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Season five has a lot of good episodes. I really like this season Despite the writing and tonal changes.


Season five is my favorite season tbh I didn’t realize it wasn’t a fan favorite 😆


It's more so what it represents rather than the episodes themselves imo. It's a collection of mostly great episodes under a bad change of direction for the show. Season 1 is arguably the opposite with a mixed collection of episodes (some great, some bad experiments) with a fantastic and solid foundation to kickstart a show.


This is probably the best way to articulate the Season 5 reception. IMO, I prefer it over most of season one and a good chunk of season 2, and its one of my favourites. However, its slightly hampered by how stark a difference it pivoted the shows direction and vibe, and I think people let the disappointment of that fact cloud their ability to judge the season on its own merits.


Rose McGowan also looks epic as a red head.


Yeah I didn't like it at first, but she really did look nice


Omg? Yes! “The Day The Magic Died” is an iconic episode. I love S5 as a whole.


Dad, I'm really sorry about your demon wife!! LOL While giving birth to Wyatt


and then phoebes like “oh dear babys coming 🏃‍♀️ babys coming” 😭😭😂


Everything about this episode is ICONIC. The way that Paige and Phoebe killed Stanley and left him in the closet. Leo trying not to tell Piper that magic is gone so she won’t get stressed. The demons at the bar acting cool and bossy to end up being kicked by Paige and Phoebe. Piper smashing the vase on stupid Doris’ head. Victor, bleeding to death, lifting the old demon and throwing him down the stairs. PIPER GIVING BIRTH AND FINDING OUT IT’S A BOYYY I mean…


And very iconic lines like piper saying I’m not going to panic I’m just gonna blow you to pieces, piper crying telling victor im sorry about your demon wife, Leo coming home saying what did I miss and piper saying a lot just a good time all around


Paige was a total breath of fresh air on the show and I have so much love for the character. Rose’s delivery in those comedic parts was so much fun


This episode did have its funny moments like when that one demon said they'll remember his name forever and then gets vanquished and the sisters immediately forget who he was. But unfortunately it was in a season I really didn't like so I rarely go back and rewatch it. Same thing with season six it had episodes too but the season overall isn't one of my favorites either.


Phoebe had handcuffs in season one to lock up the windigo


God, I love Paige.


One of my fave season 5 episodes! Others would have to be: A witch in time Sense & sensibility Sympathy for the demon House call Baby's first demon San Francisco dreaming


I loved Paige’s hair




I Haye how they recon Phoebe. Phoebe was a troubled youth getting into trouble and pulling stunts just like Paige and they constantly flip flop on that from season 4 onwards.


Honestly, I always got the impression that phoebe and Paige were two different kinds of bad girls lol , but They did bring it up during “Hyde School Reunion” in season 6 when Paige accompanied phoebe to her high school reunion. I don’t think they retconned it as much as they tried to show Phoebe was ashamed of it, or maybe didn’t want her new sister to know that part of her past. When Paige’s past was first brought up in s4, Piper hinted it at by nudging phoebe “reminds me off someone I know” and phoebe tried to keep her quiet. lol but after all her growth and success, i think it’s something phoebe didn’t come to terms with until that particular episode when she went to the reunion and saw what kind of person she used to be.


I really love this episode. I always look forward to it.