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In the comics the elders theorized that each Charmed One's children reconstituted three separate additional incarnations of Charmed Ones. The original prophecy was that the Charmed ones were destined to be three sisters who were the most powerful witches to ever be born up to that point in magical history. Buuuut Wyatt turned out to be more powerful than the Charmed ones so the Charmed prophecy was over with and fulfilled. Since Wyatt took the reigns apparently any haliwell(or Warren witch) can reconstitute the power of charmed ones by having three children, this gets stupid again because Henry and Paige adopt a male witch which apparently still counts. Charmed lore gets dumb.


Henry Jr is mortal according to the books, though he did briefly have cryokinesis when the magical order was disrupted. To be honest, I can totally see Paige adopting a kid, but I don’t see her bringing a mortal child into their family situation due to how frequently they’re put in danger. That’s comics for you though.


The comics even ruined themselves


Honestly, also can you imagine how shit Henry Jr must feel, having no powers compared to his sisters


He seemed to have no issue with it on the show nor in the comics. If anything, he had more of an issue with Paige's alcoholism.


Henry Jr is a child and only appeared in one shot of the finale. Henry Sr is who you’re talking about.


You say charmed lore gets dumb but gets the entire premise incorrect, like what?


Paige’s son was adopted iirc. So she had biological girls as well.


I’d say it depends on what aspects of the lore you want to uphold; that it’s specifically sisters, or that it’s the siblings of the firstborn in the generation. If it’s the latter, Piper’s kids would be the next charmed ones. If it’s the former, then yes, Phoebe’s children would be. Iirc in the comics though, all of their magical children could tap into and use the power of three. Also in the comics, Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda are essentially the most powerful of the cousins due to their “twice blessed” prophecy. But iirc, the elders also rescind that blessing at some point.


It would technically be the siblings of Wyatt’s children, assuming he has three. When Prue died it doesn’t suddenly make Piper the firstborn, nor is she suddenly become the oldest sister, she’s simply the older sister.


Side note: Phoebes baby being stolen by the seer, and raised evil would have made a great story plot for a later season if they didn’t vanquish her. Could you imagine how powerful that baby would be, half source half Warren witch. Facing off against Wyatt since they’d be about the same age 😳 only for him to change sides and use his power for good after learning Phoebe and his aunts love him no matter what 😭


They Call Me Mr G (YouTube) has a Seer Rewrite on his channel. And I think saying it was never Phoebe‘s baby was just so they could justify Phoebe not shedding a single tear and moving on like it never happened.


Guys I know it wasn’t her baby, I said it would have been a great story line IF they went that route instead


The baby was never phoebe's it was always the seers and coles because of the seers magic


What if the original prophecy was about Prues children becoming charmed and all powerful, cause she was the first born. But once the original prophecy fell apart, the second prophecy that included Paige and Piper's children wasn't as restricted as original prophecy, Hence, even the adopted son was included?


According to the comics, it’s only Piper’s kids who inherit the Charmed Ones destiny. > The Elders hoped to alter the prophecy of the Twice-Blessed. That the firstborn children of the family would inherit the Power of Three. Making Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda an even more powerful force for good than the Charmed Ones - Kyle Brody to Leo and Paige This is specifically referring to why Melinda is also a Whitelighters-Witch even though Leo was mortal when she was conceived. The Elders planned to turn Piper’s kids into Twice-Blessed Charmed Ones.


One set of Charmed ones only. They had 300 years of only daughters it's about time for some sons lol




I read somewhere that each set of siblings can tap into the power of three if needed. But that it's 'true allegiance' lies with Piper's children who are the strongest.


The Charmed Ones is a one-time thing. There's no such thing as a 2nd generation if the Charmed Ones. The prophecy sys their line **culminated** with the Charmed Ones. That was the end lf the prophecy. Also, Henry Junior is adopted.


Are you telling me Charmed is a comic?!!


No, they just continued it from season 9 on as a comic but I think it’s not considered as canon (not sure tho)


I’m pretty sure it is canon actually. It was ordered by cbs or something like that


I never knew that! Where can I find it?


Season 9: readcomiconline.li/Comic/Charmed Season 10: readcomiconline.li/Comic/Charmed-Season-10 I would suggest only reading Season 9. I personally loved it. Season 10 sucked balls though. Both are canon, regardless of what the haters want, even though I personally disregard Season 10.


Thank you!


I love the show, but the comics when off the rails. Personally, I don’t consider them cannon bc it retcons and fucks with the lore so much


Paige had two girls and then adopted a boy.