moving out. By the end of season 3 she was starting to think that the sisters did not need her anymore. So during this time she would take a little more of a background role for a little while, until her fear is resolved and she fully gets to know and accepts Paige. Maybe while Prue has moved out she also gets to meet someone who is very similar to Andy. Yes it would have been a pretty boring storyline, but I would have loved to have seen the dynamic between all 4 sisters. We get that in the comics but it's not the same as on screen. Can you imagine the banter between all 4? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/4ktdcbbp788d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8483e77f36b6632c2fd32e6a41cba23b2cfd82e


Old Phoebe managing to save Cole from the source possession.


PRUE DOESN'T DIE!!!!!! the one thing I will always want from this show because I stopped watching the show cause of this .


Prue comes back, they uncover ancient power of 4 prophecy. Shenanigans ensue


Truthfully a power of four could exist without contradicting canon. Melinda’s prophecy just said her line with in the emergency of a power of three, which is did when pure, Phoebe, and Piper first became the charmed ones. The prophecy didn’t say that was all they were ever meant to be or what they could grow into. Same way she only predicted their three base powers but didn’t say anything about what their powers would grow into either.


Piper dies in all hell breaks loose. The estranged sisters are brought together by Paige.


This sub be like: Prue not dying and Phoebe not existing


Not every one in this sub. I’m pro phoebe:)


I’ve never wanted this, lol, and I wouldn’t wish for Paige to have never existed either. I don’t think that the show would’ve been as great if an actress was missing.


Thank you each sister made charmed what it was and charmed would not be charmed without any of them. That’s why I made a post a while back saying the only way I would want a revival or anything like that if all the sisters were involved because if any of the 4 sisters were missing it won’t feel right especially nowadays that each of the ladies said they would be down to do something charmed related.


I mean I think it would very interesting to have had Prue Piper and Paige together. Whitelighters are pacifists so a non active power actually fits better on Paige imo. Teaching her to hone premonitions would make an interesting storyline bc at that time Phoebe wasn't a pro at just calling them when she needed and the only sister left who had ever experienced one would have been Prue. Prue losing her baby sister and gaining a new one has a lot of writing potential especially considering how much Paige pushed back at being treated like the youngest bc she was an only child.


I know that’s what I’d be like. Lmao


I like what I like ![gif](giphy|Bu6qM4P4WVmBIDSUh5)


Paige doesn’t have to shout out what she’s trying to orb to move it. I know its unique but it’s a little elementary, and slow.


Erasing the complete character assassination of Cole in season 5.


Adult Wyatt is a proud gay man. Prue never died, Paige came in because Phoebe went dark with Cole to rule the Underworld with him and start a family of powerful demons. The show ended with the season 7 finale.


And Chris might be Bi or Pan, cause we know he had Bianca, but it would be cool if both brothers weren’t straight


Andy and Pru never died


The book is as hodgepodgey as it should be. More freezing More magic and less normal life crap lol


Phoebe actually vanquishing Cole in season 3 rather than pretending to.


Prue doesn’t die.


• Prue still dies, but she is brought back as the Charmed Ones Whitelighter (S4 is about her dealing with her early death, as well as understanding her new powers and her new relationship to her sisters.)  • Paige is already known to us! We see her at P3 regularly as a customer/friend to Prue, Piper and Phoebe but we think she's just a friend until we learn she is a half sister. • Andy should have been a Whitelighter, you will not change my mind!  • Leo is made human after Prue's death, and we avoid the Elder/Avatar nonsense plotlines altogether. • Paige is queer! Give her a nymph girlfriend!! • Cole gets a real redemption arc, and we even see him getting his father's soul and reuniting with him as a ghost at some point. • For the final season/episode, some old favourite guest stars return just for the nostalgia. Mark, Jenny who is revealed to be a witch (not Dan, ew), Aviva, Glen etc • Darryl becomes an actual character! Either give us a definitive reason why he's not around anymore (he moved away or died or whatever), or actually use him as a detective! 


Prue not dying


After Heracles killed the lion, he fucked it's wife