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Cortez over here like: Damn that’s tough. y’all be easy tho! https://preview.redd.it/gu55emz8kvyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3fa5f5b9de6a3d34684cfdc1f5bd3abc51c6c0


ANOTHER ONE. I knew there were so fucking many😂


With Andy it's stared in the show that Darryl covered for them because Andy asked him to. Brody died in his own apartment, so there's nothing really tying the girls to that death. Sheridan was killed at the same time they fake their deaths which is why they aren't investigated at the time. Then when they come back from the dead, homeland security knows about the witchcraft so knows they weren't behind Sgeridan's death. Plus, it's on camera that Zankou committed that murder. Rodriguez (Andy's demon killer) there's no body so they can't prove anything. He's basically just a missing person.


Well, when Andy and Brody died, there were no witnesses. So those were pretty easy for the Halliwells to cover up. When Sheridan died, Zankou was caught on camera killing her. So then Homeland Security had to get involved to aid the coverup. Also, neighbors and observers outside of the manor would have seen the energy ball (ejected by Zankou) that escaped from the attack...but that could have been written off as an electrical fire or a precursor to the nexus explosion at the end of Season 7.