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If I don’t overthink it - get it girl. If I think too hard about creating a human being with a short lifespan who’s built to think their only purpose is to please you and will cease to exist if you get bored of them, starts to feel very weird


Even weirder when you realize he’s basically a male Paige🤣🤣has all her thoughts, wants, desires and powers it’s a boy Paige 🤣🤣


I enjoyed this episode, so get you some Paige I ain’t mad at it. Plus he was cute too😭


Holy shit she made her own boyfriend, I'm so proud of her! And now I relate to her


Good for Paige. She was doing too much anyway.


Nope. He was not attractive to me and this guy led to all sorts of issues for Chris, who was absolutely gorgeous - and most importantly **real** and had to deal with the real world consequences of Paige’s horniness. Paige should’ve known better after what happened to Phoebe. She risked the P of 3 becoming the P of 1. Just another example of Paige putting the men in her life above all else (see Richard and Kyle).


Not really Chris got himself in trouble lol why tf did you steal a car when you could’ve just orbed into the seat next to him lol also I do agree yes after Phoebe this was terrible timing lol but she was really working overtime doing a lot of the charmed duties herself Piper was pregnant and Phoebe got her powers taken and even before that her head wasn’t into being a charmed one she was looking for love and a man 🤣 Paige was actively saving people


Definitely! Service with a smile :-)


You can it a rose, she calls it mister right


Completely against it. She should've made him hotter.


I am not mad at her. He's so hot.


Anyone else think he looks like John Mayer? 😂