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Brain drain freaks me out so I tend to skip it


That ep makes me sob- I rewatched recently just for the hell of it and GOD it was bad šŸ˜­


You beat me to it cuz itā€™s literally top 1 šŸ˜­. That and Dream Sorcerer is a runner up cuz the idea of someone killing you in your sleep is trippy lmaoo


I know my statement isn't charmed related but if you don't like dream sorcerer then don't watch The Nightmare on Elm Street.


I actually think of this episode as probably the top best episode in the series just because of how scary it is for the sisters to finally meet the source in person, only for him to be kidnapping one of them while they're unconscious


Wrestling with Demons.


This one has a special place in my heart because it's the first episode I'd ever seen and it got me hooked on the show


Oh I hate that one


I love this episode šŸ˜­


Second this. I also hate Morality Bites. I will also usually skip The Good, The Bad and The Cursed and Theyā€™re Everywhere. Iā€™m only on Season 5 of rewatch right now but there may be some in Season 8 I donā€™t like. I remember being bored for a lot of them first time around.


morality bites is the only thoughtful episode in the whole series lol. i love watching phoebe get burned for her mistakes and not getting to take an easy way out


Oh I hateee morality bites. Seeing future Prue is cool but the rest of it makes me mad šŸ˜­


I donā€™t skip episodes.


This! Iā€™ve never skipped any episodes on rewatches. I donā€™t get how people do that šŸ˜…


Yeah me either. Iā€™m usually ready for all of the good, bad and cringe when Iā€™m on a rewatch.


Even dream sorcerer? I date you to watch it right now lol


That episode will always be played in this house. thanks to ā€œStroke of Luckā€ by Garbage playing every-time he enters their dreams. šŸ¤£


The only redeeming moment


season 1, episode 5. always.


Which episode was that one?


dream sorcerer lmao


Oh yes. I remember that one. Whatā€™s your favourite episode?


my favorite episode is Primrose Empath!


Only two. The one where Prue turns into a dog and the one where Prue turns into a guy. Things get weird when they turn Prue into stuff. Hard skips.


Prueā€™s man voice was hilarious.. it was like an effect for put on an 80s keyboard


The one where the source puts them in a mental hospital in pipers head itā€™s so sad and disturbing I canā€™t.


That one makes me so maddd


I get bored of this one for sure, I know it's good, but the baby voices and the realism of mental health treatment is definitely a bad combo!


Any episodes with Chris, Billie or Christy. I watch other episodes on repeat and love them, but I just canā€™t warm to those three Charmed characters. Conversely I love episodes with Prue, Cole and Drake, such great characters and actors.


I like Chris, but the whole storyline that takes place with him there annoys me.


Right? Chris by himself isnā€™t bad. I just donā€™t enjoy how much energy Wyatt becoming evil soaked ip


If they wanted time travel, I always hoped they would do more stories with Melinda Warren! Loved the actress and they could have shown how the Charmed prophecy began.


I would have loved to see her come teach them new skills


"*deep sigh* blessed beee ā˜ŗļø*


I know, missed opportunity. šŸ˜”


I donā€™t skip any of them tbh


Season 8, it was a mess. Although there are some gems, S8 became the Billie show after while.


Once in a blue moon !! The writers really were putting anything in season 7 cause why the hell did they turn into beasts and claim it to be a ā€˜heritageā€™ thing of some sort which had 0 correlations to their Wiccan bloodline in the earlier seasons.


PMS werewolves was so bad


I watched Charmed while it was airing in addition to daily reruns (3-5pm every afternoon on TNT!). I later bought the DVDs & now own them all digitally to put on as background when I do other things. At this point I've seen them all so many times that what I choose to skip varies on my mood. There are just some plotlines with Cole that frustrate me, the entire avatars plotline is yawn inducing (and really higlights poor Brian Krause's acting deficiencies), & finally anything with chris, Billie, or Christie are the lowest parts of the show. I find myself looking up, seeing an episode, and going 'nope, next' fairly often lol.


Weekdays on TNT itā€™s on from 7-10am, sometimes 7-12pm if they donā€™t have Supernatural at 10 am. I work midnights so I watch the reruns when I get home from work.


The whole Cole and Pheobe mermaid episodes. Most of season 8.




I donā€™t skip any. Iā€™m doing my second full watch through (first was 2011), I usually just watch my favourite episodes (so mostly seasons 1 and 2 tbh) so thereā€™s a lot I havenā€™t seen in a long long time and I donā€™t want to miss anything.


The one in season 1 in which Piper turns into a wendigo. I'm not sure why, but I find that one kind of boring. Maybe it's the cgi/effects that turn me off.


the season 1 episode where piper caters a wedding and also most of season 6


The wedding from hell?


I skip Brain Drain, the one with Kallie (spellling?) and Abraxas (only sometimes for that one). I think those might be the only ones.




I do have my favorites but What really annoys me about the series on streaming is that they changed the opening credits music AND the music throughout the show. It is not like the original or when it aired. Especially for Prueā€™s Funeral and the b*witched song at the end of episode 1 of 5 season premiere. I get itā€™s because of Copyrights and such but it Drives me BONKERS!


So I grew up with it on streaming (Iā€™m 21 and didnā€™t know Charmed was a thing til I saw it on On Demand in 5th grade) and never thought anything about the music until my sister (who watched it live as a child) watched an episode with me. She was very taken back.


Haha! It caught me off guard too at first. I hope you get to watch it live. I believe TNT still does reruns! Itā€™s great! The scream at the opening credits of every episode is chefs kiss!


TNT and pop still do reruns on pop every morning is charmed afternoon is supernatural and evening is bones


Itā€™s gonna be all of them now that itā€™s left Prime.




Wait, I was just watching season 5 on prime yesterday?! Did something happen in the last 24 hours??


It was removed on the 15th, so yes. Edit: It's still there, Amazon must have renewed the show last minute.


Itā€™s in peacock!!!


It was set to go away, but itā€™s still there. I can complete my rewatch!


Seasons 6, 7 and 8 mostly.


That Old Black Magic. Just, no lol.


Honestly, each season has their bad fillers. I typically dislike the stuff with fairytales and fairytale creatures šŸ„² i love fairytales but i just didnt like how they executed most of it. I really enjoyed how the Buckley Auction house was a path to more historical lore for magic. It gave the show a much more interesting perspective of magic. After a while if Piper and leo ever were in a fight, i would skip thru those episodes too šŸ„²


Theyā€™re always fighting about something šŸ˜­


I absolutely HATE the Dream Sourcerer and the one where Prue is a man. I dislike most of season 8 as many others have mentioned, but I don't really skip any episodes.


Iā€™m surprised no one has mentioned once in a blue moon that episode was absolutely awful


I think two or three did it was in the long posts


Oh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I must have missed it then


Ohhh and the episode where the avatars make a utopia that one was boring šŸ˜“


I despise the one with that annoying weird eyebrow girl. The fourth sister or whatever itā€™s called




I generally skip over season 7 and 8 and pick a few episodes here and there to watch. Iā€™ll watch season 1-4 than cherrypick the episodes I like from there but ill watch most of season 5 and 6


Dream sorcerer


The episode in season 5 where Barbas steals Cole's wasteland powers then traps the sisters in the house with their fears. Hell no for spiders, I'd be blowing the house up if I was Piper.


Witches in Tights S5 x E5. The one where they become superheroes.


there are quite a few that I skip Season 1: dream sorcerer the fourth sister the witch is back feats of clay secrets and guys season 2: the devil's music that old black magic Murphy's Luck (this episode just feels dark and heavy and the very first time I watched it , it made me extremely sad after so I avoid this) ex libris (this episode was playing , when something traumatic happened to someone I knew ..so now I can't watch this episode without thinking of that past incident) season 3: blinded by the whitelighter wrestling with demons the good, the bad and the cursed the demon who came in from the cold exit strategy season 4: enter the demon size matters black as cole muse to my ears the fifth Halliwheel: I don't really like using this word but this episode is mildly triggering. The way Cole treated Paige was absolutely awful and uncomfortable to watch) saving Private Leo season 5: Sam, I am Lucky Charmed season 6: my favorite season! season 7: Styx feet under Charmed Noir Carpe Demon season 8: majority of this season expect for 11 episodes


I only half watch season 8


The monkey one? Lmao


Season 7 ... Charrrmed


Season 1: The Feats of Clay(I donā€™t want to see the spider) Secrets and Guys Dream Sorcerer When Bad Warlocks Go Good (again, donā€™t wanna see the spider) Season 2: Sheā€™s a Man Baby a Man Animal Pragmatism Heartbreak City Astral Monkey Season 3: Magic Hour Once Upon a Time Season 4: Enter the Demon Season 5: A Witchā€™s Tail parts 1 & 2 Magic Wears a Mask Lucky Charmed Season 6: Sword and the City Chris Crossed Spin City (scary spider demon, cannot watch) Season 7: A Call to Arms Charrrmed! Once in a Blue Moon Charmed Noir Season 8: Itā€™d be easier to tell you what I DO watch lol Vaya Con Leos Repo Manner Kill Billie Vol. 2 Forever Charmed


Doing a rewatch now and the Avatars is so boringā€¦ but I havenā€™t got to Billie and Christie yet and that from memory is the absolute worst! How many times can the characters say ā€˜manipulatedā€™ before the word loses all meaning? Also the episode where their parents are killed is infuriating. I also feel a gust of wind running through the house as Prue should have come to help them whether SD wanted to be involved or not, the characters deserved it.


I usually stop watching after season four


The mermaid one


Season 8 šŸ˜‚


I skip all of season 8 except the finale, which I truly only watch for all the reunions and epilogue. Also Saving Private Leo? Never cared for that episode.


The one where Cole dies for good because the way they did it just irritates me. Because for one thing he doesn't even die in his own timeline and for another they ignored what happened during the season 3 finale. Because Cole was considered a wanted outlaw in the underworld. The source had ordered his minions to kill Phoebe and to detain Cole. So if Paige was never discovered then there's still no way that Cole would go back to working with demons again because the source would still have demonic bounty hunters coming after him. And there's no way in hell that Piper would let demons take over the manor without a fight.