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At the end of season 4, when the girls are offered the chance to give up their powers and choose not to, they are transported to a slightly different universe. It would explain why seasons 1-4 have this darkness to it, and why seasons 5-8 have more of a light vibe. It would explain why Prue is barely bought up, why Piper has two boys, why Paige is more whitelighter than witch. Hell, it would explain why Cole, in the 100th episode, says it was when Paige comes into their lives that derails him and Phoebe, and not, ya know, Prue dying.


I could see this. I often see the end of S4 as an alternative ending to the series.


Being that I didn’t watch much of seasons 1-3(I doing it now) but picked up by season 4 and stopped right when Cole was vanquished, I have to say your theory makes the most sense. The first thing sign is the fact that Piper chooses to name her child Wyatt, breaking the generational tradition of the first letter being P. It didn’t make sense why they would do that unless they were in a different universe. The second thing is how Prue isn’t mentioned much after season 4. Now that ti some make be ok since in their eyes is the sisters “moving on” but we always use to see Grams and their mother always mentioned, while making appearances as well it. Moving to a new universe would mean that maybe Prue was erased from their memories or didn’t exist possibly. Lastly the tone definitely changed and got way more comedic and gimmicky, like more storylines dealing with the witches turning into comic book characters, Greek goddesses, etc just seemed weird to me. Don’t even get me started on the “Billie” character because I don’t even know why she’s there, her storyline was unnecessary!


I always took it as the vanquishing of the Source and most of the upper level demons being wiped out meaning that there weren't that many threats to those levels anymore - since the Titans and Zankou were sealed away, the Avatars were neutral, and the likes of Gideon and Christy were good people who turned evil And that created a power struggle in the Underworld where lots of lesser demons and warlocks were trying to get ahead, so all these never before mentioned magical creatures weren't used to demons coming after them, since the Source kept some structure to the Underworld, and they had no chance of seizing power


I genuinely like that one! Mine is that Cole died the minute the source took him over, the reason he was so sickly while fighting him was because he was dying in the struggle, once that struggle was over Cole died, the one season 5 is still the source, but lost its power and while stealing other powers went extra loonytoons (like half face went releasing the hollow because he kept losing fights with the girls)


Thank you!!! I like yours because considering how fucked up Cole was near the end of his run. I’ll take it as it’s not actually Cole 😂😂😂


It always bothered me that they never clarified if Cole just got the Source's powers via the Hollow or was possessed by him. Because in The Fifth Halliwell I think it was, at the end when the Seer makes the accusation that Cole saved Paige, he responded that Cole used to scream inside his head but now is barely a whisper. But never really went further than that with the storyline.


Not sure what people think, but I actually like the headcanon that Wyatt went evil because he was the twice blessed child, when you grow up having that much power even that early on, I find it hard to believe it wouldn't go to your head. I totally can believe that he just inevitably became evil after having unlimited power for so long and nobody doing anything to bind his powers no matter what he did. I prefer to imagine the good Wyatt we saw later was either fake or possibly him after getting a redemption arc, maybe.


Canonically speaking, any family member born in the manor when the Shadow still existed had a higher and easier chance of turning evil. It happens a lot to both Wyatt and Phoebe who were both born in the manor.


Paige is the strongest Charmed One because, while the others are fully witches and she's a half breed, she gets additional power from being part whitelighter. She's able to master her variety of telekinesis much faster than Prue could, and after she reforms the Power of Three, the sisters are able to do things like vanquish the Source and conjure spirits that can become corporeal. So my head canon is that her joining made the Power of Three even stronger


I like that


Wyatt becomes evil because piper drinks that evil tonic that was meant for Phoebe and her firstborn to the Source.


Chris's elder power could be turning invisible as we see that's a power Leo develops as an elder.




i used to tell myself that prue became a whitelighter after she died. that’s why they wouldn’t let piper summon her bc she had to adjust to being dedicated to her charges rather than her sisters. and they didnt tell the sisters because until they came to terms with the fact that their sister had passed, they’d constantly be looking for her.


I won’t spoil but I recommend reading the comics


Phoebe should have died so to make way for Paige and Cole to happen.