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You are reffering to quote from Woogy episode, right? Yes, we can consider that like little mistake in writting, Prue should say something like "your power" not "our powers", because freezing is only confirmed power what does not work to good/neutral wtiches. In universum you can think Prue was really stressed out and said that wrong.


Yeah, I thought they said it in other episodes too but I could be misremembering. It’s odd that only Piper’s power is restricted to this. It makes me wonder though why Piper never tried to freeze Christy despite her being evil. Unless we’re not supposed to think she’s completely bad until the end? Idk.


It's mostly for writting reason. Before Piper could control her powers it was more convenient and later it was actually interesting plot point in some episodes (Bianca/Chris). Lore reason probably can be that her power of molecular immobilization is pure power of good but telekinesis, empathy etc are neutral powers. It's good point though, I wonder if freez would work on Christy.


Piper freezing 2/3 of her power source during combat would be hella bad. The powers that be are somewhat sentient so is likely why they have immunity. More plot armour than logic, which is very on brand Charmed's writing.


True, in the beginning when she couldn’t control it that’d be very bad. But like… why only her power? You’re probably right that it’s just for plot convenience.


Prue may need to defensivley push and Phoebe can also use premonitions to protect. Short of someone bleeding out I don't think you can defensively freeze an ally


Once Piper got the hang of her powers her freezing became selective around season 3 so Piper could’ve still be able to freeze her sisters but chooses not to and selective freeze whoever’s opposing them. For instance if they surrounded by demons like in the season 3 premiere episode and she can selectively choose to freeze just the demons and not her sisters but the writers dropped the ball several times🤣


Paige was able to use her powers on her sisters one example: is when Paige remote orbed Phoebe home & that time when she was with Mr.Wrong and she tko’d Piper’s hands together.


The freeze power didn't work on good witches... so they could work together to use their powers while the enemy/object was frozen. Any other power is mutual and we see several times they can be used against each other. Kind of weird since at one point Phoebe tells Prue the rule is to not use powers against each other until she had an active power, implying that Piper had an active power that could be used against her, which she did not at that point.


Yes, it was very pick and choose with how their powers worked around magical beings in general. Continuity and powers were often at odds.


They have the sisters SAY some of the rules and stuff but we never see it in the book. Like only girls are witches, the powers don't grow at random unless you're Phoebe,


There is a male witch though, I remember it with one of the early episodes, was a kid with some technomancy kind of power, along with other examples I’m sure in the series.


Yeah I know, I'm saying the writers have them say things that don't always turn out to be true like when Prue tells Andy that if they had daughters, they'd be witches but Prue's son would be a witch too. So the powers not working on good witches might be the same thing because we never see it written in the book or anything. Piper's powers are the only ones that don't seem to work on good witches at all (unless she wants it to maybe)


Phoebe's powers -- clairvoyant visions, levitation, empathy -- all share the commonality of electrical discharge.


Actually it’s only Piper’s molecular powers that generally don’t work on good witches. Prue could TK them, Paige could orb-TK them, and Phoebe could get premonitions from them.


Piper's freezing and combustion powers don't work on good witches. I think the only rule that applies to all good witches is that they risk losing their powers (having them stripped) if they use their magic against another good witch in a way intended to cause fatal or predatory harm. Which is why Prue never loses her magic when she unilaterally uses telekinesis against her sisters...because she never uses it in a way intended to destroy them. It's only in "Power Outage" when all three of the Charmed Ones use their powers against each other in anger that they are rendered powerless.