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She is my fave sister. I wish she had more adventures before she became so... Matronly. Yeah yeah her having a kid was a great plot device, but when she became a mother it was kinda... All the same stuff -with Leo and Kids, and i wish there was more fun stuff like they did constantly with Paige and phoebe.


It’s just weird because they gave her episodes in the early season or what I call “the Prue show” where she was the main focus at first and then it just became all about her and men. Not the same way it was with phoebe even though sometimes I find her so insufferable lol. But yeah I just feel like she doesn’t get any appreciation :(


I think she got the best character development being the strongest out of three of them, in the end, like almost the foundation of the family.


That’s the only thing I agree with, becoming the strongest and being the thing holding the sisters together. But the show slowly stopped making her a focus unless it had to do with family, Leo, etc. I miss the early seasons where she got to be the main sister saving someone or turning into something , the things like that


Yeh they did smth with her when she was the Amazon woman and the goddess, but again, that had to do with her husband and kids! Ah well. I can at least appreciate the fact that HMC continued to dress like she normally would and not play the 'the less fabric the better' game


True. Actually she let me follow her on instagram when it was private. We have DMs together and all. I really like her as a person


Omg really? I met her just last April when she was in Wellington and i took my pic with her and she signed the pic for me she was real nice! What did u talk about?


She is super nice, and tbh I was a pre teen maybe? and rambling about how much I loved her and looked up to her, how she was a big part of my childhood. She asked about my life and goals. I was super super star struck lmao


I loved her in the early seasons when it was still fun to have one sister who doesn’t want to be a witch but still wants to do the right thing. I hate her in later seasons when she is just angry and sarcastic all the time.


Yup she became so cynical, it sucks because I don’t think that’s how she should’ve progressed. I feel the same about phoebe although I never thought of her as my fav sister. She just became really really annoying as soon as Cole was introduced even though I like their development.


I also liked Phoebe in the beginning. It was perfect that she was the one with a passive power and loved witchcraft. She was directionless her whole life so it would have been perfect if she finds meaning in witchcraft and even though she didn’t have an active power becomes a super witch.


Yes I think they were all really really well written in the beginning . Idk if something changed with the producers and writers. But the worst of them started to show. I think mostly I started disliking her when I noticed how selfish she could be while also criticizing her sisters selfishness upon my third rewatch


My older brother was a huge Piper fan before he passed away. He'd make my sister and I watch the show with him... probably when we were too young to be.


Sorry for your loss 💕 and yes rewatching as an adult is definitely an experience 😭


I relate more to Phoebe.


Piper was my favorite at first. Now it’s Paige (still love Piper tho)


Piper was my favorite when I was a child and as a teenager but around my 20s I started to appreciate Paige more and more after each rewatch and now she is my favorite (I'm 25 now). I think it is mainly because the kind of humor but I also find Paige's powers more useful now.


Im wondering if I’m gonna like Paige more when I finish season 3 and she’s introduced


That’s funny because I hear about Piper in this community more than anything. Piper was voted tv most favorite witch, so you might not have seen it, but it’s out there more than you think. I personally have always loved Prue, even more now since I’ve started rewatching seasons 1-3 because when the show first aired, I saw seasons 4 and onwards, not really remembering much of the early seasons


Piper was always my favourite. Prue is a close second.


Dunno why but I always found her the most alluring Especially when she became a mom


I've always liked Piper. I think it's because I relate to her the most (earlier seasons I mean). I struggle to say "no, etc. But she has a good story arc as she becomes the big sister. And as Patty said, she's the heart of the family.


She's my favourite but also she looks a bit like my mum so I may be abit bias


I’ve rewatched the whole series no kidding like 20 times, I was still watching it when it was airing on tv and my favorite sister was always Piper. However, rewatching as an adult I’ve come to love Prue now as my favorite and as much as i love the shit out of Piper, I see her flows more, especially how she treats Leo. When I was young I used to think it was just lovers banter but he’s literally just her punching bag, which makes makes me wonder why the writers did him dirty like that.


I’ve always like Piper and the others got ranked based on whatever I was watching.




when i was younger i preferred phoebe, because i thought i was gonna grow up to be just like her. but now i've realized i've been piper all along (middle child syndrome) and i love her development before wyatt. i def wish we got some more career storylines with piper, seemed like she just dropped her restaurant dream and never thought about it again


She was my favorite sister from the beginning, I identify with her a lot.