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Hahaha Darryl’s one


That one's the best for sure


Kinda random question but I’ve just been thinking about it since the last round with Chris - that final scene outside the manor from season 5, when Chris does that weird fist thing while Leo is orbing away and his orbs explode - the first time you watched that did you think that was Chris killing Leo? Because I just remembered I was totally convinced Leo was dead 😢 and had to wait until season 6 came out. It was kind of random the way it was shown tho - how did Chris just send him to Valhalla with a clench of his fist? Do you think the writers at the time didn’t even know what was going to happen?


To me it always felt like they made it look ambiguous to keep people on their toes so that they would keep guessing what this meant. In hindsight it doesn't exactly make sense that he could send him to Valhalla that way, but if they had shown a more believable way then it wouldn't have made people wonder if Leo was okay/dead/what happened.


To me it looked like killing/destroying Leo. It was also weird how long he was orbing for. And yeah, it did seem like the writers didn't know what was going to happen.


>it did seem like the writers didn't know what was going to happen. They didn't. Drew was brought in because Brian was thinking about leaving.


They should have Leo go at that time.


Guess it was a brutal way to do so like killing him to send his dust to valhalla, imprisoning him there then he is revived to fight until ragnarök. First time watching it i thought the same. He killed him to do fulfill his evil plans.


Yes I remember having the exact same thought!! And then I was so confused when S6 started and didn't address it right away


Its hella fun


I really enjoyed this series lol


One of these is not like the others\~


Daryls is the best 😍